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Living Waters presents:
Are You A Good Person?
Featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Meet Mr. Nice Guy.
You think you are nice?
This guy is REALLY nice.
Mr. Nice Guy: Well, I try to do what is right.
He is so nice that if good people get to Heaven,
he will be the first in line!
Mr. Nice Guy: Aw, shucks.
So, Mr. Nice Guy, have you kept the Ten Commandments?
Mr. Nice Guy: Pretty much.
Do you mind if we take a look at them and maybe see how nice you really are?
Mr. Nice Guy: Uh...Okay.
Great! Here is one: “You shall not lie.”
Mr. Nice Guy, have you ever told a lie?
Mr. Nice Guy: Well, yeah. Who has not?
What do you call somebody who tells lies?
Mr. Nice Guy: A liar.
Alright. How about another commandment?
“You shall not steal.”
Have you ever stolen anything, even once?
Mr. Nice Guy: Nope!
But... you just told me you are a liar.
Mr. Nice Guy: Well, I did steal some candy once when I was a kid.
And what do you call someone who steals?
Mr. Nice Guy: A thief.
Alright. Let us try another one.
“You shall not commit adultery.”
Oh, that is easy. I would never cheat on my wife.
Woman: Hi handsome.
Mr. Nice Guy: Oh baby!
[Narrator clears throat]
Jesus said if you even look at a woman with lust,
you have already committed adultery with her in your heart.
Mr. Nice Guy:, right.
One more.
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.”
Have you ever used God’s name to curse?
[Car crashes]
Mr. Nice Guy: Oh my (beep)!
That, Mr. Nice Guy is called blasphemy.
God gave you life and breath and everything you have!
And you have dragged His name through the dirt.
So, by your own admission... are a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart.
And that is just four of the Ten Commandments.
Mr. Nice Guy: Okay okay, so I am not perfect.
Actually, it is worse than that.
Suppose we could put a chip in your brain that would record all your private thoughts
for an entire week and then play those thoughts on a giant movie screen
for all your friends and family to see.
[Woman faints]
Mr. Nice Guy: That would be embarrassing!
Yeah, I know.
The Bible says God knows everything, even the secret thoughts of your heart.
Mr. Nice Guy: Well...
[Scribbles on chalk board]
...compared to some people I am a saint.
[Heavenly choir sings]
That is true. But the standard is God’s law, not other people.
[Chalkboard crashes]
[Light bulb fails]
Besides, even if you sinned just five times a day
in one year... that is one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five (1825) sins.
And if you live to be seventy years old... will have broken God’s law over one hundred and twenty-seven thousand (127000) times!
You will have to answer for every sin on Judgement Day,
when the Bible says, “Each of us will give an account of himself to God (Romans 14:12).”
[Mr. Nice Guy gulps]
Mr. Nice Guy: But... God will forgive me. Right?
Well, let us try that in court.
Criminal: I know I keep breaking the law, but can you, you know, let it slide?
Only a corrupt judge would buy (do) that.
A GOOD judge would say...
[Slams his gavel]
Good Judge: Justice demands that you pay for your crimes.
[Criminal gulps]
God is not a corrupt judge.
He is a holy, righteous judge.
He hates sin!
Jesus warned that on Judgement Day,
everyone who had sinned against God
will justly end up in a terrible place called Hell.
[People screaming]
And there will be no escape for all eternity.
Mr. Nice Guy: Well, then, how can ANYBODY get to Heaven?
There is only one way.
God loved the world so much
that He sent His Son, Jesus,
to live a perfect life.
He never sinned, not even once.
Then, Jesus offered to take the punishment for guilty sinners.
He was whipped,
and beaten...
...and nailed to a cross, and died.
so that justice would be served and sinners could go free!
Then, Jesus rose from the grave
and defeated death!
You can not earn eternal life.
It is God’s gift... everyone who will humble themselves and come to Jesus.
He will forgive you,
[Shackles fall]
wash you clean,
and give you a new heart with new desires
The Bible says, “...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).”
So stop living for yourself.
Turn from your sins and come to Jesus.
Then, read your Bible and obey it.
Find a good church to help you grow.
And then go out and tell other people the good news!
For more information visit:
Kirk Cameron: Each week we send out a free ministry update and it contains a short video clip.
Ray Comfort finds colorful characters, he witnesses to them,
and then I ‘chalk talk’ (explain) the clip. Here are some samples.
Ray: Do you believe in God? Man: Of course!
Man: I believe that God actually learns through us.
Woman: There is a Heaven right here.
Man: Multiple times a day, God hugs me.
Woman: What planet are you living on?
Man: I have no problem standing before the Lord as I am.
Kirk: After seeing new clips each week,
and understanding the biblical principles behind them, you will end up saying,
“I could do that!”
There is no charge for the update.
Just go here and sign up here.
And we will send it to you every week.
Man: For God so loved the world that He gave His only forgotten Son.
Ray: While you are there, check out “The School of Biblical Evangelism.”
Kirk: The School of Biblical Evangelism is a full-blown
online evangelism course. It will help you overcome your fears,
it will help give you the answers to the 100 most commonly asked questions
and objections to the Christian faith.
Living Waters
Inspiring and Equipping Christians in Fulfilling the Great Commission.
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