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I stayed up till 5 a.m. again.
Fa fa fa fa fa fa Facebook stalking.
My more successful friends.
Jack's got a house.
Jane's in Tangier.
I made 11 thousand dollars last year.
Your girlfriend's a 10 and mine's not even real.
Facebook stalking my more successful friends.
Jeff just got cast on an HBO show.
I'm on my ass watching HBO GO.
But I can't pay attention 'cause I'm checking my phone.
Facebook stalking my more successful friends.
You got 99 likes on a pic on Throwback Thursday of you doing hover hand with Helen Hunt.
My timeline's dead year round except my birthday.
And I haven't had a friend request in months.
But I only get half the story when...
I'm Fa fa fa fa fa fa Facebook stalking.
My more successful friends.
'Cause Jack's new house just got repossessed.
Jane's in jail in Tangier for writing fake checks.
HBO got Zach Braff and fired poor Jeff.
And Jeff's cat just got feline AIDS.
That's the worst kind of AIDS there is.
They all make it look like they're living the dream.
But nobody's life is as cool as it seems.
You can bet your sweet ass they're just as lonely as me.
Facebook stalking my more successful friends.
Facebook stalking my more successful friends.