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I have two arms… but I'm a One-Handed Wonder
Hey Team Shot Science! Coach Tom here today and I want to talk to you about
developing your Off- or Weak Hand for ball handling.
Because unless you're dribbling in circles, you need to bring in that other hand.
So I'll give you a quick rundown on what you have to do to improve your off hand
and then I'll send you off to a couple of drills you can use to get started.
So stick around till the end!
Okay, here's the bottom line...
If you want to advane to higher levels of basketball
you need to advance your level of play.
and the essential ingredient towards reaching that goal is to have ambidextrous ball handling skills.
Being able to go either way with your dribble will open up so many more doors
simply because you've at least doubled the options available to your attack.
When you rely just on one hand to carry you through your game
you not only limit your options to put the ball on the floor,
but you make yourself vulnerable to the defense overplaying your strong side,
exploiting your weaknesses, and completely taking you out of the game.
And the truth is that a handicap like this is 100 0x1.044b00001d79p-166voidable
if you put in the necessary work to develop both hands to an equal ability.
So here's what you have to do to get there!
First, you need to get thousands of repetitions in to innervate and build your mind-muscle connections.
Over time, the constant repetitions will develop your muscle memory
to the point where you won't even have to think about what you're doing.
It'll just be in your fingertips.
Second, you have to realize that your off-hand is going to feel a lot less comfortable
doing anything when you first start working with it.
It's going to feel weak and clumsy
and you'll probably feel like it's a lost cause.
But that's how everyone feels at first.
You just have to spend considerable extra time working on that hand to bring it up to the ability of your strong hand.
If you allow yourself to get frustrated and quit
then there's nothing we can do to help you because the final point we have for you is...
You're going to have to work hard on this if you want to make progress.
There are no tricks or secret tips for building up your off hand.
But we can assure you, if you put in the work and the time
you'll reach your goal and be a much more formidable offensive threat.
Don't let your weak hand hold you back!
Alright, make sure you stick around for the dribble drills at the end.
but you can also check out our tips and tutorials right down here.
And if you want more help with your dribbling, you can click on our "Dribbling 101" video right over here.
It would also be awesome if you could take a second to "Like" and "Favorite" this video
and while you're down there, answers today's quetion...
Which NBA player, current or all-time, has the best ball handling skills with both hands?
And how does that change the game they play?
Let us know your answer down in the comments and I'll see you next time.
Thanks for watching!
Okay Team, you can click right here on the playlist for a few dribble drills you can use to build up your off hand.
When you click on it, it'll start the playlist and you can sit back and let it automatically go through each drills.
We'll also put the link to the playlist down in the description for anyone that can't click on the annotation.