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Now we can begin teaching you the dancing.
The Viennese Waltz is approximately twice as fast as the Slow Waltz.
Given that the technique will change from the Slow Waltz,
so things that you learned in Slow Waltz don’t necessarily apply to here,
so another important thing to note. We begin by showing you
how we dance a basic box step to the Viennese Waltz music.
So Wendy and I will come together. We are going to dance a
one-two-three, one-two-three box step.
Something like this; one-two-three,
one-two-three, one-two-three,
one-two-three. We’re starting forward the left foot,
forward, side, together, back, side, together.
And every time we go forward with the heel and as you notice
we are turning gradually to the left and this is something you
don’t have to work at. It will turn left on its own,
don’t fight it and don’t add to it. Just concentrate on stepping on time.
Let’s try this with music.
Now in order to give you a rest in between the left turn,
we call this a left turn box. We are just going to show you
a device called the sway – side sway; one-two-three, two-two-three,
one-two-three, two-two-three, very simple – yea?
So I could be doing; one-two-three, two-two-three,
side sway, side sway, one-two-three, two-two-three,
side sway, side sway. Something like this will give you
a rest in between left turning so that you can have time to think – yea?
From that we are going to upgrade to the proper reverse turn.
Once again reverse turn means turning left in dancing
and for this I’m just going to do the step by myself because the
lady step are the same as the man step. We are just doing opposite halves.
The forward half of a left turn, reverse turn.
Forward left foot, heel, side right foot using only the toe,
crossing left foot in front of right foot, fall flat in the foot work.
Let’s do that again. I’m turning left gradually,
and I’m going to make approximately one half turn.
So I’m going to go forward, side, cross. On the side step I want to make sure
my right foot is back a bit so that I have room to cross in front.
This is slightly less than half but that’s ok –
less than half turn.
The back half of the reverse turn, right foot back – one.
Keep turning left, left foot side using the ball
of the left foot only and then right foot close it to left foot,
body keeps turning to the left. That will be four-five-six.
You’ll notice important that I, to notice I cross in the forward half,
I don’t cross in the back half. So I’m going to go;
one-two-three, four-five-six.
As I continue I will keep the body turning and going in the straight line;
one-two-three, four-five-six.
Lady’s step would be the same as the man step but for the sake
of comparison we’re going to ask Wendy to step beside here, beside me.
As you can see from this demonstration Wendy will do the back half of
the reverse turn while I do the forward half.
And one-two stop, she is not crossing
she’s got her feet closed, I am crossing.
Now she does the forward half, I do the back half and one-two-three.
As you can see, she’s crossed, I am not.