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This week we learn the second greatest card
trick of all time.
Or maybe it's just the second card trick I learned.
I don't know.
This magical episode of Scam School
brought you by Carbonite.
Welcome to the show that was born
in a fistfight between Bernie Madoff and David Copperfield.
Scam School, the only show dedicated
to social engineering at the bar and on the street.
And no matter who you are, no matter
what situation you're in, you can never
have enough badass card tricks to bail you out
when it comes to magic.
And that's why you're going to learn my second favorite card
trick of all time.
All right, Will.
All right, Liam.
Here's the thing.
A while back on scam school, I thought the first badass card
trick I ever learned.
Tonight I teach you the second awesome card trick
I ever learned.
This one-- actually, I'm not going
to give it any prelude at all.
We'll just go ahead and start.
We've got to have one card to be controlled.
Which one of you wants to take the card?
Show it.
Go ahead and show it to the camera.
And I'm going to perform this exactly the way
I'm going to teach it to you.
I want you to see it.
I'm going to take your card.
We're going to shuffle it into the deck.
I'm going to mix them all the cards up.
So there's no possible way I can know where your card is.
I'm going show you some cards.
And if you see it, don't you lie to me.
You tell me if you see your card, all right?
All right.
Here we go.
First try.
What do you mean, no?
Oh, sorry.
Like no, that's not your card?
Close, but no cigar.
You might be messing-- people sometimes mess with me.
I just want to be clear.
That wasn't it.
100%, for sure, not it.
100% for sure.
For sure.
Not it.
And both of these guys.
Neither of these.
Definitely, definitely not it.
Definitely not it.
Definitely not.
Do me a favor.
Make a fist.
Pinch that.
All right.
You ready?
What was your card?
Three of hearts.
Three of hearts.
That's pretty awesome.
Do you have to drop them on the ground?
Do you have to?
No, I will clean up all the cards down here.
But the important things--
How do you do that?
Is you're going learn how to do it.
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Your computer's going to die.
All right.
One thing I always like to ask people.
Seriously, on a scale of one to eternity,
how good is this trick in your mind at this moment?
It's like maybe a third of eternity.
One third of eternity is how good it is.
That's a lot, though.
I'll take one third of an eternity.
So here's the thing.
There are two parts to this trick.
And some of our longtime viewers will
recognize one of the movies from an episode
we did a long time ago, called Controlled Cards.
So first of all, you go ahead and take the card here,
whatever one you want.
And it genuinely doesn't matter whatever card you want.
You look it.
You can show it to the camera.
So the first move is you've got to get
the card in the right position.
So in this case, I just have you set it right on the top.
And then I use the overhand shuffle,
and a very simple card control to bring it down to the bottom,
and keep it at the bottom.
You'll notice that I hold it in overhand position.
I just pull down one card, which is your card.
And then I put all the other cars on top.
Then, from the other side, I keep
my fingers pinched on both sides.
So that when I pick up the cards,
it continues to keep your card on bottom as long as I want.
When I'm ready to start the trick,
the last move I do after keeping it on the bottom
is I pick up the whole deck.
And I peel off one, two, three cards.
And then drop it down, leaving your card fourth
from the bottom.
You with me so far?
Are you pinching it, when you're pinching it,
like, you is it between these fingers and that finger?
Just between my thumb on the left side,
and my fingers on the right.
When you lift it, you pick it up,
it keeps the bottom card on the bottom.
And again, you can watch the Controlled Cards episode
to get the full effect on this.
Now you're all set.
This is when you ask them, do you definitely
remember the suit and value of the card.
And you start testing them.
Start with the card that's on the bottom.
I honestly have no idea what your card is.
I just hold up a card.
And You guys say no.
And then I pull it off.
I set it down.
Then I show the next card.
You guys say no.
I pull it off, and set it down.
The third card from the bottom, I show it to you guys.
And you say so.
This is where I get fancy.
What I do is a move we learned in the episode called
Cut With Confidence, called the glide.
And that's where, as I go in with my right hand
to peel off one card, my left hand uses the pinkie
to slide down, to glide down that bottom card.
So instead, I take the next to the bottom card
out-- in this case your card, fourth from the bottom--
and set it down.
Does that makes sense?
And then while I'm down, you'll notice the last time,
I don't show the cards up like this again.
Because I'd be showing you the same card twice.
So instead, I grab the next card as well,
hold it up, and ask if that's the card as well.
And you guys of course say no.
So now we have four cards that you have seen,
or think you've seen.
But the third one up is your actual card.
Now we do the same thing again.
We give you a second chance.
And in this case it worked out great.
I acted like maybe you guys were confused.
So I hold the cards in a brick.
And again, I show you the same card again, set it down again.
Again, the second card.
But this time, because your card is third one down,
I do the glide.
And I pull your card out, and set it down.
And then these last two, I trade their order.
So I show them to you both at once.
You don't notice that you saw this card twice.
Because you're seeing in the context of two other cards.
Now we just arrange the cards so that your card is on the bottom
by paying attention.
I have you make the fist.
And you're going to put it right in that fist.
And what I do is I bell them out just a little bit.
So you're holding the packets.
And because the way you're pinching them,
when I smack my hand down, all the card
will come out-- the first, second,
and third card-- leaving only the bottom card,
which will of course be your card.
And the advantage of this is, first of all, not only
do they think they saw all four of the cards, and none of them
are their cards.
The important thing is that it happens in their hands.
When you can make that magic happen in their hands,
you get a bonus multiplier on the effect of this thing.
Here's the only question that matters, is which one of you
is ready to try to pull this thing off?
I bet this guy is.
Let's see your mad skills, sir.
All right.
Let me try it out.
So pick a card.
All right.
Take a look at it.
Don't let me see.
All right.
That's good so far.
Off to a smashing success.
So, slide?
That's good.
That's good.
So you got the card on top.
Which means you now want to control the card down
to the bottom.
How do you do that?
I'll do the overhand shuffle.
There you go.
Just like that.
Keep on going.
That's good.
That's good.
That's good.
I made a mess.
And then finally, the last time you shuffle, what do you do?
You gotta peel off three cards to put on the bottom.
I would do it under the guise of an overhand shuffle.
So what I would do is I would pick up
the whole block with your right hand.
And use your left hand and your left thumb
to peel off one card, peel off another card,
peel off another card.
There you go.
And now you're good.
So his card should be fourth from the bottom.
Should be.
All right.
Do you remember the suit and value of your card?
Be honest now.
Don't screw with me.
Yeah, eight of hearts.
Oh, crap.
OK, of all the people to screw up,
I didn't think your job was the one that would get screwed up.
But yes, so he says yes.
So you hold with your right hand.
Remember, you're going to hold it in that glide position.
I say you don't want to actually show it with your right hand.
Because you want to be consistent.
So hold it in your left hand each time.
That way, each time, you're able to do the same maneuver,
only you're able to do the glide to set it down.
Make sense?
So, is this your card?
There you go.
That's good.
Is this your card?
Is this your card?
So do the glide.
There you go.
And then set that down.
That's good.
And then, remember you want to keep in that glide position.
When you have that card peeled down,
you're going to pull one out-- or set it down.
And then the second one you say--
Is this your card?
There you go.
And then set that there.
Now these go away.
So now you're just dealing with those four cards.
So again-- no.
You're sure that's not your card.
It's definitely not my card.
That's good.
All right.
So pull that out.
Set that down.
Is this your card?
Now this time you're going to do the move.
This time you're going to do the glide.
That's good.
And then now remember you want to trade
the positions of those two.
There you go.
And then split them.
Hold them up two at once.
Are these your card, either of these your card.
So now, again, his card is still third from the bottom.
So you want to make sure it's where?
On the bottom.
On the bottom.
So you want to take the bottom card, and put it on top.
There your go.
OK, now make a fist.
OK, now hold it.
Pinch it.
What was your card?
Eight of hearts.
Eight of hearts?
Can I hit it?
And then you hit it.
You hit that business.
You hit it better than that.
And you keep hitting it.
And now you have a look at this card.
And it is?
Is that your card?
And then you collect your free drinks, my friend.
Well done, sir.
Man, freaking ass.
Now the good news is there's only
two magic moves you need to know.
And you already used them for previous tricks.
The bad news is that there's a lot of phases to this.
And it's going to take some practice for you
to pull it off.
Don't worry.
Take your time practicing.
You're going to nail this thing.
And you're going to look completely awesome.
By the way, I want to hear about your success stories.
So post them at the boards at,
where you can see all of our episodes,
right back to episode one.
If you want to suggest your favorite bar scam,
write me directly at
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follow the show at twitter.comscamschool,
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Join us next week.
Because we're going to learn how you can actually
forge a high school diploma using
nothing but an Etch-a-Sketch.
But first I'm back to the bar.
Oh my God.