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  • Prof: Good morning everybody.

  • We have talked in the course of this semester many times about

  • the Hellenization of Roman architecture,

  • about the impact that Greek architecture had on Roman

  • architecture.

  • And we've talked in particular about the two philhellenic

  • emperors, Augustus and also Hadrian,

  • and the kinds of monuments they commissioned during their reign

  • that were so clearly based on those in ancient Athens --

  • Athens, especially of the Classical period,

  • the cradle of civilization, and where scholars often speak

  • of as the birth of democracy.

  • I want to turn full circle, go full circle here and return

  • to the whole question of Athens, by looking at Athens itself,

  • because Athens also became a Roman colony.

  • And you won't be surprised to hear that it was built up under

  • primarily two Roman emperors, namely Augustus and Hadrian,

  • just as one would expect, the two major philhellenic

  • Roman emperors.

  • I show you a spectacular view of Athens as it looks today.

  • And you can see here that the city of Athens--

  • and some of its antiquities extremely well preserved--

  • is a city that is located -- it's actually a city that's

  • located in plains , surrounded by mountains.

  • And it also has three major hills, as I think you can see

  • from this extraordinary image.

  • One of those hills, of course, is the famous

  • Acropolis.

  • And I think, by the way, if one were to

  • make-- I don't how many of you have

  • been to Athens, but if one were to make a list

  • of the ten places that one really must see,

  • at some point during their lives, and experience,

  • Athens is certainly one of them, mainly for the Acropolis,

  • which you see in the center of this image here.

  • That's one of the major hills.

  • The other two are Mount Lycabettus, which you see in the

  • uppermost part; that's actually the highest

  • hill of Athens.

  • And then there's another one called the Mouseion Hill,

  • which we're going to actually talk about today,

  • because there's an important monument there --

  • the Mouseion Hill or the Hill of the Muses.

  • It's located off this image, right where I'm standing here.

  • And those three hills, as you can see,

  • rise up in the city of Athens.

  • And it's not surprising--and the rest of it surrounded

  • essentially by a city that was constructed primarily after

  • World War II, mainly residential houses of

  • six, five, six stories,

  • residences that are mostly white in color,

  • as I think you can see here.

  • But the Acropolis rising up in the center in an amazing way.

  • The city of Athens we know was founded in the Neolithic period;

  • it was founded in the Neolithic period.

  • So it goes way back, in the same way that Rome does.

  • And it's not surprising to see them founding the city of Athens

  • on one of those hills.

  • And which hill do they pick?

  • They pick the hill that's the flattest, which makes it easiest

  • to build on, and that is the rock of the Acropolis itself.

  • So they put their religious structures on the Acropolis,

  • and then over time the city begins to grow up around the

  • rock of the Acropolis.

  • Now this is very interesting because if you think back to

  • Rome and its beginnings, you'll recall that Rome too was

  • founded on a hill, because hills can be most

  • readily fortified.

  • So Rome was founded, you'll recall,

  • essentially on two hills, on the Palatine Hill,

  • by Romulus, where he established residences,

  • but also on the Capitoline Hill where they built the Temple of

  • Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus --

  • so that being the religious center of the city.

  • We see the same sort of thing happening here:

  • the city growing up on the Acropolis,

  • and then we'll see that the meeting and marketplace is down

  • below, in a valley,

  • below the Acropolis, in the same way that the Roman

  • Forum, or what became the Roman Forum,

  • was in the valley beneath the Palatine Hill,

  • and also the Capitoline Hill in Rome.

  • So very similar beginnings for Greece, as also for Rome.

  • As you all know, Athens thrived particularly,

  • Greece in general thrived particularly in the fifth

  • century B.C., under Pericles,

  • and continued to thrive into the Hellenistic period.

  • But it was in 86 B.C.

  • that Sulla, the Roman general Sulla, sacked Athens,

  • sacked Athens, made Athens a Roman colony,

  • and in fact destroyed the walls of the city of Athens.

  • So that obviously a very major point in the history of Athens.

  • When scholars talk about architecture that was put up by

  • the Romans in Athens, during Roman times,

  • they talk about it as being primarily uninspired and rather

  • derivative.

  • And you'll find this in your textbook.

  • Ward-Perkins talks about how derivative Roman architecture in

  • Greece is, of its earlier counterparts,

  • that is, from Classical and Hellenistic Athens.

  • And I think he has a point, and it's something that we

  • should all think about as a group,

  • whether we think that the buildings that we look at today

  • are, for the most part,

  • derivative from the Classical and Hellenistic past.

  • But I think to say only that is to miss the point in part,

  • because what we are also going to see,

  • as we look at these buildings today,

  • is that the extraordinary marbles that come from this part

  • of the world, Greek marbles--and we'll talk

  • about a number of them today-- the quality of those is so high

  • that it's hard to imagine any building made out of these,

  • not spectacular, just for the materials alone.

  • And also because the artists and the architects,

  • and the artisans who are responsible for carving this

  • marble, had been carving it for

  • centuries, and consequently they were particularly skilled at

  • carving marble.

  • And so what they produced has great beauty,

  • as I think you'll see today.

  • So those two, again a very important point,

  • I believe, about the quality of these works of art.

  • And we're also going to see works of architecture.

  • We're also going to see that at least two of them,

  • in my opinion, are really distinctive

  • structures; different than anything we've

  • seen before.

  • And I think that you'll find they're quite innovative in

  • their own way.

  • And we will look at, as I said, both of those today.

  • The city of Athens began to be excavated by archaeologists in

  • the 1930s , and those excavations,

  • which were scientific, very careful scientific

  • excavations, those excavations,

  • combined with information that we have from a writer of the

  • Greco-Roman past, a man by the name of Pausanias,

  • P-a-u-s-a-n-i-a-s, Pausanias, who was a Greek of

  • the second century A.D., who traveled around Greece and

  • described everything that he saw,

  • and he created, in essence, a guidebook to the

  • great Greek and Roman antiquities.

  • The combination of his descriptions,

  • from the second century, firsthand descriptions of the

  • monuments that stood in the second century,

  • along with the scientific excavations of the 1930s and

  • since, allow us to get an excellent

  • sense of what, not only what,

  • as we look at the remains today,

  • not only of what was there, is there now,

  • and was there once upon a time, but what these buildings

  • actually were; their identities and what their

  • function was in Athens, either in Greek or in Roman

  • times.

  • And we will use the information provided by both of those today

  • to allow us to reconstruct the city, the Roman city in

  • particular.

  • Now the building-- as you can see from the view of the

  • Acropolis, there are a number of Greek

  • structures on the top of the Acropolis,

  • and I'll show them to you later.

  • These include the great Greek entryway of the fifth century

  • B.C., the so-called Propylaia; the famous Parthenon of course;

  • the small Temple of Athena Nike; and also the Erechtheion,

  • which is the only building we've really discussed in any

  • detail in the course of this semester.

  • A fifth century B.C.

  • building--you see it here in an extraordinary view,

  • now on the screen--the Erechtheion,

  • which we believe was built sometime between about 421 and

  • 406 B.C., And the reason that it's

  • important is not only because it's an incredible example of

  • fifth-century Greek architecture,

  • but also because of the buildings up on the Acropolis it

  • is the one that seems to have captured the imagination of

  • Augustus, and also Hadrian,

  • when both of them visited the city of Athens,

  • but also of the Romans as a whole.

  • And you'll remember the reason for that is essentially the

  • Porch of the Maidens, which you can see so well in

  • this view -- the Porch of the Maidens that

  • exerted a very strong impact on Augustus and Hadrian.

  • Before I talk a little bit more about the Porch of the Maidens

  • though, just something about the rest of the construction.

  • You can see as you look at the columns that they are of the

  • Ionic order, a particularly attractive and

  • elegant version of the Ionic order,

  • with the Ionic capitals, with their very attractive

  • volutes.

  • You can also see the materials that are used here.

  • What you can't see is what's used for the foundations.

  • That material is called poros, p-o-r-o-s,

  • poros, used for the foundations of the Erechtheion and also many

  • other of the buildings that we'll look at today.

  • And then most importantly, most of the building,

  • the walls and the columns, are made out of pentelic

  • marble, p-e-n-t-e-l-i-c,

  • pentelic marble, which is from Mount Pentelikon

  • in Greece and is the marble that is used most often for buildings

  • in Athens, both in Greek times and also in

  • Roman times, as we shall see today.

  • And it's characterized by being gleaming white,

  • really blindingly white, as one looks at it in the very

  • bright Greek sun against the blue sky.

  • With regard to the caryatid porch,

  • the Porch of the Maidens, the very famous Porch of the

  • Maidens, you'll recall that both

  • Augustus and Hadrian visited Athens.

  • They both saw this monument.

  • The Erechtheion had fallen into disrepair by the age of

  • Augustus, and Augustus was so admiring of

  • this porch that he made the decision to have his own

  • architects and artisans come to Athens to repair the porch.

  • And they not only repaired the maidens, themselves,

  • but also replaced one.

  • One was in such bad shape--I think it was the one in the back

  • right--it was in such bad shape that they restored that one

  • entirely.

  • When they were there, looking at those maidens,

  • restoring them, they were so taken by them that

  • they made plaster casts of those,

  • and they brought them back to Rome.

  • And you'll recall that they were used in Rome as the models

  • for maidens that were put up.

  • Here's a view, of course, of those on the

  • Acropolis, from the front.

  • They made reduced scale copies for the Forum of Augustus in

  • Rome, the second story of the Forum of Augustus,

  • as you'll recall.

  • And then down here you'll be reminded of the caryatids,

  • also based on those of the Erechtheion: in this case to

  • scale, same scale as those in Athens,

  • used to line the Canopus of Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli.

  • So both emperors, again Augustus and Hadrian,

  • very admiring of these works of art,

  • and wanted copies of them for, in Augustus' case a public

  • structure in Rome, in Hadrian's case a private

  • villa at Tivoli.

  • And we even believe that Herodes Atticus,

  • in the tomb that he made for Annia Regilla in Rome,

  • that brick tomb, the second century A.D.

  • on the Via Appia, there were two female figures

  • that were found near, excavated near that tomb,

  • and it has been suggested that they too may belong to that

  • tomb.

  • And while they are variations rather than copies,

  • you can see that they too owe their origins to the caryatids.

  • So this building, the Erechtheion,

  • cast a spell on Augustus and Hadrian, and was widely imitated

  • in Rome.

  • What we're going to see today is that this building continued

  • to have a very strong impact also on the buildings that these

  • same emperors, Augustus and Hadrian,

  • put up in Athens itself.

  • Before we look at Athens, I want to take a very short

  • trip to another city, the city of Eleusis,

  • E-l-e-u-s-i-s, the city of Eleusis in Greece,

  • because I want to make one more point about the caryatids and

  • about the important exchange that we believe was going on

  • between Rome and Athens, already in the late Caesarian

  • period and into the age of Augustus.

  • Augustus is sending his architects,

  • but we think they are going back and forth,

  • and that there is an important exchange of building techniques,

  • as well as architectural ideas, that is happening between Rome

  • and Greece in the age of Augustus.

  • Eleusis--and you see what it looks like today--is a hilly

  • town that is located not too far from Athens.

  • And it was particularly popular in the Greek period because--

  • or particularly important in the Geek period--

  • because it had a sanctuary of the goddess Demeter,

  • the goddess Demeter.

  • And the goddess Demeter, surrounding her was this very

  • important mystery religion, the so-called Eleusinian

  • Mysteries, after Eleusis,

  • Eleusinian Mysteries, that took place here.

  • And people came from far and wide to partake of those

  • Eleusinian Mysteries, and so the city was built up in

  • Classical and Hellenistic Greek times.

  • It also remained important in the time of Caesar and into the

  • time of Augustus, and actually into the first and

  • second centuries A.D., and over time decisions were

  • made to add to the Sanctuary of Demeter,

  • by the Roman emperors and generals,

  • and also--and using, of course the service of their

  • own architects from Rome, but working in concert with

  • those in Greece.

  • And one of the decisions that they made was to provide the

  • Sanctuary of Demeter with two additional gateways:

  • an inner gateway and an outer gateway.

  • The outer gateway, which is the larger of the two,

  • was put up in the second century A.D.

  • by the Antonine emperors.

  • But the earlier one, the inner or smaller gateway,

  • was put up already in 50 B.C., so the late Republican period,

  • put up in 50 B.C.

  • And there are some remains of it, enough that we can come up

  • with quite good reconstructions of what it looked like.

  • And I want to show you those fairly quickly in passing,

  • just because they underscore this important connection that

  • is going on between Rome and Greece,

  • in this period.

  • We see one side--this gateway actually has two sides--and we

  • see one side of it here, with columns and a quite

  • traditional pediment above.

  • The triglyphs and metopes that you see here have

  • representations of sheaves of wheat and what are called

  • cistae, c-i-s-t-a-e,

  • which are baskets, both of which have to do with

  • the Eleusinian Mysteries and the worship of Demeter.

  • But what's most interesting for us--

  • and it may be a little hard for you to make this out in this

  • reconstruction-- but what's interesting for us

  • are the capitals, because the capitals are

  • examples of the so-called zoomorphic capitals that we've

  • seen before -- capitals in which the upper

  • parts of the bodies of animals take the place of the spirals

  • and grow out of the acanthus leaves.

  • And I can show you one preserved example from Eleusis

  • over here, on the left-hand side of the screen,

  • made out of pentelic marble.

  • We see it here, and you can see the acanthus

  • leaves, and you can see a part of the

  • upper part of a bull that is growing out of--

  • a bull protome that is growing out of the acanthus leaves.

  • That should remind you of something we saw much earlier in

  • the semester.

  • Does anyone remember where this capital comes from?

  • I know you all know.

  • Student: Forum Transitorium.

  • Prof: Not the Forum Transitorium,

  • no.

  • The Forum of Augustus; the Forum of Augustus had these

  • capitals, some of these capitals, that included pegasi

  • growing out of the acanthus leaves.

  • So this suggests to us, this whole idea of having

  • animals growing out of acanthus leaves,

  • roughly--not exactly at the same time but roughly in the

  • same period, Caesarian period into the

  • Augustan period-- suggests that ideas were

  • floating back and forth between Athens and Rome,

  • in the time of Caesar and in the time of Augustus.

  • Now if we look at the other side of the gate,

  • we see something that would seem to confirm that even more,

  • and that is on the other side caryatids replace the columns

  • with their zoomorphic capitals.

  • These are not; as you can clearly see--you see

  • how they have their hands up--they are not based exactly

  • on those of the Erechtheion porch.

  • They are variations of that, but they are caryatids

  • nonetheless, holding the capitals on top of their heads.

  • So we are seeing here, even as Greece becomes Roman in

  • the Caesarian period, and into the age of Augustus,

  • even as Greece becomes Roman-- well it already does,

  • as I mentioned to you before when Sulla sacks it in 86 B.C.;

  • so in 50 it's already a Roman colony--

  • and so we can see these ideas that are going back and forth,

  • between Rome and Greece, during this important period.

  • And we see the power of the caryatids, even in Greece

  • itself, as they are imitated there as well.

  • From this point on, for the rest of the lecture,

  • I do want to concentrate on Athens.

  • And I want to begin again with the Acropolis.

  • This is actually a very interesting Google Earth image

  • of the Acropolis where you can see--

  • as it looks today--but where you can see superimposed on the

  • current-- on the present remains,

  • 3D versions of the ancient buildings.

  • And we can see the ones that I've already mentioned.

  • As you enter, over here, you see the Greek

  • Propylaia, of the fifth century B.C., the entrance gate.

  • You see the Parthenon, which is the largest building,

  • a Doric building, on top of the Acropolis.

  • And then to its left you see the Erechtheion.

  • And in the back the remains of a museum;

  • I mean, not the remains, a museum, that is in part

  • underground, which is why it looks so flat,

  • that houses the original caryatids and a lot of other

  • sculpture.

  • The ones that you see on the porch today are copies of those

  • originals that are in the museum,

  • as well as other sculpture that was found on the Acropolis.

  • And you can also see here the Odeion of Herodes Atticus,

  • which I have mentioned to you, where the Yanni concert took

  • place, on the slope of the Acropolis

  • here.

  • And then you can also see a theater--

  • you see the theater in this corner right here--

  • which is interesting because we believe it dates to the Neronian

  • period, which is interesting because

  • you'll remember that Nero competed in the Olympic Games

  • and that he came to Greece to compete in the Olympic Games.

  • So it's not surprising, even though we don't think of

  • him as one of the great philhellenic emperors,

  • it's not surprising to see that there was some construction in

  • Greece during the Neronian period.

  • I want to turn to what's interesting actually about what

  • the Romans do in the age of Augustus,

  • when Augustus goes up here himself,

  • sends his architects to repair the porch,

  • is a decision is made to build a little shrine to Augustus and

  • to Rome: a Temple to Augustus and Roma.

  • And they decide to put it in the back left corner of the

  • Parthenon.

  • And you can barely see it there, but it's a small round

  • building at the uppermost part of the Parthenon,

  • between that and the museum--and I'm going to show it

  • to you in detail in a moment-- and they build that from

  • scratch.

  • But they also take a pillar that is located right at the

  • beginning, or right in front of the

  • Propylaia that was put up in Hellenistic times,

  • and they transform that into a Roman monument.

  • And it's those two, to those two that I want to

  • turn first.

  • This is Google Earth again.

  • You can see the Parthenon, the Erechtheion,

  • in these 3D versions.

  • Can you see just that little, that round circle,

  • right next to the edge of the Parthenon?

  • That is the Temple of Augustus and Roma.

  • And the fact that it is so small I think is strikingly

  • interesting, because it shows that although

  • Augustus was willing to have a building put up to himself,

  • and to Roma, on the Greek Acropolis,

  • and so he wanted to make his presence known,

  • he did it in a very modest and very respectful way,

  • it seems to me.

  • He could've built much larger than he did,

  • and he opted not to do that, which tells us something about

  • Augustus and perhaps his reverence for things Greek.

  • We are looking at two views of what survives of this small

  • round shrine -- actually quite a bit.

  • I mean, it's not standing any longer,

  • but you can see parts of columns and parts of the curved

  • entablature, curved architrave,

  • and some of the other building elements very clearly here,

  • including one of the capitals.

  • Again it was a round structure.

  • It had nine Ionic columns.

  • It was made entirely out of stone, and it had a sloping

  • stone roof.

  • And this restored view shows us exactly what it looked like,

  • as well as how small it was in relationship to the Parthenon,

  • which absolutely dwarfs it in scale,

  • as you can see in this restored view.

  • Here, the small Temple of Augustus and Roma.

  • It was built sometime after 27 B.C., and you see it here:

  • Ionic capitals and then a sloping stone roof.

  • And if I show you the remains again,

  • where you can see one of those Ionic capitals still preserved

  • here, and we compare that Ionic

  • capital to the Ionic capitals of the Erechtheion in Athens,

  • on the Acropolis, we see the close resemblance

  • between the two.

  • And the reason for this almost certainly that because Augustus'

  • architects were working on the Erechtheion,

  • were restoring it, were repairing it,

  • they were captivated, not just by the caryatids,

  • but also by the rest of the structure: by the quality of the

  • marble, by the attractiveness of the

  • Ionic columns, with their spiral volutes at

  • the top.

  • And they not surprisingly used those as the model for the

  • capitals that they carved for the small shrine of the Temple

  • of Augustus and Roma.

  • But I think it also shows their reverence for things Greek,

  • and their desire to establish a dialogue between the fifth

  • century B.C.

  • structure and the Roman structure built right after

  • Augustus became emperor.

  • I wanted to mention one other material that is used in the

  • Erechtheion.

  • We talked about the poros for the foundations,

  • the pentelic marble for the walls and the columns.

  • But if you look here you'll see the slight blue cast to the

  • marble that is used for the frieze.

  • That is so-called Eleusinian marble,

  • from that part, from the Eleusis area of

  • Greece: Eleusinian marble with this slightly blue cast,

  • and that is used in the Erechtheion as well.

  • I mentioned that the Temple of Roma and Augustus was put up,

  • was built from scratch; there was nothing there before

  • and it was built anew during the Augustan period.

  • But I also noted that there was another monument that we could

  • call a Roman intervention to the Acropolis that was actually

  • already there, but was transformed in Roman

  • times.

  • And I show it to you now.

  • Here we are making our way, with all of these other

  • tourists, up to the top of the rock of the Acropolis.

  • We've climbed up the stairway, which is not at all--it's not

  • particularly steep.

  • We've made our way up.

  • We're about to enter into the Greek Propylaia of the fifth

  • century B.C.

  • Note the Doric columns, the triglyphs and metopes,

  • of fifth-century Greek architecture.

  • And we see next to it this pillar.

  • It's a very interesting pillar.

  • It's very prominent.

  • It's the first thing you see when you enter the Acropolis.

  • So whoever built this initially wanted to be noticed;

  • that's for sure.

  • And we know it was a Hellenistic king;

  • a Hellenistic king by the name of Eumenes,

  • E-u-m-e-n-e-s, Eumenes II, who was king of the

  • Hellenistic Greek kingdom of Pergamon,

  • P-e-r-g-a-m-u-m, or -o-n --whether you use the

  • Greek or the Latin spelling-- Pergamon, and he commissioned

  • this monument in 178 B.C.

  • to honor himself.

  • And you can see that the purpose of the monument was to

  • create this pillar upon which a statue of him would've been

  • placed.

  • And I show you the pillar once again here.

  • And you can see its shape.

  • It has a stepped base and it tapers at the top.

  • And you have to imagine a statue of Eumenes II of Pergamon

  • on the top of this monument, in the second century B.C.

  • And it was altered in the first century B.C.

  • when Marcus Agrippa, the close childhood friend,

  • confidant, right-hand man of Augustus,

  • his son-in-law, in fact, decided to replace the

  • statue of Eumenes with one of himself.

  • So he transforms this Greek Hellenistic monument into an

  • Augustan monument: an Augustan monument that

  • honors Agrippa.

  • And Agrippa, it's not surprising to see

  • Agrippa honored in the East.

  • He was involved in eastern military campaigns.

  • And we'll also see that he not only--and I mentioned this

  • earlier in the semester--he not only instituted a building

  • program in Rome; he was responsible for the

  • so-called Baths of Agrippa that bear his name--

  • not much is preserved so I didn't show those to you--

  • and also a Pantheon, the first Pantheon that I did

  • mention, the Pantheon that Agrippa

  • built, that's referred to in the inscription that Hadrian placed

  • on the Pantheon: "Marcus Agrippa made this

  • building," as you'll recall,

  • the Pantheon that we know had a caryatid porch.

  • So Agrippa in Rome is also carrying the caryatid imagery

  • into Rome in his building program.

  • But he also instituted a building program in Athens,

  • as we shall see.

  • So it was not surprising to see him honored along with Augustus

  • on the Acropolis, and actually in a way that was

  • much more noticeable.

  • To be hit by that statue of Agrippa as you climbed the

  • Acropolis and went into the Propylaia must have been very

  • striking indeed.

  • This particular structure is made of a different kind of

  • Greek marble called hymettian marble,

  • h-y-m-e-t-t-i-a-n, from Mount Hymettus:

  • hymettian marble.

  • You can see a little bit of pentelic here,

  • but much of it is hymettian marble.

  • So the Romans using--the Greeks and the Romans using a variety

  • of marbles, but a variety of marbles that come from Greece

  • itself; we're not talking about

  • imported marbles from elsewhere in the ancient world.

  • I mentioned already that below the Acropolis was the Greek

  • Agora, or the meeting or marketplace.

  • I show to you here a view from Google Earth of the Greek Agora,

  • as it looks from the air today.

  • You can see it is essentially an open rectangular space.

  • It has colonnades on some of its sides;

  • one set was re-erected.

  • This is a structure, a covered colonnade,

  • that comes from the Hellenistic period that was re-erected by

  • American archaeologists who were responsible for excavating the

  • agora.

  • They re-erected it, in part, to use as a place to

  • display works of art and for offices and so on.

  • But there was more than one in Greek times.

  • And this stoa is the counterpart to a Roman portico;

  • a covered colonnade, but they called them

  • stoas. So we look at the stoa here, from the Hellenistic

  • period.

  • There's a Classical Greek temple, the Hephaisteion over

  • here.

  • And in the center there is a building called the--

  • a music hall, that was built by Marcus

  • Agrippa, the so-called Odeion of

  • Agrippa, that we know quite a bit about and that we're going

  • to look at today.

  • But again what's particularly interesting,

  • I think, is the fact that we see the Greeks building their

  • religious structures on the Acropolis,

  • and then down below the meeting and marketplace.

  • And you can see the impact that this sort of thinking must have

  • had on the Romans when they made their own decisions about

  • building Roman forums.

  • But there are distinct differences--and we've talked

  • about them already this semester--between a Greek agora

  • and a Roman forum.

  • What Greek agoras do not have is that central,

  • that focus of having a single temple on one end,

  • dominating the space in front of it.

  • And they're more square, whereas Roman forums,

  • as we've discussed, are more rectangular in shape,

  • with again the temple at the short end.

  • Any of you who've been to Athens know that the Agora is

  • surrounded by an area of Athens called Plaka,

  • P-l-a-k-a, Plaka, a great place--a fun place to

  • go.

  • It has been very gentrified in recent years and now has these

  • wonderful pastel colored restaurants and shops,

  • with the ubiquitous white umbrellas,

  • just as you see them in other Mediterranean countries like

  • Italy.

  • I lived in Athens for two years in the 1970s,

  • and Plaka did not look like that then.

  • But it was an incredible place to go then, as it still is now,

  • if you want to really get into the Greek spirit and dance on

  • tables and break plates.

  • You could definitely do that in the '70s;

  • a little less ubiquitous today, but there are still places that

  • one can find to sort of play Zorba the Greek in Plaka.

  • Here is another view, a panoramic view,

  • showing once again the Agora, the Greek Agora of Athens,

  • as it would have looked as it grew up from the Classical

  • through the Hellenistic period.

  • But the building in question for us is the one that is smack

  • in the middle of the Greek temple and of the Hellenistic

  • stoa over here, and that is this music hall,

  • or Odeion of Agrippa, which was put up we believe in

  • around 15 B.C.

  • And it's to that structure that I want to turn now.

  • And this building, this odeion,

  • which Agrippa commissioned himself,

  • is very important to us in large part because it

  • demonstrates that ideas were not only flowing from Greece to

  • Rome, as we've already both discussed

  • today and in the past, but from Italy to Greece.

  • And this is a prime example of that.

  • Because if we look at this axonometric view of the Odeion

  • of Agrippa, as designed for Agrippa,

  • in 15 B.C.-- and this in Ward-Perkins--if we

  • look at that, we will see that the plan of

  • the Odeion of Agrippa is based very closely on an odeion that

  • we've already seen this semester,

  • the Odeion of Pompeii.

  • You see it here from the air, next to the Theater of Pompeii.

  • You'll remember that the Odeion of Pompeii dated to 80 to 70

  • B.C. It was quite early, built just after the Romans

  • made Pompeii into a colony.

  • And it is that exact plan that is used here.

  • So clearly again an important exchange going on,

  • of ideas, of architects, between Greece and Rome,

  • in the Augustan period, and in this case using an

  • Italian plan, a plan from Italy,

  • as the basis for a structure in Greece.

  • We see that it follows in the main--it follows all the

  • features of the Pompeian structure: the semi-circular

  • orchestra; the cavea,

  • divided into cunei; a stage front here;

  • pilasters, tall pilasters, on some of the walls;

  • an open stoa on this wall over here.

  • You can see two sets of columns, an inner row and an

  • outer row.

  • We know that the spectators entered the structure through

  • this porch when they were coming to a musical recital.

  • And over here there was another entranceway that was used by the

  • musicians and also by visiting dignitaries.

  • This was a smaller entranceway that was made up of a small

  • temple front, with a pediment and Doric

  • columns here.

  • And we can also see tall pilasters on the outside of this

  • structure.

  • And, of course, this building,

  • as all odeia, was roofed in antiquity,

  • for the acoustics, and the one in Pompeii was,

  • of course, also roofed.

  • Another view, a cross-section of the Odeion

  • of Agrippa-- you can see it here--which

  • shows you the same sort of thing: the tall pilasters on the

  • outside of the structure; the entranceway through this

  • stoa for the spectators; the other entranceway over

  • here, the smaller entranceway into that part of the structure,

  • all very well shown.

  • And maybe, and this may even be better, this model of the Odeion

  • of Agrippa, where we can see what it looked like from the

  • outside.

  • We're looking at the northern end, which is the end where we

  • have that small entranceway, with the--very simple

  • temple-like in appearance.

  • We can see a series of columns engaged into the wall down here;

  • then the very tall pilasters, with windows between them.

  • A quite conventional building, but one again clearly basing--

  • this is the most important point that one can make about

  • it-- clearly based on an earlier

  • model in Italy.

  • The capitals are interesting.

  • You remember the stoas, the two open colonnades that I

  • showed you as one wall-- one side of the building,

  • the inner one and the outer one,

  • the--I'm going to forget which way--

  • the outer one, I believe--no,

  • the outer one I think is the-- there are two different orders.

  • One of them is Corinthian, as you can see here.

  • I think that's the outer, but I may have that backwards.

  • One of them had Corinthian capitals,

  • and you see those here, with the narrow--

  • the elegant volutes growing out of--

  • the elegant spirals growing out of the acanthus leaves.

  • And the other is of this type; a type that we have seen

  • before, but not frequently, where we have lotus leaves

  • growing out of the acanthus leaves.

  • And that, of course, is a kind of capital that we

  • mentioned is inspired by capitals in Egypt,

  • and was used also much later, in much later times,

  • at the Forum at Leptis Magna, the Severan Forum at Leptis

  • Magna.

  • So a type of capital that is characteristic of Egypt,

  • that turns up here.

  • So it's another example of the way in which these architects

  • and patrons are looking at models from all over the world--

  • not only the odeion in Pompeii, but also structures from

  • Egypt-- and combining those motifs in a

  • very-- in a new way,

  • in a very fertile mix, as you can see.

  • With regard to the later history of the Odeion of

  • Agrippa, over the years students

  • sometimes have asked me-- I haven't heard--gotten this

  • question this semester yet-- but students have asked me,

  • or have said to me: "Professor Kleiner,

  • you show us, in the course of this semester,

  • all of these great works of Roman engineering and

  • architecture-- the Pantheon and the Colosseum

  • and aqueducts and so on and so forth--

  • and everything--you do tell us about fires,

  • that fires sometimes destroy these works of art,

  • or works of architecture are destroyed because other natural

  • events, like events of nature like

  • earthquakes and so on.

  • But you never tell us about the buildings that failed.

  • Were the Roman architects always successful,

  • or did they build buildings sometimes that fell down?"

  • And so I always use this as an example.

  • Because yes, they sometimes did make

  • mistakes and some of their buildings did collapse.

  • And this is one of them, the Odeion of Agrippa.

  • After it was viewed and described by Pausanias,

  • the roof collapsed; collapsed entirely.

  • Now it had lasted quite awhile, from the time of Augustus to

  • the time-- to the second century of

  • Pausanias, but nonetheless the roof

  • collapsed entirely, and the roof had to be

  • completely rebuilt.

  • And at the same time the architects decided to modernize

  • the northern end of the structure and to add a new

  • portico to the building.

  • They also changed its use, by the way, from an odeion to a

  • general lecture hall, during that period.

  • So in 150 A.D.

  • we see that the northern end is completely redone.

  • And it's interesting to see what they decided to do.

  • They replaced that very small, conservative,

  • Doric entryway with something with a lot more pizzazz,

  • as you can see: a series of male figures--

  • these are male tritons, t-r-i-t-o-n-s,

  • tritons, which are essentially male mermaids,

  • male tritons; tritons that are essentially

  • male mermaids--on these tall decorated bases,

  • as you can see here.

  • And their gestures are mirror images of one another,

  • or reversed images of one another, which creates a certain

  • liveliness to the façade, to the northern façade,

  • that this building did not have before.

  • And that happened again in the mid-second century A.D.

  • And interestingly enough, much of what survives today are

  • those tritons.

  • You can still see them on their bases here, on their tall bases,

  • or part of them here.

  • And you can see the relationship of the Odeion of

  • Agrippa, in this very good image, to the Acropolis in

  • Athens.

  • You can see the Erechtheion peeping up over there.

  • You can see the great pedestal that Agrippa would've had his

  • statue on, right here.

  • So I'm very tempted to say--in fact I will say--

  • that I don't think that was lost on the designers,

  • that when they chose this spot for the Odeion of Agrippa they

  • had very much in mind that it would be in one of these

  • interesting architectural dialogues with the pedestal that

  • had the statue of Agrippa at the entranceway to the Acropolis.

  • I think that was certainly very carefully orchestrated,

  • in the same way you'll remember Julius Caesar and his architects

  • orchestrated a relationship between the Temple of Venus

  • Genetrix and the Temple of Jupiter OMC on the Capitoline

  • Hill in Rome.

  • Despite the fact that you see, when you visit the Agora,

  • the Greek Agora today, and look at these statues,

  • despite the fact that they are all that stands,

  • there's a lot, you will see that there're lots

  • of other remains on the ground, and with those remains and the

  • excavations that were done by the American archaeologists in

  • the 1930s, the reconstruction that we

  • looked at, from Ward-Perkins,

  • we believe is a very accurate reconstruction of what the

  • Odeion of Agrippa looked like.

  • I want to look at the Roman Agora, because the Romans

  • themselves added an agora to Athens.

  • If they were going to have a Greek Agora, they were going to

  • have a Roman Agora.

  • We don't know if there was a practical need for it,

  • but I guess Caesar and Augustus wanted to emblazon their name on

  • an agora or a marketplace in Athens.

  • It was put up again in Caesarian and--started in the

  • Caesarian period, and completed by Augustus.

  • It is right near the Greek Agora.

  • We see a view of it here: a large open,

  • rectangular space, with a colonnade around it;

  • in this case stoas--we would call these stoas in the Greek

  • context--with tabernae or shops at the uppermost part.

  • An entranceway, an elaborate entranceway on the

  • western end, and another entranceway on the eastern end.

  • But as you can see it differs.

  • It is done in the mode of a Greek marketplace,

  • because it is more--well it's sort of in between a square and

  • a rectangle here, but it's not as long as a Roman

  • forum, and it does not have a temple

  • on one short end.

  • So it follows in the mode of Greek agoras,

  • rather than Roman fora.

  • You can see, if you look at Google Earth,

  • one can see the forum today, the Roman--here's the Stoa of

  • Attalos, in the Greek Agora.

  • So you can see its proximity to this new Roman Agora that was

  • added.

  • We're looking at that open space here, with the colonnades.

  • We're looking at the western entranceway, as well as the

  • eastern entranceway up above, in this very helpful view.

  • And this is a view I took from the Acropolis,

  • looking down on the Roman Agora and showing the back of the

  • western entranceway, which I'll show you from the

  • front in a moment.

  • And there you can see Plaka actually pre-gentrification.

  • It gives you a sense of what--I mean, it was really crumbling,

  • as you can see, some of the buildings that are

  • surrounding it.

  • But nonetheless it was fun.

  • So here we go.

  • This is a view of the gate; it's called the Gate of Athena

  • Archegetis, as you can see on your Monument List,

  • that is the western gate into the Roman Agora.

  • We see it here in two views.

  • And you can see, when you look at this building,

  • you can see what Ward-Perkins and others mean when they say

  • that architecture in Athens, under the Romans,

  • is derivative and uninspired.

  • It's this kind of thing that I believe he's talking about.

  • Because you can see how beholden it is to traditional

  • Classical Greek architecture, in the way in which we see

  • these great Doric columns, looking very similar to those

  • of the Propylaia or the Parthenon.

  • You see them here.

  • You see the triglyphs and metopes.

  • You see a triangular pediment.

  • We never see, we never see the Greeks--at

  • least the Greeks in the Roman period--breaking their

  • pediments.

  • They always have complete pediments, and in that sense,

  • of course, a very conservative approach to architecture during

  • this period.

  • We know that this, the gate, was begun by Caesar,

  • completed by Augustus.

  • And there's an inscription that tells us that.

  • And we believe--although this is somewhat speculative--

  • that there may have been a statue or portrait of the

  • grandson of Augustus, son of Agrippa,

  • Lucius Caesar, in the pediment --

  • Lucius Caesar having died in the year 2.

  • Here's a view where we see the Roman Agora as it looks today:

  • the open space; the columns around it.

  • And you can also see this very curious building,

  • that looks very well preserved, rising up on the eastern end,

  • a building in the shape of an octagon.

  • And here's another view of the eastern end, showing that

  • octagonal building more clearly.

  • This is the so-called Horologion of Andronikos,

  • or as it is nicknamed, the Tower of the Winds;

  • the Tower of the Winds, which is easier to remember,

  • the Tower of the Winds.

  • It's very controversial in date.

  • I date it here to the second half of the first century B.C.,

  • which is when I do believe that it dates.

  • But there are others who think otherwise, and I'll tell you

  • about that in a moment.

  • Here's a view that I took from the Acropolis,

  • showing the Tower of the Winds as it looks from up there,

  • as well as a closer view of this amazing structure.

  • Again, you can see how well preserved it is.

  • You can see that it is indeed eight-sided.

  • You can see one of the porches.

  • There are two porches that had temple fronts with triangular

  • pediments, columns below, on those two sides.

  • There was also a staircase that surrounded the structure.

  • What this was we believe is some kind of a clock tower,

  • a very inventive clock tower.

  • And although again I think it was probably built in the

  • Caesarian period, late Republic,

  • John Camp, who's an expert on things Athenian,

  • who wrote a book on the archaeology of Athens,

  • who has been excavating the Greek Agora since the 1970s and

  • is a true expert of architecture in this part of the world,

  • he thinks the date is earlier than that.

  • He dates it to 150 to 125 B.C., and he brings it into

  • connection with the Ptolemies of Egypt,

  • the Ptolemaic rulers of Egypt, because of their great interest

  • in the telling of time and the fact that they did have

  • important connections with Athens during this period.

  • I think he has a point; he could be right.

  • But I would add that connections with Egypt were very

  • strong in the late Republic as well;

  • I mean, keep in mind the affair between Julius Caesar and

  • Cleopatra.

  • Keep in mind that we know that statues of Cleopatra and Mark

  • Antony were put on the Acropolis.

  • We know that there was a lot of interaction.

  • Cleopatra herself came to Athens.

  • So I don't think it's inconceivable that if one wants

  • to connect this to things Egyptian, that one couldn't date

  • it also to the Caesarian period.

  • But whatever its date, it's fascinating in its own

  • right, again because it's octagonal.

  • We've talked about the fact that we don't have octagons in

  • Rome until the time of Nero.

  • But we do see them.

  • You saw another example, also in Leptis Magna,

  • the market there, of the Augustan period.

  • It's interesting to see this form emerging--

  • possibly under Ptolemaic influence,

  • we're not sure--emerging in the provinces,

  • before it seems to emerge in Rome itself,

  • and this being another example.

  • Here's a view of the monument again,

  • but also compared to an engraving done by Stuart and

  • Revett, S-t-u-a-r-t and R-e-v-e-t-t,

  • Stuart and Revett who made drawings of monuments that were

  • in better shape in Athens, in the eighteenth century.

  • And what this tells us, besides showing us what the

  • porch looked like-- and you can see it well

  • here--it also shows us that there was a weathervane on the

  • top that would have gone in the direction of the prevailing

  • winds.

  • And the reason that we call this the Tower of the Winds is

  • not only because of that weathervane that once stood

  • there, but also because of the

  • depictions of male personifications of the winds on

  • all eight sides of the structure.

  • And those are extremely well preserved, as you can see here:

  • a frieze of these male winds.

  • And if you look carefully at the Stuart and Revett drawing,

  • you also see that there was a sundial on all eight sides of

  • the monument; so its purpose,

  • needless to say, to tell time.

  • The capitals from those porches are these lotus leaves growing

  • out of acanthus leaves.

  • So another Egyptian touch here, this looking back to

  • Egyptian-type capitals, using them here -- the same

  • kind of capitals that we know had turned up much later at the

  • Severan Forum in Leptis Magna.

  • A detail of those winds; and here a better detail of at

  • least one of them, to show you what they looked

  • like close up.

  • And each one of them has a different attribute,

  • which has led scholars obviously to speculate about

  • which particular wind, which of the cardinal points of

  • the compass, which wind they were in

  • actuality; we won't get into those

  • arguments here, but there's been a lot of time

  • spent by scholars on trying to sort that out.

  • What is also interesting is the interior of the building,

  • which is also extremely well preserved.

  • And you can see here, all in stone,

  • the way in which the octagon becomes a dome.

  • And it is done extremely well, and one--

  • I mean, this goes way beyond any kind of stone dome that we

  • see, either in Etruscan or Roman

  • architecture in Italy.

  • And it shows us--once again, it underscores,

  • more than anything else I could show you,

  • the talent of these particular architects who had been carving

  • this Greek stone for centuries; the way in which they are able

  • to make this transition from octagonal shape to regular dome

  • here is extraordinary.

  • They did not need concrete to create a great dome in this

  • wonderful structure, the Horologion of Andronikos,

  • or the Tower of the Winds, in Athens.

  • The other great philhellenic emperor was of course Hadrian.

  • We know Hadrian came to Athens on three occasions,

  • and we know the exact dates of his visits.

  • The first visit, 124 to 125, Hadrian was in

  • Athens.

  • He came another time in 128, and he came a third time in 131

  • to 132.

  • And all the buildings that I'm now going to show you date to,

  • roughly, to the times of those three visits.

  • The first one you see in an engraving here.

  • This was an aqueduct.

  • When Hadrian came to Athens for the first time in 124 to 125,

  • he said, "We need to supply water to the people of

  • Athens."

  • And so he set his architects at work to build an aqueduct for

  • Athens.

  • They created a reservoir on Mount Lycabettus,

  • the highest mountain in Athens; a reservoir.

  • And then on the side, one of the sides of the

  • mountain, facing the city,

  • they had--they built a kind of a structure,

  • a kind of a bridge that in part carried that water into the

  • city.

  • It no longer survives--there are a couple of bases from it;

  • that's it.

  • But we do fortunately have engravings that were made when

  • it was in better shape, when part of it still stood,

  • and we see one of those engravings here.

  • And what we can see right off, Ionic capitals:

  • Ionic capitals clearly based on those of the Erechtheion.

  • So the Erechtheion still a beacon for architects,

  • still a monument to be emulated;

  • emulated in the time of Hadrian, as it was under

  • Augustus.

  • We see an inscription, and then we see something quite

  • extraordinary.

  • If we look very closely above the right-hand Ionic capital,

  • we see the beginning of an arcuated lintel;

  • straight lintel, the beginning of an arcuation.

  • So what does that tell us?

  • That tells us clearly--and here's a Stuart and Revett

  • drawing of that element, when it was in better shape

  • again; a straight lintel,

  • an arcuated lintel, with an inscription mentioning

  • Hadrian.

  • That is the same kind of arcuated lintel that we saw at

  • Tivoli, at the Canopus,

  • that we saw in Ephesus at the Temple of Hadrian,

  • in Ephesus, showing that this particular motif,

  • this arcuated lintel, very much associated with

  • Hadrian, says this is a Hadrianic

  • building essentially, and used not just in Italy but

  • elsewhere in the Roman world.

  • So again these exchanges of ideas and motifs and artists and

  • architects during the Hadrianic period, as was the case under

  • Augustus.

  • Over here we're looking again from Google Earth at the Roman

  • Agora.

  • Next to it a Library of Hadrian, a library that bears

  • Hadrian's name, that was also put up in Athens,

  • during the Hadrianic period; specifically in 132 A.D.,

  • connected to the last visit that Hadrian made to Athens.

  • We can see that it is a great--a large open rectangular

  • space, with the library itself at the

  • uppermost part, and then a façade that

  • has projecting columns, and I'll show that to you

  • better in a moment.

  • Here's a view I took again from the Acropolis showing that open

  • rectangular space, as it looks today.

  • There's some later buildings built into it.

  • And here we're looking at the back wall of the façade,

  • which we'll see has projecting columns on it.

  • Here's a plan of the Library of Hadrian of 132 here on the

  • right-hand side of the screen.

  • And you should be struck immediately as you look at this

  • plan, with its open rectangular

  • space, with a pool here in the center,

  • with the columns going all the way around,

  • with an entranceway in the front, with projecting columns

  • on that façade, with a series of niches that

  • are alternating, segmental and rectangular,

  • with again the library located in that uppermost part with

  • other rooms forming a kind of wing on either side.

  • This should remind you, without any question,

  • of this.

  • And what is this?

  • Student: The Forum of Peace.

  • Prof: The Forum Pacis, the Forum of Peace,

  • or the Templum Pacis, of Vespasian,

  • in Rome.

  • So once again--and it is a near-clear duplicate.

  • Even though this is a library and this is a temple or a

  • forum--although we talked about the fact that we weren't

  • absolutely sure how this was used;

  • it may have been used as a kind of museum in Rome for the spoils

  • and other works of art that Vespasian and the Flavians

  • wanted to display.

  • But once again we are looking--the influence does not

  • flow only from Greece to Rome, but from Italy to Greece.

  • And in this case they are also using, as a model for the

  • Library of Hadrian, an important building type in

  • Rome.

  • They're using it, you know, perhaps in a

  • different way, but nonetheless they are using

  • almost that exact plan for this second-century building.

  • And I show you here a model of the Library of Hadrian in Athens

  • where we see that it was planted with greenery.

  • The library was located in the back.

  • There was a fairly conventional entranceway, looking like a

  • typical Greek temple.

  • But then these columns that project in front of the wall;

  • the statuary on top, looking very much like the

  • Forum Transitorium, which you'll remember bordered

  • the Forum Pacis in Rome, and that probably was also

  • something that they were looking at.

  • And here creating--this is as far as the Greeks go to creating

  • one of these undulating walls with the projecting and receding

  • elements.

  • It's still fairly conservative, but nonetheless they've

  • injected a little motion here, using the traditional

  • vocabulary of architecture.

  • And here we see a view of the wall, of that façade;

  • what survives of it today.

  • The wall is made out of white pentelic marble,

  • and the columns are made of a slightly--

  • I don't know if you can see it from where you sit--

  • but a slightly greenish tinged marble,

  • that comes from a place in Greece called Karystos,

  • K-a-r-y-s-t-o-s.

  • So again this interest in varied marbles;

  • varied marbles that come only from the very rich quarries that

  • Greece has.

  • They did not have to go anywhere else to get high

  • quality marble and to get marble of a wide variety of colors.

  • I want to turn now to a structure that has one of the

  • most complicated building histories of any building I've

  • shown you in the course of this semester,

  • and I'll run through that relatively quickly.

  • This is the Temple of Olympian Zeus,

  • the so-called Olympieion, that was put up,

  • or that was dedicated, by Hadrian, in the year 131 to

  • 132, on the occasion of his third

  • visit to Athens.

  • But it had again a very long building history.

  • It goes back to the Archaic Greek period,

  • when it was begun.

  • It was begun by the so-called Peisistratids--I've put these

  • words on your Monument List for you--the Peisistratids,

  • who were Athenian tyrants.

  • They began to build it in the Archaic period as a Doric

  • temple.

  • The construction was stopped, however, at the end of the

  • sixth century B.C., in 510.

  • It was resumed in the Hellenistic period,

  • in 174 B.C., when Antiochos Epiphanes--

  • and his name is also on the Monument List--

  • Antiochos Epiphanes, a king of Syria,

  • decided to employ a Roman architect by the name of

  • Cossutius-- also on your Monument List--to

  • finish the building; a Roman architect.

  • That's interesting that we see a Greek Hellenistic ruler hiring

  • a Roman architect; speaks to that exchange again

  • that is going on.

  • He, Cossutius, decides to use the Corinthian

  • order; the Corinthian order.

  • And he finishes it up to the architrave, the building up to

  • the architrave.

  • And when Antiochos dies in 164--that's where he's up to;

  • that's where -- 164 they built the building up through the

  • architrave using the Corinthian order.

  • Sulla sacks Athens in 86 B.C.

  • And you'll remember what Sulla does.

  • This is that very temple, with the 55-foot tall columns,

  • that Sulla eyes and says, "I want those."

  • And he brings several of those back to Rome,

  • to be used in his renovation of the Temple of Jupiter OMC;

  • those very columns.

  • It was the introduction of those Corinthian columns and

  • capitals to Rome that made that the most popular capital in Rome

  • and in the Roman Empire, as we've seen.

  • Augustus wanted to complete the structure.

  • He did not do so, and it was left to Hadrian to

  • finish it, and Hadrian finished it according to Cossutius' plan,

  • in 131 to 132.

  • And what Hadrian did was put in this structure statues of

  • himself and Zeus--Zeus, the Greek equivalent to

  • Jupiter; statues of Hadrian in one part

  • of the structure, to Zeus in the other part of

  • the structure, and tons and tons,

  • lots and lots of statues, additional statues of Hadrian

  • outside the temple in the courtyard.

  • And you see this temple here, as finished by Hadrian,

  • as it would've looked in the Hadrianic period.

  • You can see that like a typical Greek temple,

  • as opposed to a Roman temple, it does not have a

  • façade orientation.

  • It has two entranceways, one with a statue of Hadrian,

  • one with a statue of Zeus, and that it has columns that

  • encircle the entire monument-- a peripertal colonnade--as well

  • as a staircase that goes all the way around.

  • So a typical Greek temple; 131 to 132.

  • It's the same time that we see the Temple of Venus and Roma

  • going up in Rome; what I described as a Greek

  • import.

  • Hadrian is responsible for both.

  • And so we see again this important interchange between

  • the two, at this particular time.

  • A view of what survives of the Olympieion, its columns,

  • its Corinthian columns--you can see the small people wandering

  • around; so this is a very large

  • structure--that I took from the Acropolis.

  • Once again here's a wonderful Google Earth version of the

  • Olympieon, this combination of what it

  • looks like today, with sort of this 3D imaging

  • that makes it look also like it looked in antiquity.

  • Here you see some of the columns of the Olympieon,

  • the ones that still survive.

  • They are incredibly large and incredibly handsome.

  • And I think, when you look at the high

  • quality of the carving, you are struck,

  • as I am, at why the Romans decided the Corinthian order was

  • the order for them, when they saw these exact

  • columns on the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus in

  • Rome.

  • When Hadrian made his visit to Athens,

  • the last visit to Athens, in the 130s,

  • the city busily--benefactors busily got together to put up an

  • arch that would be ready for Hadrian when he arrived.

  • And that he could parade through, and that is the

  • so-called Arch of Hadrian, which you see here,

  • in a view of what it looks like today,

  • and in a Stuart and Revett drawing on the right-hand side

  • of the screen.

  • Again, a quite conservative arch: a very simple,

  • single arcuation in the center; pilasters done with Corinthian

  • order; columns would have been added

  • here; a second story, with a pediment.

  • No split pediment here.

  • We see a straight, conservative pediment here.

  • And the Stuart and Revett drawing tells us that in

  • antiquity there was a marble slab that was located in the

  • center of that aedicula, in the second story.

  • And we know there were statues, the inscriptions tell us that

  • there were statues on both sides of this.

  • And the statues are very interesting,

  • because on the side that faces the ancient Greek city there was

  • a statue of Theseus, and an inscription that said

  • This is Athens, the City of Theseus;

  • and on the other side, of course, they put up--

  • in order to pay obeisance, to honor Hadrian,

  • and to try to extract favors from him undoubtedly,

  • they put up a statue to Hadrian on the other side,

  • and that inscription says This is the City of Hadrian,

  • not the City of Theseus.

  • The last monument that I want to show you is a monument that

  • is near and dear to my own heart,

  • because in the two years that I lived in Athens,

  • in the 1970s, I was working on a book on this

  • particular monument.

  • The monument doesn't date to the Augustan period and it

  • doesn't date to the Hadrianic period, which makes it all the

  • more interesting.

  • It dates to the time of Trajan.

  • And it has nothing to do with either of those two emperors,

  • but with a man whose name is mouthful,

  • and that is Gaius Julius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappos.

  • You don't have to remember all of that.

  • I like to call him Uncle Phil.

  • You can call him Uncle Phil; that's the easier way to refer

  • to Gaius Julius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappos.

  • Nonetheless, he was a very interesting man,

  • and we know a lot about his bio.

  • We know, for example, that he was the son of a king

  • of Commagene, a Hellenistic kingdom in the

  • eastern part of the Empire, in ancient Anatolia,

  • what is now Turkey.

  • He was a son of that king of Commagene, C-o-m-m-a-g-e-n-e,

  • and his relatives had been kings for some time.

  • But he was unfortunate; although he was slated to

  • become king himself, he was unfortunate that

  • Vespasian, the Roman emperor Vespasian,

  • conquered Commagene, made it a Roman colony,

  • deposed the kings and became ruler himself,

  • in a sense.

  • And so Philopappos, because of the Romans,

  • never became king of Commagene.

  • He seems to have made the best of it by making his way to Rome,

  • using his influence and his high station,

  • as a deposed king, to finagle for himself a

  • position as suffect consul in Rome.

  • What was a suffect consul?

  • A suffect consul was kind of a consul in waiting;

  • by that I mean that if one of the regular consuls couldn't do

  • his job, the suffect consul could be brought in as a

  • substitute.

  • So Philopappos could sort of stand and wait and hope that

  • someone got sick and he could come in--

  • or got, you know, was in war or involved in a

  • military campaign, and then he would be called in

  • to take his place.

  • So he hangs around Rome for awhile, and then he eventually

  • goes back, goes to Athens.

  • He moves to Athens, he's honored with all kinds of

  • titles in Athens, and he eventually ends up

  • being--dying in Athens and being buried in Athens.

  • And a tomb gets put up in his honor between 114 and 116.

  • And we know the precise date because of an inscription on the

  • monument, the still surviving monument,

  • that makes reference to some of Trajan's titles,

  • titles that Trajan held between 114 and 116,

  • but does not include titles that he got after that.

  • So we know that it was put up between 114 and 116.

  • And we're going to see that it features a frieze depicting

  • Philopappos at the high point of his life: his processus

  • consularis, his consular procession,

  • when he was made a consul in Rome.

  • I show you a view from the air where you see once again the

  • Acropolis, and the relationship of the

  • Acropolis to the Mouseion Hill, the Hill of the Muses.

  • Now what's most extraordinary is that there's only one ancient

  • monument on the Mouseion Hill, and that is the Monument of

  • Uncle Phil.

  • We are standing on the Acropolis.

  • I love this picture.

  • I took this picture myself, and I'm very proud of it

  • because it just happens to work, especially because these two

  • guys happened to be standing there taking pictures of the

  • Odeion of Herodes Atticus here.

  • But we're standing here, we're looking back toward the

  • Mouseion Hill.

  • And you can see not quite at the apex but almost near the

  • apex, the monument, the sole monument that stands

  • on this hill, the Monument of Uncle Phil.

  • How did he rate to be able to get this sole monument on one of

  • the three major hills?

  • You can see it--it's marble--you can see it popping

  • up--pentelic marble--you can see it popping up almost near the

  • apex of the hill.

  • If we look at this site plan, you will see that it is sited

  • exactly-- you see it here,

  • on the top of the Hill of the Muses--

  • sited exactly in relationship to the Acropolis,

  • lined up with what building?

  • The Erechtheion; the Erechtheion,

  • this building that was so revered by the Romans.

  • It's lined up exactly with it, at midpoint,

  • between the Propylaia and the Parthenon, exactly on the

  • Erechtheion.

  • And this is the view--here we are standing right in front of

  • Uncle Phil's monument, looking back at the Acropolis.

  • Even if you don't want to go see Uncle Phil--which I hope you

  • will; if you're in Athens visit him

  • for me.

  • I hope that you will, at the very least you want to

  • stand there with your back to Phil's monument and look at the

  • Acropolis.

  • You get one of the best views of the Acropolis from the

  • Mouseion Hill.

  • You see it here, and your view is lined up

  • exactly with the Erechtheion.

  • Now why is Uncle Phil buried on this hill?

  • This is interesting, because if you think back to

  • tomb architecture that we've looked at in the course of this

  • semester, we didn't see people buried on

  • hills.

  • The Romans don't bury people on hills.

  • They bury people on flat ground, outside the walls of the

  • city, in their necropolises.

  • Every tomb we've seen was on flat, essentially on flat land.

  • Why is Uncle Phil buried in a tomb near the apex of a hill?

  • Well as I was writing this book I looked back to his own

  • ancestors, to people in this part of the

  • world, to a group of dynasts in a

  • place called Nemrud Dagh, also in Anatolia.

  • And I show you one of their well-preserved tombs here,

  • and you can see that the tomb is built not quite at the--

  • not at the apex of the hill, but on the slope of the hill;

  • in this case not as close as Uncle Phil's is to the apex,

  • but moving on that--moving up on that slope toward the apex.

  • And if you look very carefully at this monument,

  • you will see among the remains some seated statues of the

  • dynasts of Nemrud Dagh, of this area that Philopappos

  • also comes from.

  • This is the Philopappos Monument on the left-hand side

  • of the screen, as it looks today;

  • made out of pentelic marble, beautifully carved.

  • It is a kind of a tower tomb with a plain base,

  • a curved second story that has the scene of Philopappos in a

  • chariot, at the time of his consular

  • procession.

  • And then some statues in niches, seated statues,

  • looking very much like those of Nemrud Dagh.

  • Up above we think it's Philopappos himself,

  • with a bare chest, headless, in the center.

  • A figure in a toga over here, and certainly another figure

  • flanking him, another male seated figure on

  • the right-hand side of the screen .

  • Why do I show you the Arch of Titus in connection to this?

  • Because we know that Philopappos' father and uncle

  • participated in the Jewish Wars, on the side of the Flavian

  • emperors, in order to gain--even though

  • they'd been deposed, they wanted to gain favor with

  • them.

  • And when Philopappos went to Rome, this is the monument that

  • he would've seen, this monument that Domitian put

  • up to those Jewish Wars that his father and his uncle had

  • participated in, on the Velia,

  • with that representation of Titus in a chariot.

  • And I think there's no question--and I present this in

  • the book as a theory-- that the processus

  • consularis of Philopappos closely based on the triumphal

  • scene of Titus.

  • And perhaps it's no coincidence--we don't have too

  • many pentelic marble buildings in Rome--the Arch of Titus is

  • made out of Greek pentelic marble.

  • Is that a coincidence?

  • I don't think so.

  • Here's a restored view of the Monument of Philopappos as it

  • would have looked in antiquity: the base,

  • the consular procession, the statue of Uncle Phil in the

  • center, the inscription to the left,

  • which is the pilaster that survives,

  • with the inscription making reference to Trajan's titles,

  • that allow us to date it.

  • And then probably a missing attic with an inscription at the

  • uppermost part.

  • This view over here shows you some graffiti that have

  • fortunately since been erased.

  • I show you the interior of, or what survives of,

  • the back wall that would've been the burial chamber.

  • Here's a restored view showing that burial chamber,

  • the sarcophagus of Philopappos where his remains would've been

  • placed, a statue of him on a console

  • that still survives, and then columns and a straight

  • lintel that formed what we call a naiskos,

  • n-a-i-s-k-o-s, which served as a kind of

  • shrine to honor him, on the inside of the monument.

  • And if we look at this cross-section of the tomb,

  • which are in my book, we see the sarcophagus,

  • we see the statue of Phil, and we see the way in which it

  • is lined up with the representations of Philopappos

  • on the outside, in his--it's kind of midway

  • between the scene of him in his chariot and the scene of him

  • with the bare chest, in heroic nudity.

  • So during his lifetime in the consular procession,

  • after death up above.

  • So honored three times in three statues on this monument.

  • Here's a view of some of the figures that accompany him.

  • They're wearing Roman togas, because the scene is taking

  • place in Rome; that's where the consular

  • procession is.

  • They're carrying fasces like the bodyguards do for an

  • emperor; and that too shows the

  • relationship of this to the Arch of Titus.

  • Here we see the scene of the Arch of Titus,

  • triumph, and the scene of Philopappos' triumph;

  • clearly the one on the right, in my mind, based on the one on

  • the left.

  • If you look at details of the chariot, you see a naiskos,

  • again decorating the chariot, a naiskos that has a figure of

  • none other than Hercules.

  • We can see him wearing--holding a club.

  • So once again, just like Caracalla,

  • we see, in this case earlier, Philopappos associating himself

  • with Hercules.

  • If we look at a detail of his head, which is unfortunately not

  • that well preserved, we see that he is bearded,

  • we see he wears a rayed crown.

  • So although he is represented in this consular procession,

  • his kingly, what he--that he might have been a king,

  • is referred to.

  • But also his triumph over death.

  • And if we look at sculpture from Nemrud Dagh,

  • we see once again this interesting relief--

  • so there's more than one of these--of dynasts of Nemrud Dagh

  • shaking hands with Hercules with his club and wearing a rayed

  • crown.

  • So this is another one of these wonderful examples of this

  • fertile mix that one gets so often in provincial Roman art,

  • where you see a monument clearly based in part on Roman

  • precedents, but also based on the bio of

  • this particular man and more on local precedent.

  • A scene of Philopappos in the uppermost area,

  • showing him in heroic nudity.

  • And the last image that I want to show you is just to make the

  • point that interestingly enough this monument was put up by

  • Philopappos' sister, a woman by the name of

  • Balbilla, B-a-l-b-i-l-l-a.

  • And Balbilla--I wanted to make this point because we have seen

  • so few examples; it's not that there were none

  • but they were small in comparison to those of men,

  • that there are--fewer women seem to have put up monuments

  • than men.

  • But the examples that we have are very interesting indeed.

  • And in this case we know that the tomb was put up by Balbilla,

  • a woman who became very friendly with Sabina,

  • wife of Hadrian.

  • In fact, the three of them traveled together to Egypt,

  • to Thebes, to see the Colossi of Memnon, which I show you up

  • there.

  • And Balbilla leaves an inscription when she goes that

  • she was there; so she tells us that.

  • So a very--just to close today--a very interesting

  • example of an extraordinary tomb in Athens, but one that was

  • built by a woman.

  • And I think that's a great way to end on this beautiful

  • Thursday.

  • Thank you all.

Prof: Good morning everybody.

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