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In these classrooms we teach every letter to make it's correct sound.
Why don't you join the A's, Tad?
Ooga Wooga Wooga! Ahhhhhh!
That was exactly the right sound for the letter A!
Ahh, as in "Ant"
Which reminds me I need to get this monster suit cleaned.
What do the A's say? Ah Ah!
You see my boy, learning letters is easy!
now you know
The A says Ah!
the A says Ah!
Every letter makes a sound The A says Ah!
Wow! What letter is next?
The letter "B" Hey! This B forgot one of his bumps!
That's a lower case B, Tad
and this large one it's called a capital B
each letter can be either a capital or a lower case but they both make the same
sound no matter what their shape and size
Hold it! Hold it!
I heard a Boom Boom Boom! You are not cannons, you are the letter B!
And, the B says "Buh"
The B says "Buh"
Every letter makes a sound The B says "Buh!"
Brrrr! It's C-C-Cold in here!
This is the "C" room
C makes the "Cuh" sound
as in "Cold!" Cuh!
You are the letter C!
and your sound is: Cuh-cuh-cuh
The C says "Cuh"
The C says "Cuh"
Every letter makes a sound the C says "Cuh!"