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W-well, we...
They did not
Receive the money, you nitwit!
They did not receive the money!
Her life was in your hands!
This is our concern, dude.
No, man, nothing is fucked here.
Nothing is fucked?!
No, man.
The goddamn plane
Has crashed into the mountain!
Look, man, come on.
Who are you gonna believe, those guys or, uh...
We dropped off the damn money.
The royal we.
You know, the editorial.
I dropped off the money exactly as per--
Look. Man, I've got certain information, all right?
Certain things have come to light, and...
You know, has it ever occurred to you
That instead of, uh, you know, running around,
Uh, blaming me, given the nature of all this new shit,
Th-th-this could be a lot more, uh...
Uh, uh, uh, complex?
I mean, it might not be just such a simple, uh,
You know?
What in god's holy name
Are you blathering about?
Well, I'll tell you what I'm blathering about.
I've got information, man.
New shit has come to light.
And--and, shit, man...
She kidnapped herself.
Well, sure, man.
Look at it. You know, a young trophy wife--
In the parlance of our times, you know--
She, uh, uh, uh, owes money all over town,
Including to known pornographers.
And that's cool. That-that's cool.
I'm saying, she needs money, man.
And--and, you know,
Of course they're gonna say they didn't get it,
Uh, uh, because she wants more, man.
She's gotta feed the monkey. I mean, uh...
Hasn't that ever occurred to you, man?
No, mr. Lebowski,
It had not occurred to me.
That had not occurred to us, dude.
Well, ok, you know,
You guys aren't privy to all the new shit, so...
Uh, you know. But...