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  • Mothers always worry about what their children are thinking. Sometimes, they imagine traveling

  • through the minds of their sleeping children. They like to tidy up their children's thoughts

  • for the next morning. It is like straightening up a chest of drawers. A mother folds her

  • child's naughtiness into a small place in the back of the drawer. The better thoughts

  • are kept in the front of the drawer, ready to be brought out the following morning.

  • When Mrs. Darling traveled through her children's minds, she found the words "Peter" and "Neverland."

  • Though she couldn't quite place the names, they seemed strangely familiar to her. Mrs.

  • Darling thought they might be from her own childhood. But now that she was a grown-up,

  • it was hard to remember exactly what the words meant. She vaguely recalled that Peter was

  • a little boy who lived with the fairies. He lived on an island called Neverland, the land

  • of dreams. Every child dreams about adventures in Neverland. But Mrs. Darling, as an adult,

  • knew that these adventures were never true. One morning, Mrs. Darling found some stray

  • leaves on the nursery floor just inside the nursery window. "How did these leaves get

  • here?" she asked the children. "Some nights, Peter comes to visit," Wendy

  • replied. "Peter is very naughty. He never cleans up after himself. He probably dropped

  • the leaves and forgot to pick them up before he left."

  • When Mrs. Darling asked Wendy to tell her more about Peter, Wendy described his visits.

  • "He comes in through the window of our nursery. He sits at the foot of my bed and sometimes

  • plays his flute." Unfortunately, Wendy explained, she was always asleep during Peter's visits.

  • She didn't know how she knew about them. She just knew that Peter had surely been there.

  • Mrs. Darling thought Wendy was only describing her dreams. The nursery was on the third floor

  • and a very long way from the ground. How could anyone possibly come through the window? This

  • story couldn't be real. But the leaves that she found on the nursery

  • floor were certainly real. Mrs. Darling looked at them carefully. They were unusual leaves,

  • certainly not found anywhere in England. The veins of the leaves formed a fine skeleton

  • of lines. The following evening was Nana's night off.

  • While the dog went out on the town, Mrs. Darling bathed her children and tucked them into bed.

  • Then she sang to Wendy, John, and Michael, until they each fell asleep. Mrs. Darling

  • sat down by the fire in the nursery and did her sewing. She loved to watch the children

  • while they slept. They looked so peaceful. She, too, soon fell asleep.

  • As she slept, Mrs. Darling had a dream about Neverland. She dreamed that a strange boy

  • had flown far away from his home. What a strange dream for a grown-up to have!

  • All of a sudden, the nursery window blew open. A boy dressed in the same skeleton leaves

  • flew in, lightly touching down on the floor. Following him was a strange light no bigger

  • than someone's fist. The light darted around the room as if it were alive. It was light

  • as dustfairy dust. Mrs. Darling recognized the boy. He was Peter

  • Pan. And he was just as young as he had been when she first saw him as a little girl. She

  • remembered him now. His tiny teeth sparkled like small pearls. At the sight of him, Mrs.

  • Darling let out a scream. Just then, Nana returned from her evening

  • out and burst into the nursery, barking. She growled and sprang at Peter, who leapt lightly

  • up to the window. But before he could escape, Nana grabbed Peter's shadow in her mouth.

  • As Peter flew away, his shadow tore off from his body.

  • Concerned for Peter, Mrs. Darling ran outside and down the street to look for him. But all

  • she saw was a shooting star

  • in the sky.

Mothers always worry about what their children are thinking. Sometimes, they imagine traveling

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小飛俠2:小狐狸動畫故事學英語 (Peter Pan 2: Learn English with Animated Stories by Little Fox)

  • 127 25
    彭傑利 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary



US /noʊ/

UK /nəʊ/

  • verb
  • To be familiar with a person or place, thing
  • To feel sure or be convinced about something
  • To discover or be aware of something
  • To be able to distinguish
  • To have knowledge of things

US /fɔl/

UK /fɔ:l/

  • noun
  • Season after summer and before winter; Autumn
  • A drop in amount; decrease
  • Dropping from a standing position to the ground
  • verb
  • To drop in amount; to decrease
  • To come down from a higher position suddenly
  • To go from standing to the ground, by accident

US /laɪt/

UK /laɪt/

  • verb
  • To cause something to burn; put a burning match to
  • To provide a way to see ahead
  • adjecitve
  • Being bright making it easy to see; not dark
  • Being pale and lacking darkness of color
  • Not heavy; weighing only a little
  • noun
  • A source of energy that makes a room or area bright
  • Way in which something or someone is understood
  • adverb
  • Carrying few bags when traveling

US /liv/

UK /lɪv/

  • verb
  • To be alive
  • To experience a particular type of life
  • To make your home in a house or town
  • adjecitve
  • Being broadcast as events happen, not recorded
  • Carrying electric current; able to give a shock
  • Glowing because burning; hot
  • Not yet killed (for food)
  • adverb
  • (Music, drama) as it is performed

US /strendʒ/

UK /streɪndʒ/

  • adjecitve
  • Unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected

US /flai/

UK /flaɪ/

  • noun
  • Common flying insect, sometimes blue in color
  • Opening with fold of cloth hiding zipper on pants
  • verb
  • To move in the wind, e.g. a flag
  • To move at a high speed
  • To travel in a plane, helicopter, balloon etc.
  • To pilot people or items by plane
  • To travel through the air using wings

US /dʌst/

UK /dʌst/

  • verb
  • To apply a fine powder to, e.g. sugar to a cake
  • To wipe something to remove dirt
  • noun
  • Fine dry powder that builds up on surfaces

US /drim/

UK /dri:m/

  • noun
  • A wish or hope for something to happen
  • Imagination or image of something you want
  • Images, thoughts, feelings experienced when asleep
  • verb
  • To wish for something to happen
  • To experience thoughts, images while asleep

US /slip/

UK /sli:p/

  • verb
  • To have enough beds for
  • To rest your body in bed, as at night time
  • noun
  • Substance in a person's eyes after waking up
  • Period of time during which a person is asleep

US /ˈʃædo/

UK /'ʃædəʊ/

  • verb
  • To cover something with shade
  • To secretly follow a person
  • noun
  • Person who follows another person to observe them
  • Area of darkness that is caused by blocked light