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ok I'm going to go ahead
and start this workshop is called more memory tricks and i know some of
you were here
last week at the regular memory tricks
if you weren't
you'll be able to catch on to this i think very quickly anyway but i have so
many memory tricks that it's hard to
cover them all in one workshop so we're going for two uh... these are the four
things that i'm a going to talk to you about today this one is really quick and then
we're going to spend a lot of time on these next couple
uh... last week for those who were here one thing that you should remember
is that um...i taught a couple of math tricks at the beginning of the workshop
and that was not designed to teach math
it was designed to just show you the power of tricks in knowing shortcut
ways to do things
and so uh... i'm gonna show you one more math trick and now as just a little
warm up
this is nothing you need to write down or anything but again it's to show you
something about again the power of tricks
so if i ask you
to do a problem
like that
nine divided by point two five
what you would need to do in order to solve that would be
to do this
and then this and then you have to move the decimal point over and just do the
whole thing
if you know the basics of how to do it it's not that hard it just takes a
little while to kind of process through
but if you know the trick you can do it in about one second
without having to do any of this and that is
whenever you have a math problem where you have a number divided by point two
that's the exact same as multiplying it by four
which is a lot easier than the other
so here's your math question for the day what's nine times four
thirty-six ok and if you had done
all of this
and all that and done it... you would have come up with the same answer it would have
just taken you are a lot longer
and so six divided by point two five would be
twenty-four right six times four
and the fact that you can do that once you learn this in about one second
doesn't mean that you're any smarter then you were when you came in here in
math it just means that you know the shortcut again the trick
and so with the goal of last week's workshop and this week
is to show you some applications of how you can use tricks to make your memory
absorb more and do better on tests as a result
and that's what these three are going to be all about okay
so whether you follow that completely or not doesn't particularly matter for our
purposes today but
what i wanted to do first
in terms of uh... actual teaching
has to do with mental pictures and uh... quick uh... recap for those who were not
here last week just so that you have an idea of what we're doing
i explained last week that one of the best memory tricks you can have
is learning how to close your eyes and getting a picture of something in a
certain way and then it
that kind of glues into your brain and you remember it
all of us have imagination all of us can close our eyes and see things
but two of the qualities of a good mental picture that i gave last time
that you need to be aware of
for what we're about to do right now is that if the pictures are really
stupid and bizarre
you remember them better and so everything i'm about to do with you is
gonna seem to be pretty stupid
and that usually sounds bad but in this case it's going to be good i'll show you
the other one
is that you very often have to involve play on words which means
rhyming words other words that sound similar to be able to see things in
picture form and again i'm gonna show you specifically how to do this now
now if you are very tired today
i'm extremely nervous about what's going to happen in the next couple of minutes
because i'm gonna ask you several times
to close your eyes
and get a picture of something that i'm describing and i want you to do that i
don't want you to sit there and kind of
stare at me i want you to close your eyes
but then when i'm done you need to open them
and so if you're really tired i don't hear snoring anywhere in the room so
hopefully we'll be ok with this
what i'm gonna teach you is going to actually require no note-taking
whatsoever so usually i like people to
write down some things that i teach that they find helpful but for the next
five minutes or so
i don't want you to write
anything down
it kinda defeats the purpose of this
i'm gonna teach you something that i'm going to test you on at the end of the
and i think if you do this the right way you're going to be shocked at how easy
it is for you to memorize what i'm about to show you without writing it down
without doing anything like that at all so
again i want you to just uh... follow my direction and when i have you close your
i want you to close your eyes
and the big thing remember is i don't want you to try
to close your eyes and listen and remember what i'm saying
because you won't
i want you to see the pictures that i'm describing and if you see them clearly
you're gonna remember them later okay so here is the strange little teaching
i'm gonna teach you twelve names of
streets that are all in the long beach area you'll probably recognize most of
these streets
three of them are in group a
three in b three in c and three in d
when i give you a test at the end of the workshop what i'm going to expect you to
do is when i give you the name of a street
i expect you to know which group it's in
and a lot of times when you have many things to learn it's easy to get 'em mixed
up and in the wrong groups but if you do this right
you're gonna be perfect at the end and sort of surprised again at how well this
so here's the first uh... picture ok we're gonna end up with several pictures
we're going to use
this sound alike word hay
okay everybody i think knows what
hay looks like whether it's
a big bale of hay or like loose hay or straw that's a picture i want you to get
and i have a little visual aide here
just to kind of make this a little bit even easier for you
the first street in group a
this one
which is
market ok so this is the first part of the first scene again just follow me with
this even if it seems weird
you'll find in the end it works i want you to close your eyes
and i want you to get a picture of
the market the supermarket and you're walking down the aisle with your cart
but everywhere you look on the left and the right
on the floor in front of you there's hay
stickin' off the shelves
bales of hay in front of you you have to even swerve your cart around
so i want you to really see that again don't just listen to the words but try
to get that picture in your mind
okay now you can open your eyes
i'm gonna show you something cuz otherwise you wouldn't get this
as you're going down the aisle
all these people are there
nothing unusual about that except they're not shopping their standing
there kind of blocking your way and every person you're looking at
has something in front of their face you can't really see their face at all
and what they have what they're doing is they're reading magazines
while they're standing there in the market
go ahead and close your eyes and this is where i want your imagination to work
i want you to imagine all these people in front of you
standing there reading magazines and i want you to even read
the cover of the magazine in other words
what magazine is it that they're reading really be specific about it 'cuz that
so kinda get that picture in your mind
okay and then you can open your eyes and
what street is that supposed to help you remember well this is one of these
weird tricks that actually works it may sound a little bit odd it's for
this one magnolia
what does that have to do with what i just described
well just this part
the mag as in magazine
if i ask you to close your eyes and get a picture of a magnolia tree
could you do that
uh... maybe a few of you but i have no idea what that looks like so i can't
really get a picture of it but a magazine
that i know right so we stick with things that we know
okay and then go ahead and close your eyes one more time for this weird picture
you get very angry with all these people in front of you when you finally say
could you move out of the way i have to go through and shop and i want you to
imagine every person
who has those magazines in front of them lowering the magazine and looking at you
and now you can see 'em but in place of their eyes
picture big red
right in place of their eyeballs and imagine as you look at each person what
it would look like to see
stuck there
okay and then you can open your eyes and that street if you can't figure out we're
in trouble
that's a simple one right so this one is easy some were a little bit harder
okay now that picture that weird little picture with the hay in the market
is supposed to connect all those together and we'll see how that goes
later the second category we're going to use the letter or the uh... the
insect the bee everybody knows what a bee looks like but don't picture a bee that
looks like this picture
one that's the same size you are
that would get your attention in a hurry with the big stinger so a five or six
foot bee
coming after you
ok the first street in group b
is this one
and that is park
okay so here is a new
strange picture i want you to get go ahead and close your eyes and hopefully
you're not falling asleep on me at this
close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in the park
in the playground area where the swings and the slides are
and everywhere you walk in the park there's this giant bee that is
trying to buzz by and sting you
got to get that image in your mind
okay and then go ahead and keep your eyes closed
you look around the park
and there is
nobody there you're all alone except for the bee
and you decide
i haven't gone down the slide
since i was a kid and nobody's here to look at me
so i'm gonna try it again and so imagine yourself climbing up the ladder
to the top of the slide
but you're in for a shock when you get to the top of the slide you
see a man sitting up there
you didn't see him before but there he is
he's dressed in red
bright red
he has a big white beard
and he has big black belt
ok who are we talking about
yeah santa claus well
what street is that
okay this is another one of those partial ones that still works ok and so
if you weren't sure who i was talking about go ahead and close your eyes back
up and again imagine santa
up on top of the slide and then you can keep your eyes closed for the last
little part of this and that is
he sits up there and you're waiting and he doesn't go down see you shove him down
the slide
and now it's your turn
and i want you to imagine sitting at the top of the slide
even if it's been a long time since you've done this and as you drop down
what it feels like in your stomach and all of that as you drop but also
as you're going down the slide i want you to imagine on the left and right
side of the slide are beautiful pink roses
that are lining the slide you can kind of feel them as you're sliding down
so see that in the picture
kind of connected in your brain
okay then you can open your eyes
and that one
which would again be an easier one is
this is rose
okay quick review so far where is all the hay
in the market
uh... what is this
cherry and again if somebody walked in right now they'd think what in the
world are they talking about what is this
magazine and if that's all you said that's good ok what's it supposed to be
magnolia but who cares as long as you got that part down your fine
um... what is buzzing around the bee at the uh... park
the bee and what's on the sides of the slide
roses who's up at the top
santa fe claus santa claus
okay so we've got two bizarre little scenes or pictures
the third one is the weirdest one of all so that means you're gonna remember this
one for sure we're going to use the sea
the ocean cause you can get a see a picture of that
so uh... this
image is not the most enjoyable but i want you to try to get it anyway i want
you to try to
close your eyes and imagine this
you have fallen overboard off of a ship
and the ship is gone
and you are alone in the cold water treading water trying and uh... stay afloat
and you're afraid that the sharks
are gonna come get you
and you're looking around wondering what you're going to do and all of a sudden i want you
to get this image
you look to your left and right and straight ahead of you and you see
hundreds of these little round objects bobbing up and down in the water and you think what
are those and you swim over and grab one and look at it
it's an orange
no idea what they're doing there but there are hundreds of oranges on the sea
ok so see that clearly ok then you can
open your eyes and i don't even need to show this to you but i will anyway
that is street number one
okay here's the stupidest one of all i love this 'cause it's so dumb but you're gonna
remember it close your eyes back up and here's the image
you're afraid you're cold you're treading water
you're holding an orange
and all of a sudden all these animals start swimming at you from all angles
with their mouths open ready to attack you
which is what you were afraid of except
they're not sharks
in fact you're so upset you start screaming out in spanish
and what do you shout
well you can look up here
this is what you shout
los coyotes
their comin' if you don't know what a coyote looks like picture a wolf
or anything else but i want you to get the idea of really wet angry coyotes
swim in from all angles so
close your eyes back up and see that and then the last little part of this
is this
just when you think you have no hope whatsoever
a miracle worker
you hear the honking of a horn and you look off to the side and there's a
speeding full speed toward you it can be any car you want whatever your favorite
car go ahead and make it that and that car pulls right up next to you
door opens the person in there pulls you out and saves you at the last second
so i want you to see that wierd thing going to have all this on the sea
anybody have an idea what street that is
that would be a good guess too uh... it's right
there i forgot which way we were pointing it's car son
okay so that's one of those parts things again
okay uh...
who's at the top of the slide
santa claus
uh... what's on the sides
of the slide
roses where are you
in the park and what is trying to attack you
a bee
on the sea
what's trying to attack you los coyotes uh...
what comes to your rescue on the sea
car son
and what do you see bobbing up and down all over the place oranges ok uh... what
is all over the market everywhere you look okay
and what's everybody doing
reading magazines and what is this again
cherry ok now
we are done with three we have one more to go and i want to see if you can
figure this out
there are three more streets i want you to know them
okay but
i'm not going to teach them to you
so the question is how can you possibly know somethin if i don't teach it to you
well uh...
here's what we're doing
you have 3 uh.. pictures weird ones that are stuck in your brain hopefully they won't
if i ask you on the test that i give you in about like twenty twenty five
minutes if i ask you
what category is the street
del amo in
then what's the answer
how do you know that
cause it's not in a or b or c so when i give you those three you're gonna look
at me and think
you never
and then you'll get 'em these will be the easiest ones and so it's like you know something
without ever learning it it's kind of a another shortcut so what i'm gonna ask
you to do i hope you can't do this but
hope hopefully we'll make an effort at it and that is
i want you to forget everything i just taught you
just completely disappear
i'm going to teach you two more things and then we're going to go back at the
end i'm gonna see how well you remember what i just taught you so let
it go
and move on from there ok
uh... we're gonna talk for a little while
about the subject of definitions
and uh... there are some classes in college where this is one of the main
things you do is to memorize a whole bunch of definitions or vocabulary
uh... in an earlier workshop i talked about sort of good ways and bad ways
that people try to go about remembering them but for our purposes today since
the subject is tricks i'm gonna teach you a trick
way to remember definitions
this doesn't work with all definitions but when it works when it's a good fit
it's the best trick i know for it
and so uh... what this is called
and this always sounds sort of um... complicated to people but it's not at
all is it's called the... similar sound
cue technique
okay and one of the main reasons that i like this besides that it works
is that there are only two steps
two-step sounds really good it's a lot better than ten steps or whatever and even
better than that the two steps are actually in the name of the method so
that makes it really easy to remember
the first step is the similar sound
and the second step is the cue part
and of course that doesn't help you any right now but when i show you how
this works you'll realize how simple it is
uh... i'm gonna write a word up here
do this in red
so it's a little easier to pick up um... this is a word that probably nobody in
here knows if somehow you do
don't mention it for right now
this is a very long word doesn't even look like english in a way and if you
had a definition to learn of this word
what you might do is what
most people do
grab a flash card
write the word on one side and the definition on the other and practice 'em
but you're gonna see in just a minute
how confusing that would be and why this works better
so uh... the way that you
start this is by doing this similar sound step
and usually that takes five seconds or ten seconds so what you do and this
is what we're gonna look at here
you look at the word you're trying to learn and the first thing you do is try
to see if there's any part of the word that you
already know
sometimes there will be sometimes there won't
in this case i think we're all good for part of this what is that
phobia yeah what's a phobia
yeah it's a fear and it's an extra-large kind of irrational fear not a normal
type fear
arachnophobia is fear of
right so most people when it comes to spiders
they don't go up to them when they see them crawling and just
watch it and say that's really cute they just kind of jump a little and then
they take care of it whatever way they do but if you suffer from
you're terrified to the point where you almost have a heart attack when
you see one so again that's what these are
so these are very serious conditions a lot of people struggle with phobias
and so this that we're looking at here is the fear
of something
but this
doesn't look familiar at all and so what you do
is you
a part of the word that you don't know and this is what we're going to focus on
here you say it out loud to yourself a few times
and listen
and come up with the word you know that sounds similar to this which you
okay so this is pronounced care-on-o- phobia
keraunophobia so when you look at this and i'm gonna ask you for a little help
on this
when you hear keraun
what does that sound like
Karan the muslim holy book yeah
yes so a lot of people here
and they say Koran
that's very similar so that's a good one what else besides that
keraun crayon that's good
i've had people say carry-on
other people have said the one that i'm actually gonna show you 'cause it's on a
handout that i'm gonna give you in a minute
and this is a good one to those that you gave are fine
but it's also similar to the woman's name Karen so you have karan karen so
so you play with the sound of that that part of the word and then you come
up with something that you know that sounds similar to that and then you're
half-way done already
the other part is the cue part and to do the cue part what you do is take that word
that you just came up with
and make a little sentence that includes it a very short simple sentence
that's supposed to help you memorize the definition so the example here is
the cue sentence is karen
is afraid
of... and then here comes the meaning of this i think alot of you are gonna be
at this because this is not a very common phobia but it's a real one some
people are terrified of this
and that is lightning
okay so flashes of lightning not lighting but lightning right
and so if you uh memorize this
by writing Keraunophobia on one side and fear of lightning on the back
it would be really hard for you to lock that in your brain because this doesn't
look like this it doesn't sound like this there's just no way to connect 'em
i always wonder when i do this why they didn't just call it lightning-o-phobia
and then we'd all be fine right we wouldn't have to make a trick but
this trick
which everybody here has already memorized
cuz it's really simple
here's what happens you go to your psychology test it's probably the class
where you would get a bunch of phobias to learn
and you studied them this way
and you see a question on there that says keraunophobia is the fear of
and then gives you four choices
you see this word and what's the first thing you think of
poor Karen
and you know that she's afraid of lightning so u mark lightning
how about if the teacher asks it the other way teachers change wording all
the time so how about if the teacher said
which of the following is the fear of lightning and then they gave you four
well you see lightning
you think of poor karen and then you think of you find keraunophobia and you mark it
so instead of just being this weird word that you're not familiar with
it's something very easy to hold onto okay so that's the concept of this
now there's one more that i want to show you uh... and then i'll give you a
handout and we'll kind of go through several
um... i want you to help me with this okay
this is a real phobia
that a lot of people have it's a very common one but when you look at this
it's not going to help you at all
so i'm gonna ask you to guess and you're going to be wrong i'm just telling you before
you start but i want you to guess anyway
based on this
the way it's looks or the way it sounds an i'll pronounce it in a minute i want you to
what this might be the fear of
so this is pronounced belonephobia
so what would your guess be
yeah the one of the most common ones is fear of bologna you know lunch meat's and
all that and
that's not it
if it had been fear of bologna we wouldn't even need to do that right cuz it would
be easy what else does it
look like or
sound like
fear of
being alone
that looks really good right
not even close ok again if it had been that we would'nt need any help
well this
i've even had people say fear of balloons
fear of bells fear of the number one you know they're just like guessin' all kinds
of things
none of those even close
what this is and i would bet that somebody in here either struggles with
this for you know somebody who does it's that common
belonephobia is the fear of
as in getting a shot getting blood drawn some people are so terrified of that
they almost have a heart attack whenever the needle is coming close at the
doctor's office well again they should call it needle-a-phobia so if i was in
charge of the english language we'd just change all these but it's not
how do you connect these two in your brain so that on a test you
remember it
you do exactly what i showed you here and so that's what i want to show you
uh... when you came in today you didn't know that you're going to be an expert
on phobias when you walked out but you will be at least on these
there are ten phobias on this page and we're just gonna look at them for a
couple minutes so that i can
show you a lot of good examples of this
every one of these phobias is real
people think that half of them are made up but they're not i think you'll recognize
at least a few of these as being very well-known because they're common
okay and so
first one on the list is a very common one acrophobia fear of heights
and it says acrobats fear high jumps real simple little sentence
anthrophobia is fear of people
and this is where a play on words was developed by the people who created this
aunt threw the people out and that's because you have to think of something
that sounds like anthro there's not much like that
aerophobia is fear of flying and it says arrows fly people shouldn't
there you see keraunophobia which we've done
the next one is also very common claustrophobia which is fear of closed
or tight places
and i love this sentence
and we have santa claus twice in one workshop that's very weird but it's santa
claus hates small chimneys so if you picture big santa claus
trying to squeeze down a tight chimmney that's a good image of what
claustrophobia is
and then the next one is my favorite one ever
ergophobia fear of work
her go home she no like work
stupid sentence but again the more
stupid it is the more you tend to remember it bet you won't forget that one
belonephobia is fear of needles and there's the little sentence baloney
the shot will hurt so we got baloney in their one way or another
vestiphobia is the fear of clothing i'm not sure about one works but it says
here vests and other clothes scare me
now why should we probably not need a trick to remember that one
yeah 'cause a vest is a type of clothing so i bet you could remember that one
right away even without that trick but it's there
the next to last one
is iatrophobia which is fear of doctors
the word there if you're not familiar with that i atrophy when i see
doctors just means to sort of be paralyzed or unable to be used that kind
of an idea
and then the last one on the list is polyphobia
it's kinda like the one i gave you up here because it's a woman's name
fear of many things polly is afraid of almost everything ok now
what i want to tell you about this just very briefly and then we're going to
move on to our next topic is
um... i've tried an experiment with some of my classes before that's worked
really well so it's very encouraging at the very beginning of an hour and
fifteen minute class i taught them this method
and then we read through all of these like we just did
and then i gave them about two more minutes to just go back and
reread them and soak them in their brain
and then we put 'em away and i taught about other things for almost an hour
without ever looking at that again and then at the very end i went back and
tested them
to see how well they remembered these
and every time i've done that almost a hundred percent of all the students in the
got a perfect score remembered em all even though they didn't study them for hours
they didn't make flashcards they just learned em from me and then looked at
them for a couple minutes and then an hour later they were
still there so it shows that this can work now one last little thing about
you noticed how these definitions are very short
if you have a class where you have definitions to learn in the definitions
are like three or four sentences long this isn't gonna work too well unless
you can figure out how to take that definition and shrink it down to a few words
this is mostly for
kinda bite size definitions then this works in a fantastic way i've even had
students try this with foreign language
because whenever you take a foreign language you have to learn a lot of
and so they come up with the word in french or
spanish or whatever it is
and they have that word and they pronounce it and they try to think of
an english word that sort of sounds similar and they do something similar
and it works
it doesn't always work for everybody equally but it's a little trick to try
and sometimes it helps everything click better in your mind
ok uh... and questions
um... but let me go ahead and start the uh sign in sheet when that sign
in sheet gets to you if you could just keep listening but sign and keep it
moving along i would appreciate that a lot
um... the last main teaching before i test you to see how well you remember
what i taught you before is related to exact locations so my little
introduction to this
is this way um
in some classes in college
you are required to memorize locations of things
geography is an example where a teacher would give you a blank map and
you have to remember where everything goes but
the more common one is science classes
like a biology class
where a teacher would give you a diagram of the heart or something else and you
have to label everything and remember exactly where it goes
well under the pressure of a test no matter how long you study that
you have a tendency sometimes to get things mixed up or put them in the wrong
so if you know a trick
to help with that it should make it easier
so what i'm going to do is give you a copy
of a handout that would be used in a geography class this is the example that
i'm gonna give you
and um... i know that you are familiar with what you're going to look at here
some of you probably more than others
but i want you to pretend for what we're about to do
that this country this map you're looking at
is a country you have never really seen or studied before
it's somewhere on the other side of the world somewhere and you don't know
anything about it ok so if you had this
to memorize
that's a lot
ok and so one thing i want to say first is that there are two basic ways a
teacher could test you on this material
one would be to have you
see if you could remember which
states belonged in which regions so that's one way
the other way
the mean way would be to give you a blank map
and have you just start filling in every part of it
well the way you study for those the way you approach those two ways is kinda
different and so i want to show you something
that is actually
connected in a way to something i taught last week
one of my main teachings in the uh... workshop on memory tricks
was about acronyms and acrostics and learning how to use the first letters of
to create other words or sentences that help you remember things
so what i'm going to use as an example for the first part of this is the region
how can you remember which states belong in which region well here's the example
i want you to locate the rocky mountain region which you see listed here at the
bottom and of course you can follow the
arrow when you see where it is on the map
if i as your teacher for geography expected you to memorize the six states
and know that those are the ones in the
rocky mountain region
you could stare at it
you could look at 'em a hundred times to try to remember em and hopefully you would
but again on test day when you're nervous
you have a tendency sometimes to blank out
so here's what we do
if i copy the first letter
of every one of those
this is what we
end up with
okay so those are the first letters
well one thing you could do
is to try to move these letters around and make a word out of em
and then use that to easily remember
but i have never if you could help me with this that'd be great but i've never
been able to find a word
that uses all these letters it doesn't work so what i do
to remember these use without even having to look at the map
is i use this very strange sentence and that is
i drive in the rocky mountain region
ice wipers
and there's no such thing exactly as ice wipers but you can get the idea
my car usually needs ice wipers
that's my little sentence i remember
what is that supposed to help you with
all of these letters
are the first letter of
one of those states okay
now what i want to do even though i know you haven't studied this i want you to
take this map in just for a few seconds i want you to turn it over
so you can't see it
and i want to see how you deal with this
uh... what state is this
and wyoming now are there other states in the united states that starts with
these letters
yes but
you haven't even studied these and you already kinda know a few and if you studied it a
little bit and you practice this then when the time came for your test and your
teacher said list the six states in the rocky mountain region
you just say my car usually needs ice wipers
and you write down all these letters
and then all the states just come out and again it's a very simple way to
remember a group of things
ok but the bigger challenge and this is what i want to focus on for the next
few minutes is
what do you do if the
teachers gonna give you a blank map
and expect you to remember the exact locations what would be an easy way to
remember those well to do this i want you to look at the a lower right
corner of the map at the south east region
that's a much much uh...
bigger region with many more states
okay and so
as you look and you follow the little arrow up and you see that cluster of
states there
what i'm going to do is show you something a little bit like i showed you
but with a little bit of a twist to it so uh... as you look up into the
southeast region
as you follow the little arrow and you start in right where i'm pointing here
at the kind of lower left corner
you see the letters l a
right what does that stand for
louisiana ok so we're gonna start their and we're gonna just use the l
alright uh...
now if we went from there across and then back and up and over we'd forget
all of that so we're going to go in a way that's really easy to remember
what's state is right above
yeah right about is arkansas now when you see these two letters
l a what do you think of
yep los angeles
that has nothing to do with that part of the country but that's okay we're going
to use this in our little trick okay if you go from arkansas and then you just
go straight across the southern border of the united states what's the next state
you come to
mississippi then
alabama then
okay what does this remind you of
yeah magazine we already got that sort of from before
well this is a really weird coincidence there's actually a
magazine called l_a_ magazine
or los angeles magazine again
has nothing to do with that part of the country but we'll use it as part of our
now here's a quick question for you
we kinda skipped one
and that was florida
why would we not need to include that one in our trick
yeah it's recognizable because on any diagram or any map anything that physically
sticks out away from everything else that's usually really easy to remember
just by looking at it once or twice
it's all this stuff buried in the middle that's usually harder so we're going to
just skip that one
keep going up the coast what comes after georgia
south carolina so now we have
plural l_a_ mags like l_a_ magazines
uh... what's next
yeah north carolina and
why do we not need to include that one in our trick
yeah and i always tell people if you're in a geography class and you don't know that
north is about south
i can't help you right so that should be simple that's like two-for-one okay so we don't
need to include north if we know where south is so we got north what's next
straight up is virginia well you know that virginia is the name of a woman in addition to
being the name of a state
so what we have so far this strange sentence is
when i'm in the southeast
i buy l_a_ mags for virginia
which again doesn't make a lot of sense but it doesn't matter it's simple to
remember okay
well we're out of coastline now so
go left
what's next after virginia
yeah west virginia okay and we should'nt need to include that either 'cause again
you should know that west is left so that means we've done all the states in
that region except for
two which ones are still left
yeah kentucky and tennessee now when you create some kind of a memory trick like
this you don't want the trick to be so long that you forget the trick later
so we're gonna leave this right here that's about enough
but i want to ask for your help with this see how you do okay
as you look at kentucky and then tennessee
it would be easy for a person to remember that those go there
but then when the test came it would be really simple
to get em mixed up
get em reversed right that kind of thing happens all the time so based
on what i taught you at the beginning today
about creating weird pictures in your mind to remember things
what could you do
to remember that kentucky
is above or on top of tennessee
so here's what we do
what does this make you think of first thing
yeah most people start getting hungry immediately they say fried chicken okay
so we're going to use that how about tennessee what does that sound like or rhyme
with or anything
yeah a lot of people think of tennis you know like tennis shoes tennis
racquet tennis ball well
here's what people have told me so i didn't come up with these these this is
even weirder than i could come up with
i've had people say
they've pictured a bucket of
kentucky fried chicken here
and tennis shoes
down there and so kentucky's up there tennessee's down there it's a very
weird picture but you'll never get em mixed up
other people have said i pictured eating a piece of chicken
holding a tennis ball down here
whatever you come up with as long as it's sort of creative and weird
it'll stick in your mind
and so by doing these two things coming up with this and coming up with that
kentucky and tennessee
if you studied it that way you just reviewed it a few times and then the
teacher gave you a blank map of that part and you knew i'm starting in the lower
left with louisiana arkansas you'd end up getting every one of em right and so
what a lot of students tell me
when i ask them how do you study for a map test or a
diagram test
they say i just stare at it
open my eyes really wide and stare at it a lot and hope that it soaks in
that's a bad move and so you want to come up with some creative way whether
it's like this or something else
to be able to remember it under the pressure of a test ok so that's the
purpose behind this
okay any questions on this one
last thing that we're gonna do today is uh for me to give you your testing ok
so if you want to on the back of this or you could do it on notebook paper or whatever i want
you to number from one down to twelve
from one down to twelve
and then i'm gonna give you a really quick instruction
and then i'm gonna
be off and runnin' on this little quiz
and again um...
sometimes when people hear the word test or quiz they get nervous
don't get nervous you're not turnin' this in the me but we'll see how you do
ok i'm going to read all those street names all mixed up in a mixed up
order and what i want you to do for each one of them
is this is like regular multiple-choice
put down a b c or d as the category that it's in
take a few seconds and get the picture
that this goes with
this one
this one
remember what i said about this one and then you're ready and you should be able
to do great okay
so again you just putting a b_ c_ or d_
number one is orange
so if you have to kinda looked up there just think of the pictures and put down
the group
number two
number three
number four
number five sante...
number six car son
number seven spring
number eight mag
number nine studebaker
number ten park
number eleven
hopefully we'll all get this los coyotes
and the last one number twelve is
now i'm gonna uh... read the correct answers have you sort of check yours
see how you did and then i have one more
sort of comment to make about this method and then will be all set okay
here are the answers number one is c
two a
three a
what was four
d right so that should have been easy number five was b
six c
seven d
eight a
nine d
ten b
eleven c
and twelve b
okay uh... anybody get em all right
but several how many miss one or two okay
so uh... if you think about it
the way i taught this to you was very quick
no writing down with a little bit of review and then we left it for like
twenty or thirty minutes and then when i went back
it was all still there the last thing that i wanted to share with you and i
love this little story is that
uh... i had uh... uh... when you learn things this way by by use of
mental pictures
they stick for a long time
longer than you want them to
and i had a student one-time this guy
who uh... learned this from me and told me later that about
three months after
that day where we did all that
he was driving
with a friend
and he hadn't
thought about any of that ever since that day that he was here in the workshop
and he said he was driving and they stopped at a red light
and he looked at the light and he was waiting for it to change and he glanced up and
he saw the street
and it said
los coyotes
and immediately as soon as he saw that he looked at his friend and he said
hey that's in groups c
and the person looked at him like
what and he even said what
oh uh...
i fell overboard
off the boat
i was in the sea i saw orange and he was startin to tell the whole story
even though he had'nt thought about it in months and that shows that it was still
i may have ruined
you're driving enjoyment in long beach for the rest of your life but i dare
the next time you're driving down the street you look up and you see cherry
or you see carson not to have that story flash in your mind
and your gonna say i want to get rid of it
you can't
it's going to be in there for a long time and again some things you don't
want in there but if you apply this to
school related things
and then a test comes you realize wow it's there
it hasn't disappeared anywhere and that's what you want
you wanna learn things in such a way that they're glued in there and they'll
come out beautifully on the test okay that's the goal ok so uh... we're done
for the day if you could pass me the sign in sheet