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Oh my word, is this K-Pop?
K-Pop in the house
All right!
Yep, K-Pop
This is like the first K-Pop video I've seen
What the hell is this?
I feel like-, I'm having inappropriate thoughts right now
Are they all in the band? Let's count the members
They're so good at dancing
I'm suddenly attracted to Dragon Ball Z also (laughter)
Woah, there's like 15 of them
(laughter) They're multiplying
I'm like trying to keep up
Wow that was fierce
This is all right!
Do they not eat? (laughter) They all have, like, perfect bodies
I can do it!
I can say this 'cause I'm Asian, but I can't tell how many of them there are
Oh my god I loved that! That was phenomenal
Oh wow
Oh my- (laughter)
Woah (laughter) Amazing, amazing
(laughter) What?
Mermaid sushi
I'd try it
What? Are they, like, fish for sale?
I was like, "I'm on board!" I'm not
This is why I'd make a normal music video, there's so many of them
They're speaking Hindi
I'm not sure if that what women want to go for
There's three of them, there's three of us
Uhh.. coincidence?
What? (laughter) What was that?
(laughter) I don't even know if it's funny, it's just so intense
I'm so into this (laughter)
I wonder if he actually talks like that
Oh they could be playing this in Atlantic City easy, this is fist bump worthy right now
Woooah thats's cool
Sick! (laughter)
It's like the centipede, you remember that movie? (laughter) The Human Centipede
Phil: They're becoming a human transformer Dan: That's okay
No, Shinee are better at dancing though
Phil: asdfghjkl; Dan: Nononono I've seen better, I've seen better
They have really high- pitched voices
The dancing's cool, and, like, the effects are really cool
Those weird arm glove things- I kinda want 'em
Ooh I love that!
What's happening? They're in milk
So sick
This is the most amazing music video I've ever seen in my life!
Greenish honey suits back like Biggie and Puff Daddy ((?))
They died!
Why is this not my alarm clock tune every single morning? I'm so confused
Did they apparate, or...? Is that what happens? (laughter) They're wizards
(So, we just showed you three different K-Pop artists, what are your thoughts about K-Pop overall?)
The only thing I really know about K-Pop is Psy
I was kinda watching that like...
...this exists?!
I don't really get it, like, it's... it's... oh I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for that
Oh no, what have I done? (laughter)
I love K-Pop personally, I got into K-Pop in like 2012/ 2013
I live with Dan and I just listen to K-Pop through the walls a lot... um, but I appreciate it!
I think people just want to have fun, and when you see something visually stimulating
that looks cool and is entertaining, its kind of like-, it transcends language
Recently I've been watching more K-Pop just because it's better than what they produce in America
To see that they're putting the same amount of time and effort
in their dance craft and their music videos and their singing
makes it kind of unstoppable and I feel like us Americans lost that
(So let's talk about each group; the first music video was a group called Exo- here they are)
The group are like 15
Guys... are they all guys?
12? Oh my gosh... very androgynous
There's one for every single month, so you're bound to like one that comes up
They look like a Korean version of O2L
Haven't they done songs in Chinese as well? They're quite talented
There should never be that many people onstage at any given time unless they're doing Bohemian Rhapsody
I don't know what you do with, like, seven more Backstreet Boys
There's a lot of artists that can sing, but they seem like they can perform
They can sing, they can dance, and they do this whole-
this really, like, intimate thing into the camera where it got me all in the feels right here
(The next group calls themselves Orange Caramel)
(laughter) Okay- this one, I don't know what was going on with this one
That's some f*cked up sh*t dude
they made themselves sushi
I haven't eaten, so my stomach's rumbling- I would eat them- (laughter) That sounded weird- okay, okay, don't flag this video
So three girls... or is it-, are there other girls that are missing as well (No, no, three girls) All right
I'm a fan!
Maybe it's like K-Pop way to objectify women because, like, Asians are so into sushi and stuff
I think what you're seeing in this video is the result of what feminists have fought for for many years
Um, they really wanted a video clip where women were for sale as sushi
(Finally is TVXQ)
Oh yeah, they're cute
Those five could beat up that entire other group
Their choreography was really cool
This group is the truth!
They're like a video game, those guys are stars
I thought they were amazing, like, that video, they had the whole, like, flipping arm robot thing
moving all over the place- that was-, that was awesome
The hand movement and everything, and, like, all of that was made-, blew my mind
It wasn't about how great they were as individuals; it was, like, this unit- it was wonderful
(TVXQ has been successful for more than 10 years now)
Why have I not heard of these people?
It's, like, kinda like a K-Pop Coldplay
(What are your thoughts about the fact there's these massive stars in other countries that we don't even know about?)
Oh, well I'm from YouTube, I know all about that life
This makes me feel like the world is a big place
I think it would be neat if, like, all the big groups in different countries- their music were actually played everywhere
I don't know in their part of the world if our traditional media and our big stars are known there
It seems like there's more of that disparity coming from that particular region
but even with us as a band it's been tough for us to break some of those markets
We just, like went to India and thinking about like a population of a billion- 1.3 billion or something
There are, like, celebrities that we've never even heard of, and it blows your mind to realize, like,
they're actually more famous than our celebrities are because there's so many people around the world
(We always like to ask this when we cover K-Pop- what are your thoughts about how these groups
are so manufactured, but it's not considered inauthentic like it is in a lot of places, it's actually embraced there?
Really? Wow... interesting
That's sad... 'cause I do- I'm a big believer in, like, independent authenticity
It kinda limits your free will in a sense
It makes sense for a boy band to be created that way because, I mean, what guy is just like
"Oh, you know what? Let me call up my five other homies who all look kinda similar to me
and have great dance moves and singing voices and we're gonna start a group together!"
It's like Lou Pearlman's dream- he wants to, like, go over there- crush
There's actually something to counter that is interesting though about artist development, you know
like, at least they are caring and, like, really harnessing their talent and helping these kids hone their craft
I just think, especially in England, we're just too sarcastic about everything
Yeah! There are still a lot of authenticity to each different band that you can really get into
without it being, like, a poetic singer- songwriter
There's huge mainstream music in America, and then there's also other types of music that, you know, are more indie
so I'm curious if the same things happen in Korea- we might only be interested in the mainstream stuff,
Greg: but I'd be interested to see if there's small seeds and subcultures Mitch: Like an underground scene
It's probably an extreme, but it's an extreme of something that really happens behind the scenes everywhere
If you have a model that works and you don't see a decline, why change?
(K-Pop isn't going away, it's just getting more and more popular around the world)
(what makes it stand out versus pop music from where you're from?)
Maybe because people can see it now, and they just couldn't see it before
They're attacking all the elements of what an entertainer should be
Depending on who you are, the-, the different groups are nice to look at
K-Pop is just the basics, really, isn't it?It's something bright, it's something fun
It's something that can be manufactured quickly and at a high turnover rate
I don't understand what they're saying, so then I just get into the melody of it a lot more
I- you've got something there
I was watching those videos, and yes they may be musically talented but it's funny to me
I'm laughing at the video and that's something I'd show my friend
The video has a lot to do with the whole, like, effects and the whole pchew pchew and the camera angles and cha-
it's the same reason I used to love Power Rangers (laughter)
Thanks for watching YouTubers React!
(fiddling with arms)
It's like woosh
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I love K-Pop! I still love it every day! Don't hate me! (laughter)