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  • along glad you're here today and today is the continuation of what i started last week

  • which is

  • called more great ways to study and we're gonna talk about these four

  • methods today

  • the history have to do with your textbook

  • this one has to do with what it says switches flashcards

  • and so uh... what i want to start with is this uh... two one zero method

  • almost no students i've ever talked to

  • actually have heard of this error ever tried it but i'm hoping

  • that after i teach this to you

  • and least in the spring when you start your new uh...

  • classes you get your new textbooks

  • you'll give this a try because this is a very easy way to study

  • he gives you a lot of good

  • feedback or information that you can use for further study so many

  • uh... start

  • it's by drawing something and again i encourage you to uh...

  • take notes on some of these things are going to get a couple of handouts in a few minutes

  • uh... that go with a couple of them but

  • again sometimes teachers uh... want you to show on notes you took or whatever so i wanna

  • make sure that you do this in a way that gives you uh... for credit

  • if i ask you what is this a picture of

  • eileen anybody here would be able to figure it out mess because i'm not very artistic

  • but it's actually

  • a book

  • people have set a window uh... door and all that

  • it's a book

  • um... i want you to imagine the two pages of a textbook open side by side

  • and everybody here knows what textbooks tend to look like but i just want you to imagine

  • this

  • you have a bold print heading here and then you have another one over here

  • so all this information

  • right here is related to that heading

  • so everybody knows that that's pretty simple

  • here's how this two one zero method works and why it's so easy and helpful

  • when you open up your textbook you're sitting in the library

  • you're sitting at home i guess it works a little better at home

  • use it for a few minutes did you read from one heading to the next and then when you

  • get to this next heading

  • instead of just continuing to read you stop everything you're doing

  • and you read uh...

  • heading that you just got through reading the section about

  • outloud

  • and then you either close your eyes

  • cover the book

  • look away whatever and outloud try to explain everything that you just read the last couple

  • minutes almost like you're teaching it

  • to somebody who would never read it

  • when you're done open your eyes or take your hands away and skin through in look

  • z how you did

  • and you're actually getting give yourself a score of to or one or zero

  • that's why it's called the two one zero method

  • a score of stew

  • indicates that in your opinion you did a good job at

  • explaining that material

  • unwanted stands for

  • okay

  • and what are you

  • studio this as a student i'd always used to think of this one

  • as kind of like this

  • fifty fifty which means that i remembered some of the main points but i also forgot

  • some service okay but not that great

  • what what is the robie them

  • yet and uh... i'd like to use the word for this late you're the only human being who

  • ever seen this 'cause you're doing this on your own c_-minus will be really honest

  • so this is my favorite word

  • for a zero

  • and that's terrible

  • okay and so i want to explain one more thing about this before i get into the next aspect

  • of it

  • uh... i've had some

  • students who have tried this before just the way i explained but

  • they told me that when they did that with the each heading in their chapter they look

  • back at the end and they had no to this

  • aston

  • notices at all

  • and they say no and i said why mister because i always forgot at least a few things

  • so i wanna make sure you understand about this that score of two doesn't mean perfect

  • it just means good

  • and sometimes i i would be surprised if you could do this i don't think i could

  • read two pages in a textbook close your eyes and be able to

  • explained every detail all the way through

  • that's really hard

  • but if you could get most of the big chance you know the big things

  • that's a good performance

  • uh... as i explained the one means ok and then i want to demonstrate his zero

  • this happen to me many times a student

  • you know how when you finish reading something that you normally feel like ok there was i

  • read it i got it

  • but sometimes

  • you don't have it it's just like slid right out of your here

  • and so one of the ways that this is determined that this is how is your own kurt

  • is that i would read something i would say this okay i'm now going to teach you about

  • such-and-such

  • yep that's what i'm gonna do

  • and just blanked out or maybe i could remember like one fact here

  • and everything else i forgot that's pretty sad

  • so that's zero ok after doing that here

  • i do it with an exception to the next session and i go through the chapter that way

  • it doesn't take much longer to read it after that way that this reading it

  • because you're just pausing for a minute after each heading so a little more time but not

  • much

  • and then when you're all done you have numbers everywhere

  • so i want to show you one other specific thing about this and then i'll get to the purpose

  • behind this

  • there are actually two ways that you can mark your scores down

  • one of them

  • would be to do this this is what i did the most often

  • and that is to put this course

  • right next to the heading in the book

  • that's the easiest

  • but some people are still under the delusion that they're going to get all their money

  • back if they don't mark in their book and i hope you don't think that 'cause you're

  • going to be in for a big shock

  • but if you don't like marking in your book set off what some students have done is to

  • take issued of notebook paper

  • look through the chapter and just copy every heading

  • and then that use this as uh... wicker's core carter's course sheet so you could do that

  • to it just takes a little bit of extra time so either way

  • it now

  • when you're all finished

  • reading the chapter

  • and you see numbers like this everywhere or you see them on a page like this

  • then when you go back to review later

  • i hope

  • you're going to avoid a mistake that a lot of students make

  • when most

  • students read a chapter to get ready for a test and then they go back to review it they

  • just start

  • skimming through it

  • and just looking at everything

  • and that doesn't sound bad

  • had except for some reason and we don't know why this is for some reason

  • some things that you read

  • and up

  • sticking beautifully the first time

  • somethings

  • don't

  • and you don't even really really realize that while you're doing it

  • these are the emergencies

  • because and this is my way of explaining this

  • when i used to give myself a zero

  • after i tested myself you know what that meant to me

  • i'd just failed my own test

  • so if i just feel my test on this

  • i have no hope of doing well if the teacher asks me any questions about that also instead

  • i would say

  • this is an emergency

  • and i would go back to the beginning of the chapter and i would find differences

  • zero and i usually didn't have to turn very many pages to find that

  • and then i would read that this action again

  • and then do the same thing test myself

  • usually i did better then this i can do any worse than this so usually i improved and

  • so the first goal

  • when you go back to review all of this is to get rid of all this zeros

  • get along out other

  • gate what is your ultimate goal with this what are you trying to do before the test

  • yet suz how many of them

  • all about the right

  • all to stand out a good i've actually had students before who showed me their textbook

  • in their numbers everywhere

  • you see nothing but

  • shoes eventually

  • and by look at them and they say okay so you have a test tomorrow on this

  • chapters that rightly say yes

  • and i i say everything every page editor ninety two's everywhere so what that means i think

  • is if i just turned to one of those

  • and i read it to you you'd be able to tell me all about it is that right

  • and they say sure anyone go

  • for so they're very confident that's good so i just flip through the pages i find one

  • and i say okay how about this one

  • and they sell

  • that's very interesting and then they begin teaching me and they talked for thirty seconds

  • forty five seconds and they explain it really well

  • yes good how bob this one

  • uh... that's good too

  • and they're just like an encyclopedia they're just full of knowledge

  • well if you can get every one of the headings

  • to be too

  • year as ready as you can ever be to do well on the test and one other specific thing about

  • this uh... this may not seem like it's that important to you

  • hopefully i can make a little sense out of this

  • there are two basically wait is that a person can record and keep track of their scores

  • and i want to see

  • if you can figure this out you get a fifty fifty shot at this okay

  • one-way

  • would be to have the heading either in the book or on paper

  • and you get yourself a zero a listing the first time

  • and then the second time you do better so you give yourself online

  • and then later on you go back and you do it again and you do even better and you give

  • yourself uh... too

  • so that's one way to do it

  • the other way would be best

  • and this is the same thing right i mean you end up seeing where you finish

  • i think one of these is a lot better way to do it and so which one was that the copper

  • bar

  • bottom why bottom

  • shows progress what's that supposed to do for you

  • encourages build her confidence right because remember what is your only jeremy's this

  • and what is to me

  • uh... let me tell you all about

  • that's incredible when you can go from this clueless

  • to being an expert at something and when you look for your chapter you see a bunch of these

  • that really makes you feel hopeful that you can do well on the test ok now like although

  • uh... and

  • study techniques that i teach

  • this will not work with every text book that you ever have

  • uh... my favorite example of this is math

  • i guess you could try this with a math book but i don't think it would work too well there

  • are other uh... classes where the book doesn't really fit but when

  • uh... the book has definite headings and lots of factual information in there

  • this works really well

  • and so again if you've never heard of this or try this

  • you could technically do this with some of the reading you have to do in the next week

  • or two for the final but at least

  • starting in the spring keep this in mind an experiment with your books

  • some of them won't work all that well this way and some of you think this is really helpful

  • and you'll be able to discontinue that

  • uh... in questions on this one

  • the second one is the shortest one of all the things i've been a teaching today it's

  • called reducing

  • uh... everybody knows what

  • reducing means

  • and if i asked you whether you wanted to have a test in one of your classes

  • on ten pages in your book or fifty

  • which would you pick

  • well yes it was a fifty please

  • i'd be worried about two right person or the amount of information you have to learn usually

  • the better

  • well this method which again does not work for all textbooks but it works for some of

  • them really well common explained that in a few minutes

  • actually

  • actually of is one of the better techniques him

  • that and so as you look at this

  • you see uh... on the left side

  • page for part of a page from a textbook on the right side view

  • c_a_a_

  • piece in hope of paper

  • you can see the three little holes in their okay

  • and so the idea behind this method

  • involves this if you see the arrows that's just to help you kind of figure out what this

  • is all about i'm gonna show you the first couple of these and then you'll get the idea

  • for the rest

  • on the left side

  • the first sentence you see in the textbook is uh... actually definition

  • of the word attention

  • try never thought of the definition of that word but here it is

  • attention is the mechanism

  • that's select some materials for further processing and excludes the rest

  • so when you go across to the notebook paper you

  • see the word attention all by itself at the margin

  • and then further in you see keeps some materials for further processing gets rid of rest

  • same basic thing but just in the person's onwards a little bit and a little bit shorter

  • the second sentence on the left has two definitions in it

  • which is kind of uh...

  • amazing in such a small place

  • it says in the better recall

  • of the first item on the list is called the primacy effect that's one definition

  • and that of the final items called recency effects so when you look across the

  • see both of those terms

  • and you see the actual definition

  • given in the person's onwards and so on okay that's how it works all the way down the page

  • now this is a little bit like what i asked last week about something if you were here

  • but even if not no big deal um... if i told you that i wanted you to learn all this information

  • and i was going to give you a test on it at some future date

  • but

  • i told you that you could only take one of these

  • to with you to study from

  • which one would you pick

  • yep hired i would hope that you take this as they will

  • why is the same thing is this

  • and i think your answer would be no answer

  • it's shorter and it should be easier to study

  • why is that

  • how would you study this

  • that would be better than this reading it

  • cover-up so what is that like

  • what do you do that has to parts to it

  • and you test yourself on it

  • flashcards

  • so you cover up and you test yourself and then you check to see if you got it right

  • that's a much better way to study than just sitting there staring at all the words and

  • hoping that somehow they soak in your brain

  • and so

  • that point of this is whenever you can take something in a textbook and shrink it down

  • and right in your own words and have it in this format

  • it makes it much easier to read and learn

  • then that brings me to the other point about this and that is uh...

  • can you do this with every page

  • in every text book

  • i guess yes and then you'd never sleep for the rest of your life

  • it would take away too long so when would it be good to use this

  • and when is it not

  • appropriate or helpful

  • and here's my basic answer to that

  • you know what a text book page usually looks like a risk of a lot of information

  • this is not even a whole sex with paige

  • but if you count over here and all you don't have to count accounted for you

  • their eight definitions

  • given over here

  • eight in this little space right here that's a lot crammed into a small little space

  • so if you're ever reading one of your text books and you get through a page

  • and you think

  • on that page everything was crammed in there were so much information so many details or

  • definitions given that's when you should do this

  • but all of you off also had textbooks that are opposite of that where uh... there are

  • no definitions given

  • all the way down the pages is this long endless

  • definition or description of one thing

  • the whole pages about one thing

  • this doesn't work for that

  • so you can always tell if you kind of finish a page and fill over wildlife

  • how my kennel remember even all that's on that one page this is probably the right approach

  • and it's not been it isn't so again it's just read it

  • feel your way through and figure out what would work best

  • perfectly questions on this one

  • it's very effectively in the right

  • situation

  • day like i always say when i looked when i show you those two sides

  • i've never had a person say

  • all i would hate that writes i give me that left side

  • everybody likes though way the right side looks at me feel like you can do it better

  • and by the way one thing i forgot to mention about that

  • when you're sitting there looking at a text book page and you're rewriting it

  • in the way that i showed you

  • it takes

  • a little bit of time and effort and concentration to figure out how to take that

  • and rewrite it in smaller world words

  • so as a result while you're doing this while you're making up

  • just little section here

  • you're studying while you're doing it that's a really good way of studying and then when

  • you're done you have a really good study tool to use in the future

  • so even though it does take some time

  • it's very beneficial in a lot of ways when the pages setup the way that i mentioned

  • okay alright so

  • the third one of these this is what we're gonna spend the most time on

  • is highlighted

  • and i wanted to ask a question before i start on not gonna ask anybody a question or put

  • you on the spot but how many of you own

  • highlight urs

  • and use them pretty regularly when you read your text books

  • when we see uh... show of hands

  • okay that we got a big three over here okay and then a few more

  • case some people

  • never highlight

  • either 'cause they think they're gonna get all their money back which is wrong or it

  • may just have some other way because read it or they take notes while they read everybody

  • has a different style but

  • those of you who raise your hand saying

  • yep that's me i'm a highlighter

  • my question for you is

  • when you highlight do you do it right

  • and most people look at me

  • like there's a right

  • its artistic to cap off the mark stuff and that's it and most people i guess ninety percent

  • of all this

  • students i've ever seen

  • attempt highlighting

  • do it completely wrong

  • and the reason they do is because nobody ever taught them headed the right

  • right so that makes sense well the next

  • ten minutes little bit more i want you to think of it is like highlighting one oh one

  • class so i'm gonna give you a quick crash course

  • and had a highlight and if you didn't raise your hand saying no plan or highlight

  • i'm hoping to convert you

  • into somebody next semester at least

  • who does highlight and if you do

  • i want to the do it the right way

  • so i have two questions for you

  • before i give you this handout of the first one should be easy twenties was the highlight

  • important things right

  • is that easy for you to identify when you look at uh... page in your book

  • well sometimes maybe have some things its kinda hard right but here's the other question

  • that a lot of people never think of

  • and that is

  • what's the purpose of highlighting it makes your book look beautiful

  • brightness in colorful but that's not the reason the what's the purpose for it

  • so you can remember is right and also when you go back later

  • what is it supposed to do for you

  • yours were able to find thinks do you need a study and it's also something everybody

  • likes

  • saves you time if you do it right because instead of having to go back and read the

  • whole paragraph the whole a chapter all you have to do is just read what you highlighted

  • and then

  • you should be that and so it seems time and everybody likes that

  • if you don't like saving time in saving money both of those

  • and i'm worried about him everybody likes those so this is a way to do it well

  • if you don't highlight the right way

  • it doesn't save you time it just adds color to your book that sets so i want to have you

  • take a look with me at this

  • uh... sheet refuses to kind of illustrate health a lot of people do things the wrong

  • way

  • if i didn't count that quite right uh... let me know okay

  • on extra is this the everybody

  • hill also going to start the sign in sheet so again ah...

  • you can probably pass it back after you're done and what kind of circulate it this way

  • well it was too short again

  • okay um...

  • as you look at this stage the first thing that you should know this is that the three

  • paragraphs on here

  • are exactly the same

  • it's the same paragraph three times the only difference is what has been in this case underlined

  • again you could tell that it's different obviously in all three so what i wanna uh... mentioned

  • first is this

  • um... a lot of students have asked me in the past

  • when i'm reading my textbook do you think it's better to highlight

  • or to underlined

  • important things and i always tell people i think it's better

  • to highlight

  • uh... if you look at the number two here

  • that would give you a headache uh... when you go back to a later but the reason that

  • these words that you're looking at

  • or not highlighted

  • is because of this i don't know how many of you never tried to make copies of something

  • that's highlighted

  • doesn't work out comes out all grayish almost black so for the next few minutes i want you

  • to a mansion every word underlined on here

  • as being in bright yellow

  • or bright orange or whatever that are trying to get you in the right frame of mind

  • so here's how you can tell when you're done highlighting something where the you did at

  • the right way what you do as you go back and read outloud

  • even if you're the only one in the room you read outloud

  • believed the words that you highlighted

  • straight through just like you're reading tax fairness

  • soon as you finish you will know for sure whether you did it right or not

  • so i did it

  • do this little test

  • with all three of these paragraphs

  • and i want you to just follow along silently while i read them out loud

  • and for the first one your job is this

  • fall along listen to me

  • and then when when done tell me whether this is a good job of highlighting or bad

  • and why okay so that's your that's your assignment

  • right so here it is paragraph one

  • ratna

  • riots

  • calms

  • rod cylindrical

  • cones tapered

  • rosin cones

  • ratna

  • calls

  • slovenia

  • rods

  • twenty degrees away

  • okay there that

  • that have had a few people say wow that's good

  • and is that no well that's bad that's about the worst job of highlighting ever wanted

  • this person do wrong than they did not work at all

  • yet uh...

  • there's a little blank next a number one they're worth says rosin cones

  • what do you know

  • that this paragraph is about based on what we just read

  • yeah rosin calls and then

  • goldenrod

  • and summarizing called so when you go back to this later to review it for a test

  • what would you have to do with the paragraph to make sure you know that

  • read the whole thing again

  • defeats the whole purpose of highlighting so that's the number one

  • you can put two things there are two problems one day one

  • uh...

  • the person highlighted too little

  • and the big thing they did wrong was they highlighted keywords

  • and people do this quite often

  • where they find important words and they just keep highlighting this

  • seeing word over and over again and as you can see

  • from that will test

  • that does no good whatsoever

  • uh... what are we gonna put in the blank next number two

  • yet too much that's pretty easy to tell just by looking at it and i did want to ask you

  • this and everybody in here will know this whether you highlight or not

  • over the years i've seen

  • hundreds maybe even thousands of attempts by students to highlight

  • i've seen some students to this and i've seen some students do this but one of the east

  • happens way more often so it's the more common mistake or problem

  • whatsoever that they

  • yet too much

  • i'm gonna show you in a minute how to avoid that forever but i'm gonna just read a part

  • of number two i won't go through the whole thing for the sake of time

  • but it's the same little test so follow with me

  • ratna is the sensitive organ for seeing

  • deserves closer attention than the other structures of the eye

  • it is made up of extremely tiny cells of two basic types rods and co nz

  • rods are cylindrical in shape

  • the cones are rather tapered

  • now inouye

  • this

  • is better than the first one

  • because when you go back and read what you highlighted you're getting lots of good stuff

  • when you go back on the virtue here and you just read what you highlighted what are you

  • basically do it

  • you're you're basically read the whole thing over again so that didn't work either

  • so you wanna look at number one and two is being kind of the opposite x

  • streams of

  • that were ineffective

  • number three is supposed to be

  • the good ones

  • and hopefully you'll agree with this uh... in the blank next to that if you like you

  • can write the words of just right

  • and so this is the right ml is the right approach

  • everything about this is

  • effective okay

  • now i'm going to do the same little test with number three and while i'm reading this i

  • want you to see if you can figure out what did this person do that works better than

  • the other two

  • someone asking that in just a second

  • okay so here's the test for number three

  • ratna

  • made up of riots and call

  • roger cylindrical calls are cheaper

  • rosin cones not spread uniformly over entire ratna

  • calls most numerous in region known as the full via

  • rods occur most frequently about twenty degrees away from phobia

  • okay so without looks better

  • the question is

  • why okay so anybody have an idea of what this person did that made it work

  • more effectively

  • right and all the words right that's true and so other

  • how did this person

  • choose words

  • that enable them to make sense of this

  • what is this when you read those words like i just did one of these

  • sound like sort of

  • and and so the way that i always like to describe this

  • uh...

  • i like the the visual image of this

  • is whenever you highlight the number one thing you're always trying to do

  • is this

  • gene words together

  • to form

  • and and uh... word i'm gonna put here and they put in quotation marks all explained

  • that in a second

  • sentences

  • so every time you uh... highlight something you're trying to chain words together to form

  • a new sentences

  • if you look back at number three again the very beginning of it is a perfect example

  • ratna made up of rods and calls

  • that's not a complete sentence perfectly an english teacher would have a heart attack

  • over that

  • but it's a complete thought you understand it on its own when you go down further near

  • the bottom it says rods and cones not spread uniformly over entire ratna

  • so a little from here

  • a little from here will from here everybody knows what a chain looks like with all the

  • links connected

  • so that's kind of what you're going for when you highlight

  • right and then the second thing as a sort of a general rule

  • is the opposite of this so this one is a undo this is what you're trying to do all the time

  • but there's another one that said don't

  • and this is what a lot of people do all the time

  • and that is don't highlight

  • entire sentences

  • that when you highlight one sentence and then you highlight the second one

  • and they highlight the third one it starts looking a lot like example number two there

  • which you're trying to avoid okay and then uh... the other one which is my favorite aspect

  • of this

  • um... those of you who raise your hand saying that you highlight

  • here's my strange question

  • when you open up a textbook and start reading

  • where is the highlighter

  • in your hand

  • right why is it in your hands that memory

  • so you know here's my to lower the memory

  • that's the worst thing that you can ever do and that's what ninety nine percent of all

  • people do

  • so here's my little example of why that is

  • when i walk through the success center in the library several times a day i always sees

  • student studying

  • and since i teach study skills makes me so happy when i

  • see people studying

  • everyday that i'm at work heights

  • steve this at least one time i'm walking by and i'm very nosy so i just kinda

  • look and watch what people are doing while they're sitting in studying and i see at least

  • one person do this and when i see this i can feel my blood pressure rising

  • and i want to go up and

  • ripped the highlighter out of their hand and i wouldn't do that that's rude so i just walked

  • by

  • but here's what it looks like

  • in some of you who highlight if i could tape you

  • you'd look like this to because i see this all the time

  • let's say the book is right here so you know what i'm talking about the persons like this

  • and when they get to the bottom of the page

  • it's like the sun

  • is rising

  • yellow or whatever color all the way down the page and why is that it's because

  • when you highlight while you're reading which is what almost everybody does

  • everything you're reading is new

  • and almost everything that's news

  • seems important when you first rate low

  • or like that and then you all over a highlight you go crazy with too much

  • so what do you do instead

  • you open up your textbook you take this

  • school which is really more of a weapon

  • and you put it down

  • anne sit and read

  • and then

  • pick up a highlighter and try to make it look like the third example there

  • and if you think about it this should make sense

  • you can always do a better job of highlighting after you've read something

  • then while you're reading it because after you read it you know more about it you could

  • make right choices about what's important

  • so the principle there again is

  • while reading

  • put

  • the highlighter

  • again is a weapon in your hands

  • and people make mistakes in

  • way over highlight a lot

  • and by the way in addition to this is one other thing i wanted to say about this and

  • that is

  • how much did you read

  • with the highlighter down before you pick it up and start highlighting

  • well the answer is not five pages ten pages a whole chapter 'cause when you go back after

  • that you can't even remember anything you read not good so what i always try to tell

  • students is usually just like the one to two pages

  • maybe from one heading for the next decade i think

  • this read for a few minutes

  • then pick up the highlighter

  • and start

  • chaining the words together

  • uh... if you do it in a little bite sized chunks like that it usually works much better

  • the longer you read before you go back to highlight the harder it is to even remember

  • that you have to reread it which is sort of

  • defeating the purpose pic

  • any questions about any of this and one more little comment about uh... highlighting

  • uh... the last thing on the sale of violating that will get for last topic which is flashcards

  • is this

  • almost everybody i teach this to

  • when they see

  • see the mistakes and they see the better way

  • and they look at and say yeah that's good that i'm gonna start doing that

  • it looks really easy when somebody else to do that for you

  • but when you actually try it on your own and you pick up the highlighter anything okay

  • what words in my gonna linked together

  • sometimes people think that's a lot harder than i thought it was going to be

  • but i want to just encourage you with this uh... i don't wanna depressing but here but

  • some of you in here at least

  • are gonna be reading for our sins pages of

  • text books before you're done

  • and so if you're gonna be reading that much you might as well get

  • to be good at this because then you have a skill that most people don't have it will

  • save you a lot of powers over your college career

  • like any skill

  • it sometimes

  • hard to do this at first and i've had people

  • gets sort of on fire for trying this and they went home and they tried it for a couple minutes

  • that system of art and they gave up

  • and they just went back to it

  • although that's right

  • if u realized that like a skill that takes practice

  • and you've or patient with yourself and you try and many many times you'll start to get

  • better and better at it just like any other skill as you've practised

  • so uh... encourage you to do this but don't give up after a couple times if it seems a

  • little too hard

  • you'll get the hang of it the more you practiced ok uh... so let me uh... get to our last topic

  • which is flashcards and

  • i'm assuming that a lot of you in here

  • have used flashcards at some time in your life before

  • i wanna

  • um... gives you idea

  • that has a really really good track record to its and what i mean by that is that i've

  • been teaching this for a long long time

  • and i've had for want of students thrive what i'm about to show you

  • on on vocabulary test especially

  • and come back and say that it really helped and they got really good grades

  • and so it's got as i said a good uh... backgrounder good track record k um...

  • what our flash cards usually used for

  • in vocabulary not always but that's the most common so i want you to a kind of uh... invasion

  • of flashcard even though i know you know what they look like

  • and i want you to imagine again that there's a word or a term there

  • and then there is a definition here

  • so

  • you get uh... all year terms you need to know

  • grab your flashcards you make of bunch of twenty or thirty or fifty other and then you

  • go around all day and practice and all that so it's a good way to learn

  • this method

  • isn't like that where you look at the word and you try to save the definition and you

  • check in and you go through moulder and over again

  • there are two things about this method that make it different than probably what anybody

  • who's ever tried before and it seems to really help when test com

  • the first one is this

  • when you have your stack already

  • and you're going to begin the test yourself on the material the first thing you do

  • is what everybody here is done before if you've used flash cards

  • read the word say the definition

  • check to see if you got it right okay but here's the first difference after you do that

  • you're gonna give yourself as score appear in the corner of the card

  • and the score is neither going to be plots or a minus those are the only two choices

  • and one thing that i wanted to make uh... uh... sure that you are clear on

  • because it's an important part of this is that

  • a lot of people make the wrong assumption about this

  • they figure that a-plus means that you got it right an a-minus means you got it wrong

  • that sort of sounds right

  • but that's not it at all

  • in order for you to give yourself a-plus up there

  • two things have to have happen both of them and if the if they do have it both happened

  • you can give yourself a plus

  • the first one is the obvious one

  • and that is that you got the definition right

  • but here's the other word that's so important is kind of the key to this whole method and

  • that is

  • immediately

  • no hesitation

  • no thinking no looking up

  • no stroking your chin

  • you just saw the word and you do the definition immediately that's what up losses ok so if

  • that's a plus ten watts a-minus

  • well two possibilities first one is the obvious one

  • you got it wrong

  • but the other one would be one how else could you give yourself

  • a minus

  • he has officially so that means you got it right

  • blind

  • you hesitated

  • for a few seconds for fiber tenors spend whatever however many seconds

  • but you didn't come up with that right away

  • case so that would be a minus

  • a lot of people when they first tried this case that i felt really wierd giving myself

  • a minus up here

  • cuz i got a right

  • and it seems sort of weird

  • but it's how fast you come up with that indicates whether you give yourself a plus or minus

  • okay after you do that you go through the next card the next car to go through all your

  • cards make these little scores up enough

  • after that take a few minutes and go back and study on the specially the minuses and

  • then put 'em away and leave

  • and go away for a half-hour or an hour or two hours

  • and then come back

  • grabbed the whole staff

  • go through all of them again

  • same thing that you did the first time give yourself another score right next to the first

  • one

  • study and go away combat same thing over and over again okay

  • that's the first difference between this and most ways of studying flashcards

  • the other thing is one somebody understands this and they say okay i get its leaders of

  • plus or minus is

  • and they say how many times do i need to do this

  • am i going to be going through this and markings scorers but all the way around the card or

  • what

  • and the answer is no the there's good news here and that is that there is a goal

  • when you're doing this

  • and there's something that seems so to special about this goal when you reach it

  • you can take that card and you can put it in the done file and you don't even have to

  • look at any more you have to study it

  • and this is the goal this is what you're going for

  • three-plus is in a row

  • kate not just three pluses but three pluses in perot

  • so if you're trying to lauren of vocabulary word

  • and the first time you test yourself

  • you don't know the answer and you give yourself a minus

  • and then you study yet later that day you come back

  • and this time

  • you remember it right away with no hesitation that's a good sign

  • does this mean that you mastered that word

  • uh... you gotta write immediately once but

  • once is not enough you come back later

  • and maybe you get right perfectly immediately again

  • that's a good sign

  • later that day the next day you come back and you try again and this time for some reason

  • you mess up you either has there get it wrong so now you have a minus

  • well what does that mean now about this word

  • what do you have to do

  • yet uh... basically start all over

  • break the next time you get a plus let's say well that's three pluses but

  • it's not in a row so then you go here and then maybe finally you do it

  • and their year three in a row

  • some vocabulary words you're gonna get right the first three times

  • immediately

  • and so then they're done

  • so you start with fifty and if you keep doing this and you go over them in over them

  • is this the then stack start shrinkage

  • that always makes you feel better cuz you think i'm getting at is consult word smaller

  • kinda nice

  • um... this is the basic procedure but

  • there's one other thing i wanted to mention about this

  • i've had a few students over the years

  • learned this from me

  • they went and tried it they came back to me and say said this they said

  • program that it didn't work

  • always hate to hear that it didn't work it always works

  • visenteno and so i asked him okay

  • described to me how you do this again

  • they go through and say well made the cards

  • i gave myself plus or minus they tell me everything right that i've shown here except the one

  • thing they did wrong and i kind of made a big deal about this but i just wanna make

  • sure you get it

  • they said i would pick up a card and i would look at the definition

  • or the word i'm sorry and i would say the definition

  • plus state again

  • bus state again

  • plus you know who rarely go

  • and the downpipe

  • anybody can do that

  • the idea is to let time passed between each time you test yourself

  • if i

  • saw you later today

  • and you have learned the definition and i ran up to you that was scary an exit summit

  • a definition

  • you said it right away you can even hesitate for one second

  • and i saw you tomorrow and i saw tonight k

  • what's the definition he said it right away

  • and i saw you the next day and you would do it again

  • no hesitation three days in a row

  • that must mean it's their it's meant to be in there is not going anywhere and under the

  • pressure of a test

  • you're not gonna have to go searching for

  • the question of this is why this word is so important is

  • why is it that some things that you have in your head

  • when you test yourself on a or in the future test two

  • you know right away and other things

  • the search begins

  • and you're thinking and you know what's in there somewhere but you can't find it and

  • then finally you find it and then it comes out

  • why did it take longer to come out then

  • like this

  • well it means is that there is a rattling around in there but it's not ready to come

  • out

  • well you know as well as i do when you're taking tests and you're under the pressure

  • of a testing you're kinda nervous

  • sometimes your brain doesn't work quite as well as you want it to and if you put pressure

  • on your brain to search for something

  • that's kind of

  • stressful on a test but if you got everything ready to come out

  • then usually when you get to the test you read the questions it just comes right out

  • there to take some of that pressure away

  • okay so that's the idea on this one

  • uh... any questions

  • uh... any of these

  • now you have the uh... senate should over there

  • let me take a quick look at this again uh... i've never been a few times i have been able

  • to read teachers names and then i can't let him know

  • i can read all these

  • that's kept okay so as i mentioned uh... if you did not attend the workshop

  • um... this one about five weeks ago i'd love to see you next week if uh... you did or if

  • you're just busy getting ready for finals that's fine too i'll be in here uh... good

  • luck on your finals if uh...

  • if i don't see again okay

along glad you're here today and today is the continuation of what i started last week

Subtitles and vocabulary

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LBCC--更多學習的好方法 (LBCC - More Great Ways to Study)

  • 156 27
    rock5871237 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary