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Step number three is the “hesitation change,”
very easy step to understand and to learn as well.
So here we go the hesitation change. I will first show you a normal
natural turn and; one-two-three,
four-five-six. And I want you to compare that
to a hesitation change and; one-two-three,
four-five-six. You should notice two distinct differences.
On the hesitation change when we close the feet we don’t change way,
in other words, we don’t do this. We stay on this foot and simply brush
the foot close to the other foot, both knees stay bent and which is the
other different in that we don’t go up – we don’t go up and back down.
We just stay level, flex knees. We’ll show that to you separately.
We’ll start with the right turn normal, one-two-three,
and one-two-three. We take a step,
four, heel for the lady. We turn sharply
dragging the feet along the floor and stay down.
We keep the other foot dragging along the floor,
dragging the knees close together and stop, that’s all.
We still make the three eight turn to end up diagonal.
Now the use of this step is quite easy to see.
From here because I have my left foot ready to go
and the lady has her right foot ready to go we can skip the half box
and go straight into the left turn. And one-two-three,
four-five-six. Normally we are not allowed to
use the same foot two times in a row that would normally be a mistake,
but here we are doing it on purpose to have a little shortcut.
We’ll do that without stopping so you can see.
I’m going to start with my feet apart and the lady’s feet apart
and the man starting the first step outside the lady.
This is a normal situation where we enter this right turn from
the whisk chasse. So we have right turn, two-three,
hesitation, four-five-six, left turn, one-two-three,
four-five-six. As you can see there is no half box
between the right turn and the left turn. Just right turn, hesitation, left turn.
Leading the step I’m simply gonna dance the step as described which
is stay down turn faster, I repeat, stay down turn faster.
The lady will definitely feel that and she will dance her own step
and she will not close or rise because you didn’t change feet or rise.
She will simply match you. So we’re going to dance this group
of whisk and chasse, natural turn,
hesitation change, left turn
and then we are going to repeat it turning the corner.
So what we are going to do is dance four sides of a small room
to show you how we can use this group to go around the room.
So not only do you learn to dance the step but you also learn
to put it together with other steps and also how to use that combination
step to go around corners and around the room.
So here we go the entire group with music.