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  • Millions of kids each year get immunized to protect against disease.

    每年有數百萬孩童施打疫苗 對抗疾病

  • Diseases like Smallpox and Polio now affect far fewer people because of widespread vaccination.

    廣泛接種疫苗 讓天花.小兒麻痹等病不再氾濫

  • Vaccines contain inactive viruses or bacteria that stimulate your body's B and T immune

    疫苗含有非活性病毒或細菌 能刺激B與T免疫細胞

  • cells to produce antibodies, which then fight the disease.

    產生抗體 對抗疾病

  • When enough people get immunized, vaccines produce "herd immunity": when someone is sick,

    若接種的人夠多 便形成“族群免疫力” 有人生病時

  • the disease is contained by those who've had the vaccine, preventing it from spreading

    有免疫力的人便能圍堵疾病 防止其擴散

  • further and getting to those who are most vulnerable.


  • But if only a few people are vaccinated, the disease spreads easily through the population

    但若接種疫苗的人過少 疾病便很容易傳染

  • and outbreaks can occur.


  • In 1998, a paper in a major medical journal proposed a link between autism and the vaccination

    1998年 一份知名醫學期刊的報告指出 MMR疫苗與自閉症有關

  • for measles, mumps, and rubella.  The popular press (and some celebrities) fueled anxiety

    當時媒體與名人大肆炒作 引發民眾恐慌

  • about vaccinations based on this report.


  • Some vaccinations can have side effects, like soreness and fever.

    某些疫苗的確帶有副作用 像是疼痛.發燒等

  • But Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder that occurs with a spectrum of symptoms.  A

    但自閉症是複雜的腦神經發育障礙 症狀輕重不一

  • rise in prevalence may have more to do with changing diagnostic standards than other factors.

    盛行率之所以增加 與診斷標準改變或許更有關

  • In fact, over a dozen studies have failed to find any connection between autism and

    事實上 多達10幾份的研究仍無法證實兩者相關

  • vaccines and that original paper was retracted amid allegations of fraud and conflicts of

    當初的原始報告 更因涉嫌詐欺與利益衝突遭到撤回

  • interest.

  • Yet the actions of celebrities and the media can have a lasting effect: more than half


  • of Americans still suspect there's a link between vaccines and autism.  Call it a case

    至今超過一半的美國人 仍相信疫苗與自閉症有關

  • of "herd mentality."


  • The consequences can be serious: in Ireland, vaccinations dropped about 30%, resulting

    後果相當嚴重 愛爾蘭疫苗接種率少了近3成

  • in 1500 new cases of Measles and Mumps, including 3 deaths.

    麻疹與腮腺炎新增1500起案例 其中3人死亡

  • And in the U.S., states with lowered vaccination rates are currently experiencing outbreaks

    在美國 疫苗接種率較低的幾州

  • of measles and epidemic levels of whooping cough.


  • So don't be immune to good advice: better a sore bottom, than a deadly bottom line.

    所以別不聽話 屁股挨針 健康一生

Millions of kids each year get immunized to protect against disease.

每年有數百萬孩童施打疫苗 對抗疾病

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