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  • I'm going to draw for you two of the most important organs

  • in our body.

  • And actually, on the left and right side of our body,

  • they pretty much look like that, like little kidney beans.

  • And in fact, that's what they are.

  • They're kidneys.

  • And so we have some arteries, the renal arteries

  • that flow into them.

  • And renal is just another word referring to kidneys,

  • and we've got renal veins with blood flowing back out of them.

  • So once the blood is headed back to the heart,

  • we call it a renal vein.

  • And there are two of them.

  • And probably the most important part about these kidneys,

  • certainly the thing that makes them really unique,

  • is that they have these ureters.

  • And these ureters drain urine into a bladder.

  • And actually, I'll draw that right here.

  • That's the bladder.

  • And the ureters are the third tube coming out of our kidneys.

  • And then when you're ready to urinate,

  • you can release all that urine from your bladder

  • into the outside world.

  • And so there are three basic things

  • that I want you remember coming into and out of kidneys--

  • the renal arteries and the renal veins and the ureter.

  • Now, to really make sense of it, you've

  • got to think about how the artery might split up.

  • So let's say we go back to the artery and you follow it,

  • and it starts kind of branching.

  • Let's say it makes five little branches.

  • And then it might have more branches off of those branches

  • and finally maybe even some more branches,

  • and eventually it's not even an artery anymore.

  • Right?

  • All these little branches are so tiny,

  • you would call them arterioles.

  • And let's just take this arteriole, this little guy,

  • and let's see what happens.

  • So let's say I take that little guy

  • and show you on the left side of the screen what

  • that would look like.

  • So let's take a look at this arteriole a little bit closer.

  • So this is our Afferent arteriole, A capitalized.

  • And it's called Afferent because it's headed toward something.

  • Afferent arteriole.

  • And let's not forget where it comes from.

  • It's coming from the renal artery headed

  • towards something, and that something is this.

  • The artery-- or the arteriole, rather,

  • starts making a lot of little turn-backs on itself

  • and finally straightens out.

  • And when it does we call it the Efferent arteriole.

  • So that's how we keep straight whether it's coming or going

  • from this little network, if you want to call it that,

  • of blood vessels.

  • And in fact, this little network of blood vessels,

  • if you look under a microscope, is actually

  • being hugged by something like this.

  • This is actually really interesting.

  • This is the first time we're taking a look at something that

  • is not a blood vessel in the kidney,

  • and it begins our journey of urine.

  • So this thing is called the Bowman's capsule.

  • This is the thing in yellow that I've drawn for you.

  • And whenever things are named like this,

  • you've got to wonder, who was Mr. Bowman?

  • And Mr. Bowman, turns out, was from England.

  • Actually, he was a very curious fellow.

  • And so he looked under a microscope.

  • And he noticed that if you look right

  • where these little tufts of blood vessels are,

  • you can actually see that there's

  • something surrounding each of them.

  • And so he called that Bowman's capsule,

  • and so that's what we still call it today.

  • So England was laying claim to parts of the kidney anatomy.

  • You may not even have known that.

  • So that's Bowman's capsule, and that's

  • the first part of the nephron.

  • I'll actually show you all the parts of the nephron.

  • So the next part of the nephron-- and nephron

  • just means kind of the unit of the kidney that we care about.

  • The next part is looking really squiggly, very convoluted.

  • Right?

  • And I'm trying to draw it that way purposefully, because I

  • want to show you a way of remembering that this is

  • actually called the proximal-- because it's near the Bowman's

  • capsule, so it's proximal-- convoluted tubule, because this

  • is one long tubule, like a little tube.

  • And so this is the proximal convoluted tubule.

  • So basically, the next part of the nephron,

  • after it starts in the Bowman's capsule,

  • is the proximal convoluted tubule.

  • And then it gets into kind of a long deep loop,

  • long loop like that.

  • And this loop is called the loop of Henle.

  • So you're seeing now part three is Loop of Henle.

  • Now, loop make sense.

  • But of Henle, you've got to wonder, again,

  • is this another British guy?

  • Who is Mr. Henle?

  • Mr. Henle, it turns out, is actually not British.

  • But he's from another part of Europe.

  • Let's see if you can guess before I finish this drawing.

  • He discovered that if you follow the nephron deep

  • into the middle of the kidney, it

  • has these little loops, very delicate loops, but very

  • important in helping urine form.

  • And he was a German scientist.

  • And so if the British are going to identify something,

  • so will the Germans.

  • And so we still call that the loop of Henle.

  • And after the Loop of Henle, we have another area

  • that's very convoluted.

  • And so you can guess what we call this where,

  • because we're going to probably try to stay consistent.

  • And if the first part was called the proximal convoluted tubule,

  • we would call this not the proximal,

  • because now it's not near anymore,

  • but it's a little further away.

  • We would call this the distal, meaning

  • further away, convoluted, because it's still convoluted,

  • tubule.

  • So this is the distal convoluted tubule.

  • And finally, there's a fifth part of all this.

  • The fifth part of all this is a giant tube of collection.

  • So all this stuff goes into a collecting tube.

  • And I'm actually showing you where all the other distal

  • convoluted tubules might be dumping in as well.

  • Maybe there.

  • And eventually all this stuff is going

  • to go to the same place, which is down to the ureter.

  • So we've seen now how things go to the ureter.

  • You can see how things come from the renal artery.

  • But you're probably still wondering-- oh actually,

  • I didn't label this for you.

  • This is the collecting tube.

  • You're probably still wondering where

  • is the renal vein in all this.

  • I mean, I still drew the Efferent arteriole

  • as being red, and it's got oxygen.

  • So where does the venous blood come from?

  • And the answer is right here.

  • So you basically get red blood or oxygenated blood flowing

  • over all these parts of the tubule.

  • So all the parts of the proximal convoluted tubule,

  • the loop of Henle, the distal convoluted tubule,

  • and the collecting duct all get wonderful blood.

  • And then finally, when all is said and done,

  • it all drains into one thing, one final renal vein.

  • And that's with all of the blood coming together.

  • So this little network is considered--

  • this little network of capillaries,

  • then, is considered, right here, the peritubular, going

  • around the tubule, tubular capillaries.

  • And that makes sense.

  • Now, you can see the renal artery blood

  • coming in, going in through the Afferent arteriole, then

  • the Efferent arteriole, and then draining back

  • into the peritubular capillaries and finally, the renal vein.

  • And this important structure in yellow that I've drawn

  • has five parts to it, and all five parts coming together

  • are called the nephron.

  • And so this is an important structure,

  • and we'll talk about different parts

  • of the nephron in future videos.

  • But this is an important structure,

  • to at least get a sense for how it looks

  • and what the different parts are called.

I'm going to draw for you two of the most important organs

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腎臟的部分 (Parts of a nephron)

  • 100 13
    mac posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary