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  • Electric fields can induce dipoles in insulators.

  • Electrons and insulators are bound to the atoms and to the

  • molecules, unlike conductors, where they can freely move,

  • and when I apply an external field -- for instance,

  • a field in this direction, then even though the molecules

  • or the atoms may be completely spherical, they will become a

  • little bit elongated in the sense that the electrons will

  • spend a little bit more time there than they used to,

  • and so this part become negatively charged and this part

  • becomes positively charged, and that creates a dipole.

  • I discussed that with you, already, during the first

  • lecture, because there's something quite remarkable about

  • this, that if you have an insulator -- notice the pluses

  • and the minuses indicate neutral atoms -- and if now,

  • I apply an electric field, which comes down from the top,

  • then, you see a slight shift of the electrons,

  • they spend a little bit more time up than down,

  • and what you see now is, you see a layer of negative

  • charge being created at the top,

  • and a layer of positive charge being created at the bottom.

  • That's the result of induction, we call that also,

  • sometimes, polarization. You are polarizing,

  • in a way, the electric charge. Uh, substances that do this,

  • we call them dielectrics, and today, we will talk quite a

  • bit about dielectrics. The first part of my lecture is

  • on the web, uh, if you go eight oh two web,

  • you will see there a document which

  • describes, in great detail, what I'm going to tell you

  • right now. Suppose we have a plane

  • capacitor -- two -- planes which I charge with certain potential,

  • and I have on here, say, a charge plus sigma and

  • here I have a charge minus sigma.

  • I'm going to call this free -- you will see,

  • very shortly why I call this free -- and this is minus free.

  • So there's a potential difference between the plate,

  • charge flows on there, it has an area A,

  • and sigma free is the charge density, how much charge per

  • unit area. So we're going to get an

  • electric field, which runs in this direction,

  • and I call that E free. And the distance between the

  • plates, say, is D. So this is a given.

  • I now remove the power supply that I used to give it a certain

  • potential difference. I completely take it away.

  • So that means that this charge here is trapped,

  • can not change. But now I move in a dielectric.

  • I move in one of those substances.

  • And what you're going to see here, now, at the top,

  • you're going to see a negative-induced layer,

  • and at the bottom, you're going to see a

  • positive-induced layer. I called it plus-sigma-induced,

  • and I call this minus-sigma-induced.

  • And the only reason why I call the

  • other free, is to distinguish them from the induced charge.

  • This induced charge, which I have in green,

  • will produce an electric field which is in the opposite I-

  • direction, and I call that E-induced.

  • And clearly, E free is, of course,

  • the surface charge density divided by epsilon zero,

  • and E-induced is the induced surface charge density,

  • divided by epsilon zero.

  • And so the net E field is the vectorial sum of the two,

  • so E net -- I gave it a vector -- is E free plus E induced,

  • vectorially added. Since I'm interested -- I know

  • the direction already -- since I'm interested in magnitudes,

  • therefore the strength of the net E field is going to be the

  • strengths of the E fields created by the so-called free

  • charge, minus the strengths of the E fields created by the

  • induced charge, minus -- because this E vector

  • is down, and this one is in the up direction.

  • And so, if I now make the assumption that a certain

  • fraction of the free charge is induced, so I make the

  • assumption that sigma-induced is some fraction B times sigma

  • free, I just write,

  • now, and I for induced and an F for free.

  • B is smaller than one. If B were point one,

  • it means that sigma-induced would be ten percent of sigma

  • free, that's the meaning of B. So clearly, if this is the

  • case, then, also, E of I must also me B times E

  • of F. You can tell immediately,

  • they are connected. And so now I can write down,

  • for E net, I can also write down E

  • free times one minus B, and that one minus B,

  • now, we call one over kappa. I call it one over kappa,

  • our book calls it one over K. But I'm so used to kappa that I

  • decided to still hold on to kappa.

  • And that K, or that kappa, whichever you want to call it,

  • is called the dielectric constant.

  • It's a dimensionless number. And so I can write down,

  • now, in general, that E -- and I drop the word

  • net, now, from now on, whenever I write E,

  • throughout this lecture, it's always the net electric

  • field, takes both into account. So you can write down,

  • now, that E equals the free electric fields,

  • divided by kappa, because one minus B is one over

  • kappa. And so you see,

  • in this experiment that I did in my head, first,

  • bringing charge on the plate, certain potential difference,

  • removing the power supply, shoving in the dielectric that

  • an E field will go down by a factor kappa.

  • Kappa, for glass, is about five.

  • That will be a major reduction, I will show you that later.

  • If the electric field goes down, in this particular

  • experiment, it is clear that the potential difference between the

  • plates will also go down, because the potential

  • difference between the plates V is always the electric field

  • between the plates times D. And so, if this one goes down,

  • by a factor of kappa, if I just shove in the

  • dielectric, not changing D, then, of course,

  • the potential between the plates is also going down.

  • None of this is so intuitive, but I will demonstrate that

  • later. The question now arises,

  • does Gauss' Law still hold? And the answer is,

  • yes, of course, Gauss' Law will still hold.

  • Gauss' Law tells me that the closed loop -- closed surface,

  • I should say, not closed loop -- the closed

  • surface integral of E dot D A is one over epsilon times the sum

  • of all the charges inside my box.

  • All the charges! The net charges,

  • that must take into account both the induced charge,

  • as well as the free charge.

  • And so let me write down here, net, to remind you that.

  • But Q net is, of course, Q free plus Q

  • induced. And I want to remind you that

  • this is minus, and this was plus.

  • The free charge, positive there,

  • is plus, and at that same plate, if you have your Gaussian

  • surface at the top, you have the negative charged Q

  • induced. And so therefore,

  • Gauss' Law simply means that you have to take both into

  • account, and so, therefore, you can write down

  • one over epsilon zero, times the sum of Q free,

  • but now you have to make sure that you take the induced charge

  • into account, and therefore,

  • you divide the whole thing by kappa.

  • Then you have automatically taken the induced charge into

  • account. So you can amend mex- uh,

  • Gauss' Law very easily by this factor of kappa.

  • Dielectric constant is dimensionless,

  • as I mentioned already, it is one, in vacuum,

  • by definition. One atmosphere gases typically

  • have dielectric constant just a hair larger than one.

  • We will, most of the time, assume that it is one.

  • Plastic has a dielectric constant of three,

  • and glass, which is an extremely good insulator,

  • has a dielectric constant of five.

  • If you have an external field, that can induce dipoles in

  • molecules -- but there are substances, however,

  • which themselves are already dipoles, even in the absence of

  • an electric field. If you apply,

  • now, an external field, these dipoles will start to

  • align along the electric field, we did an experiment once,

  • with some grass seeds, perhaps you remember that.

  • And as they align in the direction of the electric field,

  • they will strengthen the electric

  • field. On the other hand,

  • because of the temperature of the substance,

  • these dipoles, these molecules which are now

  • dipoles by themselves, through chaotic motion,

  • will try to disalign, temperature is trying to

  • disalign them. So it is going to be a

  • competition, on the one hand, between the electric field

  • which tries to align them and the temperature which tries to

  • disalign them. But if the electric field is

  • strong, you can get a substantial amount of alignment.

  • Uh, permanent dipoles, as a rule, are way stronger

  • that any dipole that you can induce by ordinary means in a

  • laboratory, and so the substances which are natural

  • dipoles, they have a much higher value for kappa,

  • a much higher dielectric constant that the substances

  • that I just discussed, which themselves,

  • do not have dipoles. Water is an example,

  • extremely good example. The electrons spend a little

  • bit more time near the oxygen than near

  • the hydrogen, and water has a dielectric

  • constant of eighty. That's enormous.

  • And if you go down to lower temperature, if you take ice of

  • minus forty degrees, it is even higher,

  • then the dielectric constant is one hundred.

  • I'm now going to massage you through four demonstrations,

  • four experiments. One of them,

  • you have already seen. And try to follow them as

  • closely as you can, because if you miss

  • one small step, then you miss,

  • perhaps, a lot. I have two parallel plates

  • which a- are on this table, as you have seen last time,

  • and I have, here, a current meter,

  • I put it -- an A on there, that means amp meter.

  • And the plates have a certain separation D.

  • I'm going to charge this capacitor up by connecting these

  • ends to a power supply, and I'm going to connect them

  • to fifteen hundred volts. I'm -- I'm already going to set

  • my light, because that's where you're going to see it very

  • shortly. I'm going to start off with a

  • distance D -- so this is going to be my experiment one -- with

  • a distance D of one millimeter. And the voltage V always means

  • the voltage the -- the -- the potential difference between the

  • plates is going to be fifteen hundred volts.

  • Forgive me for the two Vs, I can't help that.

  • This means, here, the potential difference,

  • and this is the unit in volts. Once I have charged them,

  • I disconnect -- this is very important -- I disconnect the

  • power supply, for which I write P S.

  • That's it. So the charge is now trapped.

  • As I charge it, as you saw last time,

  • you will see that the amp meter shows a short surge of current,

  • because, as I put charge on the plates, the charge has to go

  • from the power supply to the plates, and you will see a short

  • surge of current which will make the handle -- the hand of the

  • power su- of the amp meter, as you will see on the -- on

  • the wall there -- go to the right side, just briefly,

  • and then come back. This indicates that you are

  • charging the plates. Now, I'm going to open up the

  • gap -- so this is my initial condition, there is no

  • dielectric -- and now I'm going to go D to

  • seven millimeters. And this is what I did last

  • time. The reason why I do it again,

  • because I need this for my next demonstration.

  • If I make the distance seven millimeters, then the charge,

  • which I call now, Q free, but it is really the

  • charge on the plates, is not going to be -- is not

  • going to change, it is trapped.

  • So there can be no change when I open up the gap.

  • That means the amp meter will do

  • nothing, you will not see any charge flow.

  • The electric field E is unchanged, because E is sigma

  • divided by epsilon zero. If sig- if Q free is not

  • changing, sigma cannot change. So, no change in the electric

  • field. But the potential V is now

  • going to go up by a factor of seven, because V equals E times

  • D. E remains constant,

  • D goes up, V has to go up. And this is what I want to show

  • you first, even though you have already seen this.

  • And I need the new conditions for my demonstration that comes

  • afterwards. I'm going from fifteen hundred

  • volts to about ten thousand volts, it goes up by a factor of

  • seven. And you're going to see that

  • there. There you see your amp meter.

  • I'm going to -- you see the, um, this is this propeller volt

  • meter that we discussed last time, and here you see the --

  • the plates. They're one millimeter apart

  • now, very close. And I'm going to charge the

  • plates, I will count down, so you keep your amp meter,

  • three, two, one, zero, and you saw a current

  • surge. So I charged the capacitor.

  • It is charged now. The volt meter doesn't show

  • very much, fifteen hundred volts.

  • Maybe it went up a little, but not very much,

  • but now I'm going to increase the gap to ten -- to seven

  • millimeters, and look that the amp meter is not doing anything,

  • the charge is trapped, so there is no charge going to

  • the plates, but look what the volt meter is doing.

  • It's increasing the voltage, it's not approaching almost ten

  • thousand volts, although this is not very

  • quantitative, and now I have a gap of about

  • seven millimeters, and that's what I wanted.

  • We've seen that the plates on the left side here are now

  • farther apart than they were before.

  • So that is my demonstration number one, a repeat of what we

  • did last time. So now comes number two.

  • So now my initial conditions are that V is now ten kilovolts,

  • so that's the potential difference between the plates

  • that I have now, and D is now seven millimeters,

  • and I'm not going to change that.

  • At this moment, kappa is one.

  • But now, I'm going to insert the dielectric.

  • So I take a piece of glass, and I'll just put it into that

  • gap. Q free cannot go anywhere,

  • because I have disconnected the power supply.

  • So Q free, no change. If there is no chee- no change

  • in the free charge, the amp meter will do nothing.

  • So as I plunge in this dielectric, you will not see any

  • reading on the amp meter. But, as we discussed at length

  • now, the electric field, which is the net electric

  • field, will go down by that factor kappa.

  • That's what the whole discussion was all about.

  • That's going to be a factor of five.

  • And since the potential equals electric field times D -- but I

  • keep D at seven millimeters, I'm not going to change it --

  • if E goes down by a factor kappa, then clearly,

  • the potential will also go down by a factor kappa.

  • So now you're going to see the second part, and that is I'm

  • going -- as it is now,

  • I'm going to plunge in this glass, the seven millimeters

  • thick, I put it in there, you expect to see no change on

  • the amp meter, but you expect the voltage

  • difference over the plates to go down by a factor of five,

  • so you will see that -- that the propeller volt meter will

  • have a smaller deflection. You ready for this?

  • There we go. Now you have a smaller

  • potential difference, but there was no current

  • flowing through the plates or from the plates.

  • When I take it out again, the potential difference comes

  • back to the ten thousand volts. So that's demonstration number

  • two. Now we go to number three.

  • But before we go to number three, I want to ask myself the

  • question, what actually happened with the capacitance when I

  • bring the dielectric between those plates?

  • Well, the capacitance is defined as the free charge

  • divided by the potential difference over the plates.

  • That's the definition of capacitance.

  • And since, in this experiment, as you have seen,

  • the voltage went down by a factor of kappa,

  • the capacitance goes up by a factor of kappa,

  • because Q free was not changing.

  • And so, since the capacitance, as we derived this last time

  • for plane -- plate capacitors, I still remember,

  • it was the area times epsilon zero divided by the separation D

  • -- since we now know that with the

  • glass in place, that's -- the capacitance is

  • higher by a factor of kappa, this is now the amendment we

  • have to make. To calculate capacitance,

  • we simply have to multiply, now, by the dielectric constant

  • of the thin layer that separates the two conductors,

  • the layer that has thickness D that is in between the two

  • plates. In our case,

  • I brought in glass. I could write down a few

  • equations now that you can always hold on

  • to in your life, and you can also use them in

  • the two demonstrations that follow.

  • And one is that E -- which is always the net E,

  • when I write E it's always the net one -- equals sigma free

  • divided by epsilon zero times kappa.

  • There comes that kappa that we discussed today.

  • Let's call that equation number one.

  • The second one is that the potential

  • difference over the plates is always the electric field

  • between the plates times D, because the integral of E dot D

  • L, over a certain pass, is the potential difference.

  • That's not going to change. And then the third one that may

  • come in handy is the one that I have already there,

  • C equals Q free divided by the potential difference,

  • which, in terms of the plate area, is A times epsilon zero,

  • divided by D, times kappa.

  • Let's call this equation number three.

  • Now comes my third experiment. In the third demonstration,

  • I am not going to disconnect my power supply.

  • So now, in number three, I start out with fifteen

  • hundred volts, just like we did with number

  • one, but the power supply will stay in there throughout,

  • never take it off. We start with D equals one

  • millimeter, just like we did in experiment one.

  • No glass. I'm going to charge it up,

  • just like I did with number one, and, of course,

  • I will see that the amp meter will show this charge.

  • [clk]. See a surge of current.

  • Now I'm going to increase D to seven

  • millimeters. Now something very different

  • will happen from what we saw in the first experiment.

  • The reason is that the potential difference is going to

  • be fixed, because the power supply is not disconnected,

  • the power supply stays in place.

  • Look, now, at equation number two.

  • If that V cannot change, and if I increase D by a factor

  • of seven, now the electric field must come down by a factor of

  • seven. And so now the electric field

  • will come down by that factor of seven, because I go from one

  • millimeter to seven millimeters. So now the electric field

  • changes, because D goes up. In case you were interested in

  • the capacitance, the capacitance will also go

  • down by a factor of seven, because, if you look at this

  • equation, kappa is one. If I make D go up by a factor

  • of seven, C goes down by a factor of seven.

  • Just look at this, simple as that.

  • So C must also go down by a factor of seven.

  • Nothing to do with dielectric. Nothing.

  • And so Q free must now also go down by a factor of seven,

  • because if the potential difference doesn't change,

  • but if Q free goes down a factor of seven -- or by -- if C

  • goes down by a factor of seven, Q free must go down by a factor

  • of seven.

  • This goes down by a factor of seven, this doesn't change.

  • So the free charge goes down by a factor of seven.

  • And what does that mean? That means charge will flow

  • from the plates, away from the plates,

  • and so my amp meter will now -- will tell me that charge is

  • flowing from the plates, and so that handle -- that hand

  • there will go [wssshhht] to the left.

  • And so, as I open up, depending upon how fast I can

  • do that, charge will flow from the

  • plates, in the other direction, it -- the charge will flow off

  • the plates, and that current meter will show you,

  • every time that I open it a little bit [klk],

  • it will go to this direction. So let's do that first,

  • no dielectric involved, simply keeping the power supply

  • connected. So I have to go back,

  • first, to one millimeter, which is what I'm doing now,

  • I have here this thin sheet to make sure that I don't short

  • them out, it's about one millimeter, and I am going to

  • now connect the fifteen hundred volts, and keep it on,

  • and as I charge it, you will see the current meter

  • surge to the right, right?

  • That always means we charge the plates.

  • So there we go, did you see it?

  • I didn't see it because I had to concentrate.

  • Did it go like this? Good.

  • So now it's charged. We don't take this connection

  • off, it's connected with the power supply all the time.

  • And now I'm going to open up, and as I'm going to open up,

  • the potential remains the same, so this volt meter doesn't give

  • a damn, it will stay exactly where it is, because fifteen

  • hundred volts remains fifteen hundred volts,

  • but now, we go -- as we open up, we're going to take charge

  • off the plates and so this, I expect to go to the left.

  • Every time that I give it a little jerk, I do it now,

  • it went to the left. I go it now,

  • again, I go to two millimeters, go to three millimeters,

  • go to four millimeters, make it five millimeters,

  • five millimeters, six millimeters,

  • and I finally end up at seven millimeters.

  • And every time that I made it larger, you saw the hand go to

  • the left. Every time I took some charge

  • off. So that is demonstration number

  • three. Why did I go to seven

  • millimeters? You've guessed it!

  • Now I want to plunge in the dielectric.

  • So my experiment number four, I start with fifteen hundred

  • volts, I start with D equals seven millimeters,

  • and I'm not going to change that.

  • There's no dielectric in place, but now, I put a dielectric in.

  • So kappa goes in. What now is going to happen?

  • Well, for sure, V is unchanged,

  • because it's connected with the power supply,

  • so that cannot change. What happens with Q free?

  • Look at this equation. W hen I put in the dielectric,

  • I know that the capacitance goes up by a factor of kappa.

  • C will go up by a factor of kappa.

  • If C goes up with a factor of kappa, and if V is not changing,

  • then Q free must go up by a factor of kappa.

  • Follows immediately from equation three.

  • So this must go up by a factor of kappa.

  • What does that mean? That the charge will flow

  • through the plates. I increase the charge on the

  • plates, and so my amp meter will tell me that.

  • And so my amp meter will say, "Aha!

  • I have to put charge on the plates," and so my amp meter

  • will now do this. And that's what I want to show

  • you. The remarkable thing,

  • now, is that the electric field E, the net electric field E,

  • will not change. And you may say,

  • "But you put in a dielectric!" Sure, I put in a dielectric.

  • But I kept the potential difference constant,

  • and I kept the D constant.

  • And since V is always E times D, if I keep this at fifteen

  • hundred volts, and I keep the seven millimeter

  • seven millimeters, then the net electric field

  • cannot change, it's exactly what it was

  • before. That is the reason why Q free

  • has to change, think about that.

  • Because you do introduce -- induce charges on the

  • dielectric, and you have to compensate for that to keep the

  • E field constant, and the only way that nature

  • can com- compensate for that is to

  • increase the charge on the plates, the free charge.

  • And so that's what I want to show you now,

  • which is the last part. So I'm going now to put in the

  • dielectric, and what you will see, then, is that current will

  • flow onto the plates, so the propeller will do

  • nothing, will sit there, and you will see this one go

  • klunk when I bring in the glass. And then it goes back,

  • of course. There's only a little charge

  • that comes off, and

  • then it will go back. So as I plunge it in,

  • you will see charge flowing onto the plates.

  • There we go, you're ready for it?

  • Three, two, one, zero.

  • And you saw a charge flowing onto the plates.

  • When I remove the glass, of course, then the charge goes

  • off the plates again, and you see that now.

  • I've shown you four demonstrations.

  • None of this is intuitive. Not for you,

  • and not for me. Whenever I do these things,

  • I have to very carefully sit down and think,

  • what actually is changing and what is not changing?

  • I have not gut feeling for that.

  • There is not something in me that says, "Oh yes,

  • of course that's going to happen.

  • Not at all. And I don't expect that from

  • you, either. Then only advice I have for

  • you, when you're dealing with these cases whereby dielectric

  • goes in, dielectric goes in, plates separate,

  • plates not separate, power supply connected,

  • power supply not connected, approach it in a very

  • cold-blooded way, a real classical MIT way,

  • very cold-blooded. Think about what is not

  • changing, and then pick it up from there, and see what the

  • consequences would be. How can I build a very large

  • capacitor, one that has a very large capacitance?

  • Well, capacitance, C, is the area,

  • times epsilon zero, divided by D,

  • times kappa, which your book calls K.

  • So give K -- make K large, make A large,

  • and make D as small as you possibly can.

  • Ah, but you have a limit for D. If you make D too small,

  • you may get sparks between the conductors, because you may

  • exceed the electric field, the breakdown electric field.

  • So you must always stay below that breakdown field,

  • which in A, it would be three million volts per meter.

  • If you want a very large kappa, you would say,

  • "Well, why don't you make the layer

  • water, in between, that has a kappa of eighty."

  • Ah, the problem is that water has a very low breakdown

  • electric field, so you don't want water.

  • If you take polyethylene -- I'll just call it poly here,

  • to se- as abbreviation -- polyethylene has a breakdown

  • electric field of eighteen million volts per meter,

  • and it has a kappa, I believe of three.

  • Many capacitors are made whereby the layer in between is

  • polyethylene, although mica would be really

  • superior. Be that as it may,

  • I want to evaluate, now, with you,

  • two capacitors, which each have the same

  • capacitance of one hundred microfarads.

  • But one of them, the manufacturer says,

  • that you could put a maximum potential difference of four

  • thousand volts over it, that's this baby.

  • And the other, I got to Radio Shack,

  • and it says you cannot exceed the potential difference,

  • not more than forty volts. Well, if I have polyethylene in

  • between the layers of the conductors, then I can calculate

  • what the thickness D should be before I get breakdown.

  • That's very easy, because V equals E D,

  • and so I put in here, eighteen million volts per

  • meter, and I go to four thousand volts,

  • and then I see what I unintelligible D.

  • And it turns out that the minimum value for D,

  • you cannot go any thinner, is then two hundred and twenty

  • microns, and so for this one, it is only two point two

  • microns. You can make it much thinner,

  • because the potential difference is hundred times

  • lower. So you can make the layer a

  • hundred times thinner before you get electric breakdown.

  • I want the two capacitors to have the same capacitance.

  • That means, since they have the same kappa,

  • and they have the same epsilon zero, it means that A over D has

  • to be the same for both capacitors.

  • So A divided by D, for this one,

  • must be the same as A divided by D for that one.

  • But if D here is a hundred times larger than this one,

  • then this A must also be hundred times larger,

  • because A over D is constant. So if A here is hundred,

  • then A is here one. But now, think about it.

  • What determines the volume of a capacitor?

  • That's really the area of the plates, times the thickness.

  • And if I ignore, for now, the thickness of the

  • conducting plates, then the volume of a capacitor

  • clearly is the product between the area and the thickness,

  • and so it tells me, then, that this capacitor,

  • which has a hundred times larger area, is hundred times

  • thicker, will have a ten thousand times larger volume

  • than this capacitor. And this baby is four thousand

  • volts, hundred microfarads, it has a length of about thirty

  • centimeters, ten centimeters like this, twenty centimeters

  • high, that is about ten thousand cubic centimeters.

  • Ten thousand cubic centimeters. You go to Radio Shack,

  • and you buy yourself a forty-volt capacitor,

  • hundred microfarads, which will be ten thousand

  • times smaller in volume. It will be only one cubic

  • centimeter. And if I had one of them behind

  • my ear, you wouldn't even notice

  • that, would you? Could you tell me what it says

  • here? One hundred micro microfarad.

  • How many volts? Forty.

  • Forty volts. That's small.

  • Compared to this one, which can handle four thousand

  • volts. But the capacitance is the

  • same. So you see now,

  • the connection with area and with thickness,

  • by no means trivial. All this has been very rough on

  • you. I realize that.

  • It takes time to digest it, that you have to go over your

  • notes. And therefore,

  • for the remaining time -- we have quite some time left -- I

  • will try to entertain you with something which is a little bit

  • easier. A little nicer to digest.

  • Professor Musschenbroek in the Netherlands, invented -- yes,

  • you can say he invented the -- the capacitor.

  • It was an accidental discovery. He called them a Leyden jar,

  • because he worked in Leyden. And a Leyden jar is the

  • following. This is a glass bottle,

  • so all this is glass, that's an insulator,

  • and he has outside the insulator, he has two conducting

  • plates, so that's a beaker outside, and there's a beaker

  • inside, conducting. That's a capacitor.

  • Although he didn't call it a capacitor.

  • And so he charged these up, and so you can have plus charge

  • here, and minus Q on the inside, and he did experiments with

  • that. The, um, the energy stored in a

  • capacitor -- we discussed that last time -- equals one-half

  • times the free charge times the potential

  • difference, if you prefer one-half C V squared,

  • that's the same thing, I have no problem with that,

  • because the C is Q free divided by V, so it's the same thing.

  • What I'm going to do, I'm going to put a certain

  • potential difference over a Leyden jar, I will show you the

  • Leyden jar that we have -- you'll see there -- and once I

  • have put in -- put on some potential difference,

  • put on some charge on the outer surface and on the inner

  • surface -- you can see the outer surface there,

  • the inner one is harder to see, but I will show that later to

  • you. So here you see the glass,

  • and here you see the outer conductor, and there's an inner

  • one, too, which you can't see very well.

  • Once I have done that, I will disassemble it.

  • So I first charge it up so there is energy in there,

  • this much energy. And then I will take the glass

  • out, I will put the, um, the outside conductor here

  • , the inside conductor here,

  • I will discharge them completely.

  • I will hold them in my hands, I will touch them with my face,

  • I will lick them, I will do anything to get all

  • the charge off. And then I will reassemble

  • them. Well, if I get all the charge

  • off, all this Q free [wssshhh] goes away, there's no longer any

  • potential difference. When I reassemble that baby,

  • then, clearly, there couldn't be any energy

  • left. And the best way to demonstrate

  • that, then, to you, is, to take these prongs,

  • which I have here, conducting prongs,

  • and see whether I can still draw a spark by connecting the

  • inner part with the outer part. And you would not expect to see

  • anything. So it is something that is not

  • going to be too exciting. But let's do it anyhow.

  • So here is this Leyden jar, and I'm turning the wind

  • unintelligible to charge it up. I'm going to remove this

  • connection, remove this connection,

  • take this out, take this out,

  • come on -- believe me, no charge on it any more.

  • This one. It's all gone.

  • Believe me. There we go.

  • And now let's see what happens when I short out the outer

  • conductor with the inner conductor.

  • Watch it. That is amazing.

  • There shouldn't be any energy on that capacitor.

  • Nothing. And I saw a huge spark,

  • not even a small one. When I saw this first,

  • and I'm not joking, I was totally baffled.

  • And I was thinking about it, and I couldn't sleep all night.

  • I couldn't think of any reasonable explanation.

  • And so my charter for you is, to also have a few sleepless

  • nights, and to try to come up, why this is happening.

  • How is it possible that I first bring charge on these two

  • plates, disassemble them, totally take all the charge

  • off, and nevertheless, when I reassembled them again,

  • there is a huge potential difference between the two

  • plates, otherwise, you wouldn't have seen the

  • spark. So give that some thought,

  • and later in the course, I will make an attempt to

  • explain this. At least, that's the

  • explanation that I came up with, it may not be the best one,

  • but it's the only one that I could come up with.

  • In the remaining eight minutes, I want to tell you the last

  • secret, which I owe you, of the van der Graf.

  • And that has to do with the potential that we can achieve.

  • Remember the large van der Graf?

  • We could get it up to about three hundred thousand volts.

  • How do we charge a conducting sphere?

  • Well, let's start off with a -- with this hollow sphere,

  • which is what the con- the van der Graf is -- and suppose I

  • have here a voltage supply, with a few kilovolts.

  • I can buy that. And I have a sphere,

  • and I touch with this sphere, which an insulating rod,

  • I touch the output of the kilo- the few kilovolt

  • supply, and I bring this -- so there's positive charge on here,

  • say -- and I bring it close to the van der Graf,

  • there will be an electric field between this charged object and

  • the van der Graf, and the closer I get,

  • the stronger that electric field will be.

  • And when I touch the outer shell, then the charge will flow

  • in the van der Graf. I go back to my power supply,

  • I touch again the few thousand volts,

  • and I keep spooning charge on the van der Graf.

  • Will I be able to get the van der Graf up to three hundred

  • thousand volts? No way, because there comes a

  • time that the potential of this object -- which comes from my

  • power supply -- is the same electric potential as the van

  • der Graf, and then you can no longer exchange charge.

  • What it comes down to is that when you come with this

  • conductor and you approach the van der Graf,

  • there will be no longer any electric fields between the two.

  • So there will be no longer any potential difference.

  • So you can't transfer any more charge.

  • So you run very quickly into a situation which will freeze.

  • You cannot get it above a few thousand volts.

  • So now what do you do? And here comes the breakthrough

  • by Professor van der Graf from MIT, who now said,

  • "Ah. I don't have to bring the

  • charge on this way, but I can bring the charge in

  • this way." So now you go to your power supply,

  • a few thousand volt, and you bring it inside this

  • sphere, where there was no electric

  • field to start with. When you charge the outside,

  • there's going to be an electric field from this object,

  • and there's going to be an electric field from this object,

  • the net result will be zero in between.

  • There was no electric field inside.

  • If I now bring the positively charged sphere there,

  • I'm going to get E field lines like this, problem two one,

  • and so now there is a potential difference between this object

  • and the sphere. What I have done by moving it

  • from here to the inside, I have done positive work

  • without having realized it, and therefore,

  • I have brought this potential higher than the sphere.

  • Now I touch the inside of the van der Graf,

  • and now the charge will run on the outer shell.

  • And I can keep doing that. Inside, touch.

  • Inside, touch. Inside, touch.

  • And every time I come in here, there is no electric field in

  • there. So I can do that until I'm

  • green in the face. Well, there comes a time that I

  • can no longer increase the potential of the van der Graf,

  • and that is when the van der Graf goes into electric

  • breakdown. When I reach my three hundred

  • thousand volts, it's all over.

  • I can try to bring the potential up,

  • but it's going to lose charge to the air.

  • And so that is the -- ultimately the limit of the

  • potential of the van der Graf. So how does the van der Graf

  • work? Uh, we have a belt,

  • which is run by a motor -- here is the van der Graf -- and right

  • here, through corona discharge, we put charge

  • on the belt. They're very sharp points,

  • and we get a corona discharge at a relatively low potential

  • difference, it goes on the belt, the belt goes here,

  • and right here, there are two sharp points,

  • which through corona discharge take the charge off.

  • On the inside, that's the key.

  • And then it goes through the dome, and then it charges up,

  • up to the point that you begin to hear the sparks,

  • and that you have breakdown. And I can demonstrate that to

  • you. I built my own van der Graf.

  • And the van der Graf that I built to you is this paint can.

  • I'm going to charge that paint can by touching it repeatedly

  • with a conductor, and the conductor has a -- is

  • going to be -- yes, I'm going to touch the

  • conductor with a few thousand volt power supply every time --

  • this is the power supply, turning it on now -- and you're

  • going to see the potential of the

  • van der Graf there. Uh, that is a very crude

  • measure for the potential on the van der Graf,

  • but very crudely, when it reads one,

  • I have about ten thousand volts -- this is the probe that I'm

  • using for that -- two, it's twenty thousand volts.

  • My power supply is only a few thousand volts.

  • But that's not very good. Well, I will first start

  • charging it on the outside to demonstrate to you that I very

  • quickly run into the wall that I just described.

  • That if they have the same potential, then I can no longer

  • transfer a charge. But then I'm going to change my

  • tactics and then I go inside. And then you will see that it

  • will go up further. So let's first see what happens

  • if I now bring charge on the outside.

  • There it goes. It's about a thousand volts,

  • about two thousand volts, two thousand volts,

  • keep an eye on it, two thousand volts,

  • it's heading for three thousand volts, three thousand volts,

  • three thousand volts, three thousand volts,

  • three thousand volts, not getting anywhere,

  • I'm beginning to reach the saturation, maybe three and a

  • half thousand volts, three and half,

  • it's slowly going to four, let's see whether we can get it

  • much higher than four, I don't think we can.

  • So this is the end of the story before Professor van der Graf.

  • But then came Professor van der Graf.

  • And he said, "Look, man, you've got to go

  • inside. Now watch it.

  • Now I have to concentrate on this scooping,

  • so I would like you to tell me when we reach five thousand,

  • you just scream. Oh, man, we already passed the

  • five thousand, you dummies!

  • Ten thousand, scream when you see ten

  • thousand. [crowd roars].

  • Scream when you see fifteen thousand.

  • Scream when you see fifteen thousand.

  • [crowd roars]. Very good, keep an eye on it,

  • tell me when you see twenty thousand.

  • [noise] I don't hear anything! [crowd roars] Now I want you

  • tell me every one thousand, because I think we're going to

  • run into the wall very quickly. Twenty one?

  • I want to hear twenty two. [crowd roars].

  • Already at twenty three. So I expect that very s- very

  • quickly now -- [crowd roars] -- the can will go into discharge,

  • you won't see that, but you get corona discharge,

  • and then, no matter how hard I work, I will not be able to

  • bring the potential up. But let's keep going.

  • Are we already at twenty five hundred?

  • Twenty five thousand, sorry, twenty five thousand?

  • Twenty five thousand volts. Twenty five six.

  • Twenty seven. Twenty seven.

  • Twenty eight. Twenty eight.

  • It looks like we are beginning to get into the corona

  • discharge. Twenty eight!

  • Boy, twenty eight! That's a record.

  • Twenty-eight, keep an eye on it.

  • Twenty nine? Twenty nine?

  • Whew. You realize I'm doing all this

  • work. Well, I get paid for it,

  • I -- I think I've reached the limit.

  • I've reached my own limit and I've reached the limit of the

  • charging. Now, we have thirty thousand

  • volts, and we started off with only a few thousand volts.

  • Originally, it wasn't a very dangerous object.

  • But now, thirty thousand volts -- shall I?

  • OK, see you next week.

Electric fields can induce dipoles in insulators.

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Lec 08: Polarization and Dielectrics | 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002 (Walter Lewin) (Lec 08: Polarization and Dielectrics | 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002 (Walter Lewin))

  • 64 10
    Cheng-Hong Liu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary