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  • Hey Youtubers! It's Charlie. This is gonna be my Flash episode eighteen video:

  • 'All-Star Team-Up'

  • We get to see Emily Kinney as Bug-Eyed Bandit - the character from the comics and we

  • got a whole lot

  • Ray Palmer Superman jokes. Speaking of which too, there's going to be

  • a Batman versus Superman teaser that's supposed to post Thursday morning.

  • If that ends up happening, I'll do a video for it so just keep your eyes peeled.

  • There's a little more information on what's going on with the trailer, I just explain

  • that at the end in this video.

  • Just careful for spoilers in the episode if you haven't seen it yet.

  • Starting with top five moments.

  • Number Five. Eddie is now part of Team Flash.

  • That whole ride along part of the episode was so much fun!

  • Just so nonchalant with the way the three of them were solving crimes.

  • Eddie seemed a little flabbergasted. It was hard to tell

  • if he was a little bit jealous. I don't think. I think he was just surprised at

  • how quickly they were doing things.

  • He's still pretty fresh on the idea that Barry is the Flash so I think he's

  • still getting used to it.

  • Iris got suspicious later just because he'd stop so many crimes.

  • And yes I think that she'll figure it out on her own. I think they'll give that to her.

  • Lois Lane figured out who Superman was in the Man of Steel movie. I think they'll do

  • the same thing with Iris. I think she'll figure it out on her own. No one will tell her.

  • I still feel like there's gonna be some consequences with all the lying

  • that's going on. There'll still be some fallout.

  • And Eddie has potential to be a season 2 villain.

  • But we'll see what happens with the character in the next couple episodes.

  • At some point the Thawne family

  • will have to become mortal enemies with the Allen family.

  • Whether or not that happens in this season remains to be seen. When your thinking

  • about that too, just think about how Slade Wilson started out

  • as Oliver's friend in season one then became the season two villain based on some

  • crazy stuff.

  • So I'm expecting Eddie to get the same type of arch. Onto number four though,

  • Felicity and Ray come to Central City. The way Felicity entered the episode was just

  • as theatrical as the way that Ray Palmer did it. You know maybe not quite as

  • spectacular, but

  • definitely as much fun. She was really on fire in this episode. You know usually

  • they give her a lot like the awkward comedy moments.

  • Most that actually came from Ray Palmer. So Ray Palmer was kinda like the

  • "True Felicity" of the episode.

  • Double entendres all over the place! And yes I do think that Barry is a little

  • bit jealous of them, but that's just because things are so shitty for him right now.

  • The whole reason that they came the Central City though is to fix the

  • propulsion system

  • on the A.T.O.M suit. That's the tech that they gave him. They didn't explain the

  • mechanics of it too well, but I do think that

  • did a really good job of showing how Ray Palmer just hasn't quite mastered the

  • flight system.

  • Like when you see how hard it is for him to fly into the back in the car.

  • It takes quite a bit to doing and it's not very graceful. I think my favorite line

  • in the episode though was when Ray Palmer came in and they had the

  • Superman joke.

  • "It's a bird." "It's a plane." "No, it's my boyfriend."

  • The A.T.O.M theme song that they play whenever he's flying around like whenever he was

  • fighting the bees later in the episode -

  • I think there were some cues from the original Superman score in there.

  • Onto number three! Felicity slaps some sense into Barry.

  • It's kinda fun watching Barry freak out a little bit. He doesn't know if he can

  • trust Caitlyn

  • or Cisco. Felicity slaps some sense into him and explains her early relationship

  • with Oliver in the way the he kept secrets from her.

  • She told Barry to just be honest with them. Did anybody else have flashbacks to

  • Arrow season one with all the Oliver/Felicity moments whenever he asked her to

  • do like for those funny hackers things!

  • "I knew the whole time but I did it anyway because I know that Oliver was a

  • good person."

  • Seriously, some of Oliver's excuses were pretty lame. And if you guys didn't know,

  • just some fun behind the scenes Arrow stuff: Originally the Felicity character

  • wasn't intended to be a main character. She was just gonna come on as a guest star.

  • But she and Stephen Amell had so much chemistry that they just expanded

  • her part.

  • And she became a main character. Thankfully Barry takes her advice though

  • that what that last scene was at the end of the episode, where Barry

  • you know, pulls down his chart and explains that Harrison Wells / Reverse Flash

  • - same person. The best part that though with Cisco explaining how he remembers

  • Harrison Wells killing him in his dreams. That's going to take some explaining

  • so I'll explain the alternate timeline in just a second.

  • Onto number two! Meet the Bug-Eyed Bandit Brie Larvan.

  • In the comics Bug-Eyed Bandit is a male character, but he's typically shown up

  • in Atom's storylines. So that's why they used the character in this

  • Atom crossover.

  • They also roped in a lot of the themes of the Queen Bee characters from the comics too.

  • There's been several different versions of the Queen Bee in the new 52

  • universe. She mostly shows up in Superman stories.

  • She did say that "I am the Queen Bee of this hive."

  • But that doesn't mean that she is working with the organization HIVE

  • in the flare overs - in the Flash or the Arrow on TV shows. But I think that they might do

  • that in the future.

  • Emily Kinney - probably gonna be coming back next season. It just makes sense

  • that they were tied to HIVE.

  • if they're going to use HIVE on the Arrow show.

  • That hasn't been confirmed yet but people were saying that David Ramsey

  • unofficially confirmed that Felicity's father & HIVE were gonna be big things

  • in Arrow season 4.

  • Just because HIVE was involved with the murder of his brother, so like in all his

  • works together.

  • It just fits that they would put Emily Kinney with that group. That such a

  • good question,

  • Don't you think that if HIVE needed an evil version of Felicity,

  • it would be Emily Kinney's character? Felicity said that she's never had a

  • nemesis before, so if Team Arrow

  • is gonna fight HIVE at some point, it makes sense to give her a villain inside

  • that organization to go up against.

  • I just feel like you need to do that if your gonna make Felicity a bigger

  • character in future seasons.

  • I totally loved Emily Kinney in the episode, hopefully should come back soon

  • but onto my number one WTF moment. Team Flash

  • is now going to start going after Harrison Wells. As Tina McGee said

  • at the end of the episode, "Harrison Wells became a different person

  • the day that his wife died." Now we as the audience know exactly why that is,

  • but based on the teaser for the next episode, it seems like Team Flash is gonna learn

  • why that is too.

  • That doesn't necessarily mean they'll learn who Eobard Thawne is because there wouldn't

  • be any records of him in the past.

  • It is possible that Cisco could remember his name though if he could remember

  • the Reverse Flash killing him, then he might remember what he said too.

  • I know a lot of you are wondering how those flashbacks worked. Like how his

  • flashbacks to the other timeline worked.

  • I think what's gonna happen because it's actually a pretty big plot point is

  • they'll explain how he's able to remember that other timeline

  • in a future episode. If you remember, Harrison Wells said that when you change the

  • past to avoid something

  • really bad, time will find a way to replace that

  • event was something that's equally as bad. Like Cisco was killed by the

  • Reverse Flash

  • that was avoided. Cisco almost died in this episode because of the bee sting.

  • Did anyone else wonder if it was going to be like a literal near moment

  • that Barry was gonna vibrate his hands into Cisco's chest to defibrillate him that way.

  • I mean he just shocked him but because the Reverse Flash, like, literally stuck his

  • hand through his heart

  • I was wondering if Barry was going to do like a version of that too

  • to bring him back to life.

  • Barry's still learning about his powers so I'm still holding out hope that he'll like

  • phase, you know, his fist through the Reverse Flash at some point. On all great

  • crossover episode,

  • I love the karaoke joke at the end too. Like, "Aww. We're not gonna do karaoke?"

  • I'm expecting them to keep doing jokes like they said they're not going to do a

  • musical episode like that again

  • anytime soon. Even though I think that'll be their 'big shwarma moment'

  • like Avengers have shwarma, the Flash has Karaoke in dive bars.

  • I know I already asked you guys are that big question about Emily Kinney being

  • tied to the HIVE organization,

  • but because Amanda Payes character because Tina McGehee offered some help to Barry

  • Allen in this episode -

  • Do you think that the original Flash characters will help Barry defeat the

  • Reverse Flash before the finale?

  • We know about Oliver, Ra's al Ghul and Firestorm helping out, teaming up against

  • the Reverse Flash.

  • But what I'm wondering is if they'll call back to the original series and they'll

  • have like the original characters help out too

  • in some small way. So what's happening is next week will be another

  • crossover with

  • Arrow, you know, I don't explain it too much just because of spoilers so

  • be sure to subscribe to get that video. It's gonna be a lot of fun though! And I

  • know you're all wondering about the Batman versus Superman trailer.

  • So what's happening is you know I explained the teaser Thursday morning

  • hopefully that'll happen I'll make a video for it. It'll be awesome I'm sure.

  • April 20th is supposed to be the day that people will be able to go into movie

  • theaters to see the full trailer.

  • It hasn't been officially confirmed so just stay tuned for like a future video for

  • updates.

  • But there's also rumors that they're going to attach the trailer to

  • Avengers Age of Ultron so you be able to go to see Avengers 2

  • and the Batman vs. Superman trailer which is like

  • the best Nerdgasm Spring moment ever!

  • It's like the best way to start the Spring Big Blockbuster movie season.

  • There's also a new Star Wars Episode 7 trailer

  • that's going to come this week too because of celebration - Star Wars Celebration.

  • So I'll totally do separate videos for all that stuff you guys you don't even have to

  • ask! It's gonna be such a big

  • awesome thing. If you guys wanna follow me on Twitter and Facebook for updates

  • on all that big stuff, there are links down at the bottom to the description.

  • And thank you to everyone that's been submitting fan subs you guys are so awesome! ^_^

  • It's been such a huge help!

  • While you guys wait for Batman vs. Superman, Arrow - all those trailers

  • you can click here to catch up on Arrow and you can click here for all my Flash videos.

  • Thank you so much for watching everybody. Lets high five and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Hey Youtubers! It's Charlie. This is gonna be my Flash episode eighteen video:

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閃電俠》第18集全明星團隊--TOP5 WTF和復活節彩蛋。 (The Flash Episode 18 All Star Team Up - TOP 5 WTF and Easter Eggs)

  • 139 2
    Chun Phil Lu posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary