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So I'm here with Wes and Phil from
Wong Fu
and I'm going to put them through
The Eat Your Kimchi Kpop English Challenge
What I'm going to do is I'm going to give them
a list of lines in Kpop Songs
and a Multiple Choice question
and they're gonna have to pick the right answer
The Loser
Whoever gets the fewest amount of points
has a punishment
Phil: I know Kpop like the back of my ?
I Don't know
Body Part
I've got my money on Wes
Phil: Uhh
Wes:I don't know I don't know
I think he listens to Kpop
like in private more
Phil: I know a lot of your viewers and fans
are like SUPER
! Marker !
I think we're gonna embarass ourselves
The 1st Question is this:
In EXO's Wolf,
The Band sings to a girl
and they tell her
"I'll take you..."
A: "I'll you and your soul for my love"
B: "I'll take you under the sun and stars"
C: " I'll take you in one mouthful like cheese"
D: "I'll take you for food and drink on a date"
Wes: Ooo
Phil: Ooooooo
Wes: Well, I know EXO
You Know EXO!!
There's two different groups
He's done his research
He's done his research
Phil: Alright, you know EXO
Actually I have no idea
[Fart Sound]
I was trying to like BS it
but, I don't...
EXO's relatively new, right?
and they're SUPER Popular
Super Popular
So I Love them
My favorite is
[Simon Whispers in Phil's ear]
WHAT !?!
That's one of the members' name
His name is bacon
Phil: Ok, Yeah
I love Bacon
I Really do.
Wes: I'm gonna go with the "wolf one"
All of them are the "wolf one"
I would like to go for the correct answer
Tell it to me. Please
Phil: [B:] "I'll take you under the sun and the stars"
Wes: I say number 1 [A]
Number 1
The answer is
[C]: " I'll take in one mouthful like cheese"
Phil: Are you kidding me?
The song literally says
I'll take you..
in one mouthful like cheese
Wes: But, I take two mouthfuls of cheese
[Crunch Sound Effect]
Well you aren't doing it right
You gotta step up your cheese game Son
[Music Plays]
Question: In SUPER JUNIOR'S "Mr. Simple"
right before they say "Hey, I'm Mr. Simple"
they say....
A: "Because I love you now and forever"
B: "Because I like you like my lover friendly"
C: "Because I naughty naughty"
D: "Because I think you are the best of best"
[Ticking Timer Sound Effect]
Wes: [D] Naughty Naughty
Naughty Naughty
Naughty Naughty
Phil: Kpop songs love repeating
a simple word over and over again
i think its [D] "Naughty Naughty"
Because, Korean stars
they do want to be a little naughty
[Simon Agrees]
Phil: and sometime their videos are very
They are totally naughty
Did you see that!!
They are totally naughty
So, it's [C] "Naughty Naughty"
"Because I Naughty Naughty"
The answer is [C] "Naughty Naughty"
Wes: Yes!!
Did you know that
You were so confident about that
[Phil Celebrates]
I didn't think you were going to get that
Phil:I saw it like "Because I Naught Naughty"
Your not going to get a zero in this one
Phil: Yes!
Wes: Going off of how I messed up on the first one
[Simon Laughs]
Just Pick the worst answer and
Wes: I'm going outrageous now.
[Music Plays]
U-KISS is a Kpop band that is very good at math
and they find interesting relations between love and formulas and equations
What Nerds !!
Just Kidding!!
[Both Laugh]
Simon; [Edit this out] !!
[Question] Which one of these infallable truths
have been provided for us?
[A]: You can't deny my R Squared Pie
[Wes: ?]
[B]: "Our Love is Prepared for E= MC Squared"
[Phil doesn't believe this]
[C]: "No love is deficient with a standard coefficient"
Wes: Oh that's pretty good
[D]: "Listen to this rhyme our loves velocity has no distance over time"
Phil: Whichever one of these are wrong are very good regardless
I could see them in a song
Thank You. Cause I made up the other ones
Wes: were you eating a mouthful of cheese while you were..
Two of them actually
[Wes Laughs]
Phil: Think its [C]
"No Love is Deficient with a Standard Coefficient"
Phil: Yeah I feel like whoever wrote that one was like really proud of that
Like "Oh Yeah this is SOO Good"
Wes: I thought it was the first one because it has the letter "U" in it
I'll go with the first one
[A] I can't Deny that you are correct.
YES!! [Wes Celebrates]
[Simon Laughs]
You got it!!
Ok, thats kind of amazing
Phil: OOO
The Answer is [A]
"You can't deny my R Squared Pie"
Phil: But you can't deny my R Squared Pie
My Circle ?
Area of my circle
Because it has no beginning or an end
So you got 2 Points. So Far and nicely done.
Wes: Wow! OK
I Should just join Kpop
Of Course!
Your so ready for this
[Music Plays]
Next Question
In SUPER JUNIOR'S "Sexy, Free & Single"
[Music Plays]
She wan starts off the song with the line
Sexy, Free & Single
[A]: " I'm ready to love you"
[B]: " I'm ready to Bingo"
[C]: " I'm ready for the club"
[D]: " I'm ready to GIGGITY GIGGITY boom JIGGITY
Phil: I would've put it past the GIGGITY GIGGITY boom JIGGITY
I feel like Kpop could actually make that sound really cool
Of Course!
I've gotten several comments with people saying if I was one of the SUPER JUNIOR'S
I look Seewan
I've seen that on one
Can you grow a little mustache there
There you GO!!
He has a mustache now?
Yeah, Now he has a mustache
[Zooms in on Phil]
Which one are you ready for?
Wes: All of them
But, thats not the question
[Points at card]
Who is SUPER JUNIOR ready for?
Phil: You know what, I bet this song
was like a Club Banger
so its [A] " I'm ready for the club"
its unfortunately [B]
" I'm ready to Bingo"
Aren't You Ready to Bingo!
I'm Ready to BINGO!!
WHAT!! Are You Serious!?
Lets rock this
Wes: It's not Love you
Why wouldn't it be love you.
It's too Easy
It's too Easy
Wes: [A] " I'm Ready to BINGO"
Bingo, That is the correct answer
Wes: YES!!
Phil: Do they know that Bingo is like old people and games
Well, Yes they all like want to get these girls into a club
So they shout like A4 and
That must be what it is
Thats exactly what it is
It's very wholesome fun. That they have with girls in Korea
Phil: Yes
In T-ARA's "ROLY POLY" They gave a list of things
that they like
What are the things that they like?
Is it [A] " I like this I like that, yeah"
[B]: "I like fun I like boys, yeah"
[C] " I like play I like play like play, I like play yeah"
[D] " I like bananas yeah"
Phil: If its " I like bananas yeah" My mind will be blown away
Ok, I haven't listened to T-ARA since...
That's KARA
Oh My God!
Phil: So what, Those suspenders were just so mesmerizing
His number is 5 1 4 9 0 6 2 0 9 6
Call him up
Many Apologies
A Thousand Apologies
Wes: " I like boys..
I like fun, I like boys"
Wes: its not that one
its not..
Phil: I'm gonna say the one thats just repeating the same thing over and over again
[A] " I like play, I like play, I like play, I like play, yeah"
Wes: I feel pressured cause I was on a roll
I'm gonna go with Play
Thats good guess, but the answer was [A]
You should've gone with [A]
Phil: That was my second guess
I Like a Like a This
I Like a Like a That
I Like This
Like That
Thats from the rapper
I like it like this
I like it like that
Thats Perfect
[Music Plays]
Next Question
In "Beautiful Target"
are really in love with a girl
and say that she does something special to their hearts
What is it that she does?
Does she [A]: "Buy it for sale on the market"
[B]: "Drive it like a car and park it"
[C]: "Zoom zoom my heart like a rocket"
[D]: "Oppa oppa love me chi chi dada"
Phil: I feel like some of the Kpop songs like to take inspiration from American songs
So I think its the Drop, Park it and Drop it
[A]: Drive it like a car and park it
Phil: Drive like a car and park it.
Wes: Rocket
The answer is Rocket
Wes: Yes!!
[You Totally Cheated]
No, I didn't
Thats the first
Thats the first
No, Thats the first band. I actually don't know of
I've never heard of
The other ones I've heard of
He's selecting [B], but the answer is [C]
"Zoom zoom my heart like a rocket"
You only got one answer correct so far
Phil: Oh my Gosh
You are not doing great at all
Wes: I'm really surprised right now
Yeah, I'm surprised
You only got one wrong so far
Martina: " He just needs to write for Kpop for now on"
Wes: I Should
I'll just go back with you guys
There are so many companies that are willing to sign you
Wes: Except I can't write for them. I just telling them Yes or No
Thats it
The'll give you a multiple choice quiz and you'll pick the winning lyrics
[Music Plays]
BILASA "Beautiful" has a very important message about Love
its very profound
In that song that tell you to...
[A]: "Make a Love Baby"
[B]: "Make a Love that lasts"
[C]: "Make a love sexy boom boom"
[D] "Make a love banana"
Phil: Ok, theres no way it can be "Make a love banana"
There are songs about bananas
Wes: Wait, this is the one you said earlier
No, they're just lots of bananas in it
[Wes Laughs]
What I can't use that
Phil: When they "Make a love baby"
Are they actually saying "Make a love baby" ?
Is that too Risqué?
Is there a...
or are they saying
You know like
we should have children otherwise