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- Kim I thought this would be smaller.
- What kind of dicks are you used to?
This is small.
(bongo drum music)
- I'm Kim Anami and I am a holistic sex
and relationship coach.
The idea here isn't just that we're
lifting weights and creating strength
is that we're actually revving up
a woman's sexual energy.
Using that energy to enliven ourselves,
to revitalize ourselves, to become
what I call a well (bleep) woman.
Meaning that you are a woman
who's really in touch with her sexuality.
Even if you don't have a sexual partner,
by doing this practice, you can still
be very well (bleep).
All women can strengthen their vagina.
All women can have vaginal orgasms.
All women can lubricate profusely.
All women can shoot
ping pong balls across the room.
This is in the realm of normal
for every single female on the planet.
And it's just like any other muscle.
If you don't consciously use it,
it atrophies and it becomes weak
and it it's weak, it's numb.
And so most women on the planet
are walking around with fairly numb vaginas.
(lively music)
All right, we're going to do
some vaginal weightlifting today.
I've got three very willing vaginas.
Let's start from the top.
Now, you're each going to get
one of these pouches, which contains
your jade vaginal weightlifting egg.
So you can pull these out.
- That looks large.
- So what we're going to do
is tie a string to the egg first
and of course, this is how we're going
to attach things to the end of the string
and we're going to lift.
- I'm so delighted right now. (giggles)
This just goes in like this.
- Yep, just thread it through the hole
and then you're going to tie the end of the string.
What we're going to do is start really gently.
Here are some pouches full of stones.
These are rose quartz stones.
- But that doesn't go in right?
- These do not.
All right, you guys ready?
- Yeah.
- Ready for the big moment of truth.
- I never though this would happen on camera,
or like in life.
- [Girl in gray skirt] No, no.
- [Girl in gray top] Yeah whatever, fucking figure it out.
- [Girl in gray skirt] I don't think it's going to go in you guys.
- [Girl in gray] Oh it was super easy.
- Throw that into your pouch.
- I can't, I'm scared to move.
Is it going to just pop out?
- It might.
- Oh no.
- It feels like a tampon.
It feels like nothing.
- Flex your PC muscle, so your pubocoxigeo muscle
the muscle that you use--
- Puba what?
- The muscle that you stop,
you clench it to stop the flow of urine.
- Oh.
- See if you can pull the egg
up in your vagina.
- I don't think I could do that.
- I'm going to go to Walgreen's.
I'm going to go run all my errands.
- Are you going to put your produce in there too?
- Yep.
- So you can try to do some squats.
- No.
- Squats with your legs closed like that?
- It's definitely going to fall out.
- No it's definitely going to fall out
if I open my legs.
- This is what I imagine having balls feels like.
- Yeah.
- No, no, no, these are 80 year old's balls though.
These are low.
(lively music)
- [Kim] You ready.
- Okay.
- [Kim] And standing.
- Oh no, oh no, okay I got it.
It was real close there for a second.
Oh that's heavy.
- Okay, now I feel a pull.
- Next steps would be using this practice
five to ten minutes a day.
The world record holder says that in five
to ten minutes a day.
In one week, you'll notice a huge difference
and you can give yourself and your partner
unbelievable pleasure in bed.
I quote from the horses mouth, slash vagina.
- People are real afraid of their vaginas.
Like if you throw vaginal on weightlifting
and people are like, I don't know.
You work out all your other muscles right?
- Yeah, I like it.
I would do it.
Easier than I thought it was going to be.
I also really enjoy just kind of
swinging my sack back and forth. (laughs)
- Yeah I feel stronger.
I feel stronger as like being a woman,
being able to do this.
- (mumbles) it's like why aren't we
like oh my vagina's so strong.
- They did fantastic.
You were very amazing actual first effort.
- Guys, above average vaginas.
- Yeah, crushing it, crushing it.
- Three, two, one, and front and back
and front and back and front and back
and front and back and front and back
and front and back and side and side.
- Oh all right, oh this side
- And side, the other side.