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  • That's all for today.


  • Have a great weekend, if you liked this video like and share it and make sure to subscribe, so you don't miss any of your favourite series!


  • I am Luke Kneller!

    我是 Luke Kneller!

  • Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time!


  • Next to no health, 10 kills and one enemy left!

    血量幾乎耗盡,殺敵 10 個,還剩一個敵人!

  • Where is he?


  • Going to the hill is risky: the enemy could be waiting there!


  • He could try to capture, but in an encounter battle the wait is just too long!


  • Winter Himmelsdorf.

    Winter Himmelsdorf

  • Encounter battle.


  • Early on, the A-43 decides to stand-watch by the fountain.

    就在剛才,A-43 決定在噴泉旁邊站崗警戒

  • It's a valuable landmark and the enemy T-28 and the T-34 can't be allowed to vandalise it.

    噴泉是一個非常寶貴的地標,可不能讓敵方的 T-28 和 T-34 把它摧毀了

  • Ok, now that the tourist attraction is safe.


  • The allies seem to be retreating from the hill and it looks like a good time to get to the enemies' rear and score some easy kills.


  • The timing couldn't be much better and the enemies fall like wheat to a scythe!


  • The inaccurate T-28, a sleepy Hetzer, an aggressive Marder 38 T, the vicious arty and a thick-skinned VK 20.01 D!

    瞄不準的 T-28、打瞌睡的 Hetzer、激進的 Marder 38 T、邪惡的自走砲以及裝甲厚重的 VK 20.01 D!

  • Excellent!


  • Of the allies, only a Hellcat still fights on.

    所有盟友中,只有一輛 Hellcat 仍在奮戰

  • The A-43 heads that way the help but the cat is long dead before he can get anywhere close.

    A-43 前往支援,但還沒走近那輛 Hellcat 就已經掛掉了

  • Now it's four against one.


  • Back to the square and our civic minded T-43 meets his rival.

    回到廣場上,我們那輛有公德心的 T-43 與對手狹路相逢

  • What does it take to convince these guys that the fountain is off limits?


  • Wait for the TD to reload, time the escape right and... still get shot!


  • 2 HP left and 3 enemies!

    剩下 2 點血量,還有 3 個敵人!

  • The wolverine misses its shot while our champion runs for his life.

    這輛wolverine 沒擊中目標,我們的冠軍趕快逃命去了

  • He circles around the city streets for a while to confuse his enemies.


  • All of a sudden he meets the wolverine again!


  • An accurate snap shot pops it open like a tin of sardines!


  • The T-43 keeps driving but now the Hellcat is on his tail and it can't be outrun!

    T-43 繼續行駛,但現在那輛 Hellcat 緊隨其後,而他可不會被超越!

  • The American TD misses its shot and accurate fire on the charging enemy quickly ends the threat.


  • Now just the KV-1 remains.

    現在只剩下 KV-1 了

  • Don't get the wrong idea from the word "just", though -- a KV-1 is super dangerous,

    不過,不要因為「只剩」這個字而理解錯了 ─ KV-1 可是非常危險的

  • especially when a loud noise could make your own tank fall apart!


  • Next to no health, 10 kills and one enemy left!

    血量幾乎耗盡,殺敵 10 個,還剩一個敵人!

  • Where is he?


  • Going to the hill is risky...the enemy could be waiting there!


  • He could try to capture but in an encounter battle the wait is just too long!


  • He decides to climb up and...BINGO!


  • The KV-1 is patrolling the streets below and takes three shells before a return shot hits the wall dangerously close.

    KV-1 正在下面的街上巡邏,開了三砲,然後對方回擊的一砲危險地擊中近旁的牆壁

  • The heavy has to reload and there's the opportunity to land one more shot!


  • Great!


  • Another missed shot and a reply!


  • And again?!


  • You can't afford to keep making the same mistake!


  • Unbelievable!


  • Eventually the opponent comes to his senses.


  • Both are down to a one-shot kill and now it's a waiting game.


  • The next mistake will cost one of them the victory!


  • Both wait for about a minute without taking any action, until the KV can't take it anymore!

    雙方等候了大概一分鐘,都沒有採取任何行動,直到 KV 忍受不住了!

  • Another wall shot, a well-aimed reply, and the battle is over.


  • 11 kills, good tactics and steady nerves made it possible for the player called FirstGK to carry the battle and become Top Gun of the week!

    殺敵 11 個加上良好的戰術與冷靜的頭腦,使玩家 FirstGK 得以撐起戰鬥,成為「本週勇士」!

  • Congratulations!


  • Warm Up


  • The first warmup is at the Hidden Village, with the hero driving a Hellcat.

    第一場暖身戰發生在 Hidden Village,主角駕駛的是 Hellcat

  • He hears the sounds of the battle horn, picks a direction and charges forward.


  • The enemies on the hill are out of reach but was that an ELC he saw near those trees?

    他夠不著山上的敵人,但那些樹的附近是一輛 ELC 嗎?

  • He takes a shot and keeps going... *destroyed enemy sound* Wow!


  • That's impressive!


  • Turns out that the American not only hit the scout but also set him on fire!


  • The summer just keeps getting hotter... burn, baby, burn!


  • For the next act we travel to Westfield - the Type 58 and the T-34-85 square off against two arties.

    接下來我們來到了 Westfield, Type 58 和 T-34-85 對著兩輛自走砲擺好了陣勢

  • The Chinese tank encounters one of them and opens fire at nearly point blank range, the enemy replies and... blows up?!


  • Wow!


  • The tanks gun barrel took the hit, while the arty received full splash damage and a one way ticket to the garage!


  • Well that happened.


  • We'll keep going...


  • The final warm-up round is an encounter battle on Ruinberg.

    最後一場暖身戰是發生在 Ruinberg 上的遭遇戰

  • The IS-6 carries the whole battle!

    IS-6 撐起了整場戰鬥!

  • Dish out damage -- don't mind if I do! Take some hits -- not a problem!

    造成傷害 ─ 如果我造成了傷害,不要介意!遭受了一些打擊 ─ 小菜一碟!

  • Fight a whole bunch at once -- why not!

    一下子對戰一大群 ─ 為什麼不呢!

  • The Soviet heavy sidescrapes like a pro and uses the fountain for cover.

    那輛蘇聯重型戰車利用噴泉作掩護有模有樣地採取 sidescrape 戰術

  • This allows him to get the Borsig and prevents the IS and the AT-7 from surrounding him.

    這讓他幹掉了 Borsig 並阻止了 IS 和 AT-7 對他的包圍行動

  • I guess that's it, only a beat-up AMX-13-75 remains.

    我想就這樣了,剩下一輛破爛的 AMX-13-75

  • Just stay in the cap, and he'll come.


  • Instead the heavy starts panicking and twitching and aborts the cap with two and a half minutes left on the clock.


  • Where is the AMX?

    AMX 在哪裡?

  • It doesn't matter!


  • Absorbing more than 7000 damage and dealing 5500 is good but throwing the victory away because of shaky nerves...

    吸收了 7000 多點的傷害並造成 5500 點傷害,這很棒,但卻因頭腦不冷靜而錯失勝利...

  • You may be tough enough to eat nails for breakfast and brush your teeth with mercury but I think this would still make you cry.


  • Scout


  • The Scout of the Week goes by the call-sign DHunterrR and he drives an AMX 13 90.

    奪得「本週偵查員」的玩家是 DHunterrR,他駕駛一輛 AMX 13 90

  • He has brought a couple of friends with him and seems very confident.


  • And why not -- he knows those two will be there to kill what he lights up!

    為甚麼不呢 ─ 他知道這兩個傢伙會在那裡幹掉他發現的目標的!

  • The Batchat is the first to be caught in the spotlight.

    第一個被發現的是那輛 Batchat

  • The French tier X was also scouting but it beats a hasty retreat to get away from all this attention.

    這輛法國 10 階戰車也在偵查,但它卻落荒而逃以擺脫這一切的關注

  • He probably won't be back for a while.


  • Checking the west flank,


  • firing on the popular bushes flushes out an enemy ninety and proves that our man knows what he's doing!

    朝那叢受歡迎的灌木叢開砲之後,閃出來一輛敵方的 90,證明我們的英雄知道自己在做甚麼!

  • One last shot finishes off the enemy scout and then it's time back off a little to vanish from the enemy vehicles' sights.


  • He heads back in to scout but the commander's sixth sense is tingling!


  • There are still enemies in those bushes!


  • The Caernarvon takes a shot and an artillery shell lands right next to the fragile scout!

    那輛 Caernarvon 開了一砲,一發砲彈剛好落在這輛脆弱的偵查車旁邊!

  • The Caernarvon's second shot takes out a track.

    Caernarvon 的第二砲炸毀了一條履帶

  • An instant repair and phew!


  • Got out!


  • He disappears from the enemies' sight once again.


  • Driving down the road gets another few enemies spotted and killed.


  • Taking the opportunity to push further north lights up the whole enemy base!


  • One more peek to make sure and the score is 8:0!

    再窺探一眼確定一下,比分為 8:0!

  • Pretty sweet!


  • A Batchat charges in to kill the pesky scout!

    一輛 Batchat 衝鋒過來想幹掉這輛討厭的偵查車!

  • Two shells hit the light tank in quick succession, a third one strikes the ground and the fourth hits home again.


  • The AMX is down to a one shot kill!

    那輛 AMX 已經到了一擊斃命的境地了!

  • An allied barrage hits the Bat.

    盟軍掩護砲擊中了那輛 Bat

  • A shot and the AMX finishes off its bigger brother!

    AMX 一發砲彈就把那輛老兄了結了!

  • Did the Batchat have a shell to finish him off?

    Batchat 有砲彈可以幹掉他嗎?

  • We'll never know but that was intense!


  • The rest of the battle is not as exciting.


  • The allies find and quickly dismantle two more opponents near the hill.


  • The AMX arrives just in time to put the final shell into the last enemy!

    AMX 及時趕到,朝最後一個敵人開了最後一砲!

  • And what are the results?


  • Almost 12500 points of spotting damage.

    將近 12500 點的偵察傷害

  • An impressive number that deserves the equally impressive title of Best Scout of the Week.


  • Congratulations!


  • Football Game of The Week


  • As you all know, there's a new game mode available for the duration of the World Football Championship.


  • After all, what could be more fun than climbing into your favourite T-62A and playing a football match with your friends?

    畢竟,有什麼能比鑽進最心愛的 T-62A 裡面和好友來一場足球賽更有意思呢?

  • That's why we decided to put in a special award.


  • So... the title of Best Football Game of the Week goes to...


  • *clears throat*


  • Hello my friends.


  • We are here at the Himmelsdorf stadium, with our not-quite-live broadcast.

    我們現在在 Himmelsdorf 體育場,給大家帶來不太算直播的播報

  • This is a match between the Blue Turret-Crashers and the Red Track-Knockers!

    這場比賽是藍隊 Turret-crashers 對抗紅隊 Track-knockers!

  • The match is ready to start and there's the whistle!


  • Go!


  • Both teams rush towards the centre to get hold of the ball.


  • The battle is taking place without some players.


  • The Red Track-Knockers have a goalie,

    紅隊 Track-knockers 有一個守門員

  • whilst one of the Blue Turret-Crashers seems to have had a heart attack in all the excitement and is out of the game!

    而藍隊 Turret-crashers 的守門員好像每次一激動心臟病都要發作,所以不得不退出比賽!

  • The ball rolls into the red side of the field, the Turret-Crashers' forward goes 1 vs 1 with the keeper.

    球落在了紅隊場內,Turret-crasher 的前鋒與守門員展開了一對一較量

  • Goaaaal!


  • One zero.


  • And now a swift Track-Knockers' counter-attack!

    現在換 Track-knockers 還擊了!

  • A defender attempts to block but the ball is going in...


  • The blue team's defenders manage to go back and stop the ball on the line but the red striker kicks it in!


  • The score is tied at one all!


  • What a fast comeback!


  • The ball is back in the middle, and theBlue Turret-Crashers take a shot!

    球又回到了場地中圈,藍隊 Turret-crashers 開球!

  • The woodwork is empty!


  • Another shot!


  • And another one and... Goooooal!!!


  • Two one!


  • Back to the centre!


  • The Red Track-Knockers take the ball and stick together.

    紅隊 Track-knockers 控球並聚在一起

  • They attempt to break through on the wing!


  • A shot!


  • The Turret-Crasher shoots again and the ball goes straight into the opponent's track.

    Turret-crasher 再次射門,球直接飛向對手履帶

  • Reds are driving through the centre and only a timely shot to the track saves the blue team!


  • One of the Turret-Crashers goes to the start location.

    Turret-crashers 的一名隊員跑向開始位置

  • A tactical move!


  • Accept an enemy goal, score one right away and finish the battle -- that's the plan!

    接受對方得分,立即進球,結束戰鬥 ─ 計劃就是這樣的!

  • Meanwhile the only defender fends off the reds!


  • The ball goes along the net... a shot and... gooooal!


  • Score is tied at two - two!!!


  • The Blue Turret-Crashers are attacking!

    藍隊 Turret-crashers 進攻!

  • A shot on the ball but the Track-Knocker's defender is quicker!

    帶球,但 Track-knocker 的後衛速度更快!

  • The tactic has failed!


  • The reds rush in for a counter-attack!


  • The blue team try to get back... and a Turret-Crasher sends the ball away from the goal!

    藍隊試圖折返...Turret-crasher 的一名隊員把球踢離了球門!

  • His teammate shoots the ball and rushes forward!


  • His track is knocked off!


  • The partner shoots the ball!


  • It rolls... another shot!


  • Goooal!!!


  • 3:2!


  • What an intense match!


  • Hrm, hrm...


  • That's it.


  • For a great game, skillful shots and winning with a missing teammate, the players behind the call-signs SPARTAKRULES


  • and velikii_Han are awarded gold and the title of The Best Football Game of the week.

    因此授予玩家 SPARTAKRULES 和 velikii_Han 金幣和「本週最佳足球賽」稱號

  • Well done lads!


  • Defender


  • This week's best defender is the player behind call sign fn1363, driving a T-34-1.

    獲得「本週最佳護旗手」的玩家是 fn1363,他駕駛一輛 T-34-1

  • At the start the Chinese defender heads out to guard the southern flank and it looks like a perfectly valid choice.


  • When his allies die on the glacier and an enemy scout rushes through the centre, it's time to turn on the Protector-of-Artillery mode!


  • He hurries back and kills the enemy Leopard and soon after an SU-152 found creeping about on the riverbed.

    他匆匆返回,幹掉了敵方一輛 Leopard,隨後,發現一輛 SU-152 在河床上四處爬動

  • Now the glacier.


  • Why?


  • Because three heavies are charging towards the allied base, destroying anything in their path!


  • The defence starts with finishing off the low HP opponent -- the T69 is send to the garage.

    解決掉血量最低的對手 ─ T69 被送進車庫之後,防禦開始了

  • The Chinese med drives right next to the Black Prince, so that only his well armoured turret can be targeted.

    這輛中國中型戰車緊貼 Black Prince 行駛,只剩下他那裝甲精良的主砲能被瞄準

  • It's a good tactic but another T29 charges in!

    這是一種很好的戰術,但又一輛 T29 衝過來了!

  • Now the med has to hide from his Highness' shots behind the bulk of the American's heavy and take that one out first with some allied help.

    現在這輛中型戰車必須躲避隱藏在美國重型戰車巨大車體後面 Black Prince 的砲彈,並在盟友的支援下先把他幹掉

  • The prince is affronted and kills the ally!

    Black Prince 遭到公然冒犯,幹掉了那個盟友!

  • Now it's just the two of them again and the duel continues at brawling distance.


  • The brave defender is down to 258 HP.

    這位英勇的護旗手血量剩下 258 點

  • The Soviet heavy could take him out with a single shot.


  • The Black Prince continues to play a part in the battle, providing reliable shelter for the T-34-1.

    Black Prince 繼續在戰鬥中發揮作用,為 T-34-1 提供掩護

  • The IS fires, creating an opportunity for leaving the dangerous position and escaping up the hill.

    IS 開砲了,為它離開這危險境地並逃往山上創造機會

  • The manoeuvre works -- the IS attempts to follow, exposing its side.

    機動戰術發揮作用了 ─ IS 試圖跟上,卻曝露了側面

  • One shot through the tracks is all it takes.


  • He's gone but the last ally has died as well.


  • Now he needs to make the right decision


  • and it seems to be to slow down the pace -- the enemies will need to attack if they want a win out of this.

    似乎需要放慢腳步 ─ 敵人要想贏的話就需要進攻

  • The long wait pays off -- the AT-15 rolls slowly into view, showing its side.

    長時間的等候是值得的 ─ AT-15 緩慢地進入視線,露出了側面

  • Great!


  • Three SPGs left.


  • Leave the hillside and find some cover.


  • The invader is spotted!


  • The tank aims faster and the SU-122A is gone.

    這輛戰車更迅速地瞄準,SU-122A 掛掉了

  • Careful work pays off.


  • Now he can go on the attack!


  • Driving down the glacier, and... another capture!


  • Ok, he'll go back.


  • Once again, a careful peek to spot the enemy.


  • Isn't that grille outside the circle?

    那輛 Grille 不是在圈外嗎?

  • Yes -- his death didn't affect the red bar and that means... there you are!

    是的 ─ 他的死亡並未影響紅色狀態橫條,這意味著...你在這兒!

  • The last enemy dies and takes a 90% capture with him.

    最後一個敵人也死了,並帶走了 90% 的佔旗值

  • A great game and great defence!


  • It's the best one of the week!


  • Congratulations!


  • Invader


  • It's been quite a while since the last Invader of the Week award!


  • The nearly forgotten title goes to Striiter for a game in his SU-101.

    獲得這個幾乎被遺忘的稱號的玩家是 Striiter,他駕駛的是 SU-101

  • The battle at Komarin starts out quite normally.

    戰鬥發生在 Komarin,一開始很正常

  • The TD fights enemies, supports allies and suffers from its lack of gun depression - the usual SU-101 routine.

    這輛驅逐戰車與敵人奮戰,支援盟友,卻因火炮俯角不足而遭受傷害 ─ SU-101 的慣常遭遇

  • This side of the map has been successfully cleared of enemies, but the other flank is a disaster.


  • The score is 6:9 and it's time to get serious.

    比分為 6:9,是時候嚴陣以待了

  • The enemies have clearly broken through and will be capturing the base any time now.


  • The IS-3 and its younger brother are the first ones to arrive.

    IS-3 和他的「小弟」最先抵達

  • Striiter has only 208 HP left.

    Striiter 只剩下 208 點血量

  • A shot on the smaller IS provokes a response and... it bounces!

    IS 小弟中了一砲,激起他的響應...砲彈彈開了!

  • Lucky!


  • The allies have arrived, and together they send the IS back to the garage for repairs.

    盟友來了,他們一同把 IS 送回車庫修理去了

  • The score is 10:12.

    比分為 10:12

  • Let's continue!


  • He needs to get to a better position.


  • Here it is -- with a line of sight on both bases.

    就這兒了 ─ 可以看到兩邊的基地

  • There's an enemy AT showing its side and it can be damaged from here.

    敵方一輛 AT 露出了側面,他會在這兒受到傷害的

  • The allied T32 faces the TD, but dies despite the support from Striiter.

    盟友 T32 遇上了這輛驅逐戰車,雖然 Striiter 提供了支援,但他還是掛掉了

  • The TD fades from sight again and then another bunch of enemies are at the allied base, just wait to get their butts kicked!


  • Turning around to face the allied base.


  • The ISU-152 is sent away to take classes on how to turn his TD faster and then a scaredy-cat Panther is taken out, ninja-style.

    ISU-152 被送去學習如何更快地轉動他的驅逐戰車了,然後一輛膽小鬼 Panther 被幹掉了,還是仁者風格

  • The capture continues and a telepathic signal to the allied KV-2 coordinates a simultaneous assault on the AT- 15.

    繼續佔領基地,向盟友 KV-2 發出心靈感應信號,兩人同時攻擊 AT-15

  • The Soviet heavy falls bravely in battle but its sacrifice leaves the opposing TD easy prey for the SU-101.

    那輛蘇聯重型戰車在戰鬥中英勇倒下,但他的犧牲使對方驅逐戰車成了被 SU-101 輕鬆捕獲的獵物

  • That leaves, 3 shells, one enemy and a burning desire for victory -- it's a winning combination.

    剩下 3 發砲彈、一個敵人以及對勝利強烈的渴望 ─ 這就是勝利組合嘛

  • With three and a half minutes on the clock, he can't wait for the slow TD... he has to attack!


  • Striiter drives to the enemy base to find out what's waiting for him...

    Striiter 駛向敵方基地去看看等著他的是甚麼...

  • The British TD sits behind a rock and there's nothing to do but start the capture.


  • The AT decides to intervene, rolls out and... takes a shell to the track!

    AT 決定干涉他的佔領行動,他駛出來...朝履帶開了一砲!

  • Only two HE shells left!

    還剩兩發 HE 炮彈!

  • Taking careful aim at the weak spot and... only 141 points of damage done.

    小心瞄準他的薄弱點並...只造成了 141 點傷害

  • And Striiter has to retreat.

    Striiter 必須撤退

  • The enemy has no intention of giving up!


  • It charges in... or as close to a charge as an AT 7 can manage and the last shell hits the ground!

    他衝鋒過來...或者說 AT 7 差不多算是衝鋒過來,最後一發炮彈擊中了地面!

  • Striiter hides behind a rock and pretends to have some shells left!

    Striiter 藏在岩石後面,假裝還有砲彈!

  • The cap is at 90 percent.

    佔旗值達到了 90%

  • The British TD makes one last play and the only option left is to make a run for it.


  • A small chase around the rock and... capture!


  • Skillful play, a bit of luck and an unbreakable determination to win have brought Striiter the well-deserved title of Invader of the Week!

    技能嫻熟加上一點點幸運,還有牢不可破的必勝決心,這些為 Striiter 帶來了他理所應當的「本週奪旗手」稱號!

  • Congratulations!


  • Best Replay


  • And now for the main event -- the Best Replay of the Week.


  • Gold, a special medal, fame and glory all go to the player behind the call-sign KoTeHoK_IIO_KLi4KE_GaV, driving his AMX 13 90.

    獲得這些金幣、特別勳章以及榮耀的玩家是 KoTeHoK_IIO_KLi4KE_GaV,他駕駛的是 AMX 13 90

  • The battle starts and the AMX gets going right off the bat.

    戰鬥開始了,AMX 立即開始行動起來

  • What does that mean?


  • Here it means being bold and aggressive!


  • The little tank intervenes in a quarrel between two T57s and gives the enemy a drumful of reasons to stop arguing.

    這輛小小戰車干涉了兩輛 T57 的爭鬥,並給了敵人一個糟糕的停止爭鬥的理由

  • The enemy heavy is silenced forever and the ninety has had a taste of its power...

    敵方重型戰車一直保持沉默,90 已經嘗到了一點它的威力...

  • It's not the sort of power that would let him defeat heavies head-on.


  • Instead it's of the sort that makes it easy to flank a damaged Object and end its misery.


  • The area west of the mountain is completely empty.


  • He spots the FV 215B and takes a shot, then another one;

    他發現了 FV 215B 並開了一砲,然後又是一砲

  • the enemy death-machine seems lost in thought, so why not just empty the drum and take him out!


  • Not bad for a little scout!


  • It's tempting to just charge forward and go for the artillery


  • but the defenders are alert and it's better to try from another direction.


  • And here's the reward for that strategic choice -- the M53/55!

    一輛 M53/55 ─ 這就是對這個戰略選擇的獎勵!

  • Three shots and it's dead.


  • The allied IS-7 and T110E5 die and with them goes any hope for support from the team.

    盟友 IS-7 和 T110E5 犧牲了,靠戰隊提供支援的希望也隨著他們的犧牲破滅了

  • The ninety is now all alone!

    現在 90 成了孤身一人!

  • Alone against four tier 10s!

    獨自對抗四輛 10 階戰車!

  • Pessimism and despair are not this tanker's style, however!


  • He just heads back to the allied base and waits in ambush for the inevitable capture attempt.


  • And here's the one-shot-kill Waffenträger.

    來了一輛一砲就能斃命的 Waffentr?ger

  • A shot... but it misses!


  • Another one follows but the alpha is just not enough!


  • The German is now aimed and ready, so the AMX hides and waits to disappear and finally puts the auto- loading monster to rest.

    現在那輛德國戰車瞄準好準備就緒,所以 AMX 隱蔽起來等候消失...終於讓那輛自動裝彈的怪物安息了

  • Phew!


  • Now it's time to be amazing!


  • The light tank heads out and spots the T110E5!

    這輛輕型戰車駛出來並發現了 T110E5!

  • It never even sees the shot coming.


  • The enemy arty has sensed danger and decided to switch position.


  • Unfortunately it's going the wrong way and the killer-scout is ready.


  • That was lucky to say the least but it's dealing with the last enemy that will decide the match!


  • The base capture starts and the 13 90 heads back to face the final battle!

    基地佔領開始了,13 90 返回去直面最後的戰鬥!

  • The T110E4 has 1512 HP!

    T110E5 還有 1512 點血量!

  • The French warrior goes in at full speed but the TD manages to lead the small, fast target perfectly.


  • The shot hammers home and... takes off a track!


  • A lightning fast repair lets the AMX get started with the carousel of death!

    AMX 閃電般迅速修理好履帶,開始轉動死亡轉盤!

  • The first shot deals damage, the second one knocks off the TD's track and now we know he has no repair kit.


  • Three more shots leaves the enemy with a little over 300 HP and there's only one shell left in the drum!

    又開了三砲,敵人剩下 300 多一點的血量,而彈夾裡只剩下一發砲彈!

  • The last shot goes out and the enemy is set on fire!


  • Fantastic!


  • Without losing a single HP the AMX 13 90 not only carried the battle

    AMX 13 90 沒有損失一點血量,不僅撐起了整場戰鬥

  • but completely demolished any doubts over how much one tier 8 tank can do in a battle of tier 10s!

    還完全推翻了關於「8 階戰車在 10 階戰鬥中能起多大作用」的質疑!

  • A spectacular match and one that truly deserves to be called the Best Replay of the Week!


  • Congratulations!


  • Hello my friends!


  • I am Luke Kneller and this is "Best Replays of The Week"!

    我是 Luke Kneller,這裡是「本週最佳戰鬥錄影」!

  • This moment has come -- we are taking a break.

    這一刻終於到來了 ─ 我們要休息了

  • But do not despair, because today we have a very special episode for you.


  • For this episode we've turned everything upside down, and the closing words will appear where the intro should be.


  • But that's enough chit chat -- let's get to the awards!

    但閒話少說 ─ 我們進入頒獎環節!

That's all for today.


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