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This video will give you step by step "Lin"struction on how to draw New York
Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin. All you need is a sharp"lin"ed pencil and some paper. Just
follow my easy steps and I will "Lin"hance your artistic abilities and "Lin"able you
to draw a portrait of the Knicks "Lin"famous point guard, who is currently living a "Lin"derella
story. Whats that you say? You shoot free throws like Shaquille O'neal and you make
stick figures look fat when you draw? Oh thats silly talk! Dont worry! This is a team effort.
Let me say this in your "Lin"go because I dont want to be mis"lin"terpreted. This will
be as easy as playing "Lin"tendo. Drawing is part of every persons basic "Lin"stincts.
It is natural to draw and it is a "lin"stigated effort to learn your letters. We are going
to turn back the clock and re"lin"vent your artistic vocabulary. What? Are you not "Lin"tertained?
Put down your Egg McMuff"lin" and grab a pencil. Lets begin! Step 1: Draw the two shapes that
you see. Be sure to notice the angle of the V shape. Notice that the right side of the
V is slightly higher than the left side. Step 2: Add the five shapes that I just added.
Be sure to notice their scale and how they overlap the shapes from step 1. Step 3: Add
one more finger to the shape from step 2. Step 4: Add the tall U shape. Notice its angle
and observe that it is slightly taller than the shape from step 1. Step 5: Add the shapes
around the U shape. Step 6: Point guards need fingers. Give Linsanity some fingers. Step
7: Give the man a jersey! The Jersey is about 3 times as tall as the shape from step 1.
Step 8: Add his other arm. Step 9: Now its time to letter his Jersey. Just remember that
the New York is at armpit level. And the number 1 is under the New and the 7 is under the
York. If you want to challenge yourself, try to leave a white outline around the letters.
Step 10: Make an oval for the head. If you want to make him a bobble head make a large
oval. Either way, try to keep the same height versus width proportions as mine. Notice that
I added three lines. The head can be split up in four somewhat equal sections; 1.) chin
to bottom of nose 2.) bottom of nose to eyebrows 3.) eyebrows to hairline ....and 4.) hair.
Notice that the only section that was slightly longer on Jeremy Lin was from bottom of nose
to chin. The other three sections fit that formula perfectly. The hair might seem shorter,
but that is because I am going to extend it when I shade his hair. Step 11: Add the two
shapes for the orbits of each eye. Notice their scale compared to the head shape and
notice that that they are situated towards your right. Step 12: Add the hairline. Step
13: Add the nose. Step 14: Add the ears. Step 15: Add the rainbow shapes for the upper eyelids.
Step 16: Place the pupil and iris underneath. Step 17: Add the eyebrows at the top of the
eye shape. Step 18: Add the eyelids above the eyes. Step 19: Add the opening for the
mouth. Notice that it is a flattened half circle and that it is situated more towards
the nose than the chin. Step 20: Add the lips. Notice that the upper lip and lower lip are
similar in size. Step 21: It is time to do the hair. The first thing that you need to
do is erase the original line because the hairline is a soft line. I extended the hair
on the top and in front. Both have very soft edges. Step 22: Will cover the top of Jeremy
Lin's face. I started off by erasing the lines. Then I added wrinkle lines to the forehead
since he has a tense expression. Then I darkened the area above the eyes and used the blending
stump to smooth certain area is out and erase to create highlights. Step 23: There are very distinct
lines at the bottom of the orbits of the eye on Jeremy Lin's face. They point towards the
bottom of the ears. Generally speaking the neck will
be darker than the face. Jeremy Lin has a very muscular face so dont worry about softening
things. Its ok to leave jagged edges. He has a very dark shadow under his chin. Step 24:
I started by creating a dark line around the collar and the sleeves. Then I added a second
line above it which left a solid white line in between. The lettering is tricky. You just
have to take your time
with it. Try to maintain
the white edge around
the letters and numbers. Step 25: In step 25 we draw the hands and arms. h]m, urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags
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step by step "Lin"struction on
to draw New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin Owner Normal Owner Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft This video will give you step by step "Lin"struction on how to draw New York Knicks point guard Jeremy
Lin Title Microsoft Office Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8