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My name is Tommy and this is Click, my mouse.
我叫 Tommy,這是我的滑鼠 Click。
I am very curious and have many questions,
some that even my parents can’t answer.
But Click can because she knows the big internet search engines,
但是 Click 可以,因為她認識龐大的網路搜尋引擎,
which tell her all about space, dinosaurs, Spider-man,
and even battles between dinosaurs and Spider-man in space!
When I wanna look for something, I type in my question and get all kinds of information.
Most people click on the first link they see⏤that’s why companies pay a lot of money to be in a tiny yellow box on top of all the other search results.
大部分的人會點開看到的第一個連結,這就是為什麼許多公司會支付很多錢, 只為了出現在所有搜尋結果最上端的黃色小框框裡面。
Every time Click goes there, the search engine earns cents.
每次 Click 點開那個框框,搜尋引擎就可以賺錢。
When gazillions of people click on these links every day, the search engine earns even more cents than my piggy bank can eat!
Click says that to give all these people the information they are looking for,
Click 告訴我,為了讓這些人找到他們要的資訊,
the search engine saves everything on super-storage bins called servers.
These servers need energy, which is generated by power plants.
And these power plants create a gas called, uh... 2CO... yeah, oh, yeah! CO2!
In fact, they make more of it than all of the airplanes together!
Too much of this gas is making the planet very sick.
But there is someone who can stop this sickness.
Not Spider-man or the dinosaurs, but trees!
They eat the CO2 to grow up strong and give us clean oxygen, which I need to grow up strong.
Like every superhero, though, the trees are constantly under threat.
Thank goodness that Click told me about a way we can use the Internet to help the trees!
感謝老天!Click 告訴我一個可以用網路幫助樹木的方法!
She said that by using a search engine called Ecosia, we can get the answers to all of our questions and help the trees at the same time!
她說我們可以用一個叫做 Ecosia 的搜尋引擎,這樣我們既可以找到我們要的答案, 同時也可以幫助樹木!
See, Ecosia donates most of the money it earns to protect the rainforest, where the biggest and most beautiful trees are.
Ecosia 會把大部分賺到的錢捐出去用來保護雨林,也就是最大最漂亮的樹木生長的地方。
You can be a superhero, too, by using Ecosia and sharing this video with all your friends!
如果你使用 Ecosia,並且把這個影片分享給所有朋友,你也可以當超級英雄!
Together, we can use the awesome power of the Web to make the Earth well again.