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Hi, I'm Tahni and welcome back to my classroom. Today, we're going to go over some common Internet slang.
I've listed it in black, the different acronyms,
and then in blue, their meanings. The first one is "tl:dr".
You may have seen this in certain blog posts or different youtube videos even.
It means "too long didn't read." What that refers to is, there was too much information.
The information was really detailed, so it
was too long and you couldn't finish reading it. It didn't hold your attention.
So there is a summarized version called "tl:dr" It might be a video.
It might just be a paragraph. But it's a summarized version of information that was too long and you just didn't want to read it. Okay?
The next one is "smh" which means "shaking my head."
People use this to describe their disapproval of someone's actions.
Maybe you're texting your friends, or writing some message to your friends on the Internet,
and at the end you can write "smh" to show your disapproval in them.
It's often used in like, a mocking way. "Oh you had ice cream for dinner?? smh(shaking my head)..."
I disapprove. Okay, the next one we have is "tbh"
Which means, "to be honest." You'll see this a lot when people are just trying to show their frank opinion.
"To be honest, I think that you should have called me before you went to meet our friends."
Or something like that.
It's when they're just being honest with you. Ok, the next one we have is "wbu"
This doesn't actually make the acronym for "what about you."
But in slang English (conversation English) when we're just talking, we say, "What about you ?
It sounds more like "wbu", because we like to shorten things in English.
So for the shortened form of "you" sometimes we write "u"
And then sometimes for the shortened form of "about" we'll write "bout"
"wbu" turns into "what about you"
So for example you can say this to your friends. When your friend asks, "What are you doing this weekend?"
You can say, "Oh, I'm going to a concert. what about you?" "wbu"
Next one is "bae" This one is kind of a newish term.
Now it means, "before anyone else" But originally people say that it meant a word to
describe your significant other or your best friend.
But people these days have kind of transformed the meaning to stand for "before anyone else"
So you can still use this term to refer to your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or someone like that,
someone that you really care about.
Ok, but it's also sometimes used in kind of like a joking way between close friends or loved ones.
Ok, let's go over here to our next five.
We have here, "hmu" "hit me up" Ok, often this one is used between close friends as well.
"hit me up" literally means just "send me a message later"
or "call me later" Something like that. "Hit me up."
"Hit me up with... contact me later." something like that.
Ok, so whenever you're ending a conversation with someone, whether it be on the computer, like chatting,
messaging, you can say, "See ya, hmu(hit me up) later" (hmu),something like that.
Ok, for this one, "nsfw" this means, "not safe for work."
So, I think I see this the most in social networks, where your friends or someone will send you,
maybe a link to something, but it's something that you should not open during work.
"not safe for work"
You don't want your superiors or your coworkers to see you looking at the content of whatever they sent you during work hours.
The next one we have is a classic.
"rofl" "rolling on the floor laughing" I think this has been around since the days of AIM.
But I just thought I would include it because it is a classic
and it's still widely used. "rolling on the floor laughing"
Similarly we would use, "what? lol" or something like that.
This one, this one is more of a term thats evolved recently OTP which means, "one true pairing"
And I'll have to explain this. "one true pairing" is used a lot
when you have one fictional character that you would like to see with another fictional character
and they would make the perfect couple. A "one true pairing"
Ok, we see this a lot in blogs, for example, on tumblr.
People say, "oh my otp is....." I would really like to see a character from this show
fall in love with a character from this show and they would create the perfect couple.
That is "otp." And finally, "yolo"
"you only live once" I have to include it, YOLO. I think it was like the term of the year last year
So if you don't know what "yolo" is, get on urban dictionary. "you only live once"
People use this for describing any situation,
in which, they will only do once, or they want to do once in their life.
At least once in their life. Before they die, "you only live once" So, let's take a trip.
"You only live once" so let's do something amazing.
Ok, well, thank you for learning internet slang with me, Tahni.
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