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-OMG, fruit fanatics!
We've got a super-sweet treat for you today:
a full-length episode of my hit Cartoon Network show,
The High Fructose Adventures of the Annoying Orange
and it's free! That's right!
Every other Thursday, we're uploading new episodes
from the TV show right here on my YouTube channel!
Whoo-hoo! But wait, there's more!
If you don't want to wait around for the episodes,
click the link below to head on over to Hulu,
where you can watch all the episodes right now!
Wow! Let the binge-watching begin!
All the hula-hooping starts right now with
Night of the Veggie Zombies!
-♪ He's Orange, he has a lot of friends ♪
♪ They live together on a fruit stand ♪
♪ They have adventures all across the land ♪
♪ And even play in a rock and roll band ♪
♪ He's Orange ♪
♪ Annoying Orange ♪
♪ He's Orange ♪
♪ Annoying Orange ♪
♪ He's Orange ♪ [Orange laughs]
-(announcer) This is a Fruit News Network special report.
-We've received numerous sightings, unconfirmed,
of zombie vegetables attacking fruit stands around the globe.
There is no need to panic.
[zombies snarling] Wait... this just in.
I can now confirm the report, and you are welcome to panic.
[car alarms wailing, zombies snarling]
-What is it zombies don't understand about person space?
-I never thought it would end like this.
-(Midget Apple) Me either.
-Orange, there's something you should know before we...
get eaten alive. I've always felt a certain...
-Appeal? -Well, actually...
-(both) A peel!
[fruit scream]
-Oh. You meant that literally.
[collective screams]
-I guess you're probably wondering
how this all came to be--
our world overrun with hungry zombie vegetables.
Well, it all started because
some children refused to eat their veggies.
-(girl) Ew! Gross!
-(Orange) An evil alien race of broccoli saw opportunity
in the mass of vegetable waste and seized on it.
-The time has come, my cruciferous minions.
Human children have foolishly discarded enough vegetables
to give us the zombie army we need
to destroy all fruit on Earth!
Our dream of a fruitless planet where veggies are number-one
by a complicatedly preposterous plan will soon come to be!
-(minions) Death to fruit!
-Send out the zombie signal!
-(Orange) Using advance space technology...
...the aliens brought discarded vegetables to life,
creating a hungry zombie army.
[zombies snarling]
What do zombie vegetables feed on, you ask?
[snarling continues]
Yeah, fruit. So thanks for not eating your vegetables, kids.
But before we get devoured, let's go back a few minutes
to when everything was still right with the world.
The day started just like any other.
Hey! Hey, guys! Why are you all scowling at me?
Is this a frownie meeting?
I'll take six cases of oatmeal fudgy-bottoms. [laughs]
-This is an intervention, Orange. You need help.
-You mean like a butler? Sweet.
I'm gonna name him Froderick. [laughs]
-I told you he wouldn't take this seriously.
He's just laughing at us, like always.
-Whoa, for your information, I have a condition
that makes me laugh uncontrollably
at my own terrible jokes.
-Really? What's it called?
-Giggle-chuckle-itis. [laughs]
See? Aw, come on.
It's a real condition. Look it up.
[others groan]
-Orange, if you're really serious,
I might know someone who can help.
-[German accent]: Tell me about your mother.
Is she still around?
-Of course she's round. She's an orange. [laughs]
-Ooh, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk.
This is the worst case of giggle-chuckle-itis I've seen.
I fear you may choke on your own mirth.
-What can I do, Doc? I wanna live!
-Well, we have had some success with aversion therapy.
-What version? [laughs] Sorry.
-From now on, when you feel the urge to laugh, [chuckles]
I want you to picture the least funny thing in the world.
-Are you picturing something unfunny?
-Boy, am I.
-Okay. Now, I tell you the joke, ja?
And you just concentrate on that image in your head.
There were two pistachio nuts-- [snickers]
walking down the street-- [snickers]
and one was "a-salted." [chortles]
-Uh, when are you telling the joke?
-I just did. -Tell a funny one.
-It WAS funny.
I am a gifted jokesmith with the walls to prove it.
-[gasps] Then you're saying...
I'm cured! I'll never laugh again!
-Yeah, right.
-I'll believe that when I see it.
[zombie nibbling] [screams] Help me!
-See? Normally Apple being attacked by zombie rutabaga
would make me spit chuckle-seeds,
but I don't feel the slightest--
[gasping]: Zombie rutabaga!
Run for your lives!
-[screaming]: Why?!
[zombies snarling]
Give it back, jerk.
-Aah, zombie attack! -The horror, the horror!
-There's no way out. Yay!
-Yay? -Happy-joyful-itis--
it's a condition.
-I've got a doctor you could see about that.
-Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ah! Guys, I got the ranch dressing.
-Ranch dressing?
-Veggie zombies hate that stuff
almost as much as they hate happiness... and babies.
[boom!] -Nerville, look out!
[zombies snarling]
-[screaming] No!
-(both) No!
-No! I hate vegetables! [screams]
-He's gone. -Yay!
You got that doctor's card?
-This is a perfect chance
to put our emergency vegetable zombie attack plan into action.
-We have one of those? -We do now.
Grapefruit, Grandpa Lemon, you guys man the FCDS.
[cricket chirps]
Fruit Cart Defense System.
[mechanical whirring] -With pleasure.
[mechanical whirring]
-Aw, I was gonna take a nap. -Little Apple,
get the Emergency Fruit Broadcast System running
and find out where the survivors are congregating.
-Already on it. -What about the rest of us?
-We're going zombie huntin'.
-Zombie hunting! Yay!
-(together) Yeah!
[heroic music playing]
[zombies snarling]
-Orange, I'm surprised.
We just laid waste to at least 50 zombies,
and you didn't laugh once.
-I told you, I'm a new orange. A serious orange.
An orange who doesn't hide behind the mask of a fool.
An orange who wants to--
-Whoa! Nice shooting!
-Thanks. So you were saying something about...
-Guys, little problem.
[zombies moaning]
-I just got word of a safe house outside the market.
Mr. Banana's Coffee Kiosk is made of metal.
It's impervious to zombies.
Repeat, if you can get to the Banana Kiosk, you'll be safe.
-You think we can make it?
-Well, we're out of ammo and surrounded by zombies.
-We're pretty much doomed.
-Don't be like that.
There's always a rainbow after a hurricane.
I'll meet you there. Yay!
-Marshmallow, no! -Aah!
-Aah! Save yourselves!
Don't let me get eaten by veggies in vain. Yay!
[giggles] It tickles!
[zombies snarling]
-Eat my rind, you undead freaks!
Uh, not literally though, please, okay?
-[snoring as blaster rattles]
[zombies moaning "fruit"]
-We've got to get out of here now!
-No way! This cart is our home, and I can't leave Grandpa Lemon!
[dramatic riffs]
-Ooh, Grandma Lime, is that you?
[zombies moaning "fruit"]
-Oh! I wish I could unsee that!
-You and me both. -Go. Live your life.
There's nothing left here.
Or there will be in about 12 seconds.
I hit the fruit cart self-destruct button.
-(electronic voice) The fruit cart will explode in
ten... nine...
Oh, we don't have time for a countdown.
It'll explode... now.
-Go on, you adorable little runt!
Get outta here! Don't look back!
Now let's make a veggie stir fry!
[fruit screaming]
-Guys, Midget Apple, over here!
-It's Little Apple!
-Wow, even under a zombie attack, that's a concern?
-I've got a real deep-rooted inferiority complex.
-I know a good doctor you could see.
[zombies snarling]
-No. Stay back! Stay back!
[snarling continues]
[fruit screaming]
-So, this is pretty much where you came in.
Looks hopeless, right? Wrong.
-Lester's peeled. There's no place left to--
-Orange, it isn't funny.
-[echoing laugh]
Aw. I thought I was cured.
-Orange, I think your laugh just made their heads explode.
-That annoying chuckle
is a natural zombie defense mechanism.
-I hate to say it, Orange, but your laugh is infectious...
to zombies. -And to think I nearly let
medical science destroy this valuable weapon.
[echoing laugh]
[laughter continues]
-You think you can defeat my vegetable zombie army?
Right now, they're attacking
fruit stands worldwide, you hear me?
You'll never stop them! Never!
-We'll see about that. And we're live.
-Hey! Hey, zombie vegetables...
[echoing]: murder!
[laughter echoing]
-This isn't over, you hear me?
I still have my minions to destroy you!
[descending whistle]
-Grapefruit sticks the landing!
-[yawns] What a refreshing nap.
I miss anything?
-I don't care for any of you!
-Hey-hey, everybody!
-(Passion Fruit) Marshmallow? -You're alive? How?
-Oh, I have a secret way of dealing with zombies.
[roaring belch]
Whoops! Secret's out! [giggles]
-Well, it looks like this zombie adventure is dead and buried.
-(Pear) Not quite! -(Orange) Apple zombie? [laughs]
Hey, how come you didn't 'splode?
-I'm not a zombie.
Veggie zombies can't turn fruit into zombies.
It's a scientific impossibility.
-Oh. Too bad.
Well, remember kids, eat your veggies.
If you don't, we might just make sequel.
-(Pear) Sequel?! [all scream]
Sweet salamander sandals.
[groans] I got to get a mop.
[zombie yipping]
No! Help!
Help me! Aah!
I want some veggie zombies now.
[remix music]
Ranch dressing!
[slow-motion]: It's so slow.
I'm gonna keep one.
It's kind of expensive.
Captioned by
Fruitspeed, as they say.
As I-- I say that.
-(director) Cut! It looks great! -[laughs]