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  • everybody welcome to Falcon play 60 seconds we did a one shot in 60 seconds

  • and at least

  • I did a one shot right he has checked it out and there was overwhelming response

  • for the game itself people wanna see more the game itself

  • so all is said and done is going to need him over here as well and let's see

  • we're looking at it we need to apocalypse obviously which obviously

  • combine scavenging and survival into one game mode

  • saw a pic is up over here now the difficulty over here this is not affect

  • any of the

  • events are ending in game the leading this does is that mentioned before is it

  • gives you a little extra time before the bombs dropped can scope out the house

  • is the weather's important items et cetera et cetera I also like how these

  • are actually named after

  • nuclear bombs in the past year little boy fat man sorry Bamba

  • already so we'll be going but fat man just for the hell did

  • I get a little boy is well bud fat man seems finals begin our adventure over

  • here

  • I so let's see here we have daughter we have Boy Scout magazine playing cards

  • and water member

  • daughter is three spots we have sign lives

  • sect the side of his we do I'm thinking I wanna save everybody this time around

  • disagree my sophomore by chance I'll pick up the bigger I don't should be the

  • wife a check this out gas mask and fire axe

  • altogether perfect I like now in

  • so all we need now is the duck excuse me dump the items up my friend i cant and

  • dilly dally here

  • saw a pickup daughter get her out of the way we have some water as well perfect

  • see the rightful see insecticide as well we'll pick up insecticide is for any

  • sort of bugs

  • med kids over here perfect and then we have d radio as well which then be

  • really useful

  • okay than that of next in line we have water and food

  • I'm gonna do 12 and pick up a rifle and thinking

  • alrighty so how we doing the water and food supply I'm not sure but I think we

  • need a little bit more important items as well

  • boys come as in could be pretty useful pick up food

  • it will take up maybe chessboard I would love to pick up that flashlight

  • pick up the flashlight sir you know bactrim bactrim that we have the map is

  • well here

  • community for the mat not chemical net

  • what's unfortunate it was just right there she is right there but if I

  • grabbed it and deals make it back into the MC

  • area before everything went down so let's see how we did here not sure how

  • it went I feel like it went pretty decent bud

  • I am now water us course

  • score her so water is gonna be the ones and kick your ass Anna

  • got no map limited water

  • we have really important items though we have fire axe we have radio

  • medicated gas mask already what let's see how it plays out for us here

  • day number one everything should be fine above be rewritten as before nothing

  • really need to explain their

  • never seen another one but we're sure cinema supplies in a shelter correct

  • suffers they would have to give anyone or offer any foods that will skip the

  • silver

  • there early so many things you can do in a tiny bunker so we dont hate

  • wanna play more games they're just for kids you know yet

  • nighty continue going forward here today number two

  • what's going on day number to know there's a bunch of standing and hear me

  • sing zone on radio

  • we play truth or dare when it turned out we only kept asking questions in the

  • most common ones are we gonna eat anything besides tomato soup

  • you say that's enough games for now Mary Jane didn't cause any trouble today in

  • Notre would dare to cross our

  • her pad tim is to me seems okay and

  • doors this line thus far in so instead are 8 cyl

  • no water needed no food will skip a silver day to our neighborhood is still

  • highly radioactive

  • trips to the surface or big restore held right now so yeah we're gonna be doing

  • any others

  • this actually came after the update if you remember for the young one shot

  • this was an option every single time now every single day you have an option to

  • send somebody out there

  • devices applies but with the option of possibly getting

  • radioactive sickness and whatnot so on this is pretty cool addition definitely

  • 92 there's nothing more annoying in silence and that's all we're getting

  • from our radio no music no talking nothing is there anything we can do with

  • the real to make it work again

  • we sure no steering 81 help arm

  • our radios broke in

  • NoHo Alice traffic ticket we have a voice come eggs in rain maybe I'm Ted

  • get over here can urge immediate

  • open and pick something out not just add it gets broken kin

  • we have lost the radio already that's a great start great there is need

  • letting go so well and so we broke the damn thing technology

  • changes still fascinates are to keep up when he's a review anyway getting

  • something to drink from a regime

  • something the right idea to deeper for example due to rain I could use some

  • water okay

  • so it's time to give them water now from what I know you probably go two days

  • after the initial ask for water without you know

  • dem dying so in a push in as much as we can which is two days

  • so right now no water still we go outside

  • but still highly reactive sold nope

  • there are only so many things you can do in a tiny bunkers we don't hate when I

  • play some games are not just for kids you know

  • 1901 crazy event for number three years so we'll see

  • I we got today five day five is when we're actually going to give some water

  • away

  • the four we decided to act are scenes from our favorite movies to muse or

  • sells

  • at least for a moment for some reason every time you pickin you seen we ended

  • up

  • would one from humphrey bogart film and

  • it is d I'm time the index place right

  • getting something to drink from a regime cells at the right idea nyse-listed some

  • water a day

  • you guys get watered a 50 K don't rush me we can expect to get a phone call so

  • soon after the atomic bomb dropped yet here we are

  • we can clearly hear a phone ringing outside it must be the public phone

  • booed

  • on the other side of the street should someone go answering absolutely not

  • as a terrible idea right in

  • easy

  • yet now I'm in the same now nazi zombies to sketchy

  • is a phone ringing out there and a wasteland now mmm nope

  • absolutely not day five tonight as do have a drink water

  • it's just way too dangerous to just randomly run to a ringing phone in the

  • middle radioactive ghost town we're not taking any chances it took a while

  • before the rain stopped it was pretty annoying for all others so water

  • is what we have to give away this time around really up two bottles of water

  • has been a pretty bad for is down the line

  • I'm so one bottle water feeds them

  • one-time okay so we have the F enough for one more rational water and then

  • work active

  • a little bit bone dear decontamination overtown still strong so we're not gonna

  • go ahead and send anybody out there right now

  • it's not surviving these conditions let's hope this will be over soon

  • all around us already

  • we have your day 6 hour re:

  • sticks out arouse might end up being

  • dead in some ways land it's that's not something we're looking forward to

  • it's always better when things are calm luckily nothing you happen in a region

  • today

  • that in your report on Tommy delores is fine as well under something going on

  • with Ted

  • ninety rations applies nope natchez yen

  • contamination for town is still strong scavenging is conditions could result in

  • radiation sickness so we're gonna hold off for now for bit longer here

  • it's difficult to keep track time down here but at least we remembered Stevie's

  • birthday today

  • is growing so fast which again something every big boy wants for his

  • which bird basis again parade

  • okay so we give them a chessboard Boy Scout or the Med kid

  • now and given the chance board again sorry the checkers board when the other

  • damn don't even the boys get a magazine because

  • what if giving him this turns into Labor's amazing

  • wasteland Survival dude you know Apple what if we lose it will completely is

  • like giving it to him

  • why we would lose out no but imagine if we lost this and we can use it to fix

  • things

  • I'm gonna given the chessboard the checkers whatever I'm sorry man a more

  • but due to chess

  • gonna say

  • so the checkers board is still there so it wasn't going anywhere yes

  • more taking over covering a shelter we barely attending a meeting so the

  • checkers set is missing habits pieces seems you can still play 1/2

  • since tammy has been enjoying himself let's get a lease happy it's always

  • better when things are calm likely need new happen mary jane today

  • Timmy is fine and Loris is fine and so is Ted okay so

  • good gift dad will skip the silver elicit the area still irradiated

  • going to a sign right now is in safe unless you don't mind getting sick when

  • a hold of a bit longer Sunday 7 it doesn't seem to be strong

  • anymore which is pretty ideal all dear we just remember we plan on taking a

  • trip sound in two months

  • it's still there we're going right we're pretty sure they don't bomb

  • warm places and I wouldn't be so sure about that bed

  • okay date somewhat unlikely right now what is going to become an issue again

  • was his label's questions to be for now

  • Mary Janes die could use a little food every 1s a drink including Mary Jane

  • so water and Mary Jane is hungry big surprise there and she feeling that

  • sundry

  • yes okay so no water is your way to give water and a 10

  • so for now we'll just give her some food skip forward

  • %ah contamination is still strong an ass unfortunate

  • I does a lower down a little bit course eliminate dates now can how to lower

  • that fasulo

  • don't ask questions dog day aid

  • would be fantastic but again out in just sleep

  • what the surface like we used to smell the fumes and pollution and that's the

  • center freedom we miss

  • it i'm natalie but a copy here me know if you don't mind

  • in

  • accords got his night now luke warm as well but still be in

  • okay day 9 we can take care of ourselves we should get Mary Jean something

  • to drink tenish would water for tea would be nice to Loris you know needs

  • water

  • and she's also getting hungry into some real quick so we'll go way down food

  • food water isn't or tomorrow guys you know the routine now

  • the area still irradiated now

  • we're gonna skip it for now what is that it seems like a Dustin

  • a distant rumble but it's getting louder why is everything shaking oh god it's a

  • quake

  • are block okay looking we spear to lose right now

  • i misss ABS meals a flashlight all really gas mask right

  • this is the most this is the most irritating I have any get by the way

  • on I E did a run just my own

  • time and on day two I got the a quick one

  • and I had all three these items and what happens is it only seems one you

  • literally lose

  • to %uh the items shown over here from his event luckily for me earlier I guess

  • on luckily for me

  • we heard he lost the um radio because of some other bush in advance so I gillis

  • the

  • the gas mask but on day to you off-camera

  • I lost boat gas mask in flashlight and it was all you would see the radios so I

  • know in this is abortion event

  • I'm gonna pick up the ass that's for sure though walls a flashlight but so be

  • in

  • although maybe it's not a for sure can you lose it couple last

  • kids broke our day 10

  • we got to get gas mess in time just before was about to get smashed by

  • jumping pieces of furniture in

  • that was one helluva quick let's try to see positive this is hardly anything

  • compared to the new to drop recently

  • you know that one right was a flashlight Mary Janes readers in as a drink

  • something timmy is very hungry

  • to Disney much but he should drinkin delores a string some time and that is

  • really tertiary still

  • that's less for water guys who enjoyed we are going to

  • dive the hydration the and your hunger edsel decent food

  • okay next we're not certain about the situation on the surface a trip could be

  • risky but we could really use some supplies are you telling me

  • you know what it's about time that we send somebody out there

  • now if I'm right if Ted dies is game over soul

  • it sounds really morbid by did our family members others in terror little

  • bit Expendables so how cloud

  • you know team he's in good health peaceful optimism

  • we could send him out there so we'll send them we should start experience

  • been issued for tomorrow yes

  • I wasn't any I'm

  • yeah so go forward here it's high time we stop wondering about what's going on

  • sorry asking questions or at least listen to some reasonable answers so

  • how are turning to radio station in learning a thing or two about the brave

  • new world here

  • hot I have news about dow 1 we have no radio so

  • that's not gonna happen right now in day 11

  • already so it's gonna be going out there tippy gotta be Timmy

  • they say ignorance is bliss another day without any clue what's going on my not

  • necessarily killers

  • Mary Jane isn't worried a really she's not saying out loud no news is good news

  • is that you going on with Timmy

  • lawyers would really love to eat something and this morning has been calm

  • enough for 10 he's doing well

  • so delores is hungry and how long can you go without food

  • we could do one or two days a with food be the same thing

  • maybe I'll hold off on 31 Mar turn your

  • before we actually Peter I it's about time we chose someone a scam is remains

  • in the town in search of supplies

  • who will it be said any sorry to me my youngest

  • Sun my first-born son you're gonna be the brave

  • individual forests to hear that we need night day 12 Mary Jane is quite hungry

  • to me without a wasteland we don't know what will do if he doesn't come back

  • delores would really love to eat something ted has not complained today

  • least not very much

  • sold to people are getting hungry so so far we have negative or

  • one day without food you're hungry today so we're gonna hold off a bit longer

  • I think we feed the lowest two morrow

  • and we'll see legalese Pusha T two days the problem is simply beyond washers

  • sells get sick seriously saying it snows really bad down here doesn't seem like

  • it'll get any better

  • or next couple days how we do something to fix it in

  • if we don't washers sells more me wash myself

  • I'm I

  • did the only thing I could do is um use this to wash my somebody would

  • what up

  • smells really bad down here doesn't seem like it'll get any better over the next

  • couple days hello you do something to fix it

  • look dog I'm not a genius he read only that but I figure if we use this

  • insecticide to clean the area where the killer cells ride

  • no we can use anything and assure you is the ammunition for either

  • maybe I don't know we can do anything about this

  • I'm not to use insecticide two washers sells it was like a fucking accident

  • waiting to happen

  • well this is even worse than the

  • returning to zombies apparently already

  • the world has ended who cares about showering we can get used to it Dappy

  • shouldn't be hard it will still be like camping trip you will

  • Ono that smells just terrible don't puke don't in

  • me puked Mary Janes I could use a little food everyone has a drink including Mary

  • Jane is there any water left

  • nope Mary Jane contract neo-nazi lawrence has not been for a while

  • dollars a string some time she got ill to sundry

  • she doing something soon infected with something every Sunday I'm thirsty and

  • hungry

  • really have one med kit to save one person right now to you it's gotta be

  • ted because we'll see

  • ted it's game over I'm we hold off before use it though

  • so we do right now is we can't unfortunately given water cuz we have

  • none

  • you eat now jury tomorrow and then you need two day after

  • that doesn't lay out isn't able to keep our spirits up in the situation we do

  • hope this whole mess will be over soon our house now ready

  • what do we have your day forty

  • K

  • an OK opens up or else might in a bit and

  • in a place much worse in this cozy sheltie regions the janky on

  • Mary Janes giant which is kinda really robust but don't use the giant value

  • heard I did

  • could use a little food every 1s a drink Lee Mary Jane

  • I'm not sure man has me pretty bad we have a dream by tomorrow meaning

  • our boy s to come back in town thing is coming back as a senior years

  • I'm so you eat now and

  • so we can do for now we can keep sitting in our backsides here

  • in his tiny little bunker legally start thinking about getting away as far as

  • possible from israel united we stand who would have thought that the Reds will

  • ruin such a lovely neighborhood

  • we could do it on our own and escaping part not through any part of course

  • however

  • to maybe someone out there who can help us let's keep our eyes and ears open

  • your heart I have news for you we can really do that right now

  • our team is back are you Broadwater

  • my boy my voyage you save this

  • ok good guy my firstborn you look so bad

  • but at least he brought water day fifty nazar

  • if there's one thing we needs the radio on a regular basis the catch any

  • emergency broadcast it might be transmitting our area

  • it's a letter strolling around and say we need to get picked up the first such

  • as as a bit more sane

  • we were afraid for Timmy but he Mac from the way sign in is safe with us now

  • our station went directly to ice mission went directly to visit the primary

  • school or not for education of course

  • on oh we were desperate for supplies and schools are best chance of getting them

  • everybody adored the lunch lady she was almost DT

  • in everything she touched he's a great in snow the tomato now we know our

  • secret tomato soup cans

  • the biology class in our aquarium deficient dices no one had fed them but

  • the

  • Korea water could still be drinkable there was little enough for a few

  • bottles

  • we got to water okay the geography class room was very poorly equipped deal you

  • slightly could fine

  • was a map over town still better than nothing where he had a methadone

  • no we didn't a good on you tembo damn it I guess as damage during the expeditions

  • we had to come back and got sick too

  • re-married jeans I could use a little food we should be reading something and

  • drink

  • they would just be dead woman

  • and ish Timothy for Timmy should eat something

  • to me feel sick water is old Lori Swanson test some is rumbling okay so I

  • think now we have to be ted

  • Mary Jane I believe I fed you not too long ago

  • I think you're flyin maybe I'll give her some food as well

  • now we need a drink water aid no water we'll die

  • intimately water down TTB should eat something we came back from the

  • expeditions you know what he deserves some food

  • there you go and we have a med kid I'm not sure who I should give us make it to

  • I'm thinking terry has game or otherwise good

  • do we really need for just an illness or what's the doing here

  • in I think we should give it to our son EMI Sony

  • probably gonna let you know radiation and whatnot in

  • I'm gonna give you 10 just because I have a feeling that he doesn't get any

  • guys came over

  • the state is always in remains unknown to us maybe we should risk

  • it and go out despite his need for a map Ted could try as best in the surf is

  • Delores is pretty good shape

  • offer a nap not a map Mary Jane stealing excellent in he sees grantees yes about

  • the trip

  • Mary Jane and probably send you out to her pocket its

  • I'm sorry mary jane but you know in

  • let's be honest one less mouth to feed her n

  • I know it's morbid Libertad we live to see dancing cockroaches we still haven't

  • we saw one that was nearly a bit as big as a cad

  • the good news is the probably scared of the rats in the area the bad news is

  • that are huge in will probably attacks on a good chance

  • this will use insecticide for 90 a manhole into the boys go because the

  • user to fix some stuff sometime so we have the 16 over here

  • by Ted is looking good now good

  • make has been used already let's see here day 16 hours a close now sorry I

  • was close

  • a nested those glowing bugs might have been more than enough to drive us out

  • into the ways and roaches are the worse

  • yet radioactive roaches Jakes you're telling me game

  • bugs freak me out cockroaches specially I can imagine a big

  • mutated cockroach I would you should mess up instantly into spot over dead

  • from a heart attack

  • our journey drugs we give Mary Jane no mean

  • do not have anything hugging Timmy something to drink he's not looking well

  • Timmy you really get some water but in two days and 18 delores is not even for

  • a while

  • test some is rumbling tennis recover from sickness are a sole

  • Putin buoyed think

  • Andy timmy's and get water and 18 glories is not in for a while

  • and you were some food now and

  • Mary Jane a spinal syringes you know the sickness

  • so on we have no more make it unfortunately

  • so food food and water for tea me at D eighteen

  • so we go forward we're gonna send

  • Mary Jane out sorry to say

  • this is a good day to go outside such a big get some fresh toxic air may be

  • scammed figure 2 we should I'm

  • easy supplies that everyone survive so

  • Mary Jane 01 Timmy did

  • now it's your turn you wanna be the sibling that a No far short see the

  • other one ride

  • so there you go Rd how do we do this we can observe here we are in deep

  • 17 which is going pretty good so far so we will come back next Epson find out

  • how we go from here

  • to get into the times that we like to support us in line I will catch you

  • next time

everybody welcome to Falcon play 60 seconds we did a one shot in 60 seconds

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讓我們玩60秒 - 核輻射 - 遊戲 - 第1集 (Let's Play 60 Seconds - Nuclear Fallout - Gameplay - Episode 1)

  • 186 2
    謝霆 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary