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  • This episode of DNews is brought to you by Toyota’s Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, Leave

  • your mark. Toyota, let’s go places.

  • It's 2015, Hollywood prophecy says we should have flying cars, and though we don't have

  • thosehow about hydrogen cars?

  • Fueling your car with hydrogen is weird. Hydrogen, number 1 on the periodic table. It's a powerful

  • combustible element, it blew up the Hindenburg after all! But it's also part of water, and

  • carbohydrates, and so many other things in nature. The thing ishydrogen is a lot

  • of things, and IN a lot of things, because it's a super simple element; one proton, one

  • electron and it makes up SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT of the universe. Yeah, three quarters of everything

  • is hydrogen. Hydrogen is used for food processing, petroleum refining and in a variety of industrial

  • applications. The U.S. already creates more than 9 million metric tons of hydrogen annually!

  • So I say again, fueling your car with hydrogen is weird, but not THAT weird.

  • You've probably heard of hydrogen fuel cells, they've been around for a while. They were

  • first invented in 1839. They use oxygen and hydrogen to power a car with no moving parts,

  • and only emit clean water vapor when burned. And according to many car companies, 2015

  • might be the year the rubber meets the road for hydrogen as a fuel. When you think of

  • creating hydrogen, you probably think of this[a] but 95 percent of America's hydrogen is produced

  • using natural gas steam reformation. Factories use high temperatures and pressures to break

  • the natural gas into hydrogen (YAY!) and carbon oxides (BOO!). You can also make it using

  • electrolysis -- essentially running electricity through water to split the hydrogen from the

  • oxygen! Two great things! But something has to GENERATE that electricity, and in the U.S.,

  • that's usually coal power. But if we used wind, or solar -- then we'd be onto something.

  • Once it's made, it has to be cooled and stored, which uses MORE fossil fuel energy; and then

  • you have to ship it to pumping stations using trucks and trainsyou get it. The HYDROGEN

  • is great, but we suck at making it and moving it around.

  • For now we're stuck making hydrogen using fossil fuels, which might not be ideal, but

  • that could all change once hydrogen vehicles get on the roads! Why buy a hydrogen car if

  • there's nowhere to fill it up! The government and private companies are partnering to get

  • fuel stations out thereCalifornia has a goal in place to have more than 15 percent

  • of all cars in the state be zero-emissions vehicles by 2025 -- and to hit that goal they've

  • pledged 200 million dollars to build 100 more fueling stations before then. There are already

  • 10, though I don't imagine they're very busy since there aren't too many cars on the road

  • yet, but that'll change soon too.

  • In tandem with this momentum, a bunch of auto companies have pledged to release hydrogen

  • fuel cell cars this year, and with 100 more stations coming too, filling them up should

  • be a cinch! According to research from the University of California Davis, those 100

  • stations should be able to make fuel cell vehicles cost-competitive with gasoline!

  • We'd like to take a second and give a shout out to Toyota for supporting DNews. They were

  • at CES this week and released their patents for new fuel-cell technology, and revealed

  • THEIR fuel cell car to the world, the Mirai. Theyre hoping these royalty-free patents

  • will spurn a hydrogen-fuel-based future and spent the last decade reducing the cost of

  • fuel cell production 95 percent.

  • Have you ever seen a hydrogen fuel station? Would you want a

  • hydrogen car?

This episode of DNews is brought to you by Toyota’s Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, Leave

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氫燃料是如何製造的 (How Hydrogen Fuel Is Made)

  • 204 16
    稲葉白兎 posted on 2021/01/14
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