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I think this is the only collections tour I've been on where I've been handed gloves.
Hey! We're here with Jim Holstein, who's the— you're the collection manager... - Collection manager, right.
嘿!我們旁邊這位是吉姆‧荷斯汀,是位...你是庫藏品經理... - 庫藏品經理,對。
- of meteorites. - Meteorites, mineralogy, jewelry, and gemstones.
- 管隕石的。 - 隕石、礦物、珠寶,還有寶石。
But mainly meteorites 'cause that's our most popular exhibit.
- What is a meteorite? - What do you think a meteorite is?
- 什麼是隕石? - 你認為什麼是隕石呢?
- A meteorite is a part of a planet that was blasted off, that came through space, through the atmosphere, and landed on Earth.
- Okay, that's... - Is that kinda close? - That's close enough.
- 好吧,那個... - 多少有點接近吧? - 很接近了。
I mean you could have my job- that's all you need to know, actually. That's it. - That's— oh, alright.
我是說你有資格接我的工作了...知道這樣就很夠了。就這樣。 - 那真是...哦,好吧。
- But meteorites, yeah, these are the rocks that fall from space when they're found on the surface of the earth.
- 那隕石啊,這個,就是從外太空飛來的石頭然後在地表被找到。
We have three terms: a meteoroid is when it's floating around in space;
when it's making that streak through the atmosphere, they call that a meteor;
and then when you pick up the rock from the ground they call that a meteorite.
- Nice. And then there are different kinds of meteorites. - Right. There are three broad categories of meteorites.
- 很好。而隕石還分若干種類。 - 對的。隕石大致上分為三大類。
You have stony meteorites, which are made out of...? - Stone
有一種是石隕石,是由什麼構成的? - 岩石。
- Iron meteorites which are made out of— - Iron. Iron. - Oh you're jumping ahead!
那鐵隕石是由什麼構成的? - 鐵。鐵啦。 - 噢,你反應好快!
- And stony-iron meteorites which are made out of...? - Both stone and iron! - Yes!
那還有石鐵隕石是由什麼構成的? - 又有石頭又有鐵! - 嘿嘿...對!
- I am an expert! - You are an expert.
- 我是專家! - 你的確是專家!
And so when these things were originally formed at the beginning of our solar system
about 4.5 billion years ago, you had two broad categories of stony meteorites.
You have chonditic meteorites and achondritic meteorites
- Okay, I don't know what those are. - Yeah. So now we're getting a little bit deeper now.
- 好吧,這些我就不知道了。 - 對。我們現在比較深入一點了。
Chondritic meteorites are from planetary bodies that are undifferentiated.
- Now what does that mean? - Yeah I don't know what that means. - Let's go to the board!
- 那是什麼意思呢? - 我不知道那是什麼意思。 - 讓我們去白板畫給你看。
- Yay!
- Ok, so in the middle of the earth, you have what is called the...? - Core.
好吧,地球正中央的東西叫做什麼? - 地核。
- Yes. Core. - I didn't know I was going to be quizzed today.
對,地核。 - 我不知道今天有抽考欸。
- You have to earn this. Outside the core you have the what?
- Uh, not the mantle...
- No, you're right, it is the mantle - Is it? It is the mantle? Ok.
其實你是對的,就是地函。 - 真的哦?真的是地函?好吧。
- And that's my good spelling. And on the outside, the very thin layer, we call that— - The crust!
我的拼字還好啦。再往外層,很薄的一層,就叫做... - 地殼。
- The crust. So core, mantel, crust. That's a differentiated body.
Some of these meteorites actually came from differentiated bodies out in the solar system.
These are differentiated bodies that broke apart.
So for example we talked about the three basic types— the iron, the stony, and the stony-iron meteorites.
The iron meteorites are actually samples of the cores of these planetary bodies that are differentiated.
- So how do you get a core from a planet? I mean that'd have to be a pretty gigantic impact,
or is it like spit up? -Yeah, absolutely. No no, ok so back to the board again.
還是它自己裂開來的? - 對,正是。不,不是這樣,讓我們回到白板。
What's a good color for the sun?
- Red.
- I guess, I don't have any yellow.
So here we have the sun. S. - That's a tiny sun.
所以這是太陽...S。 - 好小一顆太陽噢。
- And we'll do the planets in blue.
Then we have closest to the sun, we have an orbit, and a planet called Mercury, right? - Mercury.
在最靠近太陽的地方,畫個軌道,有個行星叫水星,對吧? - 水星。
And that is, what? - Venus. - Venus.
那這是什麼? - 金星。 - 金星。
And after that we have - It's earth - Yeah it is earth. Yeah, yeah, clearly it's earth.
接下來是... - 是地球。 - 對呀就是地球。對,對,很明顯就是地球。
And then beyond earth, we have what? - Mars.
那在地球外面是什麼? - 火星。
- Mars, the red planet, Mars.
And then out beyond Mars we have what? What's the next one after Mars?
- Um, see I have to keep going through "my very enthusiastic mother"... Jupiter.
嗯看來我得要用行星聯想口訣了...木星。 (My Very Enthusiastic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas) (Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto)
- Jupiter!
Jupiter is out here. But there's this gap here between Mars and Jupiter.
And in this gap is the asteroid belt
so we have asteroids, and these are all these failed planetary bodies that broke apart.
And a lot of these were impacting each other.
And these are all in orbit around the sun at this point.
So when they get impacted by another asteroid, it puts it on a different orbit
which puts it in an elliptical around the sun, and sometimes,
that elliptical orbit crosses the earth's orbit, so when the earth is going around
its own orbit, it would sometimes hit the orbit of one of these asteroids, or meteoroids
and then you have a very frowny-faced Earth
Awww - that gets hit by an asteroid.
噢 - 因為它被一顆小行星撞到了。
We have about 80,000 tons of material that enters the atmosphere every single year.
Really - Most of it is dust size.
真的噢 - 絕大部份跟塵埃一樣小。
And you have maybe one or two events, car size object that hits the earth, and most of it hits the ocean.
Differentiated bodies: core, mantel, crust. - Yeah
分化的星體:地核、地函、地殼。 - 是的。
- But that doesn't comprise the majority of meteorites that we have.
The majority of meteorites we have are these stony chondritic meteorites which come from undifferentiated bodies
- So one all homogeneous lump? - One all homogeneous things
所以質地是一致的? - 一整個相同質地。
And these comprise of about, almost 90% of all meteorites that are found on earth.
- Wow. Oh, well that's pretty.
- And what's special about those is that um, it didn't differentiate, which means
that it has all the metal still in the rock.
It's a very homogeneous piece of all metals, minerals, all mixed together
If you hold it in the right light - Yeah You see little flakes of metal in there
如果你拿著對好光線 - 對呀 你會在這裡看到細小的金屬閃爍光芒
- It's shiny. - It's very sparkly.
它好亮噢。 - 它非常閃閃發光。
- Can you see it? Why is it dark on the outside?
- That's called fusion crust, and that's what happens when the thing enters the atmosphere.
And as the atmosphere gets super heated, melts the outside and that becomes black.
You also get those indentations you see on the outside
those indentations are caused by atmospheric heating as well.
And so that these undifferentiated meteorites
are the most common ones, and um,
back in early history of the solar system, these would eventually in some cases heat up,
and become differentiated. Earth was an undifferentiated body at one time,
and then it heated up to the point where all the metal went to the core
and by mass it all sort of differentiated out, it separated itself out.
- Wow. That is amazing. My mind is being blown right now.
- So stony iron meteorites.
These comprise of less than 1% of all falls or finds.
- And this is the one that has both rock and iron in it? - Mhm.
而它同時有岩石和鐵在裡面? - 嗯哼。
- It's beautiful. - You can see these uh, nicely formed mineral grains.
它好漂亮。 - 你可以看到這些,呃,完美成型的礦物顆粒。
These are actually crystals, they're actually gemstones that are embedded in this metal matrix.
- So what kind of gem stones are you-- - You usually see olivine, and it's a very common gemstone on earth.
你指的是哪種寶石... - 你通常看得到橄欖石,那是種地球上非常普遍的寶石。
These are formed deep in the mantel, and a meteorite like that, one of the theories is that
it was actually formed at the core mantel boundary, so
we had the illustration of the differentiated bodies--the core and mantel
The idea is that you get intermixing between the core and mantel, and when that body fell apart, that's how they harden
they harden they cool, they crystalize, and they um, froze out with the minerals embedded in the metal.
Let's talk about Mars! - I wanna talk about Mars.
讓我們談談火星! - 我想談談火星。
Ok, so we talk about the rarity of these things,
and I talk about how the stony irons are the rarest of the three broad categories
but there's rarer objects still, and these Martian meteorites are in fact
- Oh my gosh. - One of the rarest types of meteorites.
我的天啊 - 最稀有的隕石之一
- This is a piece of Mars. - That is a piece of Mars. This fell in 2011 in Morocco.
這是火星的一部份 - 它是火星的一部份。它在2011年掉到摩洛哥。
- So what does this tell you about Mars?
- So basically when an object hits Mars, it actually excavates a part of Mars out of it
and this actually came all the way from Mars so it tells a lot about the mineralogy.
How do we know it's from Mars? That's the biggest question.
- Yeah. - For example, the lunar meteorites that we have collected on earth
- 對呀。 呃,比方說,在地表收集到的月球隕石
we're able to match those up geochemically to the lunar meteorites brought back by the Apollo astronauts.
- Ok. - But we don't have any Martian rocks.
- 好吧。 但是我們沒有任何火星岩石。
- Because we haven't been to Mars. - We haven't been to Mars.
因為我們還沒登陸火星。 - 是還沒有。
- What the Mars rover up to lately?
- It is looking at things very much similar to this right now.
But, what we do know a lot about is the Martian atmosphere.
We know what it's made out of, and what this has inside of it
is a sample of the Martian atmosphere.
So that could be extracted and is an exact match to the Martian atmosphere.
- So it's like a finger print, like atmosph-- - It's a fingerprint.
所以這像是指紋,像大氣... - 這像是指紋。
Atmospheres have fingerprints.
- That's amazing! - CSI Meteorites.
太神奇了! - CSI隕石
- That's amazing! - That's what we do here.
太神奇了! - 我們的工作就是這樣。