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Hey everybody this is Matt from
and i created this video for people who are brand new to Sketchup or for those
who have tried it before and are thinking about getting it a second shot
so by the end of this video hope that you'll be able to create your first
model and Sketchup
so this is the welcome screen that you're gonna see when you first open
uh... they've got a couple of links here to
help you get started if you wanna
dig through some of these and usually they have like a featured article
uh... link here
but what you're gonna have to do is choose a templates so you're going to click "Choose Template"
and they have a bunch of preset
templates based on
what you what want to do
i personally like using the "Architectural Design - Feet and Inches"
so it's just click that and start using Sketchup
so this is your interface and by default there's a person
uh... that gets placed a little bit off-center here
and you're gonna probably want to delete her right away
so you click the select tool
and you just
click once to select her
and hit delete on your keyboard
so one thing i recommend for people who are just getting started with Sketchup
is to go to the window
menu and hit instructor
and what that does is it pops up this window
and it'll tell you
what whatever tool that you have currently selected
It will give you a little animation of what it does
and give you some descriptions
on the uh... the different options that you can do with those tools
with some links for advanced operations
with it so
it gives you a lot of
information and it's really great for people just starting out so
I really recommend having that
uh... but i'm gonna close it out here just so we have more
viewing area
so let's go ahead and select the rectangle tool
and for now let's just hover your mouse over
the intersection of the axes
you can see there's a yellow dot
that appears
and what that is the Sketchup inference system
uh... snapping
the axes
and if you drag your mouse up
it turns red and kind of runs along
that the blue axis
you know as long as you keep your mouse
relatively close to the axis if you go too far out it disappears but
you know when you get into the vicinity of something that
Sketchup can snap to
it's going to snap to it you can see here on the green axis
over here
it snapped to the red axis
so it it does that for you to help you be more precise
when you're modeling
and and it's very helpful it's something that you'll you find you'll use a lot
so let's go ahead back to the origin
click once to start the move
than just drag your mouse out
you don't have to hold down your mouse button, you just click once, then let go
that starts the activation of the tool or the execution of the tool
so as you drag your your mouse out look at the bottom corner here you can see
there's a window
that tells you
uh... the dimensions
of whatever you're
currently drawing
the great thing about Sketchup is you can be as precise as you want or you can
be as rough
as you want
so if i want to just right out end the execution of the rectangle, you just
click the left mouse button again
and Sketchup
draws the rectangle for you
and you can see we landed at some arbitrary number
fourteen feet, and thirteen sixteenths of an inch
wide by nine feet four and three quarters
uh... long
or whichever way you want to think of it
but um...
if you wanted to define a specific dimension you can just type it into your
uh... either before you finish the action or
uh... right after you finish the action so this case we just finished
the action of creating the rectangle and we can type in let's say
fifteen feet
uh... ten feet
and then press enter
and you can see
that the rectangle
jogged out just a little bit
uh... since we were kinda close
and uh... so now this measurement from here here
is ten feet and this
is fifteen feet
now if you change your mind you can always
you can continue to type in
dimensions and press enter as many times as you want
uh... so like let's say we wanted to go four-feet by
press enter it re-sizes
i'm gonna just go back to the fifteen
feet comma ten feet
so you can do that as many times you want
you start another action
so if I started another rectangle over here
now if i typed in
uh... some dimensions
it's going to go to that box that i just created not the original one
but that's okay because that's not the only way you can change the size of
uh... a shape
with the move tool you can move anything in sketchup
this rectangle for instance
is made up before edges
four points
you can see we snapped right to these
end points
a face
so in the center here
you can see a whole area got shaded
so if we want to move the this edge we just hover over it
until it turns blue
and then we can
click once to activate the move
you can see the inference system here
locking it into the red axis so it's staying parallel
with that red axis
and you can do the same thing with the blue axis
By moving the mouse up-and-down
and the green axis as well
you'll notice how
whatever is selected
does not uh...
change size or proportion
or uh...
everything else that's connected to it
so in order for
the selected
object to stay the same shape
for everything else to stay connected to it
everything else has to
scale around and move
that's important to remember that things that are touching each other in Sketchup
tend to stick to one another
unless they're isolated on a group or component
now i don't want to get into groups of components too much right now but
probably the the most important concept to understand
in Sketchup
Now notice again how the window down here
tells us how far away we're moving from the origin where we started the move
so we could go along the red axis, click
type in four feet
and it'll automatically adjust to four feet from where we started the move
now you can move anything with the
move tool
if we hovered over the face
we could click on it
you can see the whole rectangle moved
and that's because all the edges
are connected to the face
so in order for the face to move the edges have to go with it
but another great feature of the move tool is the ability to make copies
so if we while we have this move activated we can just hit control
and that will tell Sketchup that we want to make a copy
not move the original
so we can just lock to the blue axis
come up here
and click again
will define five feet
That will be the the height
that we want that to be at
so the next tool we will us is the line tool
this tool creates edges in Sketchup so we can to start right here at this end point
bring it down to this end point
and you can see that it thinks we wanna keep drawing
but you can just hit escape
on your keyboard
and that'll cancel that out
then will create another one here
and whenever you have more than two
there on the same plane that are connected
Sketchup will automatically creative a face in between those
and we'll create another one back here
you can see the same thing happen
now in order to get to the back of the box we're gonna have to orbit the camera
the box
in order to get a better perspective
so these are your camera tools up here
and primarily you'll use the orbit tool
and the zoom tool
to navigate in your model
but instead of clicking these buttons up here just
click and hold
the middle
mouse button
and then drag the mouse you can see how it
orbits the camera around to the other side
and the thing that's really nice about using the mouse button
instead of
clicking actually clicking these tool buttons
let's see
so we have the
line tool selected right now
but say we started
uh... let's go ahead and start this
final line
and let's say we wanted to get
a better perspective
we can actually come out here
click the middle mouse button and you can see changed to the orbit tool
we can orbit around here
and when we let go
the line tool it comes right back to us
uh... ready to uh... to go from where we left off
then we can come down here
and finish the
the line
the other thing you can do is using the scroll wheel on a mouse you can zoom in
and out
so that with conjunction
uh... with the uh... in conjunction with the orbit tool
you can pretty much get
to wherever you want to go
so wherever you point your mouse and scroll
is going to be the center point from where
the zoom
then you can orbit around
and zoom in to any any spot you want
so let's orbit to the underside of this box
grab the select tool
we'll select this face
now grab the move tool
when you pre-select something
then you go to the move tool
you don't have to hover over it
or grab one of the edges of whatever you have selected
in order to move it you can actually reference any point
in your model
uh... you can even reference somewhere arbitrary out here but
it's always good to reference
you know... a concrete point
in your model whenever you're moving or
you know trying to guide something so
just to show you let's
come up here to this point
and click once to start the move
you can see it it starts to skew
the box
what we're actually trying to do is make a copy so we'll just hit
so that makes a copy
and you can see we're on the red axis
so come out here
and click
to finish and type in fifteen feet
you can see that we didn't have to
actually click
this shape in order to get to move
as long as you
uh... objects that you want to move
you can reference any point your model
so this box took us
you know quite a bit of time to create
there's actually a tool that makes it a lot easier and that's the the push pull
you can use the push pull tool on any face
so just click
and drag up and you can see it automatically
creates the four edges and uh...
makes uh... the face into a 3D object
you can drag your mouse out anywhere
and reference any point
for the height so let's make it the same height is this box
we can just go to
you know sometimes you can grab the face
if you move around sometimes thinks you're trying to do something else
uh... I like to try to hit points uh... just to make sure i don't screw it
up so
so i reference that point
and you can see that
it pulled that
box up to the same height as the other one
you can also use the push pull tool to
manipulate existing faces
but the only thing you have to be careful of is if you have a face already
selected, like let's say I wanted to push pull on this face
uh... since this one's pre-selected
if I click it's it's gonna
automatically go to the one i have pre-selected
so i can escape
so let me show you that again if this was selected and i had the push pull tool
I can just hit escape
and that'll clear out this selection
and allow me to just hover over the faces
to make my push pull
and you can manipulate these anyway you want
and you can define the distance that it goes
in the box down there as well
so the last tool I want to show you is the
tape measure tool
and you can also think of this as uh... guide placement tool
so first of all let's say you wanted to measure the distance between these two
so you can click to start on the point and you just drag out and it'll snap to
points and edges you can see we have eleven feet you could measure diagonally if
you wanted to
or the height
five feet
And I'll hit escape to cancel that out
and the other the cool thing about this is like i said to create a guide
to make a good you have to start from an edge
make sure the dot is red
you click to start
and then you drag out
you could drag out to the midpoint the blue circle whenever you see a blue
circle that means you're
uh... at the midpoint between
uh... two points
so we could go to the midpoint
we could could go out if we wanted to measure the distance to the
to the beginning of the next box
or we could measure the
total distance there
so we'll just will just go to the the midpoint there
so now we have that guide in place and let's say we want to move this box
we can click the select tool
and to select this whole box we could do a couple of things
we could
hold down the left mouse button to create a selection box
or if we wanted to we could triple click
by triple clicking it'll select
all connecting faces and edges
so from that we can grab the move tool
Let's say... we wanted to grab the midpoint and we can drag it over here
in we're locked in right onto that
that guide
and you can click to finish that
so you can see
our mid points
in line with each other
now it looks like these boxes are not exactly the same size
so if we wanted to fix that
for whatever reason were making two identical
boxes we can grab the push pull tool
select this face
and pull it out
reference this face over here
so now those will be in the same line
and we can do the same thing over here can select this drag it over
and now this one will be
in the same line
as the other box
and then if we wanted to define uh...
absolute distance between the two
we could drag a guide out here
and then define four feet
enter, and then
triple click this again
grab the move tool
click that corner
and snap over here
so now
we can measure this and you can see
we have four feet
so using these basic tools the line tool
the tape measure
the push pull tool and the move
tool you can really do a lot in Sketchup
the next video i'm gonna go over groups and components
and that's going to show you how to keep your model organized
and protect the geometry from one another
that way when you change one thing it's not going to affect all the other parts of
your model which is really good really important
and if you'd like to learn more about Sketchup, visit