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  • Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series for Japanese businesspeople.

  • And today's phrase is lack feasibility.

  • But before we start this, let's do our usual test.

  • OK, so who is the industry leader in your business?

  • Is it ABC Company?

  • CCC Company?

  • OK.

  • Good.

  • Now, so let's go on to lack feasibility.

  • And again, I like this word because feasibility, it sounds like a real business word.

  • And I hear many Japanese students use this, like feasibility study.

  • Or it is feasible.

  • Or it is not feasible.

  • But when you put it together with lack,

  • hmmmm, I think it sounds better.

  • And many students are afraid to use the word lack

  • because of the L and R sound, but you don't have to worry

  • because no one says rack with an R and feasibility together.

  • It's always lack with an L, lack feasibility so people won't confuse that. OK?

  • So let's look at what I often hear.

  • OK, so if I have an idea and I ask someone,

  • what do you think of this idea?

  • I often hear this.

  • Yeah Hika, I think it is good, but it does not have reality.

  • That sounds really strange.

  • It does not have reality.

  • You know, it's not realistic is OK, But reality? Hmmm.

  • I can understand the meaning, but it's not very natural.

  • So this is what we could say, OK.

  • So if I say what do you think of this idea?

  • You can say, it's good, but it lacks feasibility.

  • And I'll be like woah, OK, he knows, he knows.

  • Yes, let's look at the pronunciation.

  • It's good with a pause.

  • and but it's not but it but butit

  • It's good but it lacks feasibility.

  • Do you want to try that? OK.

  • It's good, but it lacks feasibility.

  • OK, so let me ask you, what do you think of this idea?

  • OK, wow, he used a big word.

  • OK, like this.

  • So, for homework, tell me an idea, it's kind of strange homework, but

  • tell me an idea that lacks feasibility.

  • OK so, this is not a good idea. You've gotta give me a bad idea.

  • For example,

  • I don't know. We will lower our prices not fifty percent, not sixty percent

  • but a hundred and twenty percent.

  • OK, so we pay for you to.

  • It doesn't make sense, right? So that's an idea that lacks feasibility.

  • So try to think of a bad idea like this.

  • OK. so we'll see you next time. Thank you.

Hello and welcome to this Bizmates words and phrases video series for Japanese businesspeople.

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Bizmates無料英語學習詞句技巧3 "缺乏可行性" (Bizmates無料英語学習 Words & Phrases Tip 3 "lack feasibility")

  • 158 20
    蔡芝蘭 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary