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- Oh no, you got some schmutz.
Yeah, you got it, I got it.
- So, yeah, he called me this meeting.
I was super stressed about it and--
- Oh, I'm so sorry, my mom is calling.
- Just call her back.
- I can't, she'll think I'm dead.
Hi Mommy!
- I am so excited for Christmas this year.
What are you guys doing for Hanukkah?
- Uh, when's Hanukkah?
- I have no idea, it's really just whenever
my Grandma sends me a check in the mail.
- Do you guys ever think about
what you're gonna do for your wedding?
- Yeah, I'm probably gonna just recreate my bat mitzvah.
Maybe I'll, like, marry a goy and spice things up.
- What's a goy?
- You.
Do you guys like this jacket?
- Ooh, Burberry, you're being a real JAP today!
- Gaby, you cannot say that!
- No, it's fine, I know I'm
a JAP. It means Jewish American princess.
- My favorite boys name is Mark.
Like, I would love to name a kid Mark.
My dad's name is Mark, so I can't, 'cause my dad'll die.
- Wait, what?
- Oh, there's a thing that you can't name a baby
after a relative who's alive,
otherwise the spirit'll get confused or something
and, like, kill the live relative.
- That seems a little harsh.
- I don't know, you guys have hell.
- Do I look fershimmeled?
- Do you want to look fershimmeled?
- No.
- Oh, then you don't.
- Good.
- Yeah.
- Cheers.
- Ugh, this is so sweet, tastes like Manischewitz.
- Mmm, this is good, where can I get some of this?
- I don't know, like, Gaby's mom's house at Passover.
- Ugh, do you mind schlepping back
to my car to get my sunglasses?
- What does that involve exactly?
- We just walk but we complain about it.
- Oh.
- So this is my latest one,
and it's a matching one with my friend.
- Super cute.
Allison, would you ever get a tattoo?
No, I want to be buried with the rest of my family.
- Well, I better get back to pretending I'm working.
- Yeah, get out of here.
- Bye.
What is his deal, is he single?
- Yes, but he's not Jewish.
- Whatever.
- Don't your parents care about that?
- Does he vote Democrat and have a job?
- Yes.
- Well, the kids'll be Jewish anyway.
I'm gonna go ask him to buy me dinner.
- Okay.
- She's a huge JAP, call her a JAP.
- No.
- It's okay!
- I can't say that!
- Say I'm the biggest JAP that you know.
- Oy, you guys, I cannot.
- You guys wanna go find a good deal?
- Let's do that.