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Whenever I go and speak the only problem I face is that
the podium is usually taller than me.
so I hope it will be good this time
I'm feeling honoured that I am being chosen as the Nobel
Laureate and I have been
honoured with this precious award to the Nobel Peace
and I am proud that I am the first Pakistani and the first
young woman or the first young person who is geting
this award
it is a great honour for me
and I am also really happy that I am sharing this award
with a person from India whose name is Kailash
and his great work for child's rights
his great work against child slavery
totally inspires me and I'm really happy that there
are so many people who are working for children's
rights and I'm not alone and he totally
deserved this award
so I'm feeling honoured that I'm sharing this award with
He received this award and we both are the two Nobel
Award receivers
one is from Pakistan and one is from India
one believes in Hinduism one strongly believes in Islam
and it gives a message to people
it gives the message to people of love
between Pakistan and India
and between different religions
and we both support each other
it does not matter what is the colour of your skin
what language do you speak
what religion you believe in
it is that we should all consider each other
as human beings and we should to respect each other
and we should all fight for our rights
for the rights of children
for the rights of woman
and for the rights of every human being
First of all I would llike to thank my family
my dear father my dear mother
for their love for their support
as my father always says
he did not give me something extra
what he did
he did not clip my wings
so I am thankful to my father for not clipping my wings
for letting me fly and acheive my goals
for showing to the world that a girl is not supposed to be
the slave
a girl has the power to go
forward in her life
and she's not only a mother
not only a sister
she's not only a wife but a girl
she should have an identity
she should be recognised
she has equal rights as a boy
even though my brother thinks that they are treated um... that I am treated very well
and they are not treated very well but that is fine if it comes to that
that's fine
Well I would like to share with you how I found out about
the Nobel Peace Prize
and it is quite exciting because I was in my chemistry
and we were studying about electrolysis anode
and the time was I think 10.15 so the time of
announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize was gone
and before that I was not expecting that I would get this
and when it went to 10.15 I was totally sure that I haven't
won it
but then suddenly one of my teachers came to the class
and she called me and she said I have something
to tell you and I was totally surprised when she told me
that "Congratulations you have won the Nobel Peace Prize"
and you are sharing it with a great person who is also
working for children's rights"
and it is sometimes it is quite difficult to express your
but I felt really honoured
um, I felt more powerful and more courageous because
this award is not just a piece of metal or a medal that you
would wear or an
award you
would keep in your room
this is really encouragement for me
to go forward and to believe
in myself to know that there are people
who are supporting me
in this campaign
and we are standing together we all want to
make sure that every child gets quality education
so this is really something great for me
However when I found that I have won the Nobel Peace
I decided that I would not leave my school rather I would
finish my school time
I went to the Physics lesson and I learnt and I went to the
English lesson
and it was totally like.. I considered it as a normal day
and I was really happy with by the responses of my teachers and
my fellow students
They were all saying that we are proud of you and I am really
thankful to my school to my teachers to my school fellows
for their love for their support they are
really enrouraging me and supporting me
so I am really happy
even though it is not going to help me in my test and exams
because it totally depends on my hard work but still I am
really happy that they are supporting me
I have received this award, but this is not the end
this is not the end this is not the end of this campaign
which I have started I think this is really the beginning
and I want to see every child going to school there are
still 57 million children who have not received education,
who are still out of the primary schools and I want to see
every child going to school and getting
education because I have myself suffered
through the same situation when I was in Swat Valley and
you all may know that in Swat there was Talibanization
and because of that no girl was allowed to go to school
at that time I stood up for my rights and I said I would
speak up I do not wait for someone else I do not wait for
someone else I had really two options one was not to
speak and wait to be killed and the second was to speak
up and then be killed and I
chose the second one because at that time there was
terrorism, women were not allowed to go outside of their
houses because education was totally banned, people
were killed at that time I needed to raise my voice
because I wanted to go back to school I was also one of
those girls who could not get education
I wanted to learn and be who I
can be in my future and I also had dreams I also had
dreams like a normal child has
I wanted to become a doctor at that time now I want to
become a politician, a good politician and when I heard
that I cannot go to school, I just for a second thought that
I would never able become a doctor or I would never be
able to be who I want to be in the future and my life would
be just getting married at the age of 13 or 14, not going to
school, not becoming who I really can be so I decided
that I will speak up.
So through my story I want to tell other children all around
the world that they should stand up for their rights they
should not wait for someone else and their voices are
more powerful their voices it would seem that they are
weak, but at the time when no one speak, your voice gets
so loud that everyone has to listen to it everyone has to
hear it so it’s my message to children all around the
world that they should stand up for their rights
and the award that I have received Nobel Peace
Prize I believe that the Nobel Committee, they
haven’t given this just to me but this award is for all
those children who are voiceless, whose voices need to
be heard and I speak for them and I stand up with them
and I join them in their campaign, that their voices should
be heard and they should be listened and they have
rights they have rights they have the right to receive
quality education they have the right not to suffer from
child labor, not to suffer from child trafficking they have
the right to live a happy life so I stand up with all
those children and this award is especially for them it
gives them courage.
At the end I would like to share with you that I had a
phone call with Honorable Kailash I cannot pronounce his
surname accurately so please I just ask for forgiveness
for that I will just call him Kailash if he wouldn’t mind so I
had a phone call with him right now and we both talked
about how important it is that every child goes to school
and every child gets quality education and how many
issues are there that the children are suffering but I’m not
yet highlighted so we both decide that
we will work together for the cause that every child gets
quality education and do not suffer from these issues
other than that, we also decided that as he’s from India
and I’m from Pakistan we will try to build strong
relationships between India and Pakistan and nowadays
you know that there is tension on the border and the
situation is getting’s not like as we are expecting,
we want Pakistan and India to have good relationships
and the tension that is going on is really disappointing and I’m
really sad because I want both the countries to have
dialogue, to have talks about peace and to think
about progress to think about development rather than
fighting with each other It’s important that both countries
focus more on education focus more on development
and progress which is good for both of them
so we both decided that I requested him that would
it be possible that he request His Honorable Prime
Minister Narendra Modi to join us when we receive the
Nobel Peace Prize in December and I promised him that
I would also request the Honorable Prime Minister of
Pakistan Nawaz Sharif to join us when I get and he gets
the Nobel Peace Prize and I myself request the
Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Honorable
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that they both join us when
we receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
I really believe in peace
I really believe in tolerance and
patience and it is very important for the progress of both
countries that they have peace and they have good
relationships this is how they are going to achieve
success and this is how they are going
to progress
So it is my humble request and I hope it will be
will be listened.
at the end I want to say that I’m really happy for your
I used to say that I think I do not deserve the Nobel
Peace Prize I still believe that but I believe that it is not
only an award for what I have done but also an
encouragement for giving me hope for giving me the
courage to go and continue this campaign to believe in
myself and to know that I’m not alone there are hundreds
and thousands and millions who are supporting me
so once again thank you so much to all of you
Thank you.