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Hi everyone! I'm Nick. Welcome to this video about 'who', 'which' and 'whom', joining sentences
together. Like, for example 'Will Smith won the egg and spoon race' and 'Will Smith is
the youngest', now we join the two sentences together by doing this 'Will Smith (comma)
who is the youngest (comma) won the egg and spoon race'. Hope you find it useful!
First we're looking at 'who' and 'whom' and here are three young people who've just taken
part in an egg and spoon race, that's when you have to balance an egg on a spoon and
run. And these are the three winners. The first one, the first is Will Smith, the first
is Will Smith (full stop). I'll write another sentence about Will: 'Will Smith (oops, sorry),
Will Smith wins first prize'. Now, if I want to put those two sentences together into one
what do I have to do? I have to turn the that into a comma because we know who Will is and
we write 'who' and then I use my grabber and I grab 'wins first prize' and I move it up
there and that's it and I'll just rub 'Will Smith' out, we don't need that anymore. 'The
first is Will Smith, who wins first prize'. I'll just write 'Will' there, he's the little
fella at the front.
Now let's go on to the next one. I'll write here 'the second, the second is Sabrina, the
second is Sabrina' and I'll just write 'Sabrina' there so that we know who she is, I'll put
a little arrow, that's it. And now my second sentence about Sabrina: 'We all know Sabrina,
we all know Sabrina as Sabby' (oops sorry), 'Sabby, we all know Sabrina as Sabby'. Now
I want to join those two sentences together so again I'll put a comma but this time I'm
going to write 'whom'. I'll say something about that in a minute. In the meantime I'll
take the first part of the sentence and move it up there, now I'll need to rub out the
(let's get it in the right place, there) now I need to rub out the 'w' and put a small
'w' there, we don't need a capital, that's better - 'we all know'. 'The second is Sabrina,
whom we all know as Sabby'. So I can grab the 'as Sabby', I'll just rub out the Sabrina,
we don't need that anymore and then I'll grab my little grabber and put a box around 'Sabby'
and move it along the front there, and there it is: 'The second is Sabrina, whom we all
know as Sabby'.
Now notice it says 'whom' and in writing you should probably use the 'm' but I'll put then
'm' in brackets there because the fact is that in speech we often don't use it. Right,
let's move on to the next one. 'The third is Jacob, the third is Jacob'. I'll just write
'Jacob' up the top there so, I think you know who he is by now, but there he is 'third is
Jacob' and I'll write a second sentence about Jacob. 'We have a special prize, we have a
special prize for Jacob, for Jacob'. Now this one is a little different from the other two.
I'll start off by putting in the comma then I'm going to grab 'for' and move it that up,
get it in place then I'm going to write in the word 'whom' (notice it has to have an
'm'), 'for whom' after a preposition and then I'm going to grab the first half, it won't
fit, it's too long so I'm going to have to move it down a bit, just to get it out of
the way. I'll grab the first half and put it up there 'for whom we have' and the second
half and move it up here 'a special prize', we rub that out and we replace the capital
'W' with a small 'w': 'the third is Jacob, for whom we have a special prize'. And when
you're talking normally you could also say 'the third is Jacob, who we have a special
prize for', leave the preposition at the end.
Alright, let's go on to the next scene, now this is about 'which' and it's about 'things'.
So first of all we'll start with a quick drawing of the world, a bit of speed drawing that
Caroline did for me - there's Japan, Australia, Madagascar and England and Ireland, I'll just
make it a bit smaller because it's a bit big there. And now, look at this. We're putting
in some links, there's a little dotted line going over to Japan and then there's another
one going off to looks like India but it's a bit of a funny shape! And there's another
one going off somewhere, dunno where that one is going, oh it's going round the corner,
ok, that's going down to Australia, now it's going across to Africa, it's going a bit faster,
going across to America, across to Greenland, down to South America and back and back and
over and all over the place and faster and faster and faster and faster. And it's finished.
Phew! Now I'm going to make it a bit smaller and put it in the corner because I need to
make some space for some writing, so I'll just grab that whole thing reduce it in size,
put it over in the corner and put 'The Internet' at the top there. 'The Internet'.
Ok, now I'm going to show you three sets of sentences, here's the first pair, I wrote
this before, I can't write that fast! 'The internet is a wonderful tool' and 'the internet
enables global communication'. Now I'm going to join those two sentences together, first
thing I need to do is put a comma there, don't forget the comma and write 'which' because
we're talking about 'things' now. Now I grab the verb 'enables' and I put it up there then
I get my little eraser and I rub that out, we don't need that anymore and I'll just grab
'global communication' and move it over there, there we are. 'The internet is a wonderful
tool, which enables global communication'.
Now let's move on to the next pair 'the internet is a wonderful tool', I'll use the same one
again and the second sentence 'we all use the internet'. Now rather similar process
but notice we use 'which' for both, there's no change so I'll put a comma and write 'which',
it's not like 'who' and 'whom' where we change from 'who' to 'whom', here it's 'which' and
'which'. 'Which' and I'll grab 'we all use' and put it up there then I just need to get
my eraser and rub out, erase the 'W' and get my pen and write in the 'w' there, the small
'w' and put a full stop at the end and get my little eraser again and erase 'the internet'.
So there we are. 'The internet is a wonderful tool, which we all use'.
Now the last pair of sentences 'Tim Berners Lee invented the internet', did you know that?
He was working in Cern in Switzerland at the time and 'we all grateful for Tim's invention'.
And this is going to be similar we're going to put a comma there and remember there's
a preposition there 'for' so the first thing I'm gonna do is grab the preposition 'for'
and take it up there, 'for', ok. Then I'm going to write, get my pen, and I'm gonna
write 'which', here we go 'which', ok that's it and then I'll just grab that phrase 'we
are all grateful' and move it up there 'for which we are all grateful'. I need to erase
the capital 'W' and get rid of all of that, we don't need that now and get my pen and
write in 'we' and put the full stop. And we're done. 'Tim Berners Lee invented the internet,
for which we are all grateful'. One last thing who's that? It's Tim Berners Lee! I thought
you might like to see a picture of him.
Alright, that's all for now, bye bye, see you later!