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[ Whispering ] We were going to change the world, Marty, remember?
Did you ever get around to actually doing it? No, l guess not.
Well, l think l can. Really.
What's wrong with this county, Marty?
Money. You taught me that.
Evil defense contractors had it; noble causes did not.
Politicians are bought and sold like so much chattel. Our problems multiply.
Pollution, crime, drugs, poverty, disease, hunger, despair.
We throw gobs ofmoney at them.
The problems always get worse. Why is that?
Because money's most powerful ability...
is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things...
at the expense ofthose who don't have it.
Who did you say you were working for?
Listen, when l was in prison, l learned that eveything in this world, including money,
operates not on reality--
Posit: people think a bank might be financially shaky.
Consequence: people start to withdraw their money.
Result: pretty soon, it is financially shaky.
Conclusion: you can make banks fail.
l've already done that. Maybeyou've read about a few?
[ Laughs ] Think bigger.
Stock market? Yes.
Currency market? Commodities market?
Small countries?
l might even be able to crash the whole damn system.
Destroy all records ofownership. Think ofit, Marty.
No more rich people. No more poor people. Eveybody's the same.
lsn't that what we said we always wanted?
Cos, you haven't gone crazy on me, haveyou?
Who else is going to change the world, Marty?
You are crazy.
Tomorrow theywill retrieve your fingerprints...