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  • Oh!

  • I didn't, yeah, you go ahead.

  • Oh, are you sure?

  • Yeah, yeah, no problem.

  • Thank you!

  • Is Ned just going to watch me get coffee?

  • This is so intimate.

  • Did you have a good weekend?

  • Oh, yeah, yeah, I was about to ask you that.

  • I did!

  • Me too, me too.

  • Good.

  • Oh, hey!

  • Hey!

  • Interesting seating choice, sir!

  • Why did he sit next to me when there are all these empty chairs?

  • This definitely means something.

  • You know what this meeting is about?

  • Yeah, I just prepared a little bit.

  • Hey, Chris!

  • Come on, sit over here.

  • Oh, hey, what's up?

  • Oh my god, are you still hungover?

  • I can... I can barely move from place to place.

  • Whatever. I'm super busy.

  • Hi!

  • Well, hello!

  • Ah!

  • This is such a coincidence.

  • Twice in one day?

  • I think he's obsessed with me!

  • Too much coffee, huh?

  • I have a very small bladder!

  • W-what?

  • He's always touching me!

  • Hey!

  • Um, Ned was looking for you.

  • Oh! Yeah.

  • He's finally ready to tell me his true feelings!

  • I think he just wanted you to email him notes on that meeting.

  • Oh, okay. Yeah.

  • Mm, you should join the company softball team.

  • It's a lot of fun!

  • I don't know how to throw things!

  • Oh, shoot.

  • Wait, is he trying to spend time with me outside of work?

  • Oh, Nick!

  • You know how to throw things?

  • Oh hell, yeah!

  • Yeah!

  • You're in!

  • We got a person.

  • Okay, too late, I guess!

  • I should have said yes!

  • He wants to see me outside of work!

  • Ned had a lot of really great things to say about you!

  • Oh, really?

  • Maybe Ned thinks our boss wants us to fall in love.

  • Yeah, he said you really just took initiative and took control of that last project.

  • That's great.

  • Wow!

  • I should just grab him and kiss him in Conference Room B.

  • - Uh, this way to our meeting, Allison. - Oh, right!

  • I was just thinking about the project.

  • Oh.

  • There you go.

  • I bet he planned his exit so it would be at the same time as me!

  • That's so romantic!

  • You're going this way?

  • Yeah! Nice.

  • Do you think Justin and Quinta are secretly dating?

  • I don't know.

  • Isn't that against company policy?

  • Super subtle, Ned!

  • I don't think anyone would care.

  • Who cares? I wouldn't care!

  • Follow your heart.

  • Oh, hey, do you want to get drinks later?

  • Sure!

  • Awesome!

  • I know!

  • Oh, man, thanks for coming, Allison.

  • You got a hot date later or something?

  • Hey, everybody, cool boss is here.

  • Shots all around, on me!

  • Oh, all right, all right!

  • Yup!

  • Yeah!


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