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Hi and welcome to our
course , Today is our third session and also we were so long
in between with no videos but we were preparing for this one
this one actually we are going to focus on some tips
that many people asked me why we cannot speak English in
a fluent way , why we cannot speak English good and right way
I'll tell you today we are going to take some tips
and these tips are not theoretical you know like" ink on paper "
there are some practical tips that
you may add to your life I think you will find some
more and good results that will be reflected in your language
today I'm going first in this part to focus on
some rules to speak English fluently and then I will move on to business class
and we are going to speak about some
like tricky interview questions which we need it when we go to
job interview specially and also we are going to
speak about some advanced words the are only five advanced words
I think they are so helpful when we are going to speak about
the first part today which is
some tips to speak English fluently
the problem is that some people may asked me
many times and still asking how can I speak English fluently
I will tell you seven rules and I think these seven rules if you will choose
five of them three of them or four of them
you will not find any problem in your spoken English
today I'm good first to speak about rule number one which is
always study and review phrases
don't it take the small words , so the first rule
is just understand how you can use the vocabulary
so study the phrases and review them on
don't just take like a list of words or the most important words in English no
just you can take some words and you try
to put them in sentence , I think really this is a good one
I think that we get a word group , the word group
it's an easy one and maybe we all know it how can I use it
for example if I studied the word group later on how can I use it ?
I will tell you you can put in some small sentences
for example I love to work in a group
I love to work in a group , I think this will make
the word like more practical and you will practice it more and more
let's move to rule number two which is
don't study grammar , really many people just focus
focus , or err like focusing
grammar and using the grammatical
tenses , and they do have some really ... I saw really big books about grammar
no don't waste your time in learning and practicing grammar
so many people asked me before how can I build up a sentence without grammar
I'll tell you listen more and try to listen to a right English
and a right pronunciation and a right pattern
a right construction of a sentence this will make your
language more clear and it will make it
like an imitation or for example who are copying
what you are hearing and this is really really important while you are dealing
with it
so speaking about rule number two
which is don't study grammar , I mean here
you must study the basic of the grammar so you can build up
later on them but if you have like a complicated one like
if situational for example don't bother yourself you can just
trying to react with it or you can read more about this
part so rule number one if you're going to review them
rule number one is always study and review words
in sentences and the second rule which is don't study
grammer now let me see rule number
which is listen first many peoples just rush in
to speak and speak and speak and they don't even listen to the question
no you must first listen to what do people say
and after you listen to and understand the question or understands the point
of their spoken part for example someone is speaking about traveling
so let him finish his question or
her question don't just rush into so
you are speaking well just first listen to get to the main point so your
conversation will be
in a clear and the right way the fourth rule which
are you really like it is slow and
deep learning
people just need English when they just need it
I'll tell you many people even
like bothers themselves by offering ok in English language in their normal life
but if it comes to for example
after to you weeks I do have an interview or a job interview
oh my god his interviews going to do you think this hot guy
very my cell you rush into as holding so many courses around you and
listening to work snow it's not Ireland spark
it's a learning slow-motion you can just start slowly
for example you can start by 15 minutes
a every day you can't just focus on them
on learns and the for example the small town of Juneau the award
and he didn't know you must not the war and thoughtful
definition or for example some
work but we use them in different situations
and you must know how to use them so this is wrong number four
whose number five actually this one is air
really iraq go and so it's only
goals and so many points
when people did which was reading me
and short stories actually short stories are spreading all over the internet
for example if you go to Google and you just right
short stories you will find love them
and sometimes they do have categories for example
people who love to read about fiction
can't see it who would like to read about crime
they will it's your love it ansel
so many stores are so important while you are
looking a English Swan because it gives you a good battery of go forms
so I'll try really from today to read even
a short story on spear week and is also will help you
to get more o'callahan best
pattern of pronounced in English and also
got my football room number six months is
use real books and Israel
listens or English don't use I'm answer one for example
alive don't get you from your individual from there
most are to have a syllabus for yourself you can do it by yourself
for example it's fucking speaking for example
you can go online and you find song the
speaking to activities or investing activities so
specialize yourself don't spread out
yourself so you can all and no what they learned
when they have not and the last one going to
speak about which is listen
and answer not listen and repeat for example I ask you a question
don't repeat my question when you listen to my question
take your time and you can just the start to
give me your answer so this retreat is the seven rules are so important and
really important
if you will just do with them from today or from this
v you can see by you I think your English is going to be so helpful
and see you in the second part thank you
hi and welcome to the second part of it the same
now I'm going to focus more on interview and so
interview today I'm going to discuss with you
3 tricky questions actually they are I call them
electric question because the person was asking you this want to know
some informations about you and disinformation
are I think they are not mentioned in your city the first
was she when she's was your greatest
thread what is fewer greatest
strength so he is asking view
just what Armstrong acts lot are the skills that you are strong
I will tell you just 20
like for example when I'm working on a project
when I'm working on our project I don't just
oh I don't want just to are meet deadlines
I just want to did that this achievement
in this post so art stay more time I spend more time
dealing with it so how can I say is we can save in an organized way which is
when I am working on a project I don't want just to meet deadlines
rather I refer to complete the project will handle script schedule
I'd rather to complete the pros will
ahead of schedule ahead of schedule at the scene or at the right time
so not to be false or just start to finish
war completely in a good time and also the calls are so clear
and US shipments of course are so air
creative the second question which is what is your greatest weakness and this
is actually the opposite point
some people may ask why I will tell him
about twice as old as the interviewer everywhere and Ben
yes you cancel it I'll tell you something which is
turned it into a positive thing just don't give
-1 no to be a both for example
you can't tell me this point asking this question when she's
at the beginning I didn't choose
to you plan my schedule and i was just
getting off to blend my schedule as a last minute
but later on I found how important
is to reschedule through schedule modern
schedule in friends or two
right my schedule advance so you don't
so like you to insanity into a vault bar
for the first you told me a vast
you didn't write your schedule
if you have friends and use the
until the last minute and you just at risk as well maybe
you have some appointments tomorrow so you just
schedule or write your schedule I one hour before starting your day
and the second part
use it but now I'm what's really important
to write my schedule in advance so if I will
to my schedule in advance for example two days
they are here I think I will have some more time to organize myself so
uterine here's a negative into a positive and that's what's needed in
this form
the sold one which his about how do you handle pressure
how do you handle pressure
a you can just the light tell me something to
relief yourself for example I ask you
what you do when you have a problem your war you can just tell me I try to
I go to shame or walk out
after finishing my walk so I really my mind I get together with my friends
and that's it how to handle with pressure
of course we know all press for more and
think touring sport is a good answer to
answer there now you will find some
awards which are it's all related to
interview you will find in the BDS which are I'm going to pronounce them and they
will tell you so fast we're both
the the post-war which is carry out
carry out is to do a plan or a strategy for example
in my previous position as a researcher I K
out three different lack experience second orgies
collaborates second mortgages kalahari
which means to war with outsource
corporately and you will produce something of course
which we can say I collaborated was a group of colleagues
to develop annual sales threads assert
war you'll find which is the fellow to gridview
or build something for them I can say we develop and you
model 45 awaiting dry client satisfaction
climb satisfaction we devote and you
model for are you waiting client satisfaction
and the force war which is direct
it means to lead someone to do something for example I can say
I've invented are pros it related to international sales
and that this war which
his facility which means to assist others
in completing a task for example I can say
in my last position I facilitated many
product development meetings with my colleagues
the sex war which his implement which means to carry something
out for example I can say along with my sales team
I implemented and inbound marketing
can be and so excellent results
the less toward which is and fruit juice which means to bring an idea
for example I can say I comes to consistently
introduced new ideas in our meetings with President
our company the next warn winches
wanted a mark actually two groups like to give
and encouraging thing for someone for example
some of your France your or your colleagues
it did something good so it's a opened up good war will dawn this is a good
for someone to have and actually this is really important when you're working
with someone
and we can also see this part which is
in my position as a manager at my last job
I was able to make money my colleagues to sit seals a record
2012 okay so motivated
to do something that next war which is present
which means to deliver information to a large group
all people of course people and we must give this information to
and also the school to present I can say I have presented
I had professional conferences for the past three
years in a row three years in a row three years
a year after year after year for three years
the last one which is super bonds supervises
to like to begin charge over group
and two supervise and to
oversee their performance for example I can say
I have gone for two also butterflies in large groups
of people these are so important morse and if you will study
good way you will find them also on on your body if which you'll find it
billows video
also it's being published while we are showing this video
my last point before I finish is with speaking English don't say
I have no way to speak English know you have all the way to speak English
you must do it so when you wanna see is life speak more English
please start to find these resource I'll help you you can sing
something on my page and we can see it together and also we can
help you by standing use all of these you
links or web sites or whatever that will help you
to improve your English English is so important
and if you getting loose you will be able to learn
so many other languages and of course
now English he's a global language
so please start to at the steps into your life
I hope you think this will become so
fluent and better on thank you for watching it
CO next fall thank you