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  • Textures.

  • A texture is an image file.

  • Unity uses textures in a number of different ways.

  • The most common use of a texture is when

  • applied to a material in the base

  • texture property to give a mesh a

  • textured surface.

  • For more information on materials

  • see the appropriate lesson.

  • Textures can also be used for

  • GUI elements applied to additional

  • material properties to act as normal

  • maps, specular maps or height maps.

  • Used as custom cursors, icons,

  • splash screens and more.

  • Textures can be any image file

  • supported by Unity.

  • These can be photos straight from a

  • digital source, but textures are usually

  • images created or manipulated in an image

  • editor, like Photoshop or Gimp.

  • It is important to note that the layered

  • files will be flattened on import

  • but the layers are maintained in

  • Unity in the original file.

  • This means we can turn layers on and off

  • without loss when we're setting up our game

  • but when we're running our game we will not

  • have access to these layers individually.

  • Most of the image file formats used by

  • Unity support transparency.

  • The notable exception is JPEG,

  • which does not.

  • For more information on transparency

  • and how to use it, see the documentation on

  • materials and shaders.

  • Texture files should be saved in the assets folder.

  • Unity searches the assets folder

  • in a specific order when seeking materials.

  • For more information on searching for textures

  • and seeking materials see the lesson

  • on mesh importing.

  • A texture file should be assigned import

  • settings in the texture importer.

  • Texture Type property contains a

  • list of presets.

  • These limit the number of editable properties

  • available in the texture importer

  • based on the intended use for the image.

  • The default is Texture.

  • Advanced will expose all of the available

  • properties in the texture importer.

  • The other presets, including advanced,

  • will be covered in another lesson.

  • If we need to set the transparency

  • or alpha channel for the texture automatically

  • based on the light and dark parts of the image

  • we can check the Alpha From Greyscale field.

  • Black will be completely transparent,

  • white will be completely opaque.

  • Wrap Mode controls how the texture is mapped

  • on to a renderer when tiled.

  • This setting works for both 2D elements

  • and 3D meshes.

  • Repeat will repeat the texture and

  • and Clamp will stretch the edges of the texture.

  • Filter Mode controls how the graphics

  • card renders the texture,

  • when it is stretched by 3D transformations.

  • These are effectively quality settings,

  • trilinear being the best and

  • point being the most basic.

  • Aniso level controls the quality of

  • textures when rendered at steep angles.

  • Anisotropic Filtering increases the

  • texture quality when viewed at

  • a grazing angle.

  • This has an increased rendering cost when applied.

  • In quality settings, Anisotropic filtering

  • can be forced on for all textures

  • or disabled completely.

  • For more information on quality settings

  • see the appropriate lesson.

  • Because Unity supports building to

  • multiple target platforms from one project

  • the texture importer allows for a default

  • setting for max texture size

  • and compression format that can be

  • overridden on a per platform basis.

  • Max Size will set the maximum size for

  • for the imported texture.

  • If max size is set to a value larger

  • than that of the original image the size

  • of the imported texture

  • will be that of the original.

  • This setting will not make the texture

  • larger than the original image.

  • If max size is set to a value less

  • than the original image the texture will

  • be resized to that value on import.

  • Like layers, however, the original

  • file is unchanged.

  • Only the imported asset will be adjusted.

  • Format sets the compression technique.

  • The default settings are relatively simple

  • when using the Texture preset.

  • These are effectively quality settings of

  • low, medium and high.

  • More control can be set on a per

  • platform basis, or when using the Advanced setting.

  • Each target platform can have it's own settings

  • that override the default values.

  • Max size and compression can be adjusted

  • for each target platform.

  • This means we can set the target sizes

  • and compression appropriate for the

  • bandwidth and processing power

  • of the target platform.

  • When the build target is changed these

  • assets will be reimported using the

  • overridden values.

  • This section works in conjunction with Build Settings.

  • For more information on Build Settings

  • please see the appropriate lesson.

  • At the bottom of the importer is a preview window.

  • When the preview window is open we can

  • view the changes we have made.

  • We will need to apply our settings before

  • the preview window will update it's display.

  • The preview window will display the image

  • being imported and report basic information

  • about the imported texture, including

  • the size of the imported texture,

  • the compression setting and the footprint

  • of the texture in our game.


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