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  • How to Get Over an Addiction to Food. If you eat when you're not really hungry and eat

  • way too much, you may be suffering from a compulsion. Here's how to start coping. You

  • will need Fresh food Safe places Small plates Protein Exercise Commitment Food journal and

  • counselor. Step 1. Stock your kitchen with healthy food, especially produce, and eliminate

  • tempting snacks that can start a backslide. Step 2. Defeat the addiction by gradually

  • cutting back on unhealthy choices instead of quitting cold turkey. Mix in celery, peppers,

  • and other veggies, reducing sweets. Never eat treats by themselves. Clear your palate

  • of any sweet residue with a drink of water after allowing yourself a little bite. Remove

  • the taste from your mouth to circumvent the craving that normally follows. Step 3. Frequent

  • safe places that hold few temptations, like an alcoholic avoiding bars. Bakeries, fudge

  • shops, and fast food restaurants are out of bounds. Step 4. Set meals on smaller plates

  • to eliminate the illusion of too little food. Further manage intake by reducing portion

  • sizes as well. Step 5. Declare war on sugar, looking over ingredient labels before buying

  • anything. Eat protein at each meal, which regulates appetite and satisfies longer. Eat

  • slowly and take in aromas, savoring each bite to be more deliberate and in control. Cut

  • down on breads and pasta to further limit your intake of empty carbohydrates. Step 6.

  • Exercise on a regular basis, not just to lose weight but to change your lifestyle and to

  • commit to feeling and looking better. Having goals encourages better eating behavior. Step

  • 7. Maintain a food journal to monitor your intake and eating patterns. See a counselor

  • who can help you analyze urges that may be self defeating attempts to cope with emotionally

  • threatening events, people, or memories. Did you know In a study at Wheeling Jesuit University,

  • people who sniffed mint several times every day ate 2,800 fewer calories each week.

How to Get Over an Addiction to Food. If you eat when you're not really hungry and eat

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如何克服對食物的成癮 (How to Get Over an Addiction to Food)

  • 433 33
    unickname posted on 2021/01/14
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