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  • I've just had to mention this as the Beatles become a theme,

  • that I interviewed Paul McCartney for the "Element."

  • That's it.

  • (Laughter)

  • (Applause)

  • Anyway, Paul McCartney or Paul

  • (Laughter)

  • I'm just saying

  • went to Liverpool Institute, which is now LIPA,

  • that was where he went,

  • I went to the [Liverpool] Collegiate on the other end of Hope Street.

  • I asked Paul McCartney

  • I helped a little bit with LIPA in the early days

  • of Mark Featherstone which is the team we got back together.

  • It's a fantastic school by the way. Mark's done a wonderful job.

  • I asked Paul McCartney if he had enjoyed music at school.

  • And he said no, he hadn't.

  • I said: "Did your music teacher think you had any talent?"

  • He said, "No."

  • He does, doesn't he?

  • One of the other people in the same music program at school,

  • a couple of years younger, was George Harrison.

  • And I asked Paul if he thought that teacher tought George had any talent.

  • He said, "No."

  • So I said, "Well, look..." —because part of my argument

  • is that talents are often buried,

  • you have to go looking for it, and create the conditions for it

  • so I said: "Well, would this be a fair comment

  • that there was just one music teacher

  • in Liverpool, in the late 1950s,

  • who had half the Beatles in his class

  • (Laughter)

  • and he missed it?"

  • (Laughter)

  • He said, "Yes, that's right." (Laughter)

  • Well, it's a bit of an oversight, isn't it?

  • (Laughter)

  • I'm just saying

  • Elvis Presley, —that Elvis mentioned earlier

  • went to school in Tupelo, Mississippi,

  • and he wasn't allowed in the Glee Club at school.

  • They said he would ruin their sound.

  • Elvis!

  • Well, we all know to what great heights the Glee Club went on to,

  • (Laughter)

  • once they managed to keep Elvis out of the picture.

  • And that's the point, isn't it?

  • Your life is, you create it

  • according to the talents you discover or not.

  • You mentioned the Dalai Lama, and a few years ago,

  • I hosted a session at the Vancouver Peace Summit,

  • and he was the guest of honor.

  • We had about 2,000 people in the room.

  • It was a session called "World Peace through Personal Peace."

  • So we had about an hour to solve that up.

  • (Laughter)

  • We were just killing time for the final 20 minutes to be honest but

  • (Laughter)

  • I had to introduce the Dalai Lama.

  • I mean Herb actually introduced me

  • (Laughter)

  • Buddhists as you know, you mentioned the great work there,

  • Buddhists believe in reincarnation, so he's the 14th Dalai Lama.

  • So it's a lot to get in to an introduction, you know

  • (Laughter)

  • if you are going to be comprehensive about it.

  • Anyway, I then realized I didn't have to introduce him,

  • because I thought if your name starts with 'the'—

  • (Laughter)

  • you can relax socially, can't you, at this point?

  • (Laughter)

  • "Excuse me, which Dalai Lama are you?"

  • (Laughter)

  • "That would be "the..."

  • (Laughter)

  • Anyway, he said a lot of really great things,

  • and may I say, a lot of the great truths to be known since the beginning of time,

  • and they are very simple.

  • But he was asked a question at some point during the session,

  • and we were all sit at 2,000 people waiting for the great man to speak.

  • There were 10 of us on the panel facilitating it.

  • But he was asked this question

  • you've got a picture, he's sitting cross-legged on a throne

  • I did actually asked Herb for a throne today, but

  • (Laughter)

  • Anyway, we did get a sofa with a teddy bear on it, so

  • He was sitting cross-legged on a kind of a big wooden chair

  • and with a baseball cap on,

  • and he was asked this question, and he took a deep breath,

  • and pondered this for probably about a minute... it's a long time.

  • And we were all thinking this is going to be fantastic.

  • This man has the definite article in his name

  • so, he's going to wait until he comes up with this.

  • And then he leant forward, he took a breath, so here he comes,

  • and he said, "I don't know."

  • (Laughter)

  • I thought: "What do you mean, you don't know?"

  • (Laughter)

  • You are the Dalai Lama!

  • You have the definite article right in your name.

  • He said: "I've never thought about that.

  • What do you think? What do you think?"

  • You see, I love that.

  • It's been the theme of the afternoon, isn't it?

  • Knowledge is not about what you know it's about what you don't,

  • and being prepared to say, "I'm going to find out."

  • It ran through all presentations;

  • what you said about the restaurant, "I don't know, I'll try it."

  • It's not over as long as you are alive and breathing and maybe, not even then.

  • And the great teachers are the people who also learn with their students.

  • It's a big problem of education,

  • we're all supposed to know, and if you get it wrong, you failed.

  • All the great questions are knowable even at the heart of science.

  • The other thing he said, by the way, and he said lots of things,

  • he said: "To be born at all is a miracle.

  • So, what are you going to do with your life?"

  • And this really resonates to me, I am one of seven kids

  • and my brother John, who's sitting right there, there's my brother John.

  • I had an arm around him most of the afternoon,

  • I just want to explain what is going on there.

  • (Laughter)

  • It's so easily misinterpreted.

  • I don't mind if it is by the way, but, anyway, that's John.

  • John has been doing our family tree.

  • It's not much of a tree, truthfully, it's like a small shrub, isn't it?

  • All fungus infection at the roots from what we can make up. (Laughter)

  • But he discovered that seven of our eight great-grandparents,

  • were all born in Liverpool in the 19th century

  • within two miles of each other.

  • That's how they met. They ran into each other.

  • That's how people used to meet. You know, life was very local.

  • People didn't travel great distances like you all do.

  • People just went to work and came home,

  • it was as far as they could walk and then they would come back again.

  • So, that's how they met.

  • You might say: "No, that's not the case, you are missing the point,

  • there is a cosmic theme here that you misunderstand.

  • The cosmos arranged things so these eight soul mates converge

  • at the same point of the space-time continuum,

  • they should meet and procreate and continue the process

  • that has led to the miracle that it is me!

  • (Laughter)

  • It's a way of thinking about that, I don't think so.

  • I just think they had lower standards then, frankly, I think

  • (Laughter)

  • I think people ran into each other in the street and thought, "You'll do."

  • (Laughter)

  • "I can spend my life with you.

  • I'll be constantly embarrassed, but it will be fine."

  • (Laughter)

  • Because they didn't know Angelina Jolie was in prospect, or Brad Pitt,

  • they didn't have TMZ or People Magazine, it was just the people around.

  • But here's the point, you see.

  • They went on and had kids, and eventually our grandparents were born,

  • and then our parents were born,

  • and 50 years later,

  • and there was that night in the pub,

  • and here we are, and it's a miracle that followed.

  • But, the thing is, —I tell you about that

  • because if you think of the chances of you being born at all,

  • that's pretty remote, statistically.

  • All the people and the circumstances involved

  • think how you met your partner, if you have one

  • those circumstances are remote.

  • Think about what you do and how it came about,

  • your life is composed by choices you make,

  • the turnings you move towards, the ones you turn away from,

  • the chances you all are prepared to risk, the way you deal with fear or you don't,

  • and in the process you create a life of some sort.

  • And it's a miracle and it's amazed me how little people settle for very often.

  • They go through their lives in a state of anxiety,

  • thinking: "If I try it, it won't work."

  • Anyone who ever achieved anything [his life]

  • was prepared to be wrong and make a mistake and try it,

  • that's how culture progresses, how our lives progress,

  • how you build a legacy and have a life in the process.

  • Everyone makes his own choice about that sort of thing.

  • And I just feel that's been

  • one of the great features of the afternoon and this morning, I'm sure.

  • I wasn't able to be here, but we've had lots of examples

  • of people who've created very different lives

  • and they're affecting people very differently.

  • It's in the way we do that, that we create a culture

  • and if we got the culture right, we create a life we can live communally.

  • My final thought in all of this

  • is that's the difference between human beings and the rest of life on Earth.

  • We are jeopardizing life on Earth the way we're behaving, but the thing

  • is human culture is always progressing through power of imagination, creativity.

  • There's a big difference between us and the rest on Earth,

  • although we're intimately connected, and we keep forgetting it.

  • If you've got a dog,

  • your dog probably has all kinds of feelings,

  • and may have some kind of imagination.

  • But it doesn't manifest it in quite the same way.

  • You don't see your dog, starring out the window, depressed, reading Camus.

  • (Laughter)

  • You'd say, "Do you come for a walk?" and he'd say, "No."

  • (Laughter)

  • "No, you go out, I'm not in the mood, you go..."

  • (Laughter)

  • Because we live in a virtual world, we live in a world of ideas,

  • in a world of thoughts, and feelings, and theories and possibilities.

  • It's the old maxim:"Nothing is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

  • Nothing is so influential as a life well lived.

  • And that's really, I think, what today has been about

  • and, I want in your behalf, to thank all the speakers this afternoon,

  • Mike for a wonderful round-off

  • and especially Herb, for bringing us all together,

  • so please welcome Herb Kim back to stage.

  • (Applause)

  • Herb Kim: Thank you.

  • Let's give a round of applause for 'the' Sir Ken Robinson,

  • for guest housing this final session.

  • (Cheers) (Applause)

  • And of course, I have to repeat my thanks to all the speakers all day,

  • which have been amazing.

  • I should also add of course, our own staff,

  • Rob and his crew up there

  • have been busy making sure all the stuff behind us was working well,

  • things like microphones and the such like.

  • Is Marie around? Marie Burns, who's the producer of this year TEDx.

  • (Applause)

I've just had to mention this as the Beatles become a theme,

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TEDx】生活是你的才能被發現|肯-羅賓遜爵士|TEDxLiverpool。 (【TEDx】Life is your talents discovered | Sir Ken Robinson | TEDxLiverpool)

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    稲葉白兎 posted on 2021/01/14
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