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over the next couple of minutes I'm gonna give you some detailed step by step directions
on how to use poodll for the way this assignment will
work his first you'll need to locate the poodll assignment on the moodle
schedule when you find that you click on that link and a dialog box will popup that looks
very much like the one that's on the screen right now
what you'll see as you see little box in the middle of of the screen and they'll be a request
from Adobe's flash player
and it will say allow or deny
you have to click allow what that means is your computer will allow you to use your video
camera and microphone once you hit that allow button
you should then get a video image on the screen showing you
then simply all you have to do is hit the record button which is the red button
you continue to record for the duration of
your presentation
after you are done
recording you hit the stop button
and you'll get a little spinning image on the screen little black lines spin around
in a circle and what
it's doing is it's it's completing the video that you've just made
when that spinning icon goes away
you go down to the bottom the screen and you'll click on save changes
once you hit save change then Moodle will upload that
video that you just made to me
and then what you'll see on the screen is you'll see a black box with circle with the
triangle in the middle of it like you would on a play button on a
VCR or blu a player whatever if you click that button it you will allow you to play
your video back to you if you're not satisfied with that video right underneath that black
box is a
button that says edit my submission if you hit that button that says edit my submission
then you should get another dialog box
underneath that black box
that looks just like the dialog box that started you started with
itlll ask you to hit the allow button so that you can start video
taping yourself once you are done doing that
video and your pleased with it that you hit save changes again once you hit that save
button the second time it will replace your own video with your new one
when you are satisfied that the video is
to the point where you want it to turn into me all you have to do
is leave it alone
you can edit and change your video at any point up until the time that the assignment
is due but the issue is when they say edit it doesn't mean go
into your video and take one part out were leaving everything else
edit your submission is simply means you want to replace the video that's online with this
new version