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Just got my nails done
I am in Omotesando
I'm walking to a cafe
Gotta kill about an hour
before I meet up with a friend for dinner.
but just a quick chikalog
I think you guys really liked
hearing me speak a lot of English
in my last (last) video so
I figured that's what I'll do.
I'll upload more videos like that going forth.
but anyway, yes.
new nails.
Not just one color
but I got this like flower design
this matte flower design
on my thumb and
my index finger (no, ring finger)
Tried something new.
It's pretty cute.
I like it.
I do like the basic one color as well though.
but anyway,
Yes, I am in the middle of Omotesando
on this big street
talking to my camera.
and you guys must be wondering
if I'm really embarrassed to do this.
I'm a little bit hesitant
before turning on my camera
whether I should vlog
right in the middle of the street or not
I am a bit hesitant before I turn on the camera,
but once I turn on my camera and
I start talking to you guys
I don't know, it doesn't really bother me.
I know everyone is looking at me right now.
I'm sure, but
This is what (who) I am, this is what I do.
You just gotta get used to it, right?
You know, because I'm not talking to the camera,
everyone thinks I'm talking to the camera,
Alright, anyway.
I haven't decided which cafe to go to
I'm sure there are..
there are a bunch of cafes in Omotesando
So I'll find one and then
I'm going to go eat dinner with a friend.
Oh, and I'm going on a trip this weekend.
I'm going to be going to a place
with a nice beach this weekend,
so I figured I'd try this
tropical kind-of design.
on my nails with a hibiscus-looking flower
Anyway, I will see you guys again soon!