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  • >> All right, well I think maybe we'll begin even

  • if the last few people come in.

  • So I want to talk about two related techniques today.

  • They are related in pulse sequence.

  • They're completely different in what they do.

  • One of them is TOCSY and one of them is ROESY.

  • So TOCSY is a correlation experiment.

  • It stands for Total Correlation Spectroscopy.

  • I'll put total in quotes because one doesn't get an infinite

  • number of cross peaks.

  • This technique was co-developed, developed at the same time

  • with another technique that's the same pulse sequence called

  • HOHAHA which always sounds good at Christmastime.

  • It stands for Homonuclear Hartmann-Hahn Spectroscopy

  • and they're the same technique but TOCSY has taken over,

  • so the idea is that you get cross peaks with all

  • and again I'm going to put this in quotes

  • because there are limits, other spins in the spin system

  • and so what this technique is like is it's like a super COSY.

  • I mean, I'll give you a really simple example here.

  • If we have propanol and that was sort of the sketch

  • of the molecule when I gave the first [inaudible] in 2D spectra

  • if you have propanol COSY will link your methyl group

  • to your central methylene and it will link the central methylene

  • to the next methylene

  • and assuming the OH is exchanging rapidly

  • that won't be linked in there.

  • What TOCSY will do since all of these groups are

  • in the same spin system is TOCSY will also link the methyl group

  • to the terminal methylene and where TOCSY really,

  • really shines, there are sort of two different situations

  • that TOCSY really shines.

  • In the small molecules realm where TOCSY really shines is

  • in situations of overlap and I've been pretty good

  • about giving you spectra where there's not too much overlap

  • and you can walk your way through COSY

  • but sometimes you'll end up with peaks overlapping on other peaks

  • and you simply stop being able to walk your way through

  • and so you look and you say, hey what's going

  • on here I can't figure out my way all the way through,

  • so I'll just give you a couple of hypothetical examples

  • that maybe illustrate my thinking on this of a case

  • where you might have overlap.

  • So like if you take a molecule of pentanol and we think

  • about where things typically show

  • up at it we'd say all right plain vanilla methyl is.4

  • and methylene that's next to an oxygen say is

  • at 3.5 parts per million and methylene that's beta

  • to an oxygen that's going to be I don't know that's going

  • to be somewhere around 1.9 parts per million

  • but by the time you get down to this methylene chain--

  • bless you-- you're going to have your methylenes pretty much

  • unperturbed both at about 1.4 ppm.

  • In other words, if you go into the COSY spectrum you're going

  • to get into a quagmire right here

  • where you have trouble tracing your way

  • through the COSY spectrum and so those types of issues,

  • if you've got multiple spin systems in the molecule

  • and you're really trying to figure

  • out what your fragments are those types

  • of issues can be problematic

  • and so again let me give you a molecule and just sort of talk

  • about typical chemical shifts, so if we'd say,

  • all right an ester of methylene next to an ester,

  • I usually think 4.1 ppm,

  • plane vanilla methylenes I think about, methyls I think

  • about 9 parts per million.

  • A methyl group that's beta to a carbonyl I think about,

  • say about 1.1 parts per million.

  • In other words it's beta to an electron withdrawing group

  • so it's at the plane position shifted down by a couple

  • of tenth of a ppm but then if you think

  • about a methine that's say beta to an oxygen, normally I think

  • about a methine maybe at 1.9 ppm but by being beta

  • to an oxygen maybe it will be about 2.4 ppm

  • and normally I'll think of say a methyl group as next to an ester

  • as being about 2 parts per million

  • but if it's a methylene group it will go

  • down by another about.4 parts per million

  • so you could easily how a molecule

  • like this might have two spin systems where when you try

  • to trace your way through you get caught up and so

  • if everything overlapped at 2.4 it would be really hard

  • in a COSY of a molecule like this

  • to distinguish this spin system from this one, in other words

  • to try to walk your way through and see if this methyl was part

  • of a different spin system than this methyl over here

  • and TOCSY's extremely good at doing this.

  • The other thing that TOCSY is good at,

  • there's a parameter that's very important

  • in TOCSY called the spin lock mixing time and so

  • when I say all other spins

  • in the spin system we're typically talking

  • about within a limit maybe through about 7 bonds.

  • If you vary the spin lock mixing time and you can use TOCSY

  • as sort of a super COSY experiment

  • where if you have a very short time you basically get just one

  • jump just like from here to here

  • but if you go a little longer two jumps starts to appear.

  • If you go a little longer

  • in your spin lock mixing time more and more go.

  • So you can do a series of TOCSY experiments

  • that will basically walk your way from one spin to the next

  • to the next and what's good is if you have a region

  • where there's overlap and then a region

  • where there isn't overlap, so like the overlap might be at 2.4

  • in this molecule and the region

  • that doesn't have overlap might be

  • at say 1.1 and.9 you can go ahead

  • and walk along those TOCSY tracks and see

  • who the coupling partner is for each and then do longer

  • and longer mixing times to pick them all out.

  • So that's one really good use for TOCSY is overlap.

  • The other really good use is I'll call it biopolymers

  • which sounds like something intimidating but any sort

  • of molecule that has spin systems that are units within,

  • so there are many types of macro lactams and many types

  • of antibiotic, cyclic esters that have unnatural amino acids

  • that have a series of spin systems.

  • I'll just show you some biopolymers for example,

  • peptides and proteins and so if you think

  • about it each amino acid in a peptide

  • or a protein is its own spin system and so forth

  • where each unit comprises a spin system and so you can pick

  • out all of these spin systems

  • and basically very quickly assign all of the resonances

  • in a polypeptide and we'll do an example of this

  • with a cyclic peptide.

  • Sugars are another example.

  • We just saw Professor Peng Wu's seminar and he was working

  • with various types of oligosaccharides

  • and so each oligosaccharide,

  • each monosaccharide unit is an isolated unit

  • and they're often very heavily overlapped

  • and so I'm just giving sort of a generic cartoon

  • of an oligosaccharide structure.

  • And so each sugar unit is its own spin system

  • and TOCSY they are very crowded together.

  • They all end up having similar chemical shifts

  • and TOCSY really shines at working with oligosaccharides.

  • And the other area that works out very well

  • with TOCSY is nucleic acids,

  • DNA and RNA where again the basic unit is sugars and bases

  • and each sugar is its own little spin system.

  • And so you have a nuclear base and depending on if it's DNA

  • or RNA you'll have an OH at these positions

  • so I'll just put this in brackets.

  • So again, all of these are representing kind of pieces

  • of a biopolymer structure that might be useful for elucidating.

  • [ Silence ]

  • So as I was hinting at before, one of the limits

  • of TOCSY is it doesn't go on forever

  • and so the limits are I'm going to say, I always hate

  • to put a hard number, about 7 bonds

  • so for example, what do I mean?

  • I mean let's say we look at the molecule lysine,

  • so lysine is an amino acid with a four carbon chain.

  • I'll put this as part of a biopolymer.

  • So if you're talking about tracing your way

  • from the epsilon carbon to the NH group you're going

  • through one, two, three, four, five, six, seven bonds.

  • That's about as far as you would go and so

  • in other words you'd end up having this hydrogen,

  • if you do it right, crossing with all

  • of the methylenes along the way giving cross peaks as well

  • as if you do right the NH group, unless you do the experiment

  • in D2O in which case the NH group will have exchanged.

  • So as I said the parameter is,

  • the key parameter is a mixing time and typically this is one

  • of the experiments, the experiments downstairs that are

  • like a COSY experiment or an HMQC experiment

  • or an HMBC experiment the parameters John Greaves gives

  • you, if you take this default 10 hertz HMBC experiment that's

  • going to be sort of one size fits all.

  • In the case of a TOCSY experiment you actually have

  • to think intelligently about the experiment.

  • Typical values are about 75

  • to 100 millisecond spin lock mixing time and you'd obviously,

  • you'd want to go to the high end to pick

  • up longer correlations you might go up to say 200 milliseconds.

  • If you go shorter, particularity if you're down sort of in the 25

  • to 75 range you'll be using the experiment as kind

  • of a super COSY but one where you can walk your way

  • from one bond to the next to the next.

  • Now one of the implications for your own project is

  • that with strychnine is because strychnine has some really

  • extended spin systems you may not be able to trace your way

  • through all of the spin systems

  • but you'll be able to get part way.

  • The other limitation, so obviously,

  • so one limit is the number of bonds.

  • The other limit is your coupling basically proceeds directly

  • depending on how strongly things are coupled, in other words

  • if you have a very small J that can lead to an absence

  • of cross peaks so it's not so much an issue

  • with a flexible chain but if you come down to strychnine

  • and you're tracing your way through a spin system

  • where one dihedral is close to 90 degrees.

  • Your coupling constant is very small,

  • a hertz or two or zero hertz.

  • If you have a really small coupling constant TOCSY may not

  • take you through.

  • Basically, you need to have some reasonably large couplings,

  • so you may see things behaving like as

  • if they're isolated spin systems

  • or nearly isolated spin systems so, now the nice thing

  • about TOCSY as I said is it's very good at dealing

  • with overlap and I'll show you in just a moment an example

  • where you just would be struggling like crazy by COSY

  • and we're going to assign a zillion different protons

  • in one fell swoop.

  • There's an alternative that's extremely powerful

  • and we'll talk about it in the last week of class

  • and that's the HMQC TOCSY.

  • So TOCSY works as long as you can find some regions

  • where there aren't overlap and you can get one resonance

  • that isn't overlapping

  • but if you've got really bad overlap you may even have

  • trouble tracing your way through a TOCSY.

  • HMQC TOCSY is a variant that's like TOCSY

  • but it has the dispersion of the C 13 dimension.

  • Remember C 13 resonance is because you have 200 ppm end

  • up having very little overlap

  • and so the dispersion can be very, very powerful.

  • That's too much for us to assimilate at this point

  • so let me just say I'll show you that in the future.

  • All right, what I'd like to do now is to talk about,

  • give us an example of one molecule.

  • We're going to assign every resonance in this molecule

  • and the molecule is gramicidin S. It's an antibiotic

  • and it's a non-ribosomal peptide.

  • What that means is that it's not synthesized

  • by the traditional T RNA or DNA or messenger RNA,

  • T RNA mechanism and its structure consists

  • of five amino acids that are repeated trice and so I'm going

  • to draw the structure of the molecule and I'll draw it kind

  • of in a stylized fashion because I think that's actually useful

  • for reflecting the confirmation of the molecule.

  • So the molecule starts with a proline and we next continue

  • with a valine and we next, it's a non-ribosomal polypeptide

  • so we next have an, call it unnatural amino acid

  • but it would be better to say non-proteinogenic

  • or non-ribosomal amino acid

  • and so the next one I'll label this as valine.

  • The next one is ornithine.

  • Ornithine is like lysine except instead

  • of having a four carbon chain it has a three carbon chain,

  • so one, two, three.

  • The next amino acid is in the molecule is leucine

  • and the final amino acid before we repeat ourselves is the

  • unnatural enantiomer of phenylalanine

  • so that's D-phenylalanine and so that's half the molecule

  • and then the molecule repeats itself.

  • So let me write leucine up here, then the molecule repeats itself

  • and so now we're going to continue around with proline

  • and the next amino acid is valine and then we come

  • to ornithine once again and then we come to leucine.

  • >> Do we need to draw up those [inaudible]?

  • >> Just draw it.

  • [Laughter] If you don't want to draw it out that's fine too.

  • Do you have anything better to be doing right now?

  • [Laughter] All right, as you can see there are a lot

  • of different hydrogens in this molecule and one thing to keep

  • in mind is there's actually some sense to all of this,

  • in other words you'll look at a molecule like this

  • and used say oh, well okay,

  • alpha protons that's the proton that's directly next

  • to the nitrogen and next to the carbonyl and you're going

  • to say oh, wait that's next to an electron withdrawing group.

  • It's tertiary and it's alpha to a carbonyl and so you'd say, oh,

  • okay well, tertiary brings you down field.

  • Next to a carbonyl shifts you down field.

  • Next to an electron withdrawing group shifts you down field

  • and you'll end up in the 4 to 5 parts per million range

  • or you look at the beta proton say in valine that's one over

  • and you'd say, oh, well, okay now that's beta

  • to an electron withdrawing groups, so that's going to go

  • down field a little bit.

  • It's tertiary so that's going to go down field a little bit.

  • So it's going to be a little down field

  • of 2 parts per million or you'll look at the gamma protons,

  • the ones on the methyl groups and you're going to say, oh,

  • okay those are methyl groups that aren't really near

  • to anything so those will be like.9 or maybe 1 ppm

  • and so similarly we're going to have alpha, beta, gamma,

  • delta for the ornithine and we'll have alpha, beta,

  • gamma and delta for the leucine and alpha,

  • beta and then all the phenyls which if you wanted

  • to you could call them delta epsilon etcetera

  • and then similarly for the proline alpha,

  • beta, gamma and delta.

  • So we start to make some is sense of this.

  • Now one thing that's nice even if you're not an expert

  • in this area, even if you don't do this stuff a lot what's nice

  • is okay you can always sort of look

  • up where things typically show up and so I will start

  • with a little handout for you and basically what these data

  • that I'm passing out are is really just what we've been

  • intuited when I started to go

  • through the valine there with an example.

  • These are just typical chemical shifts

  • of unstructured amino acids in water.

  • By unstructured I mean not part of any sort of alpha helix

  • or beta sheet and so pretty much just as I went through

  • and said hey we can intuit that your alpha proton

  • on your valine is going to be somewhere in the 4

  • to 5 parts per million region and your beta protons are going

  • to be somewhere a little down field of 2 parts per million

  • and your gamma protons are going

  • to be somewhere around.9 parts per million.

  • You can go ahead and look that up and you can do the same thing

  • for leucine and so this basically provides you

  • with good guidance for things you might already really,

  • really know.

  • I mean in other words you'll look say at ornithine

  • and you'd say okay, well

  • where should the delta protons at ornithine show up?

  • Well you've got this ammonium group next to them.

  • Nitrogen isn't the electron withdrawing so you'd say oh,

  • about 3 parts per million but you could look and say okay,

  • lysine, where does it say for the epsilon protons on lysine?

  • And you'd say, oh, okay about 3 parts per million.

  • My intuition is correct so this can be a nice help.

  • The flip side gives you all twenty

  • of the proteinogenic amino acids so you don't have to go ahead

  • and know exactly what they are.

  • All right, so we're going to use these

  • to help us assign our resonances but of course ultimately

  • because things will vary this compound has some structure

  • to it.

  • It happens to adopt a beta sheet structure.

  • Things may not show

  • up at exactly these positions plus every amino acid's neighbor

  • will shift it around but you can look and say okay,

  • where would I expect say the beta protons

  • of phenylalanine to show up?

  • And you can say well, it's a methylene.

  • It's next to a benzene ring.

  • It's beta to a nitrogen.

  • You'd say oh, somewhere around 3 ppm or you could go ahead

  • and say look, where would I see for phenylalanine?

  • Oh, yeah, I'd see somewhere around 3 parts per million

  • for the beta protons, all right.

  • What I would like to do at this point is for us to look

  • at the actual TOCSY spectrum of gramicidin S and so

  • to answer your question, yes the structure is written out so

  • if you're drawing really did look

  • like a disaster then you have it here but then you'll have

  • to keep flipping over and over again

  • to keep labeling our resonances.

  • All right so, what's funny?

  • >> HOHAHA [laughter].

  • >> It's only good for one laugh.

  • It never gets two out of people [laughter]

  • and it's not even Christmastime.

  • All right, so whenever I'm dealing

  • with a heavily overlapping spectrum and I want

  • to help my eyes out I like to slap a grid on the thing just

  • to help me see things line up.

  • You can also use a ruler but it's very, very nice

  • and very gentle on your eyes to be able

  • to say trace a cross peak over

  • and then trace the cross peak right

  • up over here, so I like to do that.

  • Because TOCSY is like a super COSY you basically can trace an

  • entire track off of TOCSY and get everything in a spin system.

  • Now remember, a spin system isn't always the whole amino

  • acid, so example in phenylalanine,

  • the benzene ring is one spin system that's separate

  • for all intents and purposes not coupled to the alpha proton,

  • the beta proton, and the NH proton.

  • I'll even draw in my NH, so this happens to be a spectrum in DMSO

  • so this is in DMSO D 6 and this particular one happens

  • to have a 78 millisecond spin lock, spin mixing time.

  • Now one thing about molecules with NHs

  • and OHs those generally exchange rapidly, so if I took a spectrum

  • in D2O we would just see an HOD peak like we did

  • in our hydroxy proline problem.

  • We'd just see HOD but in DMSO D 6 the protons don't exchange

  • so you're going to have NHs and so forth there.

  • If you want to see your NHs

  • in water you can actually do an experiment

  • where you use 90 percent H2O and 10 percent D2O for locking

  • so most of your protons, 90 percent of your protons stay

  • as NHs and then you use water suppression

  • because you're working with millimoles of compounds

  • in hundred molar water, you know 50 molar H2O

  • and 100 molar of protons.

  • All right, so let us start and let's look

  • at the anatomy of the spectrum.

  • So the anatomy of our spectrum

  • and I'll show you along this axis.

  • Your alpha protons are over here.

  • Your methyls are over here.

  • Your NHs are over here.

  • This is your phenyl group so I'll label it.

  • We'll put all of our labels here so this is our phenyl group

  • from the phenylalanine and let's see you've got some betas

  • and gammas and deltas over here so.

  • And so that kind of give us our starting anatomy.

  • Our methyls are kind of at the.9 ppm range.

  • Your alphas that are directly next

  • to electron withdrawing groups are down here.

  • Your NHs that are attached to nitrogen are over here.

  • All right, what we're going to do now is use TOCSY

  • to assign every resonance and I want to show you the power

  • of the TOCSY technique and we'll just take a single track

  • in the TOCSY, so I'll start off

  • of this peak here that's a tight little doublet

  • and I'll draw a line just to help my eye trace along

  • and you'll look and you'll say, okay, so what sort

  • of residue has an alpha proton and a couple of protons

  • at about 3 parts per million?

  • Is it the valine?

  • What does the valine have in its spin system?

  • >> Three protons.

  • >> And what types of protons do we get in the valine?

  • >> Oh, oh in terms of--

  • >> What resonance?

  • What do you have in valine that you don't have in say ornithine

  • or phenylalanine or proline?

  • Methyl, so we would expect cross peaks somewhere up here.

  • So it's not a valine.

  • It's not a leucine.

  • So we have alpha protons and one other sort of proton

  • in that residue so what is that residue?

  • And those protons are right around 3 parts per million.

  • >> Isn't it proline?

  • >> Phenylalanine because we just have two other protons,

  • the two diastereotopic beta protons.

  • So you trace your way up here and in this cluster of three

  • which we could expand upon is your phe alpha

  • and you trace your way up here

  • and here are your two diastereotopic phe betas

  • and you can kind of see the ABX pattern of one

  • of the phe betas tenting into the other.

  • So that basically assigns one of our residues.

  • All right, let's go on to another one.

  • Let me take this TOCSY track, so I'm going

  • to label this guy as well.

  • He's our phe NH so we're going

  • to assign all the resonances here,

  • so let me take this next TOCSY track.

  • So what does this cross peak tell us?

  • Methyl, so this is?

  • >> Valine or leucine.

  • >> Valine or leucine and what did I say

  • about the gamma proton, the beta protons of valine?

  • Methine typically it's beta to an electron withdrawing group

  • so it's typically about 2,

  • a little further down field than 2.

  • This is so this is our leucine, so this is our phe NH.

  • This is our leu NH, so I'll just trace that up to here

  • on the diagonal so there's our leu NH.

  • Our leu methyls are hiding right in this cluster here

  • so that is our leu deltas and then our leu betas

  • and gammas are lumped together over here.

  • [ Silence ]

  • Where's our valine hiding?

  • >> The one that's below.

  • >> Yeah, the one just below it.

  • Look at that sneaky devil, sneaky devil.

  • That valine NH is hiding right under the phenyl group

  • and you wouldn't have known it except

  • that darn phenyl is not part of a spin system with methyl group

  • and here we see the cross peak for our valine gamma protons,

  • the methyls and here's the cross peak

  • for our valine beta proton and look at that.

  • That valine beta proton has a nice splitting pattern

  • because it's a hydrogen that's split by the methyls

  • and also it's split by the methine.

  • It actually ends up being a doublet of septets

  • if you want a technical analysis for it.

  • And hiding under here is our alpha proton.

  • Oops, I meant to mark our-- I marked our leu betas and gammas.

  • I marked our leu NH and so if I trace up here

  • that guy is the leu alpha so I'm going to label him

  • because we're going

  • to victoriously assign every resonance here.

  • So okay we've got our leu alpha.

  • Now let's go on and we'll do our valine TOCSY track,

  • so sneakily hiding under here is a val NH.

  • Underneath this group here is our val alpha,

  • right close to the phenylalanine alpha.

  • Here's our val beta

  • and underneath the methyl cluster a little bit off

  • on the side if you trace your tracks is your val gammas.

  • All right, so we've got our val.

  • And this is our phenyl, so what do we left to trace out?

  • So we've got one more.

  • This is the whole NH region here so we've got one more NH

  • but something's funny, something's funny about this.

  • What's left for NH?

  • >> Ornithine.

  • >> Ornithine, proline doesn't have an NH.

  • It's the one amino acid that doesn't have an NH,

  • so this has to be, this has to be ornithine and yet you look

  • at this guy and you say, wait a second?

  • Okay, so we've got our alpha here.

  • This has to be ornithine here.

  • We've got our alpha.

  • That's the alpha over here.

  • We've got a bunch of stuff over here but remember what I said,

  • the delta of ornithine is like the delta of lysine,

  • it's like the epsilon of lysine.

  • It's next to an ammonium group.

  • It should be at about 3 parts per million.

  • We don't see a track for it.

  • Now we're doing a 78 millisecond spin lock time

  • and remember I said the longer the spin lock time the more

  • jumps you can make but of course there's the big caveat.

  • If you go too long you've got relaxation.

  • You're also putting a lot of power into the spectrometer

  • for the spin lock mixing so you can't go too long

  • or you're going to be turning your sample into cooked eggs.

  • You're going to be heating it

  • up with all the radio frequency radiation.

  • So you have to go six hops to go from the NH of ornithine

  • to the delta protons of ornithine

  • and we're not quite going there

  • in 78 milliseconds spin lock mixing time.

  • So normally if you go there you see the same tracks repeated

  • again and again.

  • So for example, you get a TOCSY tract

  • for the phenylalanine alphas

  • where you can see here you get the

  • on the phenylalanine you get the betas

  • and you'll get the alpha proton here and then the NH over here

  • but here we're not getting all of our cross peaks,

  • so we're getting our ornithine betas and gammas.

  • They're right under here but not your ornithine epsilon

  • but look what happens now.

  • If we haven't gone all the way

  • through I can just pick a different TOCSY track.

  • So instead of starting at the ornithine NH,

  • I start at the ornithine alpha proton now look you get one more

  • cross peak so you still have this cross peak here

  • but now we get one more

  • and there's our missing orn delta protons

  • and so the orn delta if you trace it up,

  • traces right underneath over here.

  • So it's right over there.

  • All right, we have only one residue left

  • to assign at this point.

  • All we have left to assign is our proline.

  • This by the way is our ammonium so this is our NH 3 plus

  • and so all I need to do is pick an unclaimed residue

  • and work my way through.

  • So we haven't claimed there guy yet, right?

  • He kind of stands out and he's got

  • to be something associated with the proline.

  • He's too far up field to be a proline alpha proton

  • so he's our proline delta proton, right?

  • Alpha, beta, gamma, delta, so there we'll start

  • with our proline delta proton

  • and I'll just draw my TOCSY track.

  • Proline of course doesn't have an NH so we have nothing

  • out in the NH region and I can just trace all

  • of my cross peaks.

  • So we have my proline delta over here

  • and then I can trace these guys up here

  • so here's my proline alpha.

  • It's lumped right under here, looks like it's a little bit

  • down field so it's that guy right at the edge.

  • There's our pro alpha.

  • There's our pro delta right over there.

  • I'll just, oops and then these guys

  • over here are our proline betas and gammas.

  • So I can just trace them right up and it's basically one

  • of them is lumped under our water peak and then one

  • of them is over here and then the last one is kind of right

  • over here and so these guys are our pro beta and gamma.

  • [ Silence ]

  • And so the point in this is

  • in very short order we've gone ahead and been able to get all

  • of our resonance assignments

  • for I don't even know how many different protons but bunch

  • of different protons and it was a lot less painful

  • and a lot more quick than trying to trace our way through a COSY

  • and in a COSY, in that region with the betas and gammas

  • where things overlapped heavily we would have been

  • completely stumped.

  • We would have traced our leucine methyls into the beta

  • and gamma region and never been able to trace our way

  • over to the leucine alpha or the leucine NH proton.

  • We would have been lost.

  • So that is very nice example of how TOCSY deals with overlap.

  • All right the last experiment I wanted to present is ROESY.

  • We've already presented NOESY.

  • NOESY is a 2D NOE experiment.

  • The big problem with NOESY is that you go

  • from having positive NOEs to having negative NOEs as you go

  • from small molecules to very big molecules.

  • In that intermediate range molecules

  • of say molecular weight of let say about 1000

  • to 1500 you often have zero NOEs and what ROESY is is NOES

  • in the rotating frame.

  • It's Rotating frame Overhauser Effect.

  • So it's basically like NOESY but for intermediate weight.

  • It's actually the same pulse sequence as a TOCSY.

  • It uses a different level of power in the spin lock mixing

  • and so it's good when you have molecules that have zero NOEs

  • so I want to go ahead and show us the ROESY spectrum

  • for gramicidin S and ROESY is particularly good for dealing

  • with stereochemistry and conformational analysis just

  • as we used NOEs to deal with stereochemistry

  • in conformational analysis.

  • In proximity you can use ROESY for the same thing.

  • So I'll show you an example

  • and I'll show you one little highlight.

  • So here's our-- oh and I should give your next handout

  • and actually I'll give us two handouts

  • so I can finish us up here.

  • So this is what I'm handing out right now is the ROESY spectrum

  • of gramicidin S and I just want to show you what it's showing

  • about the confirmation of the molecule

  • and then what I'll do is just give us a little hint

  • on the upcoming homeworks that will use ROESY and TOCSY.

  • I'll grab a few more of these.

  • If there aren't enough sweep them over.

  • I made enough of these.

  • All right I've actually drawn the molecule.

  • I've drawn gramicidin S in a realistic confirmation.

  • It's actually this extended confirmation

  • and with what's cool about this extend beta strand confirmation

  • is you can basically trace your way from residue to residue

  • so each of your alpha protons are pointing,

  • basically you're side chain is pointing out of the blackboard

  • and back into your blackboard.

  • The hydrogen here is pointing like this.

  • The hydrogen here is pointing like this.

  • The alpha hydrogen here is pointing

  • like this while the valine side chain is pointing out

  • and so what this ends up doing is it puts the inter-residue

  • distance as very short

  • and actually gives you a much further intra-residue NH

  • alpha distance.

  • So let me show you how this manifests itself

  • in the ROESY spectrum of the molecule.

  • So this region here

  • and of course this region here is the cross peaks

  • between the NHs and the alphas because we've got our NHs here

  • in the 8 ppm range and the alphas in the 4 to 5 ppm range

  • so we've just blown this up over here.

  • This is actually

  • from Nakamichi's [assumed spelling] book,

  • Nakamichi blew this up.

  • So let's go ahead and look at say this cross peak here.

  • This is a cross peak between phenylalanine NH and leu alpha

  • and you'll notice that that cross peak is very, very strong.

  • Here's our phe NH, here's our leu alpha and then if you look

  • at the other cross peak off of the NH it's much weaker.

  • This is our, this one here is our lu NH, lu alpha.

  • This is I'm sorry our phe alpha, phe NH to phe alpha.

  • It's much weaker because they're not staring each other

  • in the face.

  • We see that same behavior over here.

  • The one here is our lu NH to orn alpha

  • and again these guys are staring each other in the face.

  • Here's the lu N H. Here's the orn alpha

  • and you'll notice the cross peak with the lu NH

  • and the lu alpha is much weaker.

  • Remember NOE cross peaks vary as distance to the inverse six,

  • so if you have two hydrogens that are close to each other

  • like two and a half angstroms you get a much stronger NOE

  • than if you have hydrogens a little farther apart

  • like three and a half angstroms.

  • Remember that table I put up of relative intensities

  • where it was like a ten-fold difference in intensity in NOEs.

  • Finally here you have the orn NH to val alpha

  • and so that's this one right over here,

  • so you can see this sort

  • of extended beta strand confirmation of the molecule.

  • Okay, you're going to use this exact same type of analysis

  • in your homework to assign all the residues in this molecule

  • which forms a hydrogen bonded dimer and I want

  • to give you a couple of little hints on it.

  • One of the little hints is

  • in assigning your resonances you'll be able

  • to identify these methylenes, this methyl and methylene.

  • You'll be able to use NOEs to walk your way over.

  • You'll be able to use COSY and TOCSY to walk your way

  • through the aromatic ring systems.

  • You'll be able to look for hydrogens that are close

  • to each other across the ring and see evidence

  • of dimerization in your structure.

  • Of course if you have two hydrogens

  • that are symmetrical you won't see a cross peak between them

  • because they're one resonance.

  • Anyway, go ahead.

  • Have fun with this.

  • You will actually be able to apply these same skills

  • to basically work your way through the spin systems.

  • Do the TOCSY to get all you have your assignments

  • and then do the ROESY to go ahead and figure

  • out which hydrogens are close to each other.

  • >> Can we see the ones in the middle?

  • >> You can't see a proton with itself

  • because if you have a hydrogen at 4 ppm

  • and it's the same hydrogen at 4 ppm you can't get a cross peak

  • so those two are symmetrical.

  • All right, so that will be something you'll be doing I

  • guess over the weekend. ------------------------------ac78f247e834--

>> All right, well I think maybe we'll begin even

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化學203.有機光譜學。第23講。使用TOCSY來闡明自旋系統。ROESY (Chem 203. Organic Spectroscopy. Lecture 23. Using TOCSY to Elucidate Spin Systems. ROESY)

  • 47 2
    Cheng-Hong Liu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary