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  • [ Background noise and applause ]

  • >> You know some of our commentary

  • about sex can be very confusing.

  • Take for example the scenario of a student walking

  • across campus on the way to his or her dorm,

  • it's Sunday about noon

  • and their wrinkled party clothes belie the fact that maybe,

  • just maybe, this student had sex last night.

  • Now students tell me that if it's a guy on the way back

  • to his dorm, it's called the walk of fame,

  • but if it's a girl, the walk of shame.

  • Is there something wrong with that?

  • And you know I think probably one of the areas

  • where the most confusing commentary arises is

  • on that controversial topic of virginity arises.

  • I mean, take for example this question posed by the media;

  • have you slept with this man, probably not,

  • Tim Tebow claims to be a virgin but that question was posed

  • to ask along with an offer of one million dollars for anyone

  • who could prove undeniable

  • that they had taken his virginity.

  • Is it possible that sometimes our commentary is a

  • contradiction of the banner of tolerance that we waved

  • so proudly over sexual choice.

  • I said goodbye to my virginity when I just fifteen.

  • How old were you?

  • If you had it to do over again would you wait any longer?

  • I would have, I didn't bear any of the physical consequences

  • of my choice to have sex early, I didn't get pregnant,

  • I didn't acquire sexually transmitted disease

  • but my spirit was impacted.

  • I was depressed.

  • I felt like I'd given a piece of myself away

  • and I could never have it back.

  • That's probably why I've devoted my life

  • to spreading the idea that sex is worthy of something more

  • than a casual hook up.

  • I'm wondering if maybe some of you feel the same way.

  • I think it's possible because there are more virgins

  • than ever on college campuses.

  • These days about 19 percent

  • of an entire student population will claim to be virgins

  • that means that at Penn State there could be 8,360 of them,

  • not as rare as you might think.

  • Now, of course the majority of students are having sex

  • and they are having a lot of sex.

  • The average male will leave

  • with 9.7 sexual partners before he graduates from college

  • and the average female with leave with 7.1.

  • That's a lot of sex.

  • Now some of those students come to me to kind of sort

  • out their emotions and they tell me

  • that they wish they hadn't treated sex so casually.

  • I remember very clearly the conversation that I had

  • with one woman, she sat with me and she explained

  • that she'd gotten caught up in the party and sex scene

  • and she just didn't really like how it made her feel.

  • And so when she withdrew from that scene,

  • she experienced a great deal of ridicule from some

  • of her closest friends.

  • This prompted her to ask me why is there tolerance

  • for everything but abstinence here and I posed that question

  • to you to answer today along with maybe some encouragement

  • that if we had a clearer commentary

  • about how sex really worked we might be able

  • to create some acceptance for those who make this choice.

  • Now one of the myths that I hear quite often is

  • that you can hook up without commitment,

  • well it turns out that your brain,

  • not this blood pumping organ

  • about twelve inches below it is actually the seat of sexual

  • and romantic emotion;

  • still I have yet to read a Valentine's Day card

  • that reads my brain throbs for you.

  • So we might not really understand how significant our brain

  • is as an organ of sex.

  • When you have sex, neurochemicals wash

  • across the deep limbic system and the thalamus.

  • One of those neurochemicals is that of dopamine,

  • now dopamine creates this simultaneous sense of peace

  • and pleasure, but its real purpose is to drive you back

  • to the source of pleasure,

  • to create a craving if you will an addiction

  • to your sex partner.

  • Now another chemical is a beautiful chemical oxytocin;

  • oxytocin has quite a different role,

  • its job is to bond you to the person you're having sex with.

  • It's like relationship superglue.

  • So powerful is it that the very first time any human

  • experiences it is when they are barely born

  • and they are tiny little babies suckling

  • at their mother's breast.

  • That first download of oxytocin teaches that little baby

  • to enter into community and relationships

  • as only humans can through bonding.

  • Now you can't override these two chemicals

  • and their addictive and bonding agents

  • and that's what led one Stanford University sex researcher

  • to observe the fact that sometimes those in the Friends

  • with Benefits movement are coming back

  • to the same friend again and again,

  • they're just not calling it a relationship.

  • Maybe they're not unattached as they would like to think.

  • Friends with benefits might just be physically impossible,

  • your body makes a promise whether you do or not.

  • Another myth that I see perpetuated is

  • that you can have sex, great sex, without being in love,

  • can you have great sex without being in love,

  • well maybe physically, but do our emotions count too.

  • One Penn State study is students who have sex

  • for the very first time as college students found

  • that the day after, men felt great about themselves,

  • better even than they did the day before.

  • Women, on the other hand,

  • reported a significant decline in body image.

  • Now this confused me because it's very counter intuitive

  • to the oxytocin and the dopamine and cocktail

  • of other chemicals that wash across our brains,

  • they should not only bond us to our sex partners,

  • they should make us feel great about ourselves.

  • So I did a little research and I found

  • that a ground breaking study out of the University

  • of California revealed the fact that when a woman is

  • in a relationship that's not committed,

  • her brain doesn't make some

  • of the significant chemicals quite as magnificently

  • as one who's in a mutually monogamous partnership.

  • Maybe, just maybe, great sex requires great love.

  • One of the things that I've observe is

  • that the Hebrew cultures use to use a word yada for sex,

  • kind of like yada, yada, yada.

  • This word that our culture kind of thinks means blah, blah,

  • blah, boring, boring, boring,

  • not so boring to the ancient Hebrew and it meant to know

  • to be known, to be deeply respected.

  • Not one inkling of the physical it transcended that to talk

  • about the emotional connection

  • that happens during the beautiful act of sex.

  • In more modern times, a psychology today survey revealed

  • that when talked about when sex is the greatest,

  • they said it's more fun when we're in love.

  • Another myth is this.

  • Sexual pleasure is greatest when you're young and hot.

  • Are there any middle aged people out there today?

  • I have a little antidote for you, a little bit of science

  • and research for the bad jokes about marriage and sex.

  • A University of Illinois study found that those

  • who have having the most frequent

  • and the hottest sex were actually middle age people

  • in mutually monogamous life time partnerships,

  • not college coeds with lots of sex partners.

  • Now maybe, just maybe we don't really understand

  • that communication and commitment are two

  • of the greatest agents of sex;

  • maybe it's not about hot bodies and youth maybe it's

  • about commitment and communication.

  • I think these myths and a few others probably perpetuate the

  • great lie that somebody whose embracing their virginity

  • until the time is right is going to end up having bad sex,

  • but the evidence suggests quite the opposite.

  • Now here's the bottom line,

  • when you choose to have sex is your choice

  • but if your choice is to embrace your virginity

  • until the time is right,

  • that's a choice that worthy of our tolerance.

  • Tolerance is accepting someone's choice without judgment.

  • I think of Tina Fey and I find it ironic that when she came

  • out that she was a virgin when she first met her husband

  • and didn't even have sex with him until she was 24.

  • It was funny; we laughed a lot,

  • is that just because she's funny or is it possible

  • that her choice doesn't get the same tolerance

  • and acceptance as the other sexual choices in our culture.

  • I'll leave the answer to you but I want to say this

  • to the virgins out there about sex, you are going to love it

  • and I think that your choice is good one, a worthy one,

  • worthy of our tolerance and our acceptance and to you

  • and those who maybe aren't virgins but are choosing

  • to step back and to embrace a life of abstinence

  • for this time, I think there is nothing shameful

  • about the way you walking through life.

  • In fact if I were to call it anything, it's so brave,

  • I would call it the walk of fame.

  • Thank you.

  • [ Applause ]

[ Background noise and applause ]

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TEDx】《星光大道》VS《恥辱大道》。Dannah Gresh在TEDxPSU的演講。 (【TEDx】The Walk of Fame vs The Walk of Shame: Dannah Gresh at TEDxPSU)

  • 412 12
    阿多賓 posted on 2021/01/14
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