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  • at Oregon State University.

  • Kevin Ahern: So we're moving along nicely with the schedule.

  • And though we don't have to stay on it exactly,

  • we've been on it pretty good.

  • I've been pleased with the interactions

  • and also pleased with the questions I'm getting,

  • both in class and out of class.

  • So you guys seem to be engaging in this material

  • and that's a very good indicator of success.

  • So if you have questions, please feel free.

  • Come see me. Come see the TA's.

  • And we're here to help in any way that we can.

  • I only have one tiny little thing to say today

  • regarding the last of protein structure.

  • It's actually sort of an anecdote more than anything else.

  • And then I want to talk about techniques

  • for characterizing and/or purifying proteins.

  • One of the things that biochemists spend

  • a tremendous amount of time doing is just that: isolating,

  • characterizing, understanding proteins, enzymes, etc.

  • And so what you've learned so far about structure of proteins,

  • you will discover will be useful as tools

  • for learning how to isolate them.

  • And so I'll spend some time talking about that today

  • and also on Monday.

  • The anecdotal thing I wanted to mention to you

  • is the very last item on the protein structure page,

  • and it's actually this right here.

  • I've mentioned hydroxyproline to you already

  • and I want to reiterate something here.

  • Now, if you recall, I said that there are 20 amino acids

  • that we find commonly in proteins,

  • but we find modified amino acids in proteins.

  • And the point that I want to emphasize is that those

  • modified amino acids that we see happen post-translationally,

  • meaning that the modifications occur

  • after the amino acid is built into the protein.

  • So, in the case of hydroxyproline, for example, I gave you,

  • I showed you or described to you how Vitamin C

  • was involved in that reaction that modified the proline.

  • That happened after the proline

  • had been built into the protein.

  • The same is true of all the other things there are here.

  • Carboxyglutamate is an important modification,

  • as we will see,

  • that occurs as an important consideration in blood clotting.

  • Carbohydrate-asparagine adduct,

  • where we see, in this case,

  • addition of a carbohydrate to an asparagine residue,

  • this is really imporant in the production synthesis

  • of glycoproteins that we'll talk a little bit about later.

  • Phosphoserine, Phosphorylation is something

  • that you're going to hear a lot about later in the term

  • because phosphorylation is a means of controlling

  • or signaling through proteins.

  • And it's a very, very important mechanism for us to understand.

  • It's specifically phosphorylation

  • that I want to address briefly at the moment.

  • And that is that phosphorylation of amino acids

  • has to occur on side chains and side chains

  • that have hydroxyl groups.

  • So the three amino acid side chains that have hydroxyl groups,

  • of course, are the tyrosine, serine and threonine.

  • These are the three amino acids that get phosphorylated

  • or can be phosphorylated.

  • And we'll see a bit of a pattern

  • to how that phosphorylation occurs.

  • Not surprisingly, you might think,

  • well, why do these have such big effects?

  • You saw a big effect with hydroxyproline

  • because it was a part of that important structural

  • consideration for making a strong collagen.

  • In the case of phosphorylation,

  • what we're doing is we're converting,

  • excuse me, we're converting a side chain

  • from being hydrophilic to actually being ionic.

  • And so, in essence, what we've done is we've changed it from,

  • say, a partial charge to a fully negative charge.

  • In this case, we see two minus groups there.

  • Now, based on what I told you so far about protein structure,

  • you might imagine that changing the charge

  • of a specific location of a protein

  • might have structural considerations for that protein.

  • Imagine that previously we had a negative charge,

  • let's say a glutamic acid residue,

  • that was close to this proline

  • before we put the phosphate on there.

  • When we put the phosphate on there,

  • here's this negative charge before

  • that didn't really have that much interaction with the OH,

  • but now there's two minus charges over here.

  • What's going to happen?

  • Well, of course they're going to repel,

  • and when they repel,

  • that's going to change the configuration.

  • It's going to change the shape of that protein slightly.

  • And, as we will see,

  • and I've mentioned previously,

  • changes in the shape of proteins

  • can have some dramatic effects on the action of those proteins,

  • and we're going to talk more about those

  • as we get further along.

  • So those are some things that are other modifications

  • that can happen to proteins.

  • But I want you to be aware

  • that virtually any time you see a modified amino acid

  • in a protein it is because it has happened

  • after the amino acid has been put into the protein.

  • Okay, so that's the last of what I want to say

  • about general considerations of protein structure.

  • Now I'd like to turn our attention to characterizing proteins.

  • The first part of the characterization

  • I'll talk about is actually purification.

  • And purification isn't a spiritual purification,

  • but it's actually a physical purification.

  • I'll tell you a brief story.

  • When I was working in my very first lab after I had graduated,

  • I worked in a laboratory where we did HPLC,

  • and we had to have very pure solvents.

  • And I was very impressed by this notion

  • of purification that happens in there,

  • the need for purity in all biochemical materials.

  • And so I was very, very impressed

  • with these solvents that we used,

  • and we got them from this company that had purified stuff.

  • So I remember writing a letter to the companyótongue in cheek,

  • of courseósaying that, you know,

  • we found that not only were their solvents very pure,

  • but we had to do a spiritual purification

  • of these solvents before we used them, as well.

  • Of course, I wrote this as if it were completely serious,

  • sent it to the president of the company,

  • and, to my delight, I got this letter back

  • from the president of the company

  • congratulating me on describing for him

  • a new way of purifying his solvents that he could use for HPLC.

  • It was a good exchange.

  • So purification really had a big impact on me

  • as a very young biochemist.

  • Purification is important.

  • When we want to characterize,

  • let's say, a protein or an enzyme,

  • we need to have it isolated away from everything else.

  • When we try to understand an enzymatic reaction,

  • for example, we say, "Okay, well, ìI'm interested in this enzyme.

  • ìI'm interested in the reaction

  • that this enzyme catalyzes."

  • If I only have the soup of the cell, that is,

  • the cytoplasm of the cell that contains this,

  • I not only have that one enzyme that I'm interested in,

  • but I have several thousand other enzymes in there.

  • So it's important for me to understand what

  • this enzyme does that I be able to purify this

  • enzyme away from all those other proteins.

  • And so understanding how to purify one

  • protein apart from others is a very,

  • very important consideration in biochemistry.

  • Well, there are several techniques that

  • we use in order to do this,

  • and I'm going to go through and sort of describe

  • a few of the basic ones to you and then show you some

  • of the applications of these technologies.

  • You can't walk into a biochemistry

  • lab without finding a centrifuge.

  • It's almost impossible to do that and

  • that's because the use of centrifugal force as a means

  • of separating molecules on the basis of their size is a very,

  • very valuable tool.

  • Not surprisingly,

  • different things can be spun down.

  • We talk about "spinning them down."

  • That is, will they precipitate out of solution or

  • will they move to the bottom of the tube?

  • The function by which that,

  • by which they occur,

  • is a function of their size and the speed

  • with which we spin things.

  • So the largest things,

  • of course, as you might imagine,

  • spin most easily to the bottom.

  • So if I take and I'm interested in studying an enzyme in

  • E. coli cells, I can take a batch of E. coli cells

  • and I could use a fairly light

  • centrifugation and spin,

  • and those cells would come to the bottom of that tube.

  • Let's say I took that pellet which we get out of that,

  • and I'm interested in, not just the cells,

  • obviously, because I'm interested in

  • the enzymes that's inside,

  • I can use some techniques to bust 'em open.

  • I might use sonic waves to do that.

  • I might use enzymes to do that.

  • I might use mechanical agitation to do that.

  • It doesn't really matter the means I use.

  • But when I do that,

  • I basically open up the contents

  • of the cell and the insides spill out.

  • Those insides are going to have some things in them.

  • And, in addition,

  • I'm going to have some cell walls that are sitting there,

  • that now are empty of their contents.

  • I could spin those down again.

  • And if I did that,

  • I would basically have done my first separation.

  • I would have, on the one hand, the pellet,

  • which would contain the very big things,

  • like those cell walls,

  • and I would have the liquid component,

  • which would be the cytoplasmic material

  • that I was interested in.

  • I could take that cytoplasmic material.

  • I could do various centrifugations on it,

  • if I chose to.

  • And I could separate them on the basis

  • of the size of those complexes that are in there.

  • Now, we don't need to memorize numbers

  • or anything like that,

  • but I do want you to understand that centrifugation

  • allows us to do a sort of a rough separation based on size,

  • a very rough separation.

  • The stronger the centrifugal force,

  • the more things I'm going to pellet,

  • I'm going to drive to the bottom of the tube.

  • And there's a lot of different techniques

  • involved in centrifugation that allows me to purify things.

  • Now, centrifugation alone will notóunderline

  • "notgive me pure material.

  • So it's used mainly as a means of what

  • I would describe as fractionating.

  • When we fractionate things,

  • we break them into smaller pieces and

  • then we work with those pieces to do things of interest to us.

  • Let's imagine, for a moment, we've got two possibilities.

  • I took these E. coli cells

  • that I was describing to you,

  • and I'm interested in understanding a particular protein.

  • The first question I would ask is,

  • "Well, where's this protein?"

  • Is this protein in the cytoplasm?

  • Or is this protein embedded in the cell membrane?

  • Because both of those are possible.

  • The beauty of this is,

  • if I've fractionated it in this way,

  • I've got one fraction that has only things

  • in the cell membrane and I have another fraction

  • that has only things that's in the cytoplasm.

  • Then I can subdivide those further,

  • and that's some of the other things

  • I'm going to be describing to you.

  • So centrifugation, a very rough but powerful tool

  • to allow us to start to separate things

  • in the process of isolating components of cells.

  • Another techniqueóyes, question?

  • Student: Is size like actual physical size,

  • or is it like [unintelligible]?

  • Kevin Ahern: Yes, good question.

  • So is it actually the physical size?

  • Does density or mass play a role?

  • And all of these are variables in how things will separate.

  • So yes, those are factors,

  • especially as we get smaller and smaller,

  • some centrifugation techniques actually

  • work on individual proteins,

  • and what we discover with that is that proteins

  • that are very compact migrate through the centrifugal field

  • very differently than those that are very open.

  • So, yes, those are all considerations,

  • and we're not going to need to dissect those out,

  • but yes, you're correct, they do affect things.

  • A second technique that we would commonly use

  • in a biochem laboratory,

  • it's probably one you've played with in biology laboratories,

  • either in high school or college,

  • and that's dialysis.

  • Dialysis tubing is pretty cool stuff.

  • It is, basically, if you've never played with one,

  • it's basically a tube that is semi-porous.

  • It's semi-porous in the sense that it can allow water molecules

  • and small ions, for example,

  • to move through it, but larger things,

  • like proteins and DNA,

  • can't move through it.

  • And in biology labs we commonly use this as a way

  • of illustrating the concept of concentration and osmosis.

  • If I have a solution, for example,

  • that has a situation hereóhere's my cytoplasmic mix,

  • and let's say it's full of salt,

  • which I want to get rid of as much of the salt as I can,

  • I would put it into a piece of dialysis tubing.

  • The salt ions, the sodium and chloride,

  • are pretty small.

  • They will pass through the tube fairly readily.

  • The larger guys, my proteins and so forth,

  • won't pass through that tubing.

  • And after a period of time what I will see is that

  • the concentration of those salt ions inside

  • the tubing has decreased considerably as a result,

  • and, conversely, some water will actually enter that tubing.

  • And the reason it will enter that tubing is it's trying

  • to basically dilute out the things that won't come out,

  • that is, the proteins and so forth.

  • So I see a pressure that arises as a result of that.

  • Yes, Shannon.

  • Student: Isn't it, would it be impossible to actually get rid

  • of all the salt molecules?

  • Kevin Ahern: Is it impossible to get rid

  • of all the salt that way?

  • In theory, yes it is,

  • because I'm depending upon a differential concentration,

  • and even though I get it lower and lower and lower,

  • in theory, I could never get it completely out.

  • You're correct.

  • But this technique will give us a very nice simple way

  • of getting rid of a lot of small ions very readily.

  • And, in doing this,

  • I have actually increased the concentration

  • of my protein relative to the other things that are there.

  • A technique that is a useful technique that I'd like to describe

  • to you is that called "gel filtration"

  • and it's also called "molecular exclusion."

  • You see "molecular exclusion" over here.

  • "Gel filtration," we use the two terms interchangeably.

  • I actually sort of prefer "molecular exclusion"

  • but either one is acceptable,

  • as far as I'm concerned.

  • Now, to understand this technique,

  • we need to understand the sort of physical nature

  • of the separation.

  • So to use this technique,

  • I have to have something that's pretty cool.

  • So I have what's called a background

  • or matrix material which consists of millions

  • or I shouldn't say "millions,"

  • but thousands and thousands of tiny beads.

  • Little beads, maybe a millimeter or so in size,

  • big enough for your eye to see individual beads,

  • but they're still pretty tiny.

  • These beads have a characteristic.

  • The beads have little tunnels through them,

  • little tunnels.

  • And the little tunnels have openings

  • that are pretty uniform in size.

  • That turns out to be important.

  • So I've got a bead, I've got tunnels,

  • and the opening to those tunnels is uniform in size.

  • So to use this technique, what I do is,

  • I take my beads and I suspend them in a buffer.

  • So I suspend them in a buffer,

  • and the reason I want to use a buffer

  • is I don't want the pH to be too high or too low.

  • I want the protein to be stable,

  • because if I change the pH too much,

  • again, I'm going to denature it,

  • unfold it, and cause some problems.

  • So I have it in a buffer.

  • I take that sort of buffer containing these beads

  • and I sort of shake it all up and get it into a nice slurry.

  • Then I carefully pour it into a column.

  • And the beauty of this is that the beads,

  • of course, can't come through the bottom.

  • They get stuck right here.

  • And they form a column of beads.

  • So I've got thousands and thousands of these beads,

  • each with little tunnels through them,

  • each with a hole that's a set size.

  • And, yes, I can get beads with different

  • holes of different sizes.

  • But for any given experiment,

  • I'm doing one size of hole for one bead

  • and I've got thousands and thousands of those beads.

  • Once I have such a column,

  • I might run my buffer through it for a little bit,

  • just to make sure that it's washed

  • all the other junk out and so forth.

  • And then I've got a mixture of proteins that

  • I'm interested in separating on the basis of size.

  • This is a technique that allows us,

  • again, to separate on the basis of size.

  • The exclusion part of the technique goes as follows.

  • I've got in this mixture of proteins some that are

  • very, very large, maybe 200,000 in molecular weight or greater.

  • I've got some that are, let's say, medium size,

  • maybe 50,000 weight or greater.

  • And I've got some that are fairly small,

  • maybe 5,000 molecular weight.

  • And just as an example,

  • I just picked those three ranges,

  • What's going to happen with these three sets

  • of proteins relative to these beads?

  • Well, it turns out that the holes that I've chosen

  • in these little beads that I've got are such that

  • they will only let in things of a certain size.

  • There's a size exclusion.

  • So the great big 200,000 molecular weight proteins

  • won't fit in the holes.

  • They will not enter the beads at all.

  • The 50,000 are borderline,

  • they might be able to enter a few,

  • but they don't really enter very effectively.

  • And the 5,000 molecular weight proteins that I have

  • will basically see a hole and they'll go into it,

  • just because they can.

  • Well, if I apply these three to the top of the column

  • and then I let buffer sort of push everything through,

  • what I see is as follows.

  • The 200,000 molecular weight proteins will not enter

  • the beads and they will travel a very short path

  • through the column.

  • They just go shooting right through.

  • They're the very first thing that comes through the column

  • because they don't get distracted by going through all these

  • little tunnels on the way.

  • The 50,000 molecular weight proteins,

  • that can make it into some of those tunnels,

  • travel a slightly longer distance than the 200,000's do,

  • and consequently follow.

  • These would be the green ones on this display right here.

  • Last, the 5,000 will take the longest path

  • because they can virtually go through every tunnel

  • that they bump into.

  • So they take a much longer path going through the column.

  • So this column allows me to separate them on the basis of size:

  • the 200,000 guys coming out first,

  • the 50,000 molecular weight guys coming out second,

  • and the 5,000 molecular weight guys coming out third.

  • Now, as you can imagine,

  • when I have a mixture in cells,

  • I have all kinds of molecular weights,

  • so I don't just have three there, for example.

  • But you get an idea about the way that we can separate

  • on the basis of size.

  • So molecular exclusion is a very nice way of separating

  • these individual proteins and saying,

  • "Alright, I know my protein is around 50,000

  • "in molecular weight.

  • I can collect this fraction from around 50,000

  • and then work with it further to purify it."

  • Yes?

  • Student: How do you know when to...

  • the proteins obviously aren't actually yellow,

  • green and pink?

  • Student: How do you know when to switch,

  • that you're up to the next size?

  • Kevin Ahern: How do you know where they are?

  • They're not necessarily green or red or yellow.

  • It turns out that there's a couple of things that you can do.

  • One is, you can actually put molecular size markers

  • in there that are green or yellow,

  • which will help you.

  • But more importantlyóand your question's

  • a very good oneómore importantly,

  • I need to have a way of determining where my protein is.

  • That means I need to know something about what my protein does.

  • So I know my protein,

  • for example, catalyzes a specific reaction.

  • I could test each one of these and see

  • where is that reaction being catalyzed.

  • And so I say, "Oh!"

  • It appears over here in this tube,

  • so now I know that this is the range

  • where I want to collect my sample." Does that make sense

  • Kevin Ahern: And being able to assay what my protein does

  • is essential to purifying a protein.

  • If I don't, if I can't measure what my protein does,

  • I have no way of purifying it.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: Won't some of the smallest come out

  • with the biggest because

  • they don't all just go into the tunnels?

  • Some of it will just fall through normally, won't it?

  • Kevin Ahern: His question is, "How pure is this method?

  • Will you get a little bit of the smallest

  • with the largest?" Again,

  • it's kind of like the question Shannon asked about

  • being able to get rid of all of the ions.

  • Yeah, you will have microscopic amounts of things there.

  • This is not absolute purity that we're getting.

  • But, in general, you will see the smallest

  • will come out way, way late.

  • Yes, back there?

  • Student: How long does the process take?

  • Kevin Ahern: How long does the process take?

  • That's a good question.

  • It depends a little bit on the column.

  • Sometimes people really want to get

  • as much purification as they can,

  • and I've actually known people to pour columns

  • that are six feet high.

  • And those could take a few hours to run.

  • If I'm running a shorter one,

  • that might take an hour or two.

  • So it really depends upon what I'm trying to do

  • in terms of my separation.

  • But there are columns that people can pour that

  • are actually quite large.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: When you're saying that it's based on the size,

  • are you talking about physical size or the weight?

  • Kevin Ahern: Physical size and weight are related.

  • So, in general, when we talk about globular proteins,

  • even though they have individual shapes and so forth,

  • they, for the most part, have a given size per weight.

  • It's not absolute, but their growth,

  • as they get bigger in molecular weight,

  • their physical size will actually increase, as well.

  • So it's based on their physical size,

  • but since that's related to the molecular weight,

  • there's sort of a one-to-one relationship.

  • But it's not absolute.

  • Yes?

  • Student: Is this used to just primarily [inaudible] process?

  • Or is this ever done sequentially where you would take

  • a narrower range each time to evaluate a broad spectrum

  • of sample contents?

  • Kevin Ahern: I'm not sure I understand the question.

  • Student: Like, for each one of those,

  • if you took the yellow one that resulted from that,

  • and then put it back through another column

  • that had a narrower...

  • Kevin Ahern: That's actually a good question, also.

  • So could I take this guy and run it through

  • a different column that has a different size bead

  • that might be a little bit more selective in the process?

  • And the answer is, I could do that,

  • but there are other techniques that may be more useful to me.

  • And I'm going to show you some of those other ones.

  • But you're right, you could do that,

  • and take it over and say now you've got a smaller bead

  • and so you might be getting rid of some of the other

  • molecular weights that you don't want.

  • But, yes, you could.

  • One of the things that you discoveró

  • just a second, Shannonóone of the things that you discover

  • in purifying proteins is there's no one way to purify a protein.

  • Alright?

  • You have to adapt the methods

  • that you use to the protein itself.

  • And you don't know before you get started

  • what it's going to take to get that protein purified.

  • So there may be several different techniques

  • you'll have to use to get it,

  • and it's going to vary from one protein to the next.

  • Shannon?

  • Student: I was going to ask,

  • how do you know how often to change the tubes out?

  • Kevin Ahern: How do you know how often to change the tubes out?

  • Well, typically what people do with these

  • is they just count drops.

  • So I might say, "Okay, I'm going to get 50 drops."

  • If the drops are coming out at a reasonably even rate,

  • which they typically do,

  • then people will set up fraction collectors

  • so that every minute it will change a tube,

  • and that will have, on average, the same number of drops.

  • Paying somebody just to countóbelieve me,

  • I've done this myselfópaying somebody to count drops

  • before they switch the tube is one of the most

  • mind-numbing things that you can possibly have.

  • [laughter]

  • So this is one of the joys of automation in biochemistry,

  • when you've got a machine that will

  • automatically do that for you.

  • So that's molecular exclusion, gel filtration.

  • Another related techniqueóit's related only in the sense

  • that it uses beadsóis called "ion exchange chromatography."

  • So in this method, we also use beads,

  • as we used in gel exclusion, in gel filtration.

  • However, the beads don't have tunnels or holes in them.

  • Instead, the beads have on their surface chemical forms

  • that have been bonded to them

  • that have specific charge properties.

  • So what you see in this case is a set of beads that have,

  • on their surface, ionized, molecules that

  • when they ionize give negative charge.

  • When they ionize, they give a negative charge.

  • Now, these started outóhow do I take one of these?

  • I take my beads and the beads start out with a counterion.

  • I can't get a bead that has a negative charge on it

  • until I get it into solution and the ion comes off,

  • so typically the counterion might be,

  • in this case, a sodium.

  • I've got sodium ions out here

  • and they're attracted to those negative charges.

  • So I've got sodium ions mixed with these beads

  • and I've got them sitting in a bottle.

  • I take my solution, I take my buffer,

  • and I mix it just as I did before.

  • I pour my column just as I did before.

  • And those sodiums are still sitting there next

  • to those negatively charged beads.

  • Now I've got my proteins.

  • I've got my mixture of proteins.

  • Some of my proteins will have an overall negative charge.

  • Some of them will have an overall positive charge.

  • Some of them will have an overall charge

  • that's pretty close to zero.

  • So it's going to vary with the protein.

  • How many glutamic acids does it have in it?

  • How many lysines does it have in it?

  • And these are going to determine positive and negative charges.

  • Well, if I have beads that are mostly negative,

  • what will happen is, the proteins that

  • are the most positive will

  • actually kick off those sodium ions and replace them.

  • This is the "exchange" part in the name.

  • They're exchanging those counterions,

  • in this case, the sodium ions.

  • So the positively charged proteins will kick off

  • the sodium ions and the positively charged proteins

  • will "stick," quote-unquote, to that bead.

  • What's going to happen to the negatively charged proteins?

  • Well, guess what?

  • They're going to come shooting right through,

  • because they don't want to interact

  • with these beads, at all.

  • So what I've done with this technique

  • is I've separated proteins on the basis of their charge.

  • The most negative ones are going to come racing off.

  • Those zero ones are probably going to follow that.

  • And then the positives are going to follow that.

  • And you might say,

  • "Well, why do the positives even come off at all?

  • Or how do I get the positives off?"

  • That's one of the most common things.

  • If I want the positive ones,

  • you know, I've got them stuck to the beads.

  • How do I get them off?

  • The answer is this.

  • Virtually every kind of interaction we talk about in this class

  • is not a covalent interaction.

  • These are attractive things.

  • So if I can make something else replace those proteins,

  • I can get the proteins to come off.

  • It turns out, if I pour a concentrated sodium

  • chloride solution in there,

  • there's enough sodium there it will displace

  • those positively charged proteins

  • and then I can get the positively charged proteins off.

  • So there's an exchange.

  • First, the protein displaces the sodium.

  • Then high concentrations of the sodium

  • will displace the protein, and I've got what I want.

  • So I've separated my proteins on the basis of charge.

  • This particularly phenomenon I've just described to you,

  • in general terms, is called "ion exchange chromatography,"

  • but more pecifically, this is called

  • ìcation exchange

  • Cations, of course, refer to the positively charged ions,

  • and what's being exchanged were those first sodiums.

  • They were positively charged.

  • This is cation exchange chromatography.

  • So in cation exchange chromatography the first guys

  • that come off will be the negatively charged proteins.

  • The last ones to come off

  • will be the positively charged proteins.

  • Is there an anion exchange chromatography?

  • You betcha.

  • So if I have anion exchange chromatography,

  • instead of having beads that are negatively charged,

  • I have beads that are positively charged.

  • And exactly the opposite of everything

  • I've just said is the case.

  • Instead of having sodium as a counterion,

  • they'll have chloride as a counterion.

  • And the chlorides get displaced

  • by the negatively charged proteins.

  • The positives, of course, come racing through.

  • So we just flip everything backwards if we have anion

  • versus cation exchange chromatography.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: Regardless of whether you're using anion

  • or cation exchange chromatography,

  • wouldn't your initial sample received

  • also include the neutral?

  • Kevin Ahern: So the sample will also include the neutral

  • and it will come out somewhere in between the two.

  • Yes, it will.

  • Remember, we've get a whole, we've got thousands

  • of proteins in here.

  • We've got a lot of different proteins.

  • So we're going to have sort of a spectrum,

  • some with a lot of negative charge,

  • some with a little bit of negative charge,

  • some that are zero,

  • a little bit of positive, etc.

  • And that actually is going to relate to another technique

  • I'm going to talk about in a minute.

  • But you're right.

  • There's a whole spectrum of these that are there.

  • So, again, we're talking about techniques that give us basic,

  • simple ways of separating things.

  • But they're not absolute.

  • I don't get only the one thing I want there.

  • I've got some other components that are there.

  • And there's no technique that I will tell you

  • that is going to give you absolutely one thing.

  • Understand that. That's important.

  • If you wonder what those anion versus cation

  • exchangeóyou don't need to know these structures,

  • I'm just showing it to youóhere's an example of something

  • that would have negative outside.

  • It's got a carboxyl group on there.

  • Here's something that might have

  • a positive thing on the outside.

  • You can see this tert-,

  • uh, quartern-, amine that's out there,

  • actually a tertiary amine that's out there.

  • And these are commonly used,

  • but, again, don't worry about the structures of those.

  • One of the more powerful techniques that's used in a laboratory

  • for purifying proteins is called "affinity chromatography."

  • So, like the other two techniques I just described,

  • it also uses beads.

  • But instead of having tunnels or

  • instead of having charged molecules,

  • this technique uses specific chemicals on the exterior.

  • So to describe this I need to give you an idea

  • about how I might use this technique first.

  • Let's say I'm studying,

  • I'm going back to my E. coli cells

  • and I'm very interested in a protein

  • that I know binds to ATP.

  • I know it binds to ATP because it uses it in a reaction

  • that it does.

  • So I know that this protein will bind to ATP,

  • What I do is I take this naked bead

  • that doesn't have anything else on it,

  • and I treat it so that chemically it is bound to,

  • covalently stuck to, ATP.

  • So I can covalently link ATP to a naked bead,

  • as it were.

  • So now I've got all my beads and they each have hundreds

  • or thousands of ATPs stuck,

  • just out here,

  • facing the solution, in the bead.

  • Well, now I take this mixture of beads

  • that all have ATPs on them,

  • and I pour my column with my buffer,

  • as I did before.

  • And now what's going to happen is proteins

  • that bind to ATP are going to stick to this column,

  • and proteins that don't bind to ATP aren't going to stick.

  • Well, this is a really powerful technique,

  • a very, very powerful technique.

  • Will I only get proteins that bind to ATP?

  • Well, I might get a little bit of other stuff,

  • but for the most part I'm going to get proteins

  • that bind to ATP.

  • Is that only going to be one protein?

  • Well, no. There are many proteins in a cell that will bind to ATP,

  • but I'll have a nice collection of the ones that do,

  • and my protein's going to be one of them.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: Can a bead get more than one ATP on it?

  • Kevin Ahern: Yes. Can a bead get more than one ATP on it?

  • It can get thousands,

  • Yes. Yeah.

  • Well, how do I get myójust a second,

  • Shannonóhow do I get my protein off?

  • I would ask you that question.

  • How would I get my protein off of such a column?

  • What would I have to add?

  • Student: Whatever the natural [unintelligible] is.

  • Kevin Ahern: ATP.

  • I could add ATP, right?

  • And so now my protein's going to let go of this

  • and it's going to grab ATP and it's going to come off, right?

  • That's a very cool thing.

  • Because, again, remember, the protein is not covalently bound,

  • so it's going on, going off, going on, going off.

  • And when it comes off,

  • a loose ATP comes in here,

  • it binds to ATP and now it comes off the column

  • and doesn't stay stuck.

  • So I add the natural ligandóin this case,

  • ATPóto the molecule.

  • Shannon, did you have a question?

  • Student: Yeah.

  • Is it practical to functionalize your beads?

  • Or do you usually buy them pre-functionalized?

  • Kevin Ahern: Yeah.

  • Is it practical to functionalize your own beads,

  • or do you buy them pre-functionalized?

  • You can do both. So it depends.

  • If have something that's a very specific molecule,

  • you might do it yourself.

  • Good questions.

  • Alright, so affinity chromatography is really a very nice way

  • of doing purification for specific target proteins.

  • I want to just briefly mention one other

  • because you frequently see it in laboratories.

  • It's called HPLC, and HPLC stands foróand this is commonly

  • misstatedóhigh performance liquid chromatography...

  • high performance liquid chromatography.

  • A lot of people say high pressure liquid chromatography

  • because the columns generate a lot of pressure,

  • but, in fact,the correct name is high performance

  • liquid chromatography.

  • This is a technique for separating,

  • usually, fairly small molecules.

  • But even that's not absolute.

  • That's been adapted somewhat over the years.

  • The way that this technique works is by taking and,

  • instead of using a nice glass tube that's there,

  • these are typically poured into stainless steel tubes

  • that have great strength.

  • And the reason they need great strength

  • is because these are used to,

  • at very high pressure.

  • You don't want them to burst, for example.

  • Well, what's the packing material?

  • The packing material here is also beads,

  • but the beads are microscopic.

  • They're very, very, very tiny.

  • So they're smaller, an individual bead would be smaller

  • than your eye would recognize.

  • They come as powders, essentially.

  • And these powders have on them long hydrophobic sections

  • of molecules, like long fatty acids, for example.

  • A commonly used one is called a C-18.

  • And what that means is that the bead

  • has a whole bunch of 18-carbon units with hydrogens on them,

  • sticking off...

  • very, very hydrophobic.

  • So now what I have, because the beads are so tiny,

  • is I have millions of interfaces,

  • millions of these hydrophobic molecules that the solvent

  • is in contact with.

  • If I pass my material through it,

  • first of all, to get it through,

  • it takes high pressure because these things are packed

  • very, very densely And they're packed densely

  • so I can get as many of these

  • possible things in there as I can.

  • Well, now, instead of having charges,

  • or holes, or specific affinity molecules,

  • now I basically have a bed,

  • alright, that is the column material,

  • I have a bed of hydrophobic side chains.

  • What do you suppose is going to stick to it?

  • Well, the things that are going to interact with those

  • hydrophobic side chains are going to be hydrophobic molecules.

  • And the things that are not going to interact

  • with that support are going to be hydrophilic.

  • So now I can separate on the basis

  • of whether something likes water or doesn't like water.

  • The ones that will come off of a column like this first

  • are the hydrophilics because they don't interact

  • with those C-18 groups.

  • The ones that are going to come off last will be those

  • that are hydrophobic,

  • that do interact with those.

  • The rate with which they come off is actually

  • a function of their hydrophobicity.

  • So, again, we can imagine a range of things,

  • that are very hydrophilic,

  • very hydrophobic, and things somewhere in between.

  • What I've just described to you, and, by the way,

  • there are a couple different strategies for HPLC,

  • but what I've just described to you is the most common form,

  • and it's the only one you're responsible for.

  • It's called "reverse phase chromatography," reverse phase.

  • Now I want to spend a few minutes telling you

  • about a couple of techniques that now get into some

  • really cool stuff with respect to purification of proteins.

  • I'm going to skip down,

  • and I'll come back and talk about

  • polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis later and SDS.

  • What I want to talk about right now

  • is an interesting technique called

  • "isoelectric focusing."

  • Isoelectric focusing is a little difficult to conceptualize,

  • but I'll try to do it here.

  • Imagine, if you will, I now have a bunch of beads.

  • And these beads have,

  • not one property,

  • but they're a mixture of beads,

  • each with their own property.

  • So before, I used all the beads that had the same hole,

  • or they all had the same negative charge,

  • or they all had the same affinity molecule,

  • or they all had the same C-18 group.

  • Now, I have mixtures of beads,

  • each with their own property.

  • What's the property?

  • Well, the property is as follows.

  • Some beads will have on them,

  • let's say, 50 negative charges.

  • And some beads will have on them,

  • let's say,

  • 49 negative charges.

  • And some will have 48,

  • 47, 46, 45.

  • I go all the way down to zero.

  • And then I have some beads that have +1 charge,

  • and some that have +2,

  • and some that have all the way up to +50,

  • just as an example.

  • Everybody envision that?

  • So I've got some beads that have all these different things.

  • So I take this slurry of all these beads and I shake 'em up,

  • and I put them into tube,

  • a glass tube, as I did before.

  • And these beads are relatively mobile.

  • That is, they can move around.

  • They're not like the column I did before.

  • Instead of standing it up like this,

  • I lay it out like this.

  • And now I apply an electrical current to it.

  • What's going to happen?

  • Well, to the positive end,

  • the most negative charged ones are going to race

  • and get over there, right?

  • And at the negative end,

  • the ones that are the most positively charged

  • are going to race and get over there.

  • And right square in the middle,

  • those that are zero are going to stop right there.

  • That make sense?

  • So what I've just made in this tube is a gradient of charge...

  • a gradient of charge,

  • from the most positive at one end,

  • to the most negative at the other end,

  • with zero in the middle.

  • Everybody envision that?

  • So this is called "isoelectric focusing."

  • It turns out that what I have just described to you,

  • in terms of separating charge,

  • also separates on the basis of pI.

  • We talked about pI.

  • pI is the pH at which a molecule has a net charge of zero.

  • And so by setting up a column like this,

  • I actually separate molecules on the basis of their pI,

  • the pH at which they have a net charge of zero.

  • The ones that have the lowest pI's will be at one end,

  • the ones that have the highest pI's will be at the other end,

  • and the ones closest to a pI of 7 will be right in the middle.

  • Everyone with me?

  • Well, to do this kind of experiment,

  • to do this kind of a separation,

  • I take not just the beads,

  • but I take all my proteins and I mix it with the beads.

  • I take all my proteins and I mix it with the beads.

  • My proteins have a variety of charges on them.

  • Some are very negative,

  • some are very positive,

  • and some are somewhere in between.

  • When I apply the current,

  • just as the beads separate themselves,

  • so, too, do the proteins separate themselves...

  • one end very low pI,

  • one end very high pI,

  • in the middle,

  • those that have a pI around 7.

  • So I've separated all of my proteins on the basis of their pI.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: Do you really need the beads?

  • Kevin Ahern: Yeah.

  • It's a good question.

  • I do need the beads because the beads provide a support.

  • In theory, I wouldn't need to do that.

  • But if I don't have the beads there,

  • the proteins just come racing off.

  • So, yes, I do need the beads there.

  • Yes?

  • Student: In this slide,

  • does [unintelligible] stand for pI?

  • Kevin Ahern: No. It's a pH gradient.

  • And because it's a pH gradient,

  • that's where the pI's line up.

  • So at a given pHóthat's a good questionóbut at a given pH,

  • if the pI of this molecule is, let's say,

  • 3.2, that means that molecule has a net charge of 0

  • right here and that's why it migrates to that point and stops.

  • Does that make sense?

  • Student: So, like, everything with a low pI

  • would be towards the positive end

  • and everything with a high pI would be towards the negative end?

  • Kevin Ahern: Actually, it's backwards of that.

  • But, yes.

  • But you don't need to worry about that.

  • All I want you to know,

  • at this point,

  • is that it is simply a separation on the basis of pI.

  • Yes, sir?

  • Student: So are the beads small,

  • like the powder?

  • Are you trying to pack as many in there as you can?

  • Kevin Ahern: Are the beads that small?

  • No, the beads are not very small.

  • The beads are relatively large.

  • Student: On the top picture,

  • I don't understand,

  • like, that there's the plus,

  • there's the plus/minus and the minus

  • unintelligible] the three colors.

  • Kevin Ahern: Well, this is just simply saying that,

  • here these guys are the most positive.

  • They're going this direction.

  • These are the most negative.

  • They're going this direction.

  • And the in-betweens are going to be in here.

  • That's all that's saying.

  • So, keep it simple.

  • Keep it simple.

  • So we've got positive,

  • negative and basically neutral in the middle.

  • I've got a gradient of that,

  • So this is a way of separating proteins on the basis of pI.

  • Now this, in itself, is useful.

  • For example, I say, "Well, my protein has a pI of about 3.2,

  • I could go and cut out the band that corresponding to 3.2,

  • and I would have a mixture of proteins

  • that all have similar pI to my protein,

  • right?

  • That's not the most important or the most

  • powerful application of this technique.

  • But in order for me to understand a more,

  • for you to understand a more powerful application,

  • we have to understand this process first.

  • So I'm separating on the basis of their pI's.

  • I have a whole gradient of pI's.

  • What's the next thing I do?

  • Well, next time I'll tell you a little bit about gel separation,

  • but I'm going to cheat and tell you about gel separation here,

  • Now, keep in mind what I just told you about

  • isoelectric focusing.

  • We're going to use it in a second.

  • But before we get to apply this technology into something else,

  • we need to understand how we separate proteins.

  • How many people here have ever run a gel in a laboratory?

  • Many people have.

  • Gels are ways of separating molecules using electricity

  • on the basis of their size.

  • I'll talk about the theory for that in the next lecture,

  • but today all we need to understand

  • is that gel electrophoresis,

  • as it's called,

  • separates molecules on the basis of their size.

  • The largest ones are the slowest moving

  • and the smallest ones are the fastest moving.

  • It uses electricity to do it.

  • As you might imagine,

  • it involves charge.

  • We'll talk about the specifics next time,

  • but we're going to have gel electrophoresis separating proteins.

  • So if I take my mixture of proteins

  • and they've got a whole bunch of sizes and I apply them

  • to the top of the gel,

  • what will happen is,

  • the electricity will drive them through,

  • with the smallest ones moving the fastest and the slowest ones,

  • or the biggest ones moving the slowest.

  • Now, here's the clincher,

  • and this is the cool thing.

  • The cool thing is,

  • I can combine these two technologies.

  • I do something called two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.

  • It's schematically shown here.

  • The two dimensions are,

  • I do two different techniques.

  • First, I take my mixture of proteins and I mix it with this

  • slurry to do isoelectric focusing.

  • So I take my tube.

  • I lay it out here.

  • I apply the current.

  • I get the separation on the basis of pI.

  • So I have this tube now that has this gradient

  • of proteins separate on the basis of their pI.

  • Alright?

  • I'm very careful and I slice open this tube,

  • and I take that material that's in there

  • and I put it on the top of the gel.

  • And now I run electric current through the column material

  • and driving those proteins into the gel,

  • first I separate it in this dimension on the basis of pI.

  • Now I'm going to separate all those guys on the basis of size.

  • What I will see is something that

  • schematically looks like this.

  • So, if I were to look at this,

  • the molecules that have the most positive charge

  • will be on the left side of this gel.

  • The ones that have the most negative charge

  • will be on the right side of this gel.

  • And those that are the largest will be on the top,

  • and those that are the smallest will be on the bottom.

  • Down here, I would expect proteins would be small,

  • positively charged.

  • Over here, I would expect proteins would be large

  • and negatively charged.

  • Now, in two dimensions,

  • I can separate every protein in this cell.

  • Every protein that was in my mix I can now separate

  • and actually see a spot on this gel.

  • Let me show you what this looks like.

  • This, I think, is a magical technology,

  • This is what one might look like.

  • Now, we see quite a bunch of interesting stuff here.

  • We see dark bands.

  • We see light bands.

  • We see all kinds of mixtures of stuff.

  • But, again,

  • largest and most negative...

  • smallest and most positive.

  • Neutral, small.

  • Neutral, large.

  • Really interesting stuff.

  • You say, "Well, that's cool.

  • That's really totally there for a nerd." Right?

  • Only a nerd could love the beauty in one of these things.

  • And I'm going to make you love 'em,

  • too, Which basically means I'll make a nerd out of you,

  • alright?

  • The beauty of thisólet me finishóthe beauty of this is that what,

  • let's imagine, if you would,

  • that I'm a person who is a medical doctor.

  • And I've got a patient who has a liver tumor,

  • And I want to understand how the liver tumor proteins

  • are different from the proteins in the non-tumorous

  • part of the liver.

  • I could operate.

  • I could remove that tumor.

  • And as I'm removing that tumor,

  • I could scrape off some normal cells

  • from that same person's liver and I could isolate

  • the proteins from each.

  • And then,

  • I could do a 2D gel on the normal liver cell proteins

  • and I could do a 2D gel on the tumor cell proteins,

  • and, guess what?

  • I'm going to see differences.

  • These are reproducible.

  • So I could look and say,

  • "This band right here,

  • look how intense that is in the tumor cell.

  • I don't hardly see this protein,

  • at all, in the normal cell.

  • Here is a protein I see in the normal cell.

  • I don't see it in the tumor cell." I could understand,

  • for every protein that's in these cells,

  • I could understand whether it's more in tumor,

  • more in normal,

  • or no difference.

  • I could understand,

  • at the protein level,

  • one of the mechanisms and one of the differences

  • between a normal cell and a tumor cell.

  • And I could do it in a single gel.

  • That's absolutely phenomenal!

  • Let's imagine that you're a pharmacist.

  • I'm not quite done, yet.

  • I'll be done in just a second.

  • Let's imagine that you're a pharmacist and

  • you want to test a new drug that your company has just created.

  • What's the effect of this drug?

  • Are there any nasty side effects of this drug?

  • Well, I take one group of cells.

  • I treat 'em with my drug.

  • I take the other group of cells.

  • I don't treat them.

  • And I compare.

  • "Oh, my god!

  • This thing's knocking down DNA polymerase tenfold!

  • I'd better be careful with this stuff." Alright?

  • "This thing isn't having any effect,

  • whatsoever." Maybe I'm interested in a compound

  • that somebody says, "Hey!

  • It's carcinogenic."

  • It really affects cells if I have this.

  • One treated, one untreated,

  • and I can look at the entire pattern of proteins...

  • an absolutely phenomenal technology.

  • Alright.

  • That's enough for today.

  • I'll see you guys on Monday.

  • Student: So do they have this stuff archived?

  • Kevin Ahern: Do they have these?

  • There are many places where you can archive this information.

  • Student: So you can, like, do matching that way?

  • Kevin Ahern: You can, but, in general, you'll want to do it yourself,

  • just to make sure that there's not variability from that.

  • Student: It must be really hard.

  • Kevin Ahern: It's a sophisticated technique, yeah.

  • Yes, sir.

  • Sorry.

  • I wanted to get through there.

  • Yeah.

  • Student: That's That very top left corner, marked negative?

  • Kevin Ahern: Uh-huh.

  • Student: Well, was that a natural protein sample,

  • would you think?

  • Or is that an artifact from the actual process?

  • Because it was a large smear.

  • Kevin Ahern: Smears will happen when you've got things that don't fit in well,

  • and they're actually artifacts,

  • in a sense, but they're real things,

  • but they're not [unintelligible].

  • Student: Do they have a "bible," if you will,

  • of different,

  • like...

  • Kevin Ahern: They do.

  • They do.

  • Isn't it cool?

  • Yeah.

  • Did you have a question?

  • Student: [unintelligible]

  • Kevin Ahern: Yes.

  • Student: Is there a standard that you can look at [inaudible].

  • Kevin Ahern: Very good question.

  • That's what everybody else has been asking.

  • Kevin Ahern: So, yes, there are,

  • and if you remind me,

  • I'll say that at the beginning of the lecture next time.

  • There are libraries of these where you can actually

  • do that comparison, which is kind of cool.

  • Excuse me.

  • Oh, I'm sorry.

  • Good day.

  • How are you doing?

  • I've gotta squeeze in here.

  • Sorry.

  • Student: Sorry.

  • [END]

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##06生物化學蛋白質純化講座為Kevin Ahern的BB 450/550。 (#06 Biochemistry Protein Purification Lecture for Kevin Ahern's BB 450/550)

  • 67 4
    Scott posted on 2021/01/14
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