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Oh, I'm gonna be home late tomorrow. How come?
I'm attempting to dazzle Dave.
I'm trying to put together a major income-property thing
for one of our bigger clients.
Has Dave said anything?
Thursday when I left for Little League, he said,
"Let's all thank Gil for stopping by."
I didn't take it as a good sign.
Well, let's just wait and see. You know, worrying isn't gonna help.
God, I'm so tense.
You're tense right now, honey?
My back is tense. My neck is tense.
My ears are tense. It's like they're hot or something.
Maybe I can do something to help you relax.
I doubt it, honey.
I'd like to try.
I am so sorry.
It's all right, honey. It was my fault. You just kind of took me by surprise.
So how did this happen?
Show him, honey.