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  • In this American English pronunciation video, youre going to learn how to pronounce the


  • wordwater’.

    水 "這個詞。

  • This video is being made on vacation. So, the background’s weird, the lighting’s


  • weird, but we get the benefit of having lots of other fun people be in this video so that


  • you can better learn American English pronunciation. Were going to learn how to pronounce the


  • wordwater’. ‘Wateris especially interesting because it’s so different in

    水 "這個詞。水 "尤其有趣,因為它在以下方面有很大不同

  • American English than it is in British English. So let’s start. How do we pronounce it?


  • The lips will round for the W consonant. Wa-. Then we have a vowel. It’s a lot more open

    嘴脣圓潤,發出 W 輔音。Wa-。然後是元音它更開放

  • in American English than it is in British English. I use the AH as in FATHER vowel,

    在美式英語中比在英式英語中更常見。我使用 AH 作為 FATHER 的元音、

  • wa-, ah, where my jaw drops quite a bit. The back part of the tongue presses down a little

    wa-, ah, where my jaw drops quite a bit.舌頭後部稍稍下壓

  • bit. Wa-, ah, wa-. So that’s a very open sound. Water.


  • Then we have the letter T. It comes between two vowels. So, in American English, were

    然後是字母 T,它位於兩個元音之間。是以,在美式英語中,我們

  • going to make that a Flap T. It will sound like a D. In British English they don’t

    在英式英語中,他們不會把 "T "變成 "D"。

  • do that. They keep a Truettsound. Water, water. This Flap T sound is the R sound

    就能做到這一點。它們保持著真正的 "tt "音。水,水。這個 "T "音就是 "R "音

  • in some other languages like Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese. But, in American English we call


  • it a Flap T, and the tongue just bounces up against the roof of the mouth. Water, -ter,

    它的發音是 "Flap T",舌頭在口腔頂部彈跳。水,-ter、

  • -ter. So, it’s a quick easy movement and there’s no stop of air.


  • Then we have the schwa-R sound. In American English we maintain a real R sound. In British

    然後是 schwa-R 音。在美式英語中,我們保持真正的 R 音。在英式英語中

  • English, they don’t when it’s at the end of a word. Water, -er, -er. It’s a very


  • closed sound. So to make the sound, the tongue lifts up and it pulls back a little bit. So,


  • the middle part of the tongue is touching: maybe the roof of the mouth, maybe the teeth,


  • rr, rr, while the front has pulled back and up a little bit, so it’s not touching anything,


  • rr. We can hold that sound out. The tongue shouldn’t be flapping, ruh, ruh. That’s

    rr。我們可以憋住這個音舌頭不應該發出 "嚕""嚕 "的聲音這是

  • only for the Flap T. Here it holds in place: water, rr, rr. You can see the lips will round


  • a little bit for that final sound as well. Water.


  • You don’t need to worry about making a separate schwa sound. Just go straight from the Flap


  • into the R. Water, water. Now were going to see a little bit of video of me walking


  • to the well with my family to fill up our water bottles, and youre going to hear


  • the wordwaterlots of times.

    水 "這個詞出現了很多次。

  • >> How, like, old-fashioned are we that we have to walk to the well to get water?


  • >> I know. >> Well here were just on our way to


  • the well to get some water! >> See, in rural Michigan


  • >> How’s it taste, David? >> Oh, the water is really good.

    味道怎麼樣,大衛? 哦,水真的很好喝。

  • >> Jace, how was the water? >> Cold and good.

    傑斯,水怎麼樣? 又涼又好喝。

  • >> How’s the water? >> ???


  • >> That water tastes great.


  • >> Alright, does everyone have all the water they need?


  • >> I have my water. Let’s go. >> Wait! One more.


  • >> Do you have your water? >> I got my water.

    你有水嗎? 我有水。

  • >> Jace, do you need more water?


  • >> Karina, can you waywater’? >> Wa-wa.

    卡琳娜,你會說 "水 "嗎?

  • >> Saywaterfor the camera. >> Saywater’.

    對著攝影機說 "水"。

  • >> Wa-wa.


  • >> Water.


  • I hope this has helped you understand how to pronouncewaterin American English.

    希望這能幫助您瞭解如何用美式英語發音 "water"。

  • If youre interested in exploring the differences between American English and British English,


  • check out this video I made with Minoo. Don’t forget to like the video and share it. Put

    看看我和 Minoo 一起製作的視頻。別忘了點贊和分享。放

  • a comment below if there’s another word that you would like me to teach you how to


  • pronounce.


  • That’s it guys, and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.


In this American English pronunciation video, youre going to learn how to pronounce the


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