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A couple of people are filing in, I’ll get started.
So last time I tried to give an overview of the course and also an overview to IR spectroscopy.
And I guess one of the take home messages I was trying to give was that IR spectroscopy
really should be something that you [inaudible]
And you want to make it easy to do the experiments and I suggested techniques like placing a
drop on a thin film or [inaudible] form a solution in forming a calcium fluoride cell;
anything to make it easy to do.
There are things—and I hope the example that I started class with really brings it
home—there are things that IR just excels at that, I’ll add, NMR doesn’t excel at.
NMR is going to talk to you about some things; if you’ve got an aromatic ring or an alkene in your molecule
with a hydrogen on it and it’ll probably talk to you pretty well.
But if you have an unusual ring size like we saw in the beta lactone or a 5 membered
ring with a carbonyl—IR can talk to you in a way that NMR just can’t talk to you,
that mass spec isn’t going to talk to you, that UV, which we’re not going to cover
in this course, isn’t going to talk to you.
Other things like a terminal alkyne—we’ll have a problem later on, I guarantee, everyone
is going to look at this and say oh wow, afterward, you know, only with NMR data and not realize,
and then something really talks—there are probably about 2 dozen pieces of information
that easily IR can talk to you and this is what I’m going to put in.
So today I want to talk about CH containing functional groups; in other words I want us
to be able to know how to identify alkane groups and alkene groups, or fragments within
molecules, arene, in other words aromatic, alkyne.
And one of the pieces of philosophy that I’m going to try to take particularly as we get
to certain functional groups is to start to look for patterns here.
Because it’s not so much about tabulating peaks—it’s really about being able to
read spectra.
I want to talk today about oxygen containing functional groups, and we’ll go through:
alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, acids—carboxylic acids of course—acid chlorides, and let’s
say acid anhydrides.
obviously there are other functional groups and I’m just picking ones that I think are
particularly important.
Some of the features I hope we get a chance to talk about today, if not today tomorrow,
more about ring size which I think is really cool in the case of cyclic ketones and esters,
conjugation and understanding the principles involved, inductive effects, and—probably
not this time, as a matter of fact, certainly not this time—we’ll talk about nitrogen
containing functional groups.
we’ll talk about amides, amines, ammonium salts, maybe nitriles—nitriles are another
one that IR I think really shines for identifying—and maybe nitro compounds.
So one of the things I’m going to urge you to do when you look at an IR spectra is really
to learn how to read the IR spectra.
So let me give you my take because part of reading is not just sitting and tabulating
every peak, it’s knowing what’s important.
So when I look at an IR spectrum, generally in my mind’s eye I think from about 4000
to about 600 and probably—and of course these are centimeters^(-1) , wavenumbers,
[inaudible] waves per centimeter—and probably also in my mind’s eye I end up drawing a
line at 3000 wavenumbers.
And I think this really ends up dividing the spectrum into some important regions. So if
you have an IR spectrum maybe you see something like this. You’re reading in—I’m going
to label my axis, of course you’re going to have %T, and of course your spectrum is
going to look something like this.
So you see some peaks, and some stuff over here. Now, the region over here from 1600
to about 3600 is the functional group region. And that’s generally what I look at.
There’s information to be had in this region from 1400 to about 600 wavenumbers; that’s
the fingerprint region.
If we have a chance maybe on Wednesday we’ll take a look at how you can find aromatic substitution
patterns from here; I think in one of the homework problems there’s a—the textbook,
by the way, take the time to flip through it. It’s got very nice appendices that are
extremely useful.
One of the appendices, for example, will give you some correlating peaks to be able to figure
out whether an alkene is—what the substitution pattern is on an alkene; whether it’s terminal,
whether it’s cis, or whether it’s trans.
Anyway—so generally my eye will sort of be drawn to this region; above 1600 I’ll
look for carbonyls, I’ll generally look about this region, just above 2000, because
normally you don’t expect anything there.
If I see anything there it’s going to send up a red flag that there may be something
interesting; we already talked about alkynes.
Generally I won’t pay too much attention to this region right below 3000. But there
are a few things that can show up here at about 2820 and 2720 can be indicative of an
aldehyde if you have the right sort of carbonyl peak.
Things down from 3000 of course might clue you in to alkenes and aromatics. And then
over here, and particularly over here, you get clued in to carboxylic acids.
So it’s really this issue of being able to read the spectrum that I think is really
so key in being able to get some useful information out of IR.
One of the things—it’s not just the position of peaks that counts it’s their relative
intensities, and that can clue you in a lot.
So, for example carbonyl and alkenes, C double bond C, both show up in the same region but
they have different appearances to them. So for example, a carbonyl C=O is generally strong,
and that’s going to mean usually strong relative to other peaks, but again part of
that is what fraction of the molecule is the carbonyl occupying.
If you have a ketone with 6 carbons in it, you’ve got a lot more carbonyl groups in
that path length than if you had a ketone with 60 carbons. So your ketone peak, your
carbonyl peak, is going to be stronger in smaller molecules than in bigger molecules.
Carbon-oxygen single bonds, anything with a big dipole moment in general—not always,
but in general—has strong peaks. So anything where you have substantial differences in
electronegativity between 2 groups.
Bonds that are often weak or moderate are compounds like alkynes, carbon-carbon triple
bond stretches, alkenes, carbon-carbon double bond stretches of various sorts, say, terminal
alkenes and internal alkenes—and we already talked about if there’s no change in dipole
moments, so if you have, say, an alkyne with two alkyl groups on the end, you’re probably
not going to see-or most certainly won’t see—the carbon-carbon triple bond stretch.
If you have an alkene that’s tetra-substituted you’re probably not going to see the carbon-carbon
double bond. So let’s say usually not seen—internal alkenes, internal alkynes.
We talked a little bit when I was talking about methylene groups and I talked about
the asymmetric stretch and symmetric stretch, we talked a little bit about CH groups.
CH stretches are generally very sharp; so things that might clue you in—as I said,
alkyl generally not that informative, but usually they fall between about 3000 and about
2840 wavenumbers. And if you’re good, you really should be able to draw a line at about
2840 in the spectrum because, as I was saying, aldehydes can have little CH stretches and
a Fermi resonance that can clue you in.
Alkenes, arenes—aromatics if you prefer—generally we’re talking about 3100 to about 3000.
And again you’re going to get corroboratory peaks—first of all, NMR will also be useful
but you’re going to see patterns.
For example, aromatics will have a series of bands from about 1650 to about 2000 wavenumbers
that can clue you in.
Alkenes, generally you can see the carbon-carbon double bond stretch. And that’s generally
pretty sharp but not so strong at about 1640 to 1670 wavenumbers.
Alkynes, if they are terminal alkynes of course you have a CH group, that tends to stand out.
So it’ll be at about 3300 and as I was saying they’re generally very sharp, so alcohols
also show up at about 3300, but the pattern recognition is going to be completely different
because an alcohol is going to be a broad band and an alkyne is going to be the sharp
And, as I said, if you are able to see the C – C triple bond stretch it’s somewhere
just below 2000 depending on the exact substitution, about 2100 to 2260.
And again, if you just see something in that general region of about 2000 to 2500 it should
clue you in that there’s something unusual.
Aldehydes, as I’ve said, the CH stretch of aldehydes shows up and you get 2 bands.
What happens is there’s an inactive band, one of these 2 bands I believe it’s the
2820 is the CH and the other one is an inactive band that essentially gets pumped by it’s
called a Fermi resonance. And then that’ll go along with your carbonyls so you’ll be
looking in that region of around 1700 is going to clue you in; let’s say about 1740 to
1720 would be typical for an aldehyde carbonyl, it could a little bit lower if there is some
conjugation there.
Let me put up some examples here just so we see what these guys look like.
Let me get this handed out. [inaudible] with this particular class the best way is to get
these handed out, but we will figure—there’ll be lots of hand outs in the class.
My recommendation, by the way, is to get a loose-leaf binder or else get good at sort
of organizing the handouts.
Let’s see, I have a few extras, let me send some more down here.
We’ll be using transparencies a lot for discussion sections, where there’s really
no substitute for looking at stuff which of course you can do with an LCD projector but
also marking on stuff.
So when you’re up here—and everyone, I hope, is going to have a chance to be up here
in our discussion section—it takes only minor skill but you get in the habit of not
standing there with your shoulder in the beam.
Alright, let’s just take a look at the first one. What is this first one? we’ll just
look at the first 2 right now, what is—what class of compounds is the first one?
The first one here. Alkene—ok great, actually I’m hearing exactly the sort of stuff that
I like to be hearing here. So, I’ve heard carbonyl, aromatic, and alkene. And we can
actually take a very, very good guess.
This peak here obviously stands out, remember I said draw a line in your mind at 1600
So it doesn’t look like a carbonyl; typical carbonyls are going to be a little stronger
and a little bit fatter. It looks like an alkene. This should clue us in, so I’ll
just pick some numbers here. I’ll just write 1642 and here we’re at about 3080.
Now, if I had to guess, and fortunately you’ll probably get other data but if I had to guess
I’d say what we’re seeing here—usually with an aromatic you’ll have a series of
small, very weak bands.
For, like, a phenyl group there will be like 4 of them between 2000 and 1600. And this
doesn’t look anything like that. You’ll usually see more CH’s for a phenyl, below—from
about 3000 to 3100.
So this is indeed an alkene. Now, one of the reasons I’m not putting as much emphasis
on the fingerprint regions—so here, for example, you get some CH bands—is as you
get to bigger molecules the fingerprint region is going to become more and more complicated
and less and less easy to read.
And, part of the problem of the pedagogy of IR spectroscopy is it’s a relatively mature
area; it’s been around largely since the 1950s and used as a tool by chemists but the
molecules that we study have gotten bigger and more complex and people for pedagogical
purposes still tend to look at small molecule examples.
This is a small alkene, maybe octene or something. But as you get to larger and more multi-functional
region molecules, this region gets harder to read.
Alright, so what else do I want to do right now?
What about the second example here? Alkyne, yeah. Terminal alkyne.
And so, some of the things that we see here is this band at about 3310. There’s another
band at about 2119 and the band at 3310 is quite sharp and so that’s very characteristic
of an alkyne.
And so indeed we have an alkyne. This region at 2000 jumps out at me and says at about
2000-2100 you have something jumping out.
In general alcohols will be broad; if you have an alcohol that’s not hydrogen bonded—in
pure form alcohols tend to hydrogen bond to each other, if you have them very dilute they
tend not to hydrogen bond but then they tend to be about here over at about 3400-3500.
Silanols could even be a little bit further.
If the alcohol is very sterically hindered, like a tertiary alcohol, you’ll have less
hydrogen bonding than if it’s more sterically hindered, like a primary alcohol and so you
may see a [inaudible] band at about 3400-3500.
Alright I want to go back to scratching out more examples on the blackboard.
Alright, so alcohols, as I said your OH if you’re neat—neat is just another way of
saying not dissolved in a solvent for example on a film or a solid plate or a KBr pellet
because on a KBr pellet if you are dealing with a solid or a [inaudible] you’re going
to have particles of your alcohol that are hydrogen bonded together and [inaudible] molecules
that hydrogen bond together.
But usually you’ll see a band at about 3300, it’ll be broad; and on the pattern recognition,
again, if I’m drawing these two points in my mind’s eye say the end of the spectrum
at about 4000—I guess the examples I have here may run to 4600—what you’re going
to be seeing is a band that sort of picks up at about 3600 and comes down maybe somewhere
around 3000, and then of course you’ll have some alkyl stuff over here.
So you might say well it’s 3300 but you look and in your eye you’re seeing this
thing pick up at about 3600, so you’re going to see this pattern.
And this will be different than the carboxylic acid that may pick up around here but is going
to go down around here; it's going to be really, really ugly.
As I’ve said, I’m not putting so much emphasis on the fingerprint region, you can
sometimes look for corroboration. C – O single bond, we talked about it last time
in comparison to a double bond where we were talking about a harmonic oscillator and frequencies
and the bond strength for single bond versus double bond.
So usually somewhere between about 1300 and 1000, but I’m going to say often buried
in other stuff, and again even more so in bigger molecules.
Alright, let me take an example of an alcohol just so you can see something apart from my
little drawing over here.
And this is again, this is a small—a small alcohol. This is a small alcohol so we have
this band at about 3300. We have, you know, here this small alcohol you can see your C
– O single bonds stretch. And again the main thing I’m looking at is that this is
sort of picking up and coming down.
Alright, any thoughts or questions on this one?
Ah, C is our number of, I believe—certainly in this region you have your CH bands, remember
we talked about methylene groups and we said there’s one at about 1380 and another at
about 1460.
So certainly a big part of what you’re seeing here is—because this is going to be a small
chain linear alcohol—a big part of what you’re seeing is CH bands there.
Yeah, so the stretching—the CH stretching modes are much stronger, much higher frequency
those are at about 3000 and CH bending modes are at about 14—or about 1360 and 14—you
know, the 13s and the 14s you have the asymmetric, the in-plane and out-of-plane bending.
There are actually things you can discern at this region and again there are better
ways to do it in general. But in this region right here in the CH bending region you can
actually determine the difference, for example between a single methyl group and an isopropyl
group and again some of them is coupled vibrations where an isopropyl group gives you a special
coupled vibration that you can pick out.
But there are probably better ways to do that. And in big molecules things are just awfully
The carbonyl region from about 1650 to about 1850 really should talk to you. The carbonyls
are going to be strong. I’ll take ester, aldehydes, ketone, carboxylic acid, and amides
as 5 groups that are really important. and I’ve written them in general in order of
decreasing frequencies.
So we’re talking, for this particular group, with sort of normal, non-unusual carbonyls
let’s say 1750 to 1650 and we’re usually talking about strong.
So esters generally we’re talking about 1750 to 1735 if there’s nothing to perturb
it like conjugation or strained rings.
Aldehydes in general we’re talking about 1740 to 1720. And as I’ve said you can often
pick out the CH stretch in the Fermi resonance if you look at right on the edge of the region
at about 2800—about 2820 and 2720.
A plain old vanilla, normal ketone we’re typically talking about 1725 to 1705 wavenumbers.
With carboxylic acid, again without any sort of conjugation or anything special we’re
talking about say 1725 to 1700. Carboxylic acids love to hydrogen bond. And you get these
very nice hydrogen bonded dimer stretches that generally produce broad—broad non-specific
CH stretches that as I said will cover that whole region from about 3500 to about 2500.
Amides typically we’re talking a little bit lower frequency and I’ll talk about
why in just a second, but let’s say about 1690 to about 1750. If we’re talking about
primary amides that have 2 NHs—secondary amides that have 1NH and tertiary amides that
have no NHs.
So as I said carboxylic acids are one of the ugliest things that you’re going to see
in the IR and they’re ugliness really makes them stand out it’s kind of like a pug dog.
You look at a pug and you say that’s so ugly it’s almost cute [inaudible].
So you look at a carboxylic acid and you just sort of have this misformed, misshapen band
maybe with some lumps and some CHs—maybe I over exaggerated a little bit. But suffice
it to say it gets a little bit lumpy and then you’re going to see your carbonyl standing
out probably a little stronger for this example, let’s say at 1725 to 1700 unless it’s
conjugated, in which case it’ll be lower.
And then some stuff in the fingerprint region, and generally my eye kind of catches the shift
in the baseline at about 3500 and it catches it coming down at about 2500. If you’ve
got a big molecule it’s going to be a lot smaller band.
This is one of the reasons I’m not a huge fan of KBr pellets; with KBr pellets it’s
really hard to get your KBr dry and when you get to bigger molecules being able to figure
out if that’s just a little bit of [inaudible] water in my KBr or is that an alcohol, is
that a carboxylic acid? It can be tough.
As I’ve said aldehydes—so I’ll just write; let me write some text here I’ll
say 3500 to 2500 and I’m going to say broad and ugly. For an aldehyde, just to show some
corroboratory stuff let me draw out the same sort of spectrum here from about 400 to about
3000 to about 600 to about 1600.
I’m going to make this a little bit bigger so you guys in the back can see it. So usually
what’ll happen is right on the edge of things—that’s a really lousy carbonyl. Right on the edge
of things you’ll probably be able to, if you look hard, pick out a band at about 2820
and a band at about 2720.
And then this band at about 1740 to about 1720 again unless it’s conjugated. So that
could help you clue you in.
Now, if I had an IR spectra like that the next thing I’d do is look at my NMR spectrum
and see if there’s a peak at about 9 to 10 parts per million that I expect associated
with an aldehyde.
I’ll give you a moment to finish up sketching this.
Alright, so let’s take one moment to read a couple more spectra here.
What is this third one? So you have aldehyde—aldehyde, everyone agree?
So, if I’m looking here I really don’t see much of anything over here, so I’m suspicious
on an aldehyde. Our peak here—and you should get good at reading analog, I know everyone
is in a digital mindset but learn to take this scale and go ok, 1700 1800 these tick
marks are 20, so I go 20, 40, 60, 80.
So that’s right at about 1715. The number digitally was 1717. So it’s a little low for an aldehyde; we’re shy on
anything over here; and again you really can draw in—with a pencil draw and you notice
here the tick marks are closer together but you can draw a line right here as the line
at 2840 and there’s just nothing that looks distinct, there are just little, teeny, teeny
So there’s really nothing to speak of here at 2820 and 2720. So, data for common carbonyl
compounds it’s low to be an ester, we don’t see a corroboratory C – O single bond peak
but, you know, it’s impossible to tell anyway, but it’s low to be a normal ester, it’s
a little low to be an aldehyde, we don’t see that sort of big, ugly associated with
a carboxylic acid, it’s high to be an amide, we don’t see any substantial NH—this type
of thing is not uncommon, that can just be a little bit of water in your sample nut this
little band is not uncommon.
And that really puts this at a ketone. Just sort of a simple unstrained ketone. Last one?
Carboxylic acid.
That one—that one screams carboxylic acid. Now you’ve got this carbonyl at about 1710,
we’ve got this big, ugly here at about 2520 to 3500.
And so if you’re on top of things—if you’re on top of things like that you’re in pretty,
pretty good shape.
Alright, I want to talk about some—some other effects here.
So, let’s talk about effects of ring size and then we’re going to talk about some
conjugation and some other effects.
So, ok—so remember a normal ketone is about 1715 wavenumbers. A small ring is going to
bring it up to higher wavenumbers; so a cylcopropanone is at about 1825 wavenumbers. Cyclopropanones
generally aren’t stable, they generally undergo ring opening, but on the other hand
cyclobutanones are at about 1780.
Cyclopentanone still have a little bit of ring strain, it’s at about 1745. And as
I said by the time you’re at cyclohexanone you’re right back where you’d expect to
be, at about 1715.
So what’s going on? What does it mean that the frequency is higher for small rings? Stretches
faster, which means the bond is stronger or weaker? Stronger, right?
A spring with a—a very stiff spring vibrates quickly, a very slack spring, a very weak
spring, vibrates slower. We already saw that trend, a C – O single bond has a stretch
at about 1100, a C-O double bond has a stretch at about 1700. Remember it’s that root k
over u term; that root force constant over [inaudible] mass.
So if you increase from 1715 to 1825, that’s a good bit stiffer spring. So that means the
carbonyl bond is stronger or weaker? Stronger. Is that surprising? It is surprising. How
can that be?
Carbon-carbon bond could be weaker—it’s a good way to start thinking about it.
Do you have some specifics? We are on track here. P—yes, so let’s think about p-character.
So, what sort of orbitals, if it were a perfect world what sort of orbitals would you use
to—well what sort of orbitals would you first use to make up say a regular, normal,
109.5 degree carbon?
sp3. If you’re going to go to a strained ring, do you need more s-character or more
p-character for carbonyls?
in the carbon-carbon bonds? Which way are our p-orbitals orientated? So the p-orbitals
would be at right angles, right? So if you just use p-character, you could make this.
Now, in fact you don’t but you put in more p-character in here, so that leaves what?
More s-character.
And which is lower in energy, which forms stronger bonds? s.
So it’s sort of counter intuitive because you think strain, oh that should be bad and
yet it goes in the opposite direction and when you think it through it actually makes
And we’re going to see this coming up as a trend in couple of times. As I was also
saying, this should talk to you. If you have—NMR is not great for telling a cylcopentanone
from a cyclohexanone. But if you get these types of wavelengths it’s going to be telling
something’s going on. That’s why when I got my beta lactone that I was talking about
last time at 1820, even just a perfunctory glance at the spectrum said that there’s
something going on in a way that no other technique was going to say.
And just as in the case of the ketone in the case of the esters, your numbers go down with
less strain, and by the time you’re at—so this is a beta lactone, gamma lactone, and
delta lactone—by the time you’re at a delta lactone you’re right at the typical
ester position, right at 1735 wavenumbers.
And remember, when you’re carrying out reactions to make molecules, you’re not just corroborating
what you think you’ve done you’re actually asking a question.
I had a hypothesis: if I mix this stuff I’m going to form this, and sometimes you get
a surprise, and it teaches you something.
So, let’s talk about—so that’s ring size, and that’s something that IR really
shines at, let’s talk about something else.
Let’s talk about conjugation of carbonyls.
So remember, a normal ketone is about 1715, if we go to cyclohexenone, conjugated, we’re
at about 1690 wavenumbers. So does that surprise us, or does that make sense?
Makes sense, why does it make sense?
Conjugation makes the carbonyl bond have more single-bond character and it should be lower
in wavelength, lower in frequency rather.
So you can write a resonance structure and it dominates the reactivity for alpha-beta
unsaturated compounds—remember they’re Michael acceptors, nucleophiles like to add
into the beta position.
Beta position has a delta positive on it. Of course we know, at the graduate level,
it’s not that it’s one structure and the other and resonating between them, it is simply
both structures at once; this is a representation of the molecular orbital character of the
molecule and so the molecular orbital character of the molecule says it’s not quite a full
double bond, it’s a little bit weaker.
It’s, you know, 90% double bond, 10% single bond characters.
Alright, so, just so I can play with your minds, then why is it if you look at—at
least certain compounds—like this, we’ll see, let’s say, a band at—maybe a little
bit weaker—a band at 1690 and a band at 1640 for an alpha-beta unsaturated compound
like this.
Not exactly, but kind of – sort of.
What other stretch do we have? We have the alkene stretch. And in fact—so you have
your C-C stretch and your C-O stretch and in fact because your alkene is really polarized,
the polarization leads to stronger stretches—so because it’s really polarized you have a
bigger dipole moment or specifically a bigger change in dipole moment as you vibrate it,
it’ll be kind of strong.
Alright, one last—one last category to play with, and that’s electron withdrawing groups.
And this is another one where IR really shines, because let’s say you’re making an acid
chloride. Telling an acid chloride from a carboxylic acid by NMR often isn’t that
easy. But in IR, it’s , you know, like falling off a log.
So an acid chloride shows up at about 1820 wavenumbers. And just in general if you have
any sort of electron withdrawing group—remember, normal ketone, say, would be about 1715, an
ester would be about 1735, so this is often a region that should be making you stand up
and pay attention.
So what does that say about the carbon-oxygen bond? Stronger bond, again counterintuitive
until you think about it for a second.
If the electron withdrawing group is pulling electrons away, you can think of a second
resonance, one you could call a non-bond resonance structure. Like so.
And that non-bond resonance structure is going to have carbon-oxygen triple bond character.
There’s not much of this contributing, this is just a representation of the molecular
orbitals of the molecules saying that you’re pulling electron density onto the electron
withdrawing group.
But it’s enough to shift the carbonyl group a little bit. If you go to an acid anhydride,
an acyl group is of course electron withdrawing, any group that is an acylating agent, any
group that is prone to attack by a nucleophile, especially prone, is going to be a—is going
to be a carbonyl with an electron withdrawing group.
So a nucleophile—a weak nucleophile like water or an amine is going to react very rapidly
with an acid anhydride or with the acid chloride.
And we see a band again at about 1820, and we see another band at about 1750 wavenumbers,
what gives here?
2 carbonyls, and that means? Asymmetric stretch. You get coupled vibrations. Even if the carbonyls
aren’t in the same molecule in certain protein structures where you have carbonyls near each
other, you get vibrational coupling that splits your carbonyl stretches into two.
Ok, last example for today.
Take an amide. Generic amide, and I already gave you the number: 1650 to 1690 is sort
of typical.
What does that say about our carbonyl stretch? Weaker, and? So you can write this resonance
structure, and that’s—so that’s an interesting conundrum of various groups here.
In that all of these groups with lone pairs can be donating by resonance but they can
be inductively electron withdrawing, and in some cases one wins out and in some cases
the other wins out.
Nitrogen and chlorine are both electronegative but the big difference is that nitrogen is
in the same row of the periodic table as carbon. So you get good pi donation, you get good
overlap and nitrogen the donation wins out.
Whereas chlorine, although about equal in electronegativity to nitrogen is down a row
and so you get a big sigma electron withdrawing effect and not so much pi donation effects.
And in this case you simply have, say, compared to an ester where in an ester this oxygen
can donate into just one, in the case of an anhydride, this oxygen has to donate into
two. So you end up with more electron withdrawing.
Anyway, this is probably a—oh yeah, one last thing and then I’ll wrap this up. Alright,
last thing.
Alright, so we said a normal, unstrained ester or lactone is at about 1735; if I go ahead
and take an unsaturated lactone where now we’re not conjugated with the carbonyl,
but conjugated in the other way, conjugated with the oxygen, we move to 1760.
And again you can think of this as a resonance effect.
You can write a resonance structure like so; to put it another way this is a lactone of
an enol ether. Enol ethers are electron rich at the position here, basically if you have
an electrophile it’s going to attack here and you see that in the IR spectrum.
Alright, so that promptly sums up everything I want to say about C-O containing functional
groups, we’ll pick up next time with nitrogen containing functional groups.