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In our society today, do you class yourself as free,
在我們當今的社會裡, 你把自己歸類為「自由」的那一群嗎?
or are you constantly clinging onto things, which give no guarantee?
還是說你只是緊緊的想抓住某些東西, 而這些東西卻沒有給予任何保障?
Do our materialistic items ever deliver to us real happiness?
or do they distort us from reality?
And for our conscience, are they poisonous?
對我們的良知來說, 物質會不會只是個毒藥而已?
See, happiness comes within,
yet we always tend to forget.
We spend our whole lives chasing money and on our death beds seem to regret.
人窮其一生在追求財富, 卻在臨終之前才來後悔
I used to be unaware of this.
I'd let others shape my desires.
曾經的我, 會選擇讓他人為我塑造慾望,
I'd give in to authorities' logic only to realize it just came from liars.
See, I'd always be looking for freedom, but I never found it untill I realized
曾經的我, 一直在追求那遍尋不著的「自由」, 直到我參透了箇中道理
that in order to truly experience it, then maybe I should just de-materialize.
要找到「自由」的話, 我們首先需要做的, 就是先捨去物質的慾望
However, there are only few who live this way, those sometimes stereotyped as pathetic.
可是呢, 這個世界上能夠做到這樣的人是極少數, 而且這樣的人有時候還會被其他人覺得有夠「可悲」
But honestly, to be fair, it's those who judge that are wrongly apathetic.
可是說句實話, 會對別人做出這樣評斷的人, 才真的無知呀
See, this was me three years ago. I was ignorant,
回首一望, 這曾經的我已經是3年前的我了, 曾經的我是那麼的無知
naive with plenty of confidence. I'm only twenty now,
but I realize that back then I just had no social conscience.
可是暮然回首, 我才驚覺當時的我並沒有所謂的「社會良知」
And you may think, this might be me, or you may just not have realized yet,
正在看著這部影片的你, 可能也會驚覺自己就好比3年前的我, 又或者是你根本還沒察覺
but if getting wasted just doesn't fulfill you, then on that I'd place a bet.
如果喝到掛都已經沒辦法滿足你的話, 那我要跟你說的是: 你跟那曾經的我, 是如出一轍的
See, apparently we're doing things the right way, hunting fame for the reward of happiness.
乍看之下我們並沒有犯什麼錯啊, 追求功名, 並從中獲得快樂
But does this actually fulfill us? Or do we just forget about just living in contentedness?
可是, 這些功名真的會滿足我們嗎? 還是說我們其實早已忘記「滿足」為何物了?
It's like, just because we don't break laws, it doesn't necessarily make us innocent.
這樣說好了: 不犯法不代表我們無罪
African children are dying and suffering from illness, and we're sat there cursing immigrants.
非洲的孩子們在忍受病痛的折磨而死去的同時, 我們卻還有空坐在這邊靠腰外來的移民
See, first world problems are always seen on the news, prioritised over third world needs.
跟落後國家的需求比起來, 先進國家的問題總是搶先在新聞上曝光
We apparently preach that we're all human, yet seem to be incapable of such good deeds.
乍看之下, 我們受到的教育告訴著我們「我們皆生為人」, 可是我們卻沒有辦法將所有「人」當成「人」來看待
And this is real immaturity, yet it mostly comes from adults;
雖然這樣的想法是非常幼稚的, 可是在大人身上卻是最常見的
who would have thought? We don't accept responsibility for our planet,
and we just hope we don't get caught.
In World War I and World War II, those people fought for our peace. We talk with respect in history
but the morals we've learned have mostly deceased. For example,
可是這些戰爭所想要傳達給我們的道德觀, 卻早已煙消雲散。何以見得?
if we know that violence only promotes more violence,
then why do we still fight wars?
If we really want to protect each other, then why aren't we removing the root cause?
如果我們是真心想保護彼此, 為什麼我們不直接針對「惡的根源」斬草除根就好?
See, we need to stop following public opinion and start thinking properly for ourselves.
我們真的該做的應該是好好的自我思考才對, 而不是盲從社會的主流意見
We need to stop separating nations and throw our pride upon the shelves.
我們該做的是停止分化國家, 然後把我們那不可一世的驕傲拋諸腦後
I've learned that just because I'm not blind, it doesn't automatically make me see.
我學到了寶貴的一課: 一個人「盲不盲目」, 跟他眼睛「看不看得見」並沒有直接關係
Are you satisfied with the way things are,
or are you searching for truth like me? You can't tell me we're fulfilling our purpose.
還是你也跟我一樣, 正在那尋找真理的旅途上? 千萬別告訴我 「我們已經有在完成使命了」
We seem to ignore it more each day. We pretend we're on route to peace on earth,
but truthfully we've lost our way. And you may think I'm just illogical.
可是其實我們早已迷惘。好吧, 你有可能覺得我已經語無倫次了
You may think I'm just a dreamer. You may think this is all inevitable,
你有可能覺得我只是白日夢做太多。你有可能覺得「世界就是這樣, 不然你要怎樣?」
but trust me, I'm not just your average believer.
可是請相信我, 我真的沒有在唬你
See, it's our society that is unworthy;
真正一文不值的, 是我們的文明社會
we seem to be forgetting how we got here.
You would have thought we had matured by now and realized that time is dear.
Because if humanity doesn't become aware of this,
and if our ignorance goes too far, then the future for all life is ruined,
because one day, our earth will scar.