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I want to compare and contrast the behavior
of 5-membered and 6-membered rings
in this mode of reactivity
in which the π system serves as the nucleophile.
The electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
like we were con- considering in the previous webcast,
but now with the 5-membered heteroaromatics.
We'll take as our 5-membered ring our prototypical reaction,
the reaction of thiophene, that system there,
with acetyl nitrate.
Acetyl nitrate is just a good source of an electrophilic
nitronium cation, but it's going to react
in a slightly different mode of reactivity.
Two things to note; first of all,
the reaction takes place at a very low temperature,
Obviously, this is much accelerated
compared to the previous case of the 6-membered ring.
And the second thing to note is that the mode, the, of
substitution takes place in this position,
the so called 2-position.
In the 2-position, that hydrogen atom
is going to be displaced so this is carbon-2 of thiophene,
and we call that carbon-3 of thiophene,
it's the carbon-2, its hydrogen,
that undergoes substitution with the nitryl group.
There's a couple of ways we could understand why
the substitution takes place at C2 rather than C3.
One thing that we might do is to do a SHMO calculation
and look at the highest occupied molecular orbital
and we'd find that the grayest- greatest coefficient
of the highest occupied molecular orbital
is going to be on C2.
That's one thing.
Another way we might anticipate this reactivity
is to compare the two different types of intermediates
that form by attack at C2 and by attack at C3.
Let me outline that for you and what I would encourage you to do
while you're listening to this
is to make a reaction coordinate diagram
and compare the reaction pathway for C2 attack
versus C3 attack.
C2 attack involves three resonance contributors,
whereas C3 attack only involves two.
This is a π to σ* type interaction.
We're going to break the σ bond
between nitrogen and oxygen in acetyl nitrate
and we'll end up making a new carbon nitrogen bond,
and this intermediate is a carbocation intermediate
that is delocalized onto those positions in the ring
as well as on the sulfur atom.
And so a N to A type interation,
resonance interation gives us three resonance contributors
one of which, the best one, is the last one
because it has an octet of electrons on every atom.
Attack at C3 ult- provides us with a less stable intermediate.
That less stable intermediate
only has 2 resonance contributors
one of which is again, having a positive charge on sulfur,
an octet of electrons on every atom,
but you can see that we have less d- delocalization
of that positive charge.
The intermediate that results from attack at C2
is more stable, the reaction pathway proceeds
through a transition state to the C2 attack
that’s lower in energy than the C3 attack.
That pathway, the C2 pathway, is faster than C3.
Why the enhanced reactivity?
We just explained the regioselectivity,
but why the enhanced reactivity?
And that has to do with the highest occupied
molecular orbital energy level being elevated.
The higher the energy of the HOMO,
the more nucleophilic that pair of electrons.
And so that’s one- one reason.
So there’s really two reasons why benzene,
of these four, is the least reactive
towards electrophilic aromatic substitution.
So the first thing that I’ve already mentioned
is this idea down here
where the π electrons are raised up in energy,
they’re more nucleophilic than the benzene ring
pair of electrons.
And if you did a SHMO calculation
you would in fact see those electrons in the HOMO
of the thiophene ring
or the other 5-membered heteroaromatics
are higher in energy than is benzene.
But the other thing to note is that the transition state,
and the intermediate that results is more stable
and the main reason for that is that
intermediate can be drawn
with a complete octet on every single atom.
Here’s one resonance contributor and that’s the carbocation,
but we have- don’t forget
we have this nonbonding pair of electrons
that can do an end to A or an end to π*-type donation
and provide us with an intermediate-
a resonance contributor of that intermediate
that has an octet of electrons on every atom.
You cannot find that in the case of benzene,
all’s you have is open shelve carbocations.
So the intermediate is more stable
and because the transition state
is going to resemble the intermediate
the pathway is going to be lower.
So, we have two things going for us;
the energy is raised- the energy of that
higher occupied molecular orbital is raised,
and the transition state is lowered
and that’s what makes these heteroaromatics
more reactive than benzene.
Alright, let’s take a look at the imidazole
very quickly and say that, if we have
an N2 nitrogen in the ring,
we’re going to undergo deactivation
for the reasons that we encountered with pyridine.
We’re going to first do acid-base chemistry
and that’s going to facilitate lowering that HOMO,
making that π system much less reactive.
Those π electrons now being part of a positively charged ring,
are no longer very reactive and so the end-
the presence of an N2 nitrogen in a molecule like imidazole,
make it very unfavorable toward nucleophilic-
toward electrophilic aromatic substitution
in which the π-system acts as a nucleophile. 47 making that π system much less reactive.
Those π electrons now being part of a positively charged ring,
are no longer very reactive and so the end-
the presence of an N2 nitrogen in a molecule like imidazole,
make it very unfavorable toward nucleophilic-
toward electrophilic aromat