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- It's impossible not to love Chris Pratt.
He is hilarious, handsome. He's sweet, he's charming,
and he's come a long way since living in a van.
Were you vacationing in Hawaii just now?
- I was, yeah. Anna and I and Jack
went to Kona.
- That baby of yours is precious.
- Thank you. - By the way, he's adorable.
So you went to Kona, and what did you do?
Just relax? - Oh, is that--
- It's just you and Anna. - Oh, there's us, yeah.
Look at that picture! - That's gorgeous.
That's not--that's not real. That's on the side of a van.
[audience laughter] (audience) Aw!
- There he is. - Look, there's Jack.
- Yeah. - Aw, God.
- He is--we had the best time.
It was so rela-- it was so relaxing.
We just--we did not want to leave.
We really didn't. It was one of those--
We had one of those moments where...
I was like, "Oh, God, I don't want to go."
I just was having the best time, it was so fun.
- Well, you used to live there, right?
Did you live there? - Yeah.
I lived in Maui. Maui, yeah.
- And--but you didn't live in a fancy way.
- Yeah, [laughs] Yeah.
I lived in a van in Maui for about a year.
[audience laughter] When I was 19.
- Yeah. - Yep, and so--
- That van, right there.
- Is that the van? [audience laughter]
Wow. - Would that be you in the van?
- That's me, and that's literally the script
that got me out of Maui.
That script is for "Cursed Part 3,"
the movie that I got paid $700 to do that--
- $700? - I know!
I was like, "Score!"
[audience laughter and applause]
I lived in a van. I was like, "Yeah!"
[cheers and applause] "To act? Okay!"
Whoo hoo hoo!
- You know-- - That lasted--
That $700 lasted me one year.
- I bet if they didn't know you lived in a van,
you would've gotten more money, but it was like,
"Anything--we could give him $400, he'll--
He'll take it."
So then you went back to shoot this movie,
"Jurassic World."
How cool is that, to go back
and shoot a giant, big blockbuster
when you lived in a van?
- It's--it's so-- so surreal,
and one of those weird full-circle things
that happens in life, like, when I was there--
I mean, I was having the time of my life, you know,
at 19 years old, just like, living in a car with my friend--
- Oh, there was another guy in there?
- Yeah, I had a roommate there. - Oh.
[audience laughter]
- Yeah, I had a roommate. - Well.
- Yeah, so it wasn't lonely. It was pretty awesome,
'cause there was two of us, so--
- It's kind of hard to bring a girl back to the van
if you've got a roommate.
- Yeah! [audience laughter]
You'd be surprised!
You'd be surprised. [audience laughter]
[laughter and applause]
People--a lot of-- And I was young, and--
- Oh, you've been drinking. - Yeah.
She's been drinking your--your--
- He thinks it's exciting 'cause she had some of my drink.
[audience laughter]
So this is the fourth one, and, uh--
And is there pressure, because this is like--
and plus, it's been a while, right?
- Yeah, it's been 21 years since the first movie came out,
which is a pretty unbelievable thing.
- Yeah, it is.
- And um... You know, I think--
It just--it was good timing for this movie to come out now.
What the movie does in a really great way
is it focuses on our society and how we've changed.
Our relationship with science
has changed so much over 20 years.
'Cause if you think about it, 21 years ago,
we didn't have Google.
We didn't have, you know, social media.
Like, our internet was-- we weren't, like,
as far advanced then as we are now,
and we've come up with this sort of tech fatigue,
like, nothing really impresses us anymore as a society.
And so this movie deals with the theme of looking at that,
and--exploring, like why kids-- [noise off stage]
Oh, my God.
Why-- [audience laughter]
You all right? - [grunts]
[audience laughter]
- Sorry, go ahead.
- It looks at--it looks, uh--
I forgot. I lost my train of thought.
[audience laughter]
I was just really-- I was fighting hard
to stick to the talking point, did you notice that?
- I know. - Yeah, and then--
Then you did the sound. You did that intentionally.
- No, I did not. I was listening to you.
- Dinosaurs? - Yeah, you were doing--
- Talk--I think they talk.
The dinosaurs talk, I think. I don't know.
- Whatever you said was fantastic.
- Thank you, thank you.
[cheers and applause] Thank you.
Oh! [cheers and applause]