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So what you’re saying is
What? This outfit?
PSSH I wear this all the time
Not just because it’s christmas,
because Martina made me wear this outfit
And she actually forced me to
Go to the store to buy this for a christmas video.
Oh this bag,
This bag has a really special place in my heart
So when I was teaching back in the day
Back in the day
One of my students came to school with this bag
And I think I should just read it
To you so you guys know what it says
It’s a birthday bag and and it says:
”Drugstore That Sell Look
Drug-gist - Disclaimer: This document is
Intended to provide general information
Only and is not a substitution for medical
Or psychiatric evaluation and treatment
The author and the committee are not engaged
In providing professional services or medical advice”
Highlighted in blue
”To the individual reader.
Each individual’s health is unique
All matters regarding health or
A particular health situation should be
Supervised by a health care professional
The author and the committee shall not
Be held responsible or liable
For any harm or loss allegedly
Arising directly or indirectly from
Any information in this document.”
I have a feeling that (Happy birthday)
This was just a disclaimer
That was copied from like
A medical magazine
That’s what I’m saying! It’s so...
They just copied a disclaimer And pasted it at the bottom of this bag
And they’re like ”Happy birthday”
Drugstore that sell Look?
Is there a drugstore that buys?
The drugstore that buys is your
Shady uncle Ronny, that you know
You shouldn’t hang out with alone.
We’ve seen Engrish in Korea before where
A company was trying to get
Across a message, like the
Twonkle Twonkle Donkey.
Like they messed up a letter
On the keyboard and it was kind of funny
They googled translated something off and
Off, we know you’re a big company and
You’re professional whatever that’s okay.
That’s fine, but this!?
It’s not even an attempt
This, they just copied and pasted
And it makes no sense, like someone
Just needed to make their English cooler
And they’re just like
”Look at this cool design I made”
And people are like ”Well I don’t speak
Literally any English whatsoever,
So I will go with this look.”
What makes this bag so wonderful
Is that not only has it got
Bizarre English on it and
A whole bunch of fun faces
But this is also going to be our
Christmas WTF special
You see that all in there?
Remember when we restarted these
WTF segments, we wanted to be
Able to give you some off this stuff afterwards
And now that it’s christmas, why not?
So we have some very special WTF items in here
That we want to give to you guys.
So the WTF items are ones
That we have already shown before
On our last segments.
Not all of them, because some of them
are kind of gross, I think some of them
Went in our mouths and stuff and
Yeah.. You don’t want stuff in our mouths...
Ok, special memories Simon
It’s the W hydrated gel breast pack
Just for you
It’s the one Simon used, I even
Put it back in the container
With all his chest hairs on it
Lies (It’s not)
We got the 4D black mask for men
Oh my god
The controversial roller
The penis massager
I don’t want to give the rest
Of them away ‘cause someone’s
Gonna win this entire package
We got more stuff in there
And we wanna give it to you
If you’d like to win this
Glorious care package,
Let us know in the comment section below
Either in Youtube OR on our website
Who’s obnoxious **** phone is that?
It’s called construction honey
OH I thought it was your phone
Playing the Metallica
Ooooh, you’re so sweeet
You can’t call it if it’s Metallica and construction?
Hehehehe, they both sound awful
*both plays their own version of Metallica*
If you want to win this care package
All you gotta do is let us know
In the comment section below,
What your favourite WTF segment is
We’re gonna pick one winner
And mail this out for you.
And I want it to be from the 2013 WTFs.
Not our ancient old WTFs
Let us know from our new ones